Chapter 17 Menu Venue

Vivian yawns as she walks downstairs, she also notices the pets and says, "En, Core, Watt, Kilo. Good morning." Then two more cats appear in front of them and she is confused, "There are two more of you, huh?"

After getting to the dining room, she finds Sora sitting on the table as he says, "Ah, Vivian, good morning!"

"Geez, you've really made yourself at home, haven't you?" Vivian asks.

"Well, it's fine since we're friends, right?" Sora asks. "Good luck with your upcoming match today. I'm working hard to enter the same tournament as you and Yuya."

"So you're going to be doing your qualification Duels today too?" Vivian asks.

"Yeah. I only need to win six matches in a row, so it'll be a cinch!" Sora replies.

"By the way, where are Brother and sisters?" Vivian asks, and Sora says, "They've already finished their breakfast and they already left."

"Speaking of breakfast, is my breakfast ready?" Vivian yells at her mother, who says, "Just wait a bit more. I'm working on making Mille-Feuille Tonkatsu with a Special Salad right now."

"But what about the usual pancakes? I mean, they are also delicious and it doesn't need to take so much work." Vivian asks.

"Your siblings just finished the last pancakes, I would have to buy them today. Besides, I've already got Michio's popular recipe open right now!" Yoko replies.

Vivian groans as she looks at the time, "How much is it going to take?"

"Just be patient and wait, I'm sure it won't take too long." Yoko says.

"But my Duel is already starting...forget about it." Vivian says as she leaves the house, hoping that she's not going to miss her fiftieth match.

But just as she's walking on the road, she mutters, "Now I didn't get any breakfast at all because I had to rush out..."

Then she smells something delicious as she decides to follow the source, which leads to Cuisine Duel School. Vivian says, "Looks like I've made it."

"I've been waiting for you, Vivian-chan!" Vivian is surprised to see Nico Smiley. "Now, come on inside."

"Wait, are you trying to take me to the gas chambers?" Before Vivian can continue, Nico Smiley is already pushing her inside. By looking at how many people are cooking and the recipes, Vivian can't help but remember she didn't eat anything. She also notices a banner reading "Mitchie-love."

"Let me introduce today's opponent...Nicknamed Mitchie, it's Mokota Michio-kun!" Nico Smiley announces, and Vivian notices the opponent in front of her. Michio says, "You must be Sakaki Yuni's sister, Sakaki Vivian, right?"

"Yeah." Vivian says.

"Michio-kun is a young chef whose self-made recipes are very popular among housewives everywhere!" Nico says to Vivian, who doesn't seem that energetic.

Michio notices Vivian and says, "You seem to be pretty hungry yourself."

"Sorry about that, I missed breakfast today. On top of that, all the food everyone is cooking here smells so good." Vivian says.

"Then I'll fill that hungry stomach of yours using my perfect recipe and my Cooking Duel!" Michio says.

A voice yells, "Principal Kirigakure!"

Vivian turns to find a woman arguing with the school principal, who is a man wearing a golden toque. She says, "What's the meaning of this? Michio-chan has already qualified for the Junior Youth Championship! Why are you still having him play in official matches?"

Kirigakure tries to explain, "Ma'am, it's just like I explained to you earlier-"

"Don't worry about it, Mom." Michio says. "Sakaki Vivian is the sister of Sakaki Yuni, who managed to beat me 3 years ago, on top of that, her brother Sakaki Yuya is the one who beat that Strong Ishijima. It seems like fun, so I'll make a light meal of him."

"Yeah, you're right. He shouldn't give you any trouble at all." Michio's mother nods. "Show her the strength of someone who doesn't even lose to the top players from LDS!"

"Leave it to me, Mom." Michio says. His mother nods, "I'll be cheering for you, do your best!"

"Big sister Vivian!" Vivian notices Tatsuya, Ayu, and Futoshi. She asks, "Wait, you guys are here as well?"

"Of course." "This is your first step to becoming a pro after all!" "You better win it with style and give me shivers!"

Vivian smiles, as both she and Michio are now on the Duel Field. Nico says, "Everyone, it's what you've all been waiting for! It's time for the Duel between Sakaki Vivian, the youngest of the Sakaki Sibling, and the cooking Duel Prince, Mokota Michio!"

Then fangirls start to cheer for Michio, and then Nico has Kirigakure do the honors of making a brief speech.

"Cooking is an insatiable journey for new possibilities! And Duels are one and the same! Let's have these aspiring youths to their Cooking Duel on the most fitting Field! Action Field on! Field Magic: Action Kitchen, activate!

The arena is replaced by a kitchen several times the size of an ordinary one. Vivian looks around and says, "So we're in an actual kitchen?"

"That's right, so I can cook you properly." Michio says.

"No matter what field it may be, I just have to make it through with my Entertainment Dueling!" Vivian says.

Both Duelists recite the Action Dueling chant, and then they yell, "Duel!" (Vivian:4000)(Michio:4000)

"Freshness is everything in cooking and in Dueling! I'll be taking the first turn! Now I'll let you get a good taste of how amazing my Cooking Dueling is! I summon Cookmate Chickwheat from my hand!" (ATK:100/DEF:400 LV:2)

A small chick with a body shaping like a wheat bag appears on the field, and Michio mounts it as it waddles across the kitchen floor before making a tremendous leap towards a rice cooker. Michio jumps off of Chickwheat and opens the cooker by landing on the button. It opens and an Action Card flies out, with Michio taking it.

"An Action Card already?" Vivian gasps.

"Good, I got myself a nice one." Michio says. "I'm going to use this while it's still fresh! Action Magic: Food Prepping Microwave! This card allows me to return one monster on the Field to my hand, and Special Summon a Level 4 or lower monster from my hand! I return Chickwheat to my hand!"

The Microwave opens and the Chickwheat is changed into another monster. Michio says, "And I special summon the Level 1 Cookmate Eggong (ATK:0/DEF:300 LV:1) from my hand."

After the monster appears, Michio says, "At this moment, I use Chickwheat's effect! This card can be Special Summoned the same turn it's returned to your hand from your field!"

When Chickwheat appears on the field again, Michio adds, "And when there are two or more Cookmate cards on my field, I can Special Summon Cookmate Potatopard from my hand!" (ATK:600/DEF:300 LV:3)

Michio uses Eggong to fly to a blender, where he dismounts and activates it. A gust of wind blows out another Action Card, which Michio also takes. "I'll be taking another Action Card."

Tatsuya says impressed, "He got three monsters out in an instant!"

Futoshi marvels, "On top of that, he's gotten two Action Cards!"

"He looked like a total pushover, but he's pretty good!" Ayu remarks.

"I set two cards and end my turn!" Michio says.

"Michio-kun seems to be in top form!" Nico says.

Kirigakure replies, "Well, he does know this Field like the back of his hand. First, he collects his ingredients..."

Michio's mother interrupts, "That's right! He's just only getting started!"

"My turn!" Vivian says, but her stomach growling causes the kids to sigh. Ayu yells, "Come on, Big sister Vivian!"

Vivian blushes a little and Michio says, "You're quite something, but I guess I can't blame you since you missed out on breakfast. I don't want you using that as an excuse for losing, though!"

"And why is it decided that I'm going to lose?" Vivian asks with annoyance.

"Because my recipe is perfect, that's why." Michio replies. "So there's no way that you could defeat the Cooking Duel I'm going to create from it."

"You don't know that for sure." Vivian says. "I summon Ghost Force: Gas Spirit from my hand!" (ATK:1600/DEF:1600 LV:4)

After the spirit appears, Vivian jumps onto the spirit and says, "Let's show them how things are done!"

Then they float to the top of the faucet and manage to grab an Action Card from it. Kirigakure says, "She's impressive."

"Well, she is the daughter of the Action Duel pioneer, Sakaki Yusho, after all." Nico says.

"I can see why you expect great things from her." Kirigakure says.

"Battle! I attack Eggong with Gas Spirit!" Vivian yells, and the Gas Spirit is charging toward Michio and his monster.

"I activate Action Magic: Freeze Freezer." Michio says, and Vivian recognizes the card as the one Michio picked up earlier. "Freeze Freezer negates all of the opponents' attacks this turn!"

But when the Gas Spirit is frozen in ice, Futoshi says, "Now those are some real shivers..."

"If that's how you want to play it...Action Magic: Battle Burner!" Vivian places the Action Card and yells, "One monster whose attack was negated can attack again! And this additional attack can't be negated!"

The manifested blowtorch releases a stream of fire that thaws out Gas Spirit, and Vivian yells, "Gas Spirit, attack again!"

Then the Gas Spirit uses the gas to destroy Eggong, dealing some damage to Michio. (Michio:4000-2400) Vivian continues, "Also, when my monster destroys an opponent's monster with Battle Burner's effect, all other monsters in ATK on the opponent's field are destroyed!"

Battle Burner explodes, with two flames heading for Chickwheat and Potatopard. Both monsters panic and try to flee before they're incinerated by the fireballs.

"All of his monsters got wiped out!" Tatsuya exclaims.

"I'm getting shivers!" Futoshi replies.

"With that, I set 3 cards and end my turn." Vivian says. "See, the outcome of the Duel is something that we won't know until we try!"

Michio laughs in an uncharacteristic manner, he says, "No, actually, I already know...this is all going according to my recipe! I activate the Continuous Trap: Food Cemetery! In the turn that this card is activated, all Cookmate monsters that were sent to the graveyard are sent to the Food Cemetery!"

The cards emerge from the Graveyard portal as Food Cemetery opens its door and takes them. "And now, I can add the same number of harvested Cookmate cards from my Deck to my hand! The more monsters are sent to the graveyard this turn, the stronger Food Cemetery becomes."

Vivian grits her teeth and Michio says, "Before I had to do anything, you did all of the hard work for me by destroying my monsters! Brand-new Cookmates are now on the menu!"

"That's it, Michio-chan!" Mrs. Mokota says.

"So that means he's added 3 monsters to his hand?" Vivian wonders.

"With this, all of the prep-work is ready." Michio says, "My turn!"

After drawing the card, he says, "Now, I've saved the best for last for that starving belly of yours! I activate Wonder Recipe from my hand! This card lets me Special Summon a number of Royal Cookmates as the number of cards in my Food Cemetery!"

Rainbow lights hit Food Cemetery, causing it to move about. Vivian remembers, "There are three cards in his Food Cemetery right now."

"I've got your order! I Special Summon Knight Napolitan! (ATK:300/DEF:1000 LV:8) Princess Pudding! (ATK:300/DEF:100 LV:6) And Prince Curry! (ATK:300/DEF:1000 LV:7)

"To think he could Special Summon high-Level monsters for each card in the Food Cemetery..." Tatsuya says.

"This guy is exquisite-" Futoshi notices the glare from Ayu and Tatsuya before saying, "Sorry, I mean expert!"

"Cookmates that are destroyed in the turn I activate Food Cemetery are all seated by Food Cemetery. And now, thanks to Wonder Recipe, I could Special Summon one Royal Cookmate for each Cookmate seated."

"A combo that punishes me for destroying monsters by replacing them with stronger monsters, huh?" Vivian mutters.

"Exactly! This is my perfect recipe!" Michio says as he slides down the noodles of Knight Napolitan into a teacup. He climbs out with an Action Card in his hand, with Vivian being frustrated at this fact.

"Before our food gets cold, I'll activate the other effect of Wonder Recipe! For each monster Special Summoned by this card's effect, I can deal 300 damage to my opponent! I'll have you pay for your restaurant bill in Life Points!"

Vivian tries to run from the damage, but she's hit by the lightning. (Vivian:4000-3100)

"You've got a lot of food on the table, but they only have 300 ATK each." Vivian struggles to get back up. "You can't beat my Gas Spirit that way!"

"Hmph, at this rate, that's true...But, Royal Cookmates are my perfect recipe, and they'll just keep getting stronger." Michio says, much to Vivian's shock.

"I activate the effect of Princess Pudding! Once per turn, she can double the original ATK of all Royal Cookmates I control!

He chooses to double the ATK of Prince Curry. (ATK:300-600) Vivian also hears some fans talking about Michio's set menu. Michio says, "However, Princess Pudding can't attack in the turn she activates her effect. And now I activate Knight Neapolitan's effect! Once per turn, he, too, can double the original ATK of all Royal Cookmates that I control!" (ATK:600-1200)

"Wow! A curry and neapolitan set! I would gladly accept double that size." Futoshi replies.

"However, Knight Neapolitan can't battle in the turn it activates his effect." Michio says.

The sight is enough to leave Futoshi and Ayu drooling, but Tatsuya quickly rebukes them. "You guys! What are you doing drooling when the enemy is getting stronger? Even though Big sister Vivian is dueling with all she's got..."

Vivian's stomach growls again, and Michio says, "It seems you've taken a liking to my special menu."

"Yeah, I'm certainly drooling." Vivian says. "But no matter how delicious it seems, Prince Curry still has lower ATK than Gas Spirit."

"That might be true. But what if we add one more flavor to it? I use Action Magic: Excellent Spice! I can increase the ATK of one monster by 1000 until the end of the turn."

A spice shaker scatters spice onto Prince Curry as Michio encourages it to become more delicious. (ATK:1200-2200)

"Battle! Prince Curry attacks Gas Spirit! Excellent Express Curry Plate!" Michio yells.

"I use Gas Spirit's effect! It won't be destroyed in battle once per turn!" Vivian says.

Prince Curry boards an express train before releasing its contents at Gas Spirit, which causes it to cry out in pain. (Vivian:3100-2500)

"My, oh my, was that too spicy for you?" Michio asks. "I end my turn here. At this moment, Excellent Spince, Princess Pudding, and Knight Neapolitan's effects wear off and Prince Curry's ATK returns to normal." (ATK:2200-300) "Heh, are you having your fill of my Cooking Duel?"

"My turn!" Vivian says while drawing a card, she looks at the card and says, "Yes! Time for me to take the offensive!"

She takes a breath and says, "As thanks for earlier, I'll let you have a good taste of my deck. I use Magic Card: Ghost Force Grave Deal! I destroy Gas Spirit and two of my Magic and Trap Cards, so I can Special Summon 3 Monsters to the field. I summon 3 of my Ghost Force Skeleton Soldiers! (ATK:1000/DEF:1000 LV:4)

Three Skeleton with bone swords appear on the field, and she says, "Now the whole team is set-"

"Hmph! I welcome the whole team!" Michio says, much to Vivian's surprise. "Since you Special Summoned three of your Soldiers, I'd best entertain my guests."

"Entertain?" Vivian asks.

"Yes, the greatest, of course." Michio says. "When a monster is Summoned or Special summoned to my opponent's side of the Field: Princess Pudding, Knight Neapolitan, and Prince Curry activate their additional effect! Full House of Full Stomachs!"

Just then, much to Vivian's surprise, all three of the monsters are forced to eat the food made by the three Royal Cookmates. Vivian says, "Hey! It's not fair that you guys are the only ones eating! I'm starving as well!"

And the three soldiers are stuffed into balloons because of the food, as Tatsuya says, "What's that?"

"They're forcing it down, that's horrible!" Ayu adds.

"The good atmosphere in here is ruined..." Futoshi adds.

"It looks like you're so satisfied that you have no regrets to leave this world..." Michio says, "By returning Princess Pudding, Knight Neapolitan, and Prince Curry to my hand, I cand destroy one monster for each card returned by this effect!"

"No way..." Vivian gasps as all of her soldiers are destroyed, and just as she planned to use them for Advance Summon. "If that's the case, I use Skeleton Soldier's effect, by sending one card from the deck to the graveyard, I can return it back to the deck. I discard three cards from my deck and return them."

Vivian then throws three cards while the Skeleton Soldiers are dug up and head back into the deck, then she says, "I set 2 cards and end my turn."

Tatsuya says, "Three more cards are in Big Sister Vivian's graveyard...I guess it is not a bad move."

"But since Michio lost all of his cooking monsters, aren't they even?" Futoshi asks.

"I wonder about that." Michio says, "Well then, it's my turn."

He draws a card and says, "There are three cards inside of the Food Cemetery. All of the prep work is ready! I activate the Continuous Magic: Wonder Recipe's effect! This card allows me to Special Summon as many Royal Cookmates from my hand as I have cards inside of the Food Cemetery!"

"There are three cards inside of Food Cemetery..." Vivian mutters. "So that means all three of the Royal Cookmates from before are going to come back?"

"Your order is ready!" Then the cemetery opens and Royal Cookmate Knight Napolitan, Royal Cookmate Prince Curry, and Royal Cookmate Princess Pudding are out again.

"I know they are fearsome monsters, but..." Vivian says while her stomach is growling again. "They seem delicious..."

"I'll let that starving belly of yours have its fill then!" Michio says. "You'll take 300 damage for each monster Special Summoned by Wonder Recipe!"

Pellets of energy hit Vivian on her face, her stomach, and her bottom. (Vivian:2500-1600) "How was it? I think it might have been a bit much for your empty stomach...but the taste of my perfect recipe is amazing, isn't it?"

Vivian grits her teeth as Michio continues, "At this moment, Knight Neapolitan's effect activates! Once per turn, it can double another Royal Cookmate's ATK!" (ATK:300-600)

And Vivian notices that he's doing the same trick, with Knight Neapolitan and Princess Pudding increasing Prince Curry's attack. (ATK:600-1200)

The housewives watching the Duel squee after seeing another one of Michio's set menus. Michio says, "However, monsters who use this effect can't attack this turn. Your remaining LP is just 1600, Prince Curry only needs a little more seasoning to finish you off."

Michio jumps up a series of saucers before finding and taking an Action Card on the third one. "Ah, that'll do, how convenient."

After looking at the card, he smiles, "Looks like the Goddess of Cooking is smiling on me! I use Action Magic: Victory Topping! For the rest of this turn, a monster's ATK will increase by 600!" (ATK:1200-1800)

Tonkatsu materializes on the shield of Prince Curry, and the kids are surprised. Michio says, "It's time I put an end to this! Battle! I attack you directly with Prince Katsu Curry!"

"If this attack goes through, Big sister Vivian will...!" Tatsuya gasps.

Vivian says, "As if it'll happen! I use my two Magic Cards in the graveyard: Ghost Force Shadow Mask! When I'm getting a direct attack, I can special summon this card as a monster, when it is destroyed the second time, I banish instead." (ATK:1000/DEF:1000 LV:4)

Vivian summons the monster as Michio says, "Then I'll just destroy the first one with Prince Katsu Curry!" After feeding the mask and causing it to explode, Vivian says, "I use a Trap Card from my graveyard, Ghost Force Grave Calling! When I banished a card, I can add 2 monsters from my deck and add them to my hand!"

"You negated the damage and added monsters to your hand...looks like you've got it after all. Then I shall as well...Trap Card: Food Preservation Method! When my opponent adds cards to her hand outside of her Draw Phase, I can choose the same amount of Cookmate cards from my deck and put them into the Food Cemetery! With that, I add Cookmate Lionion and Rabbitomato into the Food Cemetery!"

After the two monsters go into the Food Cemetery, Vivian exclaims, "He's added cards to the Food Cemetery again!"

"Furthermore, I activate the Magic Card: Meal Ticket Abuse! I add two Royal Cookmates from my Deck to my hand! The cards I'm adding to my hand are Royal Cookmate King Hamburg and Royal Cookmate Queen Omelette!"

"He got two more Royal Cookmates to his hand..." Vivian mutters.

"What do you think of my fabulous prep work? However, monsters added to my hand by this effect can't be summoned this turn. I end my turn with that. At this point, Victory Topping, Princess Pudding, and Knight Neapolitan's effects wear off..." (ATK:1800-300)

"When his turn comes again, he'll have all five Royal Cookmates out, I have to do something before it happens!" Vivian thinks.

"My turn!" Vivian says as she draws a card, looking at the card, she frowns a little as it is not the card that she wants, then she tries to bet her next move on an Action Card. She leaps from saucer to saucer to try to reach one on a high plate. However, her stomach growls again as she realizes she's too hungry to even reach the card, causing her to fall on her back.

"Geez, that's what you get for running out without eating breakfast." Just then, much to everyone's surprise, Yuni and Yoko arrive at the scene and Yuni yells, "Vivian, catch!"

Vivian notices the package and she opens it, she asks, "Mom? Sister Yuni? Why are you-"

"Hurry up and eat that and get to it!" Yoko replies.

Vivian opens the package that contains pancakes, and she is delighted, "Awesome! It's Mom's pancakes!"

As she takes a bite, she notices a weird texture as she looks inside, " this?"

"It's a sandwich using the Mille-Feuille Tonkatsu you didn't eat." Yoko says.

Vivian is touched as she takes another bite, Yuni says, "Good thing that Mom called me to buy more pancake ingredients from the grocery store, huh? She made that Mille-Feuille Tonkatsu using Michio's recipe. It's perfect, isn't it? And to add to it, she put it in between some pancakes!"

Michio looks at Yoko with an angry face and says, "She added something to my perfect recipe?"

"Perfect...add to it..." Vivian realizes something as she finishes the breakfast, and she says, "All right, now I'm charged up! Now I use my Magic Card from the graveyard! Ghost Force Grave Deal! By banishing this card, I can also use the same effect! I choose my two Skeleton Soldiers!"

"But if she summoned them again, they would be destroyed..." Tatsuya gasps.

Then two Skeleton Soldiers are on the field, and Michio says, "Looks like our customers are coming back for more food! I activate Royal Cookmates' effects! Full House of Full stomachs!"

As the soldiers are eating again, Michio says, "When a monster is Normal or Special Summoned to my opponent's side of the Field: I can return any number of Royal Cookmates to my hand and destroy one monster for each! By returning Knight Neapolitan and Princess Pudding to my hand, I destroy your two Skeleton Soldiers!"

After they are destroyed, Michio says, "How do you like my hospitality?"

"You just destroyed them. You call that hospitality?" Tatsuya yells in anger, and the children agree.

Vivian says, "It's fine, I use Skeleton Soldier's effects once again." Then she removes two cards from her deck to the graveyard while putting the two of them back, and she says, "I set one card and end my turn."

"My turn!" After drawing a card, Michio turns to Yuni and Yoko. "Sakaki Yuni, so you're also here to see the duel, huh?"

"Good to see you again, I see you've become stronger." Yuni says.

"However, I heard that your mother made some modifications to my recipe. I'm going to show you that my perfect recipe has no room for any other additions!" Michio says.

"I wonder about that?" Yuni shrugs.

"Now then, there are five cards inside of the Food Cemetery, and so with the Continuous Magic: Wonder Recipe's effect! I can summon four more Royal Cookmates! Your order is ready!"

With Knight Neapolitan and Princess Pudding appearing on the field again, this time there are King Hamburg (ATK:300/DEF:1300 LV:10) and Queen Omelette (ATK:300/DEF:1000 LV:9) as well.

"Just as I thought, he summoned four monsters at once..." Vivian says.

"Curry, Hamburg Steak, Omelette and Neapolitan...!" Tatsuya says.

"And pudding too!" Ayu adds.

"I wouldn't be able to finish all of that!" Futoshi is drooling, to the annoyance of Yuni, Tatsuya, and Ayu.

"First, I'll offer you the hospitality of Wonder Recipe's effect by giving you 300 damage per monster Special Summoned by this effect!" Energy pallets hit Vivian again, as she grits her teeth. (Vivian:1600-400)

"Vivian-chan has worked hard, but with all five Royal Cookmates out, this is the end..." Kirigakure remarks.

Michio activates the effect of Knight Neapolitan to double the ATK of Prince Curry. He does the same, using the effect of Princess Pudding, then follows up with Queen Omelette and King Hamburg to quadruple the ATK further. (ATK:300-4800)

"It has a 4800 ATK calorie explosion!" Tatsuya gasps.

"Battle! I attack you directly with Prince Curry! Excellent Express Curry Plate!" Michio yells.

Prince Curry releases a vortex of curry, with the children repeating the attack name dumbfoundedly.

Vivian says, "I use my Trap Card! Ghost Force Spirit Wall! For this turn, an attacking opponent's monster loses 800 ATK per monster on their Field!"

Michio says, "A pointless struggle!"

"There are five monsters on my opponent's field, making a 4000 ATK decrease!" Vivian says. (ATK:4800-800)

"But your life is a measly 500. 800 is more than enough to finish you!" Michio says.

Vivian starts to run around the area, but the attack of Prince Curry hits its mark, leaving the children, Yuni, and Yoko stunned.

"My, my, it took a bit of work, but she was no match for my perfect recipe!" Michio says, but turns serious after seeing Vivian coming out of the smoke with 100 LP remaining.

"Big sister Vivian!" The children gasps in delight, and Yuni and Yoko just smile.

"Why? This can't be!" Michio gasps. "Why do you have life left?"

"I used an Action Card, that's why." Vivian says. "Action Magic: Energy Mate, it increases my LP by 500." (Vivian:400-900-100) "It's thanks to the power I got from Mom's pancake sandwich."

Michio grits his teeth and says, "I end my turn now. At this moment, the Royal Cookmate effects fade and Prince Curry's ATK returns to normal. (ATK:800-300) "You may have held out, but your hand is at 0! How do you plan to defeat five Royal Cookmates?"

"Did you forget that most of my deck's power comes from the cards in my graveyard." Vivian says. "My turn!"

After drawing the card, she smiles and says, "Ladies and Gentlemen! It's time for the climax of this back-and-forth battle!"

"Huh? What the heck are you doing?" Michio asks.

"I use this card: Ghost Force Fusion!" Vivian says.

"Fusion? But you don't have any cards on the field or hand..." Michio says.

"It doesn't need to be from the hand or the graveyard, I can use Materials from the Graveyard as well!"

"From the graveyard?" Michio gasps in surprise.

"I fuse my Ghost Force Gas Spirit and Ghost Force Dream Attacker in my graveyard! Form from the liquid of poison, appear with the hate of taste! Fusion Summon! Appear! Ghost Force: Toxic Teapot!" (ATK:2500/DEF:2200 LV:7 PS:4)

As the monster appears, Tatsuya says, "Big Sister Vivian manages to perform a Fusion Summon!"

"Good thing my brother also taught her how to Fusion Summon." Yuni smiles.

"And by using Toxic Teapot's effect, I can summon up to 4 Teapot Tokens to the field!" Vivian says. "When the teacups are on the field, you can't target this card with effects!"

"So she is waiting for this moment to summon all 5 monsters at once..." Tatsuya says.

"Fusion Summon was the addition needed for this." Yoko says.

"What are you calling an addition?! Even if you summon all five, it'll turn out just the same!" Michio yells. "Your Fusion Summon is no match for my perfect recipe! I activate all Royal Cookmate's effects!"

With the first four teacups destroyed, Prince Curry is capable of destroying Ghost Force Toxic Teapot in the end. Michio yells, "With this, all of your monsters are destroyed!"

"Are you sure about that?" Vivian smirks. "When Toxic Teapot is destroyed, I can set this card in the Pendulum Zone!"

"What? A Fusion-Pendulum monster?" Michio asks as everyone is surprised. Vivian says, "Now the moment you've been waiting for! Since there is no monster on my field, by using Toxic Teapot's Pendulum effect, I can immediately summon back to the field!"

Once the Teapot is back to the field, with its effect, the Tokens are back to the field. Nico says, "Amazing, she manages to use the effect of Toxic Teapot to summon 5 monsters, and then she tied five destructions to do another 5 summons!"

"No way..." Michio gasps in shock, and everyone starts to cheer for Vivian instead. "An ATK of 2500...I-I'm going to lose?! My perfect recipe is going to..."

"There is no such thing as a perfect recipe!" Vivian replies, which gives Michio a flashback to what his father told him in the past.

"There is no perfect recipe. Even if there is one, it has to be ready to add more to suit the people who will eat the food."

"Battle!" Vivian declares. "Toxic Teapot! Attack Michio directly! Toxic Teatime!"

As the teapot is boiling with water, Michio looks at it and sighs, "It's my loss..."

Then the purple water pours onto Michio, causing him to lose the duel. (Michio:2400-0)

"Alright!" Ayu cheers.

"Big sister Vivian is now qualified for the Junior Youth Championship!" Tatsuya cheers.

"Thanks for the meal." Vivian says to Michio, who manages to get back to his feet.

"Michio, this can't be right. Your perfect recipe can't have been defeated." Ms. Motoka says.

"Mom, this time I did lose." Michio says while walking toward Vivian. "Vivian, you've won this time. But, after this, I'll add more to my recipe and press onwards."

"Then I'll just have to stay ahead of you." Vivian says.

"Indeed, that was an awesome duel." Yuni says. "I must say it is almost as exciting as my match against him three years ago."

"Too bad you're not going to partake in the Championship, Sakaki Yuni." Michio says. "I would like to give you a revenge meal. But for now, I'm looking forward to facing Vivian again in the Junior Youth Championship."

Vivian shakes hands with Michio as she says, "You bet."

But then, both Vivian and Yuni's stomachs are growling, and Yuni groans, "Urgh...having to run all the way to the grocery store and then here is making me hungry..."

"And it seems like the pancakes aren't enough..." Vivian adds.

"Then how about I make you something? Will you accept my hospitality?" Michio asks.

"Sure, we can also celebrate Vivian's entry into the Championships." Yuni says as the others laugh. While Yoko is getting excited, much to the annoyance of the two sisters.

Here is a new chapter, since Yuya is already going to the Championships, I decide to let Vivian duel Michio. I hope you like this chapter and we might have a serious siblings battle in the next chapter.

New OC Cards:

Ghost Force Grave Deal:

Normal Magic

Effect: By sacrificing a monster and two Magic or Trap cards on the field, you can summon up to 3 monsters from the deck to the field. By banishing this card, you can use the same effect.

Ghost Force Skeleton Soldier:

Dark Attribute, LV:4 Zombie/Effect, ATK:1000/DEF:1000

Effect: When this card is in the graveyard, by sending a card from the deck to the graveyard, you can return this card back to the deck.

Ghost Force Grave Calling:

Normal Magic

Effect: If a card is banished on the field, you can choose 2 monsters from your deck, and add them to your hand. You can also activate this effect by banishing this card in the graveyard.

Ghost Force Spirit Wall:

Normal Trap

Effect: This turn, if a monster your opponent controls battles, that monster loses 800 ATK for each monster your opponent controls.

Ghost Force Fusion:

Normal Magic

Effect: You can Fusion Summon a monster using monsters from hand, field, or graveyard as materials. You can banish this card to use the same effect.

Ghost Force: Toxic Teapot:

Dark Attribute Level:7 PS:6 Rock/Fusion/Pendulum/Effect ATK:2500/DEF:2200

Pendulum Effect: When your field is empty, this card can be special summoned the field from the Pendulum Zone.

Effect: Two Ghost Force Monsters

When this card is summoned, you can Special Summon up to 4 Teacup Tokens to the field. (ATK:0/DEF:0 LV:1) Your opponent can't target this monster with effects when Teacup Tokens are on the field. When this card is destroyed while your Pendulum Zone is empty, you can place this card to the empty Pendulum Zone.
