Chapter 2 Pendulum Explanation

After the duel of Yuya versus Strong Ishijima, a lot of people are trying to get to You Show Duel School so that they can see the famous Pendulum Summon. However, Yuya and Yuni are not at the school, because they have some business to do and only Shuzo knows where they are and he refuses to tell the others.

Yuzu sighs as she is a little angry, "Where are Yuya and Yuni? Without them, the school is a mess!"

Ryu frowns, "Dad won't tell us where they are, and only Yuya has those Pendulum Cards..."

In Leo Corporation's Office, Yuya and Yuni are now sitting in their own office, they are rewatching the Duel and the Pendulum Summon. Just then, they hear a door knock, and Akaba Reiji walks into the room.

Yuni says, "Reiji. You've come."

Reiji notices the screen and says, "Pendulum Summoning. How come I never heard about this project before?"

Yuya says, "We just acquired the method last night when our Pendants glowed and our cards changed themselves. Apparently, they are the work of Zarc and Zarine, as well as Reisho's work. By the way, Will Reisho come back to Standard today?"

Reiji says, "I haven't heard anything from him yet, but with the method appearing out of nowhere, I am sure that he will be back to Standard during these days."

"You don't need to worry about days, I'm already here." Just then, a man with grey hair walks into the room, he is the same age as Yuya and Yuni, but has an appearance similar to Reiji.

"Reisho!" Yuni rushes towards him and hugs him. "Why are you here?"

"I got a message from my monsters that both of you unlocked your deck's Pendulum Energies." Reisho says. "Though I would never think that you would show the crowd about this new method."

Yuya sighs, "Zarc and Zarine think that it has been three years since our Dad went to Fusion, so they decide to unlock them for us. I assume your cards are also Pendulum Monsters?"

Reisho says, "Glad you ask, but it is a pain to hide everything from my father. After all, I don't want Pendulum Summon to become a weapon for people who used them to hurt others."

Yuya and Yuni frown as they have learned the whole thing about the four dimensions and how Akaba Leo is using an army of Fusion Dimension Duelists to invade others. All because he wants to get Akaba Ray back.

Yuya says, "Speaking of your father. Reisho. Ray has awakened from her deep sleep inside Yuzu."

Reisho is surprised as he asks, "Really? So Ray IS inside Yuzu after all. I was going to get worried since Zarc and Zarine are confirmed to be inside you two but not Ray."

Reiji asks, "Am I safe to assume that Ray is my half-sister? The same one that my Father cares for the most?"

Reisho nods, "Sad to say, yes. I would definitely want to talk to her about everything that happened during these years. However, we have some important matters to discuss. That is, Pendulum Summon."

Yuya places four cards on the table, which are Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon, Dark Rebellion Phantom Dragon, Clear Wing Wind Dragon, and Starve Venom Predator Dragon. Yuni also places four cards on the table, which are Hope-Eyes Pendulum Dragon, Light Patience Flying Dragon, Rainbow Wing Aqua Dragon, and Full Clear Cooking Dragon.

Yuya says, "As you can see, Pendulum Monsters can not only be found in normal or effect monsters, but even Fusion, Synchro, and Xyz combined, as for Ritual, unfortunately, we don't have cards that are Ritual and Pendulum, but I assume that it also exists, right?"

Reisho says, "Maybe. But all they have in common is the additional text box and the numbers that are treated as scales."

Yuni says, "Duel Disks have a set mode inside, and both of our duel disks are already upgraded for the use of Pendulum Zones. The numbers that are added under the scales are the Pendulum Scales. Like Timegazer Magician and Stargazer Magician, one of them has the number 8 and the other one has 1. If we place on the right scale, then we'll be able to summon Monsters that are between the scales."

Reiji says, "So that's why you'll be able to summon multiple monsters with different levels at the same time, and some of them don't require the need to release."

Yuya says, "And I'm assuming that the green part below the card means that it is not only a Monster Card but also a Magic Card. So Pendulum Monsters can be treated as Continuous Magic in the Pendulum Zones. However, we will have to do a test to see if we can combine Monster Cards with Trap Cards, or maybe have some Magic or Trap Cards with the Scales as well."

"And the last thing, Pendulum Monsters that are destroyed won't be sent to the Graveyard, instead, it goes to Extra Deck. That way, you can Pendulum Summon it back again." Reisho says, causing them to widen their eyes.

"It's a shame that Strong Ishijima didn't let us unlock this ability...Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon was returned to your hand, brother." Yuni sighs.

"It can be also done when being Fusion, Ritual, or Synchro Materials. However, for some reason, it doesn't work on Xyz materials." Reisho says. "I tried it out in my own free time. And we are still trying to find the problem."

Reiji says, "I'm sure that it will be fine to research it. However, Yuya. Tomorrow after the school's over, I will appoint one of the LDS students to duel with you, is that fine?"

Yuya says, "I don't mind about it, however, students in You Show Duel School will want me to show them this new Pendulum Summon. So I want you to give them the free pass to enter LDS so they can watch as well."

"You got yourself a deal." Reiji says he adjusts his glasses. Nakajima rushes into the room and whispers something to Reiji, who nods and excuses them to leave.

Reisho says, "Now my brother's gone, I have some serious questions to ask. The one who battled Strong Ishijima, that was Zarc, right?"

Yuya says, "Yeah, he took over so that he could show us the Pendulum Summon."

Reisho nods, "However, we have to be careful about it. Zarc still has dark energy inside him, we can't let him go berserk again. But with two new siblings like you and Yuni, I'm sure that he will be fine."

Yuni says, "I guess so. Since you're here, how about helping us with some coding for the new Pendulum Cards?"

Reisho smiles, "Sure, I got the free time." Then the three of them start to code in some work for the new Pendulum Summon.

When Yuya and Yuni get back to You Show Duel School, they are surprised to see Yuzu, Ryu, and Shuzo sighing on the sofa.

"What's wrong, guys? Why are you so sad and gloomy?" Yuni asks.

"You guys are finally back!" Yuzu says while giving each a slap from the fan. "Because of your absence, people won't even apply for You Show Duel School! And some of them even think that you cheated to win against the Champion!"

Yuya frowns and lowers his head, "I guess this is what they think, huh..."

"Big Brother Yuya is not a coward! Big Brother Yuya didn't cheat! He fought Strong Ishijima fair and square and won! He won using Pendulum Summon!"

They turn to see Tatsuya standing in front of them, and they are surprised to hear what he said. Ryu smiles and says, "Yuya, don't you feel bad that your first fan has to say this?"

"That's Tatsuya. He visited before." Yuzu adds. "He became your fan after he saw you battle Ishijima in person."

"I thought you were incredible. Your dueling united thousands of spectators into one! I wanted to duel like that! Duel like Big Brother Yuya!"

Yuya smiles as he pets the boy's hair. "Thank you, Tatsuya. I also want to duel in front of a large crowd again."

Yuni smiles, "So that means You Show has a new member of the school. That's great to know."

Yuya nods, "An entertainer can't let his fans down. I promise you guys that I will master Pendulum Summoning. But first, Yuzu. Can we speak in private?"

Yuzu blushes a little, and asks, "Why private?"

Yuni says, "Don't you think anything weird. I'm going to be there as well. Sorry, Ryu. We'll need to talk to Yuzu alone."

"Okay..." Ryu sighs as Yuya and Yuni drag Yuzu into the Duel Field.

Yuzu asks, "So what are you guys wanting to talk about?"

Yuni says, "Ray, are you in there?"

Just then, Yuzu turns around to see the same girl from Yuya's duel appear beside her. She gasps, "It's you again! Who are you?"

"Don't be scared, Yuzu. I have been sleeping inside you until this morning. I should introduce myself, I am Akaba Ray, and I am a part of you." Ray says.

"A part of me? What do you mean by that?" Yuzu asks in confusion.

"I was wondering if you're going to sleep forever, Ray." Yuzu turns around to see that besides Yuni, there is also a ghostly figure that looks like her.

"Zarine! I missed you a lot. How long have you been awake?" Ray floats towards Zarine and they share a hug.

"Seven years ago. I woke up the same time as my brother." Zarine says.

Yuzu says, "Alright, I am confused, what is going on here? Why is there another person that looks like you, Yuni?"

Yuni says, "Before I answer your question, let me tell you a story. Once, there is a boy named Zarc. He can hear the voices of duel monsters. He will entertain the crowd with the duel monsters, making the crowd cheer for him as he keeps winning. Just like what we're dreaming of and what our goal is, however, things changed after that day."

Before Yuni can continue, Zarc also appears beside Yuya and he says, "On that day, I won the duel, but I accidentally hurt my opponent. However, instead of showing concern for the opponent, the crowd cheers for my violent display."

Yuzu asks, "Yuya? You also have a figure inside you, too?"

Yuya nods, "Yeah, this is Zarc. And what we're telling is his story."

Zarc says, "To please the crowd, I started to duel even more violently, making my opponents badly injured. What I have done was wrong, but my inner darkness of pleasing the crowd urges me to do it, and then I have become the Champion. I got the title, but I lost all of my friends and family...Eventually, dark energy starts to consume me, and then it wants to use me to destroy the world."

"What?" Yuzu says in shock.

Zarnie says, "It is true, Brother also fuses together with his monsters to be undefeatable. Deaths and destruction are everywhere and we've realized that we are at fault for neglecting the pain inside my brother. So Ray and I, along with Reisho and his father, are doing our best to free my brother from his inner darkness."

Ray says, "Eventually, we have created the four cards that can save him. However, Zarine is distracting Zarc with its own power, and I was the one that activates these cards, so as a price, the world, and the three of us, have to split into four in the end. But it doesn't matter to us, as long as we're together just like how you three are."

Zarc says, "As our bodies and the world were torn apart, our souls somehow remain intact inside of one of the 4 bodies. That means, Yuya has my soul, Yuni has Zarine's soul, and you have Ray's soul, Yuzu."

Yuzu is shocked at the revelation, Yuni says, "In other words, you were a fragment of Ray, a part of the body that was split."

Yuzu says, "No way... Are you telling me that besides the world we're living in, there are also three other worlds?"

Yuya nods, "You're right about this. We are living in a world called Standard Dimension. However, there are Fusion, Synchro, and Xyz Dimensions."

Yuzu is confused as to why the names are the same as the methods, then she also realizes something. "Wait, in your story, you mentioned Reisho. Are you talking about the same Reisho that we used to play with when we are little, and then suddenly went missing just like my Mom and your Dad?"

Yuni says, "Reisho was never missing, unlike your Mom or our Dad. However, he was doing a secret mission, that's why he couldn't come often like before."

Zarc turns to Ray and he lowers his head, "Ray... I...I'm really sorry..."

Ray floats to Zarc and hugs him. "It is alright, Zarc. You weren't yourself back at the time. I should be the one to say sorry. Haven't I neglected you before you become the Champion, you wouldn't have to suffer everything like that..."

All four of them blush after seeing the romantic display from Zarc and Ray, Yuni asks Zarine, "Hold on, Zarine, are they seriously in a relationship before the whole thing happened?"

Zarine nods, "Of course. They are already in a relationship and they were about to get married if it wasn't for the whole mess."

After the break of the hug, Yuya says, "I guess we should get back home and get some rest."

Yuzu says, "Yeah." She is now blushing since she is thinking that what if it is her and Yuya.

In another room, a boy is having a call with someone, "You want me to steal those Pendulum Cards?"

"That's right. We don't care how you get them. If you can get them for us, we'll exchange them for any rare cards you want."

The boy throws a dart at the newspaper with Yuya as the headline as he says, "Understood."

And here is a new chapter, as you can see, I have added an OC for Reiji's younger brother, he is also Ray's blood-related brother as he is also from the original dimension. I hope you like this chapter and the next one will be the battle against Sawatari Shingo.
