Chapter 29 The Fusing Maestras!

After Katrina and Vivian's victory, the one to duel is Yuzu, whose opponent is Masumi Kotsu, Yuya's student in the Fusion course.

"Now the next duel is Masumi Kotsu from LDS versus Hiiragi Yuzu from You Show!" Nico Smiley says as the two people enter the field.

"This time I will get my revenge, Yuzu." Masumi says.

"We will see about that." Yuzu says. "In this duel, I'll show you a different me from the one you saw last time!"

"Fine by me." Masumi replies. "This is a tournament match after all. It wouldn't feel right if you didn't at least do that."

"Go! Yuzu! Burn and Be Hot Blooded!" Shuzo yells.

"Well, it seems like the duel is getting interesting." Reisho says as he sits beside Yuni.

"Aren't you supposed to watch the duel with Reiji?" Yuni asks.

"Well, he and Reira will be fine." Reisho says.

Sora notices Shun standing to the side, watching the Duel, and he smiles.

"First up is the Action Field selection! The field card selected randomly by the machine is...! Action Field on! Field Magic! Infinite Bridge activate!" Nico says as the network of crisscrossing railed walkways appears and elevates the two Duelists above the ground.

"This field, huh...One misstep and it's a headfirst drop into the abyss." Yuya says.

"I agree." Ron says.

"Now which of these budding Junior Youth Duelists will bloom in this unnerving Field?" Nico yells as they start the chant, after the chant, they begin their duel, and Action Cards scatter across the field.


"I'll be going first. I activate the Magic Card: Gem-Knight Fusion!" As the card appears on the field, she says, "I can use Gem-Knight monsters in my hand to perform a Fusion Summon with this card!"

Yuzu mutters, "Just like I expected, she's going to do a Hand Fusion on her first turn like last time."

"I fuse Gem-Knight Sapphire, Gem-Knight Crystal, and Gem-Knight Garnet from my hand! Strong-willed blue! Crimson truth! Eye of quartz! Combine to bring forth a new dazzling radiance in a whirlpool of light! Fusion Summon! Appear now! One who illuminates everything with its supreme radiance! Gem-Knight Master Diamond!" (ATK:2900/DEF:2500 LV:9)

As the silver armor knight appears on the field, Yuzu asks, "Got your ace out already?"

Masumi smiles and says, "Master Diamond's ATK is increased by the number of "Gem-Knights" monsters in my Graveyard times 100!"

Yuya says, "There are 3 Gem-Knights Monsters in her graveyard..."

Jean says, "So its ATK go up by 300!" (ATK:2900–3200)

"I set one card and end my turn." Masumi says, "Now it's your turn! Show me how much you've changed!"

Yuzu says, "My turn! I use Magic Card: Pendulum Dance! With this card, I can place two Pendulum Cards on my Pendulum Zone! I place Allergia and Harmony from my deck to the Pendulum Zone!"

As two fairies with a 0 and a 10 appears on the field, the crowd is surprised again.

"What a shock! Hiiragi Yuzu also have her own Pendulum Cards!" Nico says as the crowd cheers.

"No way..." "That is the second one!"

Yuzu says, "I can summon monsters from 1 to 9! Sway with the rhythm! Flow in the melody! Gather together and form a perfect musical! Pendulum Summon! Come forth! Aria the Melodious Diva! (ATK:1200/DEF:1600 LV:4 PS:9) and Soprano the Melodious Songstress!" (ATK:1400/DEF:1400 LV:4 PS:3)

The crowd cheers for her Pendulum Summon, Masumi says, "So you are doing it like last time, huh?"

Yuzu says, "Let me show you my new power. I now Overlay my Level 4 Aria and Level 4 Soprano!" Yuzu yells as the two fairies becomes pink orbs and goes into a portal. "Angel's song! tune inside the harmony, let them become one and weave a perfect song! Xyz Summon! Come forth! Meisterin Tchaikovska the Melodious Maestra!" (ATK:2400/DEF:2000 RNK:4 OVU:2)

As the purple clothing fairy appears, Masumi gasps, "Xyz Summon?"

Nico says, "What is this? Hiiragi Yuzu has pulled off an Xyz Summon right after the Pendulum Summon!"

Ayu says, "Alright! Big Sister Yuzu has pulled it off!"

Jean says, "Indeed."

Shuzo yells, "That's it, Yuzu! You're dazzling today!"

Sora whines, "Aw...I really want to see her Fusion..."

Reisho says, "The Duel isn't over yet, we won't know what will happen."

Yuzu says, "I use the Pendulum Effect of Allergia! Once per turn, Allergia can banish all monsters from the Graveyard!"

Masumi says, "What?" As the fairy's wand waves, the cards are all banished.

"Nice! With those three Gem-Knights banished, Master Diamond's ATK goes down by 300!" Yuni says. (ATK:3200–2900)

"Not only that, but it also prevents Gem-Knight Fusion's inherent recycling effect." Ron says.

Yuzu says, "I use Tchaikovska's effect! By detaching one overlay unit, I can lower your monster's ATK by 200 times the cards on the field! There are 5 cards, thus your monster's ATK is lowered by 1000!" Yuzu says. "Chorus Blast!"

As the wind appears, Master Diamond has fallen to 1900 ATK. (ATK:2900-1900)

"Battle! I attack Master Diamond with Tchaikovska! Wave of the Symphony!" Yuzu yells.

Masumi leaps out of the way onto another bridge as Master Diamond is destroyed. (Masumi: 4000–3500)

"I set two cards and end my turn." Yuzu says.

Yaiba says, "Woah, You Show Duel School isn't doing half bad!"

Hokuto says, "Indeed. Since the Vice Presidents also teach them, too. But Masumi's hand is at 0!"

"My turn." Masumi draws and sees her card, she says, "I'm impressed that you can do Xyz Summon as well, but if that is all you can do, you won't stand a chance against me!"

"Quit bluffing! Right now, you only have one card in your hand! You can't fuse with just that!" Yuzu says.

"I wonder about that... I activate the Continuous Magic: Brilliant Fusion from my hand! With this card, I can Fusion Summon a Gem-Knight monster using monsters from my Deck as Fusion Materials!" Masumi says.

Ryu asks, "You teach her that as well?"

Yuya says, "Of course, after all, I have a lot of knowledge with Fusion Summoning."

"She's surprisingly decent, isn't she?" Sora asks.

Masumi says, "From my deck, I'll choose Gem-Knight Emerald, Gem-Knight Alexandrite, and Gem-Knight Obsidian to perform a Fusion Summon! Gem with Facelets of day and night! Brilliant emerald of good fortune! Sharp jet-black darkness! In a whirlpool of light, combine to bring forth a new dazzling radiance! Fusion Summon! This is my true ace! Dazzling lady, Gem-Knight Lady Brilliant Diamond!"(ATK:3400/DEF:2000 LV:10)

As a lady knight with diamond armor appears, Yaiba says, "All right! Show them the power of LDS' Fusion!"

Masumi says, "The ATK and DEF of Monsters Special Summoned by Brilliant Fusion became 0." (ATK:3400–0)

"What?" The others are confused.

"But, by sending one Magic Card to the Graveyard, I can return its ATK to normal until my next turn!" Masumi says as she takes off at a run and Yuzu follows.

"Huh? What's going on now?" Ayu asks.

Katrina says, "I think Masumi is planning on using Action Cards to restore the ATK of Brilliant Diamond to 3400!"

Yuzu says, "I won't let you! Trap Card: Melodious Song of Divine Punishment! It deals 800 damage to my opponent for each Melodious Monster I control!"

Green lightning strikes and Masumi is thrown off the bridge, (Masumi: 3500–2700) but she grabs a pole and uses her momentum to swing around and grab the Action Card.

"Now that was amazing! As expected from an LDS elite! She got an Action Card using brilliant movement!" Nico cheers.

"By sending one Action Magic Card to my graveyard, Brilliant Diamond's ATK returns to normal until my next turn! (ATK:0–3400) Battle! I attack Tchaikovska with Brilliant Diamond!"

Brilliant Diamond shreds the sound waves that Tchaikovska fights back with before destroying it. Yuzu is also thrown over the railing. (Yuzu: 4000–3000)

"Yuzu!" Yuya, Ryu, and Reisho yell, but Yuzu manages to grab the railing.

"That was a close one." Yuni says.

"Yeah..." Vivian says.

"She had us worrying for a moment there, but..." Hokuto says.

Yuzu steps primly back onto the walkway, and she looks up at Masumi.

"Now do you get it? Ever since the loss, I have been training hard not only for beating you one day, but also to protect the ones I want to protect. I'll end my turn." Masumi says.

"My turn!" Yuzu says as she draws a card. "If she gets another Action Card...I'll be even at more of a disadvantage... I have to do something." She thinks.

"What are you going to do, Yuzu?" Ray asks worriedly.

"I set a monster in face-down Defense Position!" Yuzu says as she places the monster on the field.

"What's this? Looks like you don't have any options left!" Masumi says.

"What are you thinking, Yuzu?" Ray asks.

"Ray, if she is the duelist I think she is...then I'm sure this will..." Yuzu thinks as she tells her plan to her, who nods in agreement. "I set one card and end my turn!"

"Huh? That is it?" Futoshi says.

"Don't worry, she should be able to endure this much." Sora says. "After all, I haven't seen her Fusion Summon just yet."

Reisho asks, "Yuni, do you see Ray, too?"

Yuni says, "Yes. It seems like they are planning...but what?"

Masumi says, "My turn." As she draws the card, the ATK of Brilliant Diamond returns to 0, and both Masumi and Yuzu sprint for an Action Card.

"I won't let you grab an Action Card this time!" Yuzu says.

"I won't let you stop me! I summon Crystal Rose!" (ATK:500/DEF:500 LV:2) Masumi says as a rose appears. "When Crystal Rose is on the Field, it can be used as any Fusion Material needed! I use Crystal Rose as Gem-Knight Tourmaline!"

Rays of light refract around Crystal Rose which transforms into Tourmaline. "Now I use Brilliant Diamond's effect! By sending one Fusion Material on the Field to the Graveyard, I can perform a Fusion Summon!"

"A Fusion Summon with one material?" Yuzu is shocked.

Three diamonds emerge from Brilliant Diamond's chest and surround Crystal Rose in energy as Masumi declares, "This is the power of Brilliant Diamond! Grind Fusion!" She chants "Come forth, bewitching and dazzling splendor! Gem-Knight Zirconia" (ATK:2900/DEF:2500 LV:8)

Zirconia appears and leaps in front of Yuzu to block her path, allowing Masumi to grab the Action Card without interference.

"Oh no!" The kids bemoan the card's loss. Sending the Action Card to her Graveyard, Masumi restores the ATK of Brilliant Diamond to normal again.

"Battle! I attack your Face-down Defense position monster with Zirconia!" Masumi says.

Yuzu flees as Zirconia shatters her Set Canon the Melodious Diva with a single punch, sending Yuzu rolling across the walkway.

"Now the only monster you had protecting you is gone." Masumi says as she walks up to her. "This will finish you! I attack you directly with Brilliant Diamond!"

Brilliant Diamond strikes from high. But Yuzu says, "I use Trap Card, Fusion Cycle. I can Special Summon a card used as Fusion Material this turn from my opponent's Graveyard onto my Field in attack position!"

"From my Graveyard?" Masumi gasps.

"The card I choose to summon is Crystal Rose!" As the rose appears on the field, Yuzu says, "A monster Special Summoned by this effect can't be destroyed by battle this turn!"

"But you'll still take the damage!" Masumi says.

Brilliant Diamond strikes Crystal Rose. Yuzu's LP takes a large hit. (Yuzu: 3000–100)

"I end my turn." Masumi says. "If I hadn't Fusion Summoned this turn, you wouldn't have been able to use Fusion Cycle. You should thank your luck."

"That wasn't luck..." Yuzu says as she stands back up. "Masumi, you have pride as a Fusion user...I was certain that you'd try to finish me off with a Fusion monster! And that would protect my life and give me the hope I needed!"

"You're quite talkative for someone who only survived by the skin of your teeth! Why don't you just prove to me next turn that you can do something aside from pointless struggling?" Masumi says.

"I plan to!" Yuzu says as she prepares to draw. Then she remembers something back.


Back at the alleyway, Yuto, Ron, Jean, and Yuzu are facing each other. Ruri has returned her control to Yuzu so that Yuto can talk to her face-to-face. Yuzu says, "So you guys are also fighting Academia to protect your friends, right?"

Ron says, "Yes. Yuzu. We want to end this conflict and create a world where no one has to be hurt."

Jean says, "If it is possible, we don't want you and Ruri to get hurt."

Yuto says, "But if you have no choice but to fight, I want you and Ruri to survive, even if it means using Fusion Summoning."

"Yuto..." Yuzu says.

"Try to protect your comrades and grow stronger, these aren't wrong at all." Yuto smiles at her.

(Flashback end)

"I'll be stronger for my friends, and this is my resolve!" Yuzu thinks, causing Ruri, Rin, and Ray to smile.

"My turn!" Yuzu yells. "I'll show you my radiance right now!"

She raises her hands and says "Pendulum Summon! Revive from my Extra Deck! Soprano the Melodious Songstress."

As the monster appears, the crowd cheers once more with the sight of Pendulum Summon.

"I can perform a Fusion Summon of a Fusion Monster that lists Soprano as a Fusion Material without using a Fusion Magic Card!" Yuzu says.

"You can perform Fusion too? Don't tell me she's planning to use my Crystal Rose?!" Masumi says.

"Crystal Rose can be treated as a necessary Fusion Material for a Fusion Summon! I use Crystal Rose as Prodigy Mozart the Melodious Maestra!"

Crystal Rose sends out its light rays, refracting into Mozart. The crowd is amazed, comparing it to an angel being born from a flower.

"Using Soprano's effect, I fuse itself and Crystal Rose! Angel's song! Supreme genius! With the guidance of the baton, gather your power! Fusion Summon! Now come here to the stage! Sing the song of victory! Bloom Diva the Melodious Choir!"(ATK:1000/DEF:2000 LV:6)

The crowd is in awe at the sight of the new monster. Yuya says, "Here it is, Bloom Diva."

Katrina says, "Of course, I wouldn't forget that monster."

Hokuto says, "She can perform multiple Summonings like Akaba Reiji?"

"More importantly, she uses Masumi's monsters and even fusion summon without a Fusion Card?" Yaiba says.

"Battle! I attack Zirconia with Bloom Diva!" Yuzu says.

"What? Even though Zinconia is stronger?" Futoshi says.

As Zirconia's eyes glow red and it clashes with Bloom Diva, who rotates her arms frantically to block the blow, Yuzu explains, "Bloom Diva is not destroyed while battling Special Summoned monsters, and the opponent takes any Battle Damage that I would! And it destroys that monster as well! Reflect Shout!"

Bloom Diva sings a sonic wave that destroys Zirconia. (Masumi: 2700–800)

"Now you've done it...but this will be your downfall..." Masumi says as she gets up shakily.

"I use Trap Card, Brilliant Spark! When a Gem-Knight on my Field is destroyed, I deal damage equal to its ATK to my opponent!" Masumi says.

"The destroyed Zirconia's ATK was 2900!" Gongenzaka says.

"If Yuzu takes this, she'll..." Ryu gasps.

"I use Trap card, Melodious Illusion! It negates an opponent's Trap Card, and lets one of my Melodious monsters attacks again!"

"She did it! Now she can make a comeback!" The kids cheer, but then Futoshi sees that Masumi isn't there. "Huh, where did she go?"

Masumi slides down a pole, explaining, "Brilliant Spark's second effect; by sending one Magic Card to the Graveyard, I can negate any effects that negate this Trap!"

"This is bad! If she gets the Action Card, Melodious Illusion will get its damage nullification negated since it hasn't resolved yet, and Yuzu will lose!" Jean says.

"I don't think I need to worry about that." Yuya says as they see Masumi reaching for the card...and Yuzu dives past, grabbing it first.

"What?" Masumi is stunned as Bloom Diva swoops in and catches Yuzu.

"What an amazing twist, Yuzu has grabbed an Action Card and tuned well with her monster!" Nico says.

Deposited on a lower platform, Zuzu says, "You Show Duel School can't lose when it comes to Action!"

Masumi clicks her tongue and says, "Unbelievable! Why would you jump from that height?!"

"Being one with your monsters is how You Show Duel School Duels! I use the effect of Melodious Illusion to have Bloom Diva attack again!" Yuzu says.

Bloom Diva then uses her Reflect Shout to destroy Brilliant Diamond. (Masumi: 800–0)

Masumi's LP falls to zero, and the attack blasts her into the air, much to Yuzu's horror.

"Oh no!" Yuya says.

"Masumi will..." Reisho says.

Fortunately, Bloom Diva saves Masumi, much to Masumi's surprise. Yuzu smiles and nods at her, and Masumi looks away with an irritable blush. "You...saved me?"

Yaiba and Hokuto heave a sigh of relief that Masumi is alright.

"It is decided! The winner of the match is Hiiragi Yuzu!" Nico says as everyone cheers.

"Big Sister Yuzu, you are great!" The kids congratulate her.

"Yuzu, you are really hot-blooded!" Shuzo tries to hug her, only to be held back by Ryu.

"You did it, Yuzu." Yuya smiles at her, causing her to blush a little.

"Now you understand how amazing I am, don't you?" Sora turns around to find Shun but notices that he was gone, much to his anger. "Don't tell me he left at the most important part!"

"Elemental King! Attack Directly!" Ryu yells as the King defeats the opponent. Nico says, "The final match for today, the winner is Hiiragi Ryu!"

Ryu smiles at his opponent and then they share great sportsmanship. Then they head outside since there are no more duels for today.

"Now that is 5 wins for You Show, everyone is doing great." Shuzo says.

"Dad, you don't need to be overreacting." Yuzu sighs. As she turns around, she sees Masumi talking to Yuya and then leaves.

"Yuzu." Yuya walks towards her.

"What did Masumi tell you?" Yuzu asks.

"Oh, she wants to warn you not to lose in the tournament., and to shine as you did in the Duel today." Yuya says.

Yuzu smiles and says, "I see. Well, I will show her to shine more brightly."

Yuya nods and says, "By the way, Yuzu, I want you to take this." He gives out a card, it is the Crystal Rose.

"Is this..." Yuzu asks.

"Yes. I lent Masumi this card today so she can use it on you. I wanted to give you this card actually..." Yuya says.

Yuzu gets the card and then says, "Thanks, Yuya."

Ray says, "You know that the card is a rose, and do you know what roses mean?"

Yuzu then turns bright red as well as Yuya, They yell, "Ray!"

Here is a new chapter, and this is basically the same duel in the Anime, only that I changed the first part so that Yuzu will also use Xyz and Pendulum. I hope you like this chapter and the next chapter will be Gongenzaka's Duel.

New OC Cards:

Pendulum Dance:

Normal Magic

Effect: When you don't have any cards on the field, place two Pendulum Monsters from the deck to the Pendulum Zone.

Allergia the Melodious Diva

Light Attribute, Level 3, Scale 10 Fairy/Pendulum/Effect, ATK:1500/DEF:1000

Pendulum Effect: When there is a Melodious Monster on the field, banish all monsters in the opponent's graveyard.

Effect: Once per turn, by banishing a card from the hand, give 500 damage to the opponent.

Meisterin Tchaikovska the Melodious Maestra

Light Attribute, RNK:4, Fairy/Xyz/Effect, ATK:2400/DEF:2000

Effect: Two LV4 Melodious monsters.

Once per turn, by detaching one Overlay unit, it can lower all monster's ATK except itself by 200 times the number of cards on the field.
