Chapter 41 Danger Zones

"He is not here..." Yuzu says as she is looking around the Volcano Area. "Where did he go..."

"If you're looking for Yuya, he already went onto another area." Dennis says as he appears in front of her.

Ruri immediately recognizes him, "Dennis?"

Rin asks, "You know this guy?"

"Of course, he is also our friend back at Heartland. But how did he get here?" Ruri says in confusion.

"I'm Dennis Macfield. Like Ron and Jean, I am from Heartland. I come here as an LDS exchange student and Yuya's friend."

"Yuya's friend?" Yuzu asks.

Then he jumps down and says, "Everyone who duels can become friends. Yuya and I beat Ryozanpaku in such an amazing combination that you wouldn't think it was our first time meeting!"

Dennis then corners Yuzu into a pillar as he says, "I want to Duel you and become your friend as well. Hiiragi Yuzu."

"You know about me?" Yuzu asks.

"You're the daughter of You Show Duel School Principal, right?" Dennis says. "I'm also aspiring to be an Entertainment Duelist like Sakaki Yusho was!"

Dennis pulls out a rose to offer Yuzu, which causes Shuzo to be angry, "Why is that guy talking all friendly with her!"

"After making friends with Big Brother Yuya, he's pinning Big sister Yuzu against a wall, no a rock!" Ayu says.

Ruri says, "I still remember the first time I met Dennis, I was chosen to be a part of his magic show, and he's really good at it. He also helps us a lot when Academia attacks."

"I see." Yuzu nods, glad to hear that Ruri trusts him. "Sure, let's Duel! As another aspiring Entertainment Duelist, I'm interested in seeing how you Duel! Since we both have one win, why don't we each bet two Pendulum Cards?"

"Good idea! You're an entertainer!" Dennis says. "This way will definitely be more exciting!"

Then they both start the Duel. (Yuzu:4000)(Dennis:4000)

"Well then, Ladies first." Dennis says.

"No, I want to see what you've got. I'll let you go first!" Yuzu says.

"What an honor! All right! When neither of us controls monsters, I can Special Summon this card! I Special Summon Entermage Stilts Shooter! (ATK:2200/DEF:0 LV:6)"

After the monster appears, Dennis says, "I set one card and I set the Scale 10 Pendulum Statue Yellow Scarab in the Pendulum Zone!"

"He only sets one of them?" Yuzu thinks.

"I activate Yellow Scarab's Pendulum Effect! It increases all Spellcaster-Type monsters' ATK by 300!" (ATK:2200-2500)

"I see. It was for that effect." Yuzu says.

"You need two Pendulum Cards to perform a Pendulum Summon, but it's also possible to activate just one! I end my turn here." Dennis says.

"But since he only used one, he must not have had another Pendulum Card in his hand!" Yuzu thinks. "If so, then, my turn!"

After drawing a card, she says, "I use the Scale 3 White Butterfly and Scale 9 White Flower to set the Pendulum Scale! With this, I'm able to summon monsters from Level 4 to Level 8! Sway with the rhythm! Flow in the melody! Gather together and form a perfect musical! Pendulum Summon! Now, you're on! Prodigy Mozart the Melodious Maestra! (ATK:2600/DEF:2000 LV:8)"

After the monster appears, Yuzu says, "I use my Magic Card: Melodious Song Ritual! I release Prodigy Mozart the Melodious Maestra! Enchanting melody echoing in heaven, show yourself with the music that deafens your ears! Ritual Summon! Come forth! Level 8! Meisterin Beethoven, the Melodious Maestra! (ATK:2700/DEF:2000 LV:8)

After the blue dress monster appears, Nico says, "Hiiragi Yuzu has pulled off a Ritual Summon after the Pendulum Summon! Just like Sakaki Yuya! It is beautiful no matter how many times you see it!"

"Fantastic!" Dennis says, "You're amazing! As expected from You Show Duel School!"

"Save your praises for after my attack is over!" Yuzu says.

"How rude of me!" Dennis says.

"I activate Meisterin Beethoven's effect! There are a total of 6 cards on the field, so I recover 1000 LP while you take 1000 damage!" (Yuzu:4000-5000)

"My god!" (Dennis:4000-3000)

"Battle! I attack Entermage Stilts Shooter with Meisterin Beethoven! Deafening Echo!" Yuzu yells, and the soundwaves blast Dennis backward until he stops his feet. (Dennis:3000-2800)

"That's quite an extraordinary battle you have there." Dennis says as he picks up an Action Card. "Since I'm feeling a bit upset now, I'm going to activate the Action Magic: Flame Ball!"

"That's nothing." Yuzu says.

"Right now, I'm going to turn Flame Ball into a rainbow burst!" Dennis says. "One! Two! Three!"

The flame ball momentarily disappears, then explodes in front of Zuzu, causing her to squeal as she's knocked back, although she lands on her knees. (Yuzu:5000-4000)

"Are you alright?" Dennis asks. "Sorry to scare you like that! By banishing Stilts Shooter from the Graveyard, I made Flame Ball's damage equal to the greatest damage I've taken from you."

"Hiiragi has been caught in Dennis' strategy! Both players are going back and forth with some extreme Entertainment!" Nico announces.

Meanwhile, Yuya meets up with Katrina, Vivian, Ron, Jean, and Shun in the Ruins area, Ron says, "Hey Yuya, how many cards do you have?"

"Quite a few, and you?" Yuya asks.

"Pretty much, although we need to worry if Academia is coming." Jean says.

Just then, a knight-like monster appears as they barely dodge the attack.

"What is that?" Vivian asks. Then they see the 3 knight duelists attacking them with their monsters.

"Knight of Duels?" Yuya gasps.

"Hey! You could have hurt us!" Katrina says.

"For some reason, I hear some pebbles babbling." One knight says.

"Then we should just kick those interfering pebbles aside!" Another one says.

Then they continue to attack again, and Shun mutters, "They're acting like they're Dueling just to harass me!"

"That's just-!" Jean says.

"We can keep this up until those pebbles are ground to bits."

"If you don't like it, then you can just join us and pay the 2000 LP interference penalty." The third knight says as they are sent flying after the attack. But just as they get back up, they gasp to see 18 people with masks running.

"The Obelisk Force!" Katrina says in shock.

"Damn it, they are here now..." Ron says in anger.

Yuni, who has just arrived at the place with her D wheel, then uses her duel disk to cut off the Ruins Area. Leaving the crowd in the stadium in shock.

"What is going on?" Everyone is in shock, Nico Smiley says, " seems like we're having some connection issues with the video feed... Let's just get back to the heated battle going on in the Volcano Area!"

Yuzu says, "I end my turn."

"I see. It wouldn't be much of a show-up if you didn't make it this difficult! My turn!"

After drawing a card, Dennis says, "From here on is my showtime! With the Scale 2 Blue Whale and my already set scale 10 Yellow Scarab, I set the Pendulum Scale! With this, I can Summon monsters from Level 3 to Level 9! Pendulum Summon! Come! Level 4 Entermage Damage Juggler! (ATK:1500/DEF:1000 LV:4) and Level 4 Entermage Flame Eater! (ATK:1200/DEF:1600 LV:4)"

After two monsters are summoned, Dennis says, " I overlay my Level 4 Flame Eater and Level 4 Damage Juggler! The show must go on! Artisan of the air, swing across the stage with grace! Xyz Summon! Appear now! Rank 4 Performage Trapeze Magician! (ATK:2500/DEF:2000 RNK:4 OVU:2)

At the same time, Serena notices Yuzu and says, "So that's Hiiragi Yuzu..."

Back in the Ancient Ruins area, they also notice Sora Shiunin in front of the Obelisk Force. Sora says, "I've been waiting for this. For when I could finally settle the score with you. Kurosaki Shun!"

In Yuni's mind, Sona notices Sora and says, "What is my brother doing here? He should have been staying at Academia after what happened..."

"He must have come here for revenge..." Yuni says.

Jean says, "You bastard, how dare you bring Obelisk Force here..."

"You guys hold the knights and those other people off. Make sure they don't get in my way." Sora says.

"What's with that tone?" "Who the hell are you anyway?" The knights demand.

"We're the Obelisk Force." One of the members says.

"Battle! I attack Meisterin Beethoven with Trapeze Magician!" Dennis says.

"But my mosnter's ATK is higher!" Yuzu is confused.

"I thought so, but I believe in him because he's an entertainer! This is where I perform the super illusion of the century! One! Two! Three!"

Just then, a box appears and Trapeze Magician grabs Beethoven as they are sent into the box. Dennis says, "I use my Trap Card: Magician's Surprise Box! With this, Trapeze Magician won't be destroyed and you take damage equal to your Beethoven's ATK!"

Yuzu gasps as she gets hit by the attack as she's about to fall into the lava. (Yuzu:4000-1300) Dennis yells, "It's too soon for you to be resting in peace!"

Then he grabs Yuzu as Yuzu gasps, "But you're going to fall too..."

"It's fine." Dennis says as Trapeze Magician manages to save both of them before they fall off.

"Now it's your turn to shine." Dennis says after both of them are back onto the ground.

Yuzu says, "Thank you. Now I'll show you my best performance! My turn!"

After drawing the card, she says, "I use another Ritual Magic: Ritual of Rainbows! With this Ritual Card, I release the Level 8 Meisterin Beethoven!"

As the monster is released, Yuzu says, "Beam hitting through the mirror, refract into a beautiful dragon that wows the crowd! Ritual Summon! Come forth! Level 8! Beam Refraction Ritual Dragon!" (ATK:2800/DEF:2500 LV:8)

A dragon made of light and mirrors appears on the field, and the crowd is cheering wildly. Dennis says, "Wow, you also have a dragon as well."

"I use Beam Refraction's effect! By banishing a Ritual Monster or a Ritual Magic, I can attack you directly! Refracting Sunbeam!" Yuzu yells as the attack hits Dennis.

"Oh my god!" Dennis yells before fall to the ground as the duel ends. (Dennis:2800-0)

After the duel, Serena turns to Satoshi and says, "Satoshi, I'm going to duel him like Yuni planned, you go and find her."

"Okay." Satoshi says as he leaves.

After the Duel is over, Dennis says, "I lost, but that is a fun duel."

He gives Yuzu his Pendulum cards before saying, "Now we're friends. Let's both make it through the tournament and Duel again!"

"You won't be making it out of this!" Then they turn to see Serena. "Because you will be defeated by me, right here!"

"Huh-what?" Dennis looks at Serena before looking at Yuzu. "Twins? Who is that?"

"She looks just like me..." Yuzu says. "So that's Serena?"

Yuni has the camera feed on her D-Wheel, after noticing Serena's appearance, she also cuts off the feed from the Volcano Area.

" apologies, we're in the midst of recovering the feed!" Nico says.

Yuni says to Reiji, "I've also cut off the feed in Volcanic area, now you can send in the Youth Team."

After ending the call, they turn to see the Knights of Duel being defeated and they are carded by Obelisk Force.

"No..." Yuya and Yuni are in horror as memories from Yuto and Rumi flash in their minds, then Yuya says, "We can't let them get away."

"You're right." Vivian says as the six rushes towards the 18 Obelisk forces.

"We will not forgive you for your actions..." Yuni says to them, causing them to face them.

"Why are you here in this world?" Yuya asks.

"You don't need to know about that." One Obelisk force member says.

The six of them nod and then place their duel disks on their wrists. Then the Obelisk Force laughs.

"We will teach you a lesson if you want to know badly." One of the forces comments, then they split into 6 groups and then yells, "Duel!"

And I'll end the chapter here, as you can see, I decide to introduce Zarc, Zarine, and Ray's Ritual Dragons since there won't be Ritual Dimension. Now Zarine's Ritual Dragon is the only one left. I hope you like this chapter.

New OC Cards:

Melodious Song Ritual

Ritual Magic

Effect: This card can be used to Ritual Summon "Melodious" Ritual monster. You must also Tribute monsters from your hand or field whose total Levels are equal to or more than the Level of the "Melodious" Ritual Monster you Ritual Summon.

Meisterin Beethoven, the Melodious Maestra:

Light Attribute, LV:8 Fairy/Ritual/Effect ATK:2700/DEF:2000

Monster Effect: You can Ritual Summon this card with "Melodious Song Ritual". Must be Ritual Summoned, and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways. Once per turn, you can recover 200 LP for each card on the field, and your opponent takes 200 LP for each card on the field.

Magician's Surprise Box:

Normal Trap

Effect: When a monster you control attacks a monster that has a higher ATK, you can negate the battle and give your opponent damage equal to the ATK of the targeted monster.

Ritual of Rainbows

Ritual Magic

Effect: This card can be used to Ritual Summon "Beam Refraction" Ritual monster. You must also Tribute monsters from your hand or field whose total Levels are equal to or more than the Level of the "Beam Refraction" Ritual Monster you Ritual Summon.

Beam Refraction Ritual Dragon:

Light Attribute, LV:8 Dragon/Ritual/Effect ATK:2800/DEF:2500

Effect: You can Ritual Summon this card with "Ritual of Rainbows". Must be Ritual Summoned, and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways. By banishing a Ritual Magic or a Ritual Monster, you can attack your opponent directly.
