Chapter 37 Stealth Warriors

Once Yuya and Yuni arrive at the LDS control room at Reiji's request, Kurosaki Shun, who was already there, rushes to them and grabs Yuya by his shirt.

"You, what have you done to Yuto? And why do you have Dark Rebellion?" Shun snarls at him. "If something has happened to him, I'll-"

Yuni changes into Rumi and slaps him on the shoulder, she says, "Shun! Stop it!"

"Rumi?" Shun is surprised at the sudden change, and she says, "Yuto is fine, Yuya saved him just like how Yuni saved me. Yuto is inside Yuya and as long as he is recovered, Yuya will definitely release him."

Shun loses his grasp on Yuya as he falls to the ground, Yuya mutters, "Thanks, Rumi..."

"Then tell me what happened to that Pawn of Fusion, how dare he beat Yuto up like that to make Sakaki Yuya absorb him?" Shun says.

"Everything is just a misunderstanding, just because his name is close to Fusion doesn't mean he is a pawn of Fusion." Yuni says.

"No matter what the reason is, I'll have you refrain from actions that would impede the progression of the tournament. Don't forget why I'm holding this tournament and what I will be using it for." Reiji says.

Shun stares at them before leaving, and Yuya says, "Just in case, we should put Kurosaki under surveillance."

Nakajima nods as he goes to do it, and then they notice the screen. "Pardon the abruptness, but we have a change of schedule! Regarding the upcoming third match...Due to the absence of LDS' Shijima Hokuto, You Show Duel School's Sakaki Vivian wins by default!"

"What?" Yuya and Yuni gasp in shock as they turn to the screen. Then a staff member comes and says, "President and Vice-Presidents! About 3 hours ago, we detected powerful summoning energy within Miami City."

"What method was it?" Yuni asks.

"Fusion. We've found the cameras that detected the energy as well." Then they show footage of Hokuto being carded by a cloaked person with the Academia Duel Disk. Reiji says, "Rewind it right now."

As they rewind the footage, they find that the cloaked figure has the same face as Yuzu. Yuni gasps, "That's...Yuzu's face!"

"Yuzu was with us three hours ago...Ruri and Rin are still inside her...that means..." Yuya gasps.

While it is Yuzu's turn to duel the next day, Vivian is still sitting on her seat frustrated. "How dare Hokuto doesn't show up? Don't tell me he ran away!"

Katrina says, "I know how you are feeling, but we don't know where he went..."

Yuzu says, "Don't worry, Vivian, since it is my turn, I'll make all of you smile."

Just then, Katrina gets a call from Yuni. "It's from sister."

As she answers the call, Yuni says, "Katrina. We have an urgent situation. Come to the parking lot now."

Katrina asks, "Do I really have to? It's Yuzu's turn to duel, and she promises to make us smile with her dueling."

Yuni sighs and says, "I know, I want to watch Yuzu's Duel as well. But we have detected 4 members from Academia inside Miami City. They have carded Hokuto because he was thought of as an Xyz Dimension Duelist like Ron and Jean."

"You can't be serious right now!" Katrina exclaims, and this causes the others to look at her in confusion.

"I'm serious. Brother is now monitoring the Duel while Reiji and I were already at the parking lot trying to engage them. Come alone and tell others that I call you for urgent matters. We don't want anything to stop the tournament from going on."

Katrina nods as she ends the call, Jean asks, "What's wrong, Katrina? What did Yuni tell you?"

Katrina feels that Ron and Jean have the right to know the situation, so she says, "My sister told me that she and Reiji are engaging four Academia members. They were the reason why Hokuto didn't show up."

"Academia? They're here already?" Ron asks in horror. Ryu asks, " mean the one Sora was with and the group who destroyed your hometown?"

"If they're here, they will be trying to destroy your hometown or capture Yuzu. We can't let that happen." Ron says. "Where are they? We're going to stop them."

"No, only I will go, you guys stay here and try not to make a scene. Cheer for Yuzu and I promise that we'll be back for sure." Katrina says.

The others can only frown as Katrina leaves, Shuzo notices Katrina leaving and he asks, "Hey, where are you going?"

Vivian says, "Don't worry about it, Principal, my Brother and Sister called her for something urgent. I'm sure that even though they won't be at the scene, they will cheer Yuzu for the match."

Yuya is monitoring the LDS as he notices three more Academia members, when Yuya notices Sona in the cloak, he says, "That one looks like Yuni as well...Sora mentioned that he has a sister who shares the same face as her...there is no mistaking."

He turns to Nakajima and says, "Where are the targets looking at?"

"The scheduled match for Miami National's First stadium has last year's championship winner, Yuu Sakuragi, who then was qualified for Youth leagues." Nakajima says.

"So their target is him." Yuya says as he calls Reiji and Yuni for the news. He also makes sure that Kurosaki Shun doesn't go to the stadium, that's why he is staying at LDS to look over him through the monitor.

As Yuu Sakuragi leaves the field to the back area of the stadium, he sees the mysterious girl and her companions walking toward him.

"Are you the ones who called me here?" Yu asks.

The girl, who turns out to be Serena, doesn't reply, ripping off her concealing overcoat and throwing out her arm in a challenge.

"The one who called you was me." Akaba Reiji walks toward them, and Yuu gasps, "President?"

"I apologize, but you should leave now. Your Duel today was splendid. I expect you from you in the future." Reiji says.

"Th-thank you..." Yuu says as he turns to leave.

"Hold it!" Serena tries to chase after him, but then she is grabbed by Yuni, who arrives just in time. All of them are surprised to see her, especially Sona, who still can't believe to see a person with the same face as her.

"Vice President as well!" Yuu gasps.

"Hurry up and go!" Yuni says. "Don't just stand there!"

After Yuu leaves, Serena breaks out from the grasp and says, "If you're going to get in my way, then I'll take you out first!"

"No, leave that to me." Barrett sheds his own overcoat.

"Stay out of this, Barrett." Serena says.

"The duty given to me by the Professor is to protect you from any sparks that may fall upon you." Barrett says.

"The Professor that you speak of is Akaba Leo, correct?" Reiji asks. "If so, then you four are..."

As the four of them stare at him, Barrett straps on a shield-like Duel Disk and activates its sword-shaped blade. Reiji straps on his own Duel Disk. Yuni calls Yuya and says, "Brother, Seal off this area. Do not let anyone in here until I tell you otherwise."

After ending the call, she turns to Reiji and says, "Reiji, I'm counting on you."

Yuni stares at the person with the same face as her before running away, and Sona yells, "Wait!"

"Sona! Not you too!" Serena says, but it's too late, Sona is already chasing after Yuni.

"I'll go after her, you don't need to worry." Satoshi says as he also leaves.

With two of them gone, Serna can only grits her teeth as she sits at the side with Reiji and Barret yell, "Duel!" (Reiji:4000)(Barrett:4000)

"First strike takes the advantage!" Barrett says, "I activate the Continuous Magic: Beastborg Fusioner! Once per turn, I can Fusion Summon a Beastborg monster!"

"As I expected..." Reiji mutters.

"I fuse Panther Warrior and Dark Sentinel from my hand! Ferocious black panther and guardian of sacred darkness, merge as one and let forth your valiant roar! Fusion Summon! Appear and come forth, Beastborg Panther Predator!" (ATK:1600/DEF:2000 LV:6)

In the control room, a technician tells Yuya, "We're detecting a Summoning energy almost equivalent to yesterdays!"

Yuya says, "So Reiji has started..."

Barrett says, "I activate Panther Predator's effect! Once per turn, I can deal damage equal to half of Panther's ATK to my opponent!" Barret says.

Panther Predator blasts a red beam at Declan, who blocks the beam with his Duel Disk. (Reiji:4000-3200)

"I set two cards and end my turn." Barrett says.

"He's already steadily wearing down the opponent's life from the first turn. A by-the-books strategy..." Serena remarks.

Reiji gets a call from Yuya, who says, "Reiji. I see you've engaged one of the Duelists from Fusion Dimension."

"Your sister is taking care of the other two. Just leave these two to me." Then he end the call and says, "My turn!"

After drawing a card, he says, "I use Continuous Magic: Contract with the Devil King! This card inflicts 1000 damage to me during my own Standby Phase."

Barrett says intriguingly, "Oh? Damaging yourself?"

"But in exchange for that once per turn, I am able to Fusion Summon a Fiend-type monster. The monsters I choose to fuse are D/D Lilith and D/D Cerberus!" Reiji says.

Serena seems to react in shock at the sight of the card Reiji is holding, and Reiji chants, "Hellhound that bares its fangs, vamp of the dark night! In the whirlpool of light from the realm of the dead, become one and give birth to a new king. Fusion Summon! Be born! D/D/D Flame King Temujin!" (ATK:2000/DEF:1500 LV:6)

After the Fusion Monster is summoned, Reiji says, "Battle! I attack Panther Predator with Temujin! Fire Stroke!"

Flames envelop the greatsword of Temujin and it slashes through Panther Predator. (Barrett:4000-3600)

"But I activate the Continuous Trap before the battle began: Beastborg Medal of the Iron Shield! This card gains a Medal Counter for every 100 Battle damage I take!"

Four medals materialize on the shield that appears, and Barrett adds, "And when Panther Predator is destroyed, I an Special Summon its Fusion Materials from the Graveyard! I Special Summon Panther Warrior (ATK:2000/DEF:1600 LV:4) and Dark Sentinel (ATK:1500/DEF:1800 LV:4)."

Reiji muses, "So you had already planned for its destruction...I end my turn. Unafraid of the risks needed to be taken for victory, it seems you already have an extensive amount of combat experience."

Barrett remembers how he led three of his fellows into a Widespread Ruin trap, and the incident caused the loss of his left eye. He thinks, "I was already aware of the risks. If I am to return to the battlefield, then I must produce suitable results!"

"My turn!" After drawing a card, he says, "Once again, I activate the Continuous Magic: Beastborg Fusioner. I fuse Panther Warrior and Dark Sentinel! Come forth once more! Panther Predator! Furthermore, I activate the Continuous Trap: Beastborg Medal of the Iron Shield's effect! By sending this card to my Graveyard, I can increase the ATK of one Beastborg Monster I control by 100 per Medal Counter!" (ATK:1600-2000)

Yuya is watching the duel as he says, "Its ATK is tied with Temujin..."

"I activate the Continuous Trap: Beastborg Medal of the White Blade. This card gains a Medal Counter for every 100 damage I deal to my opponent!"

"I see you have quite a liking for war medals." Reiji says.

"I am a warrior. The amount of medals I possess is proof of my honor!" Barret replies. "Once again, I'll have you take half of this card's ATK as damage with its effect!"

Reiji blocks the beam again, but he still takes damage, and the White Blade medal gains 10 medals. (Reiji:3200-2200)

"I activate Continuous Trap: Beastborg Medal of the White Blade's effect! By sending this card to the Graveyard, I can increase the ATK of one Beastborg monster on my Field by 100 per Medal Counter! (ATK:2000-3000)

"He already raised its ATK to 3000?!" Yuya gasps.

"Battle! I attack Temujin with Panther Predator!" Barrett says. "Industrial Savage!"

Panther Predator severs one of the barbs of Temujin and snaps its sword. (Reiji:2200-1200)

"As I expected, he has an abundance of combat experience..." Reiji says.

"I set one card and end my turn." Barrett says. "In your next Standby Phase, you're going to take 1000 damage to your Continuous Magic: Contract with the Devil King, right?"

"That is correct." Reiji says. "My turn! Due to my Continuous Magic: Contract with the Devil King, I will take 1000 damage." (Reiji:1200-200)

"You have my respect." Barrett says. "You deserve a medal of honor as well."

"I don't need such things! But, Warrior of the Fusion Dimension, this damage has sealed your fate!" Reiji says.

"What?" Barrett looks surprised.

"I set the Scale Scale 1 D/D Magical Savant Galilei and the Scale 10 D/D Magical Savant Kelper in the Pendulum Scale!"

Two robotic pillars rise from the ground in blue columns of light, and Reiji says, "With this, I can Summon monsters from Levels 2 to 9! Grand power that shakes my very soul, arises within me, and gives birth to a new light that renders the darkness. Pendulum Summon! Come before me, my monsters! Prideful knight, D/D Proud Chevalier! (ATK:2000/DEF:700 LV:5 PS:6) Vessel of disaster, D/D Pandora! (ATK:1700/DEF:2100 LV:5)

"Pendulum Summon?" Barret gasps.

"There's still more!" Reiji says. "I overlay the Level 5 D/D Proud Chevalier and D/D Pandora! Hero of legends, pierce through all things with your profound justice! Xyz Summon! Descend, Rank 5, D/D/D Sniper King Tell!" (ATK:2300/DEF:2000 RNK:5 OVU:2)

"Pendulum into Xyz?" Barrett asks.

"I use Tell's effect! If I have taken damage from a Dark Contract card this turn, I can detach one Overlay Unit and lower an opponent's monster's ATK by 1000 and deal 1000 damage!

"So this is why he took that damage?!" Barrett realizes.

"Piercing Arrow!" Tell absorbs one of its Overlay Units into its wrist-mounted crossbow and fires twin lightning arrows, the first one hits Panther Predator in the knee, and then the second one explodes in front of Barrett, blasting him backward. (ATK:3000-2000)(Barrett:3600-2600)

Barrett manages to push himself off the ground and flip upright. Reiji says, "Of course, I will also be using the remaining Overlay Unit! Piercing Arrow!" (ATK:2000-1000)(Barrett:2600-1600)

"I'm not done yet! Continuous Magic: Contract with the Devil King's other effect! I can Fusion Summon a D/D monster by banishing materials from my Graveyard!"

"What?" Barrett gasps.

"I banish Proud Chevalier and Pandora from my Graveyard and fuse them! Proud knight, be absorbed into the crucible of disaster! Be reborn into a new king! Fusion Summon! Come forth! Ruler who carries the glory of God! D/D/D Oracle King d'Arc!" (ATK:2800/DEF:2000 LV:7)

After the female monster appears on the field, Reiji yells, "Battle! I attack Panther Predator with D/D/D Oracle King d'Arc!"

Barrett says, "I won't fall that easily! I activate the Trap Card: Beastborg Medal of Honor! It destroys a Beastborg Fusion monster and Special Summon its Fusion materials from the Graveyard! I destroy Panther Predator and Special Summon Panther Warrior and Dark Sentinel!"

After two monsters are summoned, Barrett continues, "Next, I activate the effect of the Trap Card: Beastborg Medal of Honor! Both players are dealt damage equal to the total ATK of the monsters Special Summoned by its effect! With these 3500 damages, I'll take you out with me!"

Reiji adjusts his glasses and says, "I won't let you. I activate d'Arc's effect! I negate your effect damage and then gain LP equal to that amount! Life Elation!" (Reiji:200-7200)

"Impossible!" Barrett gasps.

"The Battle resumes! d'Arc! Oracle Charge!"

The monster destroys Panther Warrior by slashing at it. (Barrett:1600-800) "Then I'll finish it, I attack Dark Sentinel with Tell! Forbidden Break Shot!"

Tell fires, and the arrow vanishes before it strikes, to Barrett's surprise. The attack hits home, and it blasts Barrett across the ground. (Barrett:800-0)

Serena stares at Reiji and then Barrett, before she leaves, Reiji says, "Wait, Serena."

Serena turns to see Reiji, wondering what he wants with her.

And here is the chapter of Reiji dueling Serena. It is basically the same as the anime, but there is something that will be revealed in the next chapter: Which will be Yuni's duel with Sona.
