Chapter 21 The Fortunetelling Girl

Katrina is inside her room, and she is looking at the cards. She remembers that she only brought half of her deck to Heartland, and now that her deck is complete again, she wonders how to use them to her advantage.

She also notices the Fusion Card in front of her, saying, "This card, I better hurry up and return it back to Yuzu..."

But just by looking at the card, she remembers what happened in Heartland, and how her father still tries to convince the Academia members about Dueling with smiles. She shakes her head as she decides to take a rest.

But the following day, Katrina realizes she overslept as she hurries to her final opponent before the Junior Youth Championships, and she arrives at Unno Divination School. Katrina looks at the building and she says, "Vivian should be more excited to come to this place rather than me..."

"Here, you are, Katrina." Katrina jumps as she sees Nico Smiley wearing a robe. "Geez, you scared me."

"I've been waiting for you, Katrina. Follow me." Katrina nods as she follows Nico, but noticing the dark stairway, Katrina asks, "Why are these stairs so dark..."

"Katrina, be sure to watch your step." Nico replies.

"Good thing I'm a half vampire, huh?" Katrina says as they arrive at the area, and Katrina notices that her opponent is a girl. At the same time, the kids are also there in the stands.

"So you're my opponent? Are we going to start the Duel?" Katrina asks.

"So you're Darling's sister, I'm going to use this Duel to divine whether your strength is the same as darling or not!"

"Darling?" Katrina asks with confusion, and come to think about it, Yuya seems to be scared of her after mentioning it yesterday.

"The official match between the shocking Entertaining Duelist Sakaki Katrina, and the Infallible Fortune-Telling girl, Mieru Houchun will now begin!" Nico says. "With that, Unno Duel School's Principal, if you would!"

The light shines on the principal Divina and she says, "Fate is predetermined. But people passing through the ages are unable to accept this. Fortune-telling is a light meant to guide them. That in itself is a microcosmos for life. Action Field on! Field Magic: Fortune Terror Activate!"

The field transforms into a circular room surrounded by six pillars. Futoshi says, "There's something carved into those pillars!"

"Death, The Magician, The Hanged Man...they're engravings of Tarot cards!" Tatsuya says.

"It makes it look so...mystical!" Ayu says.

"We're going to Duel here?" Katrina asks.

"That's right! My Darling has dueled me in this field a few years ago. And I'm going to determine if you have the same strength as him!" Mieru replies.

"Wait, you keep saying Darling, do you mean my brother?" Katrina asks.

"We're starting the Duel right now!" Mieru says, and Katrina knows that she won't be having answers until the end of the Duel, so they recite the Action Duel Chant before starting the Duel. (Katrina:4000)(Mieru:4000)

"Shall we determine who goes first with a coin toss?" Mieru takes out the coin and says, "Head is a dragon, and Tail is a demon. If you choose correctly, I'll allow you to go first."

Katrina sees the coin flip and Mieru just covers it with her hand once it lands. "Which is it?"

Katrina says, "Uh...I've got it! It'll be Head!"

"Too bad, it is Tail. As I suspected, you have no foresight." Mieru says.

"But isn't that a fifty percent chance?" Katrina asks.

"I'll be going first with my ability to see what lies ahead!" Mieru replies. "I set a monster face-down defense position."

"What? Face-down Defense Position?" Katrina asks, "So it might be a Flip Monster..."

"Not knowing what's going to be summoned is creepy..." Ayu remarks.

"I end my turn with that." Mieru replies.

"Is that it?" Katrina asks with surprise.

"When this card is revealed, your fate will be made clear." Mieru replies.

"Seriously, what is this "fate" stuff you keep going on about?" Katrina asks.

"Eventually you will understand." Mieru replies. "Now it's your turn, but you can't see what lies ahead."

"Just shut up about that." Katrina says as she begins to leap the floating rocks. "My turn!"

"You have something you're worried about, don't you?" Mieru asks.

Katrina flinches as she stops, she asks, "Worries? How can you tell that?"

"Just now, in the coin toss, you chose the Dragon. That is an expression of you desiring a strong power that will break you out of your current situation. Right now, you are at a standstill, unable to see where you can move forward."

"It's true that I'm worried, but right now I have to focus on this Duel." Katrina says as she draws a card, she looks at the cards and she frowns since there is nothing to do with the current hand.

"Where is the Healing Bandage when you need it..." Katrina thinks. "Two Eyeing Cobras, Vampire Princess, Bloody Rose Dragon, Blood Sucker Crazy Clown, and Force to Retreat...I can't do anything with this hand..."

Katrina frowns and says, "I will now...end my turn."

"I knew it." Mieru replies.

Futoshi asks, "Huh? She didn't even Summon a monster let alone set any cards!"

"What's wrong with Big sister Katrina?" Ayu asks.

"Don't tell me that he got a bad hand..." Tatsuya replies.

"In times like this, I need an Action Card." Katrina thus decides to search for Action Cards, and begins to climb up a suspended flight of stairs.

Back at the Warehouse, Yuya accompanies Yuzu as they are at the warehouse. Yuya asks, "Are you sure you dropped it here?"

"Yeah. I'm sure of it." Yuzu replies. "Where did it go?"

But before they can continue searching, Sora calls them and asks them to come to watch his next duel, so they decide to stop searching and find Sora.

Back at Unno school, Mieru says, "My turn!" After drawing a card, she says, "I Flip Summon the previously set Monster! Come forth! Prediction Princess Coinorma! (ATK:800/DEF:1400 LV:3) "At this moment, Coinorma's Flip Effect activates!"

"Flip effect?" Ayu asks with confusion.

"It's an effect that activates when a monster is flipped face-up." Tatsuya says. "Monsters who have that effect are called Flip monsters."

"When Coinorma is Flipped: I can set a Level 4 or lower Flip Monster from my hand, Deck, or Graveyard. And so again, I'll set this card!"

Katrina notices that Mieru sets a card face down Defense again. Mieru says, "Let's have Coinorma predict your future as you run around aimlessly."

The monster tosses three coins, which land on two Tails and a Head. Mieru says, "It means that you will soon have to make a fateful decision."

"Big sister Katrina's Field right now is empty!" Tatsuya says.

"It she doesn't do something, she's going to get a direct attack!" Futoshi replies.

"If she could at least get an Action Card..." Ayu says.

"Battle! I attack you directly with Coinorina!" Mieru delcares, and Katrina finds two Action Cards in front of them.

"There are two of them?" Katrina says with surprise.

"You can only add one Action Card to your hand, this is your fateful decision!" Mieru replies.

Katrina stares at the two cards and she says, "Which is it..." She decides to pick the left one, which turns out to be an Action Trap.

"Lousy Luck?" Katrina gasps.

"The Action Trap Lousy Luck deals 800 damage to you." Mieru says. And Katrina is sent to the ground once the card explodes. (Katrina:4000-3200)

"The chance of drawing Lousy Luck on this Field is one in tens of thousands. You must have some horrible luck." Mieru says, and since the monster attacks directly, Katrina is sent to the lower platform with her back on the ground. (Katrina:3200-2400)

"The divination hit the nail on the head." Ayu says.

"It's not over yet! I release Coinorma and Advanced set a monster!" Mieru yells as she places a monster face-down again.

"An advance summon with a face-down?" Katrina mutters while getting back up.

"That's right, this is a card that represents your unknown future. I set one card and end my turn." Mieru says.

"Alright! This time!" Katrina draws a card and she looks at it, she says, "It's here. I summon Blood Sucker Cursed Mummy from my hand!" (ATK:1300/DEF:0 LV:3)

After the mummy is sent out, Katrina thinks, "Both of her monsters are in Defense Position, but the monster she Advance Set has a higher level."

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. When unlucky ones like yourself attempt to do something, it never ends well." Mieru says.

"Mind your own business. Battle! I attack the recently set monster with Blood Sucker Cursed Mummy!" Katrina yells.

Just as the mummy charges, Mieru says, "Trap Card, Glare of the Black Cat!" Just then, a lot of black cats appear and glare at the mummy.

"He got glared at by black cats, that's bad luck!" Ayu comments.

"And by 13 of them too!" Futoshi says while closing his eyes.

Just then, the monster trips and Mieru says, "When I have two or more monsters in Defense Position, Glare of the Black Cat ends my opponent's Battle Phase."

"No way..." Katrina says, but suddenly she trips to the ground. "Why did I trip..."

"See? I told you that it would never end well." Mieru replies.

"All I did was fall over!" Katrina says.

"But you had all these black cats glare at you. You truly must be unlucky!" Mieru states.

"I end my turn with that..." Katrina doesn't know how to respond so she ends her turn.

"To think you'd ignore my good advice and do something so are really like him, huh?" Mieru says. "Prepare yourself because I'll erase you without a trace!"

"There she goes saying whatever she wants again..." Katrina mutters.

"My turn!" Mieru draws a card and says, "I Flip Summon the monster I set earlier! Come forth! Prediction Princess Arrowsylph! (ATK:1000/DEF:1400 LV:4)

As the monster appears, Mieru adds, "When Arrowsylph is Flip Summoned, I can add one Ritual Magic Card to my hand from my Deck or Graveyard!"

"Ritual Magic?" Katrina is surprised.

"The Ritual Magic I add to my hand is Holy Divination Ritual! Following that, I Flip Summon the monster I advanced set earlier! You're up! Prediction Princess Crystaldine! (ATK:1400/DEF:2200 LV:5)

As another monster is Flipped Summoned, Mieru says, "When Crystaldine is Flip Summoned: I can add one Ritual Monster to my hand from my Deck or Graveyard! The Ritual Monster I will add to my hand is Holy Prediction Princess Tarotrei!"

"If she's added a Ritual Monster and Ritual Magic to her hand, then..." Tatsuya gasps. "A Ritual Summon!"

"Just like Big Sister Yuni's Duel with Sora..." Ayu adds.

"I'll have Crystaldine predict your fortune..." Mieru says as the crystal ball starts showing Katrina. "I saw it. Dark clouds of enormous power are enveloping you. I activate Holy Divination Ritual from my hand!"

As the ritual is set up, Mieru continues, "With this effect, I release the Level 4 Arrowsylph and Level 5 Crystaldine! The total level of the two released monsters is 9, which means a Ritual Summon of the Level 9 Tarotrei is possible! Priestess of ancient times who foresees everything! With the ancient description, now, be revived! Ritual Summon! Level 9! Holy Prediction Princess Tarotrei! (ATK:2700/DEF:1200 LV:9)

"This is a Ritual Monster..." Katrina says.

"Battle! I attack Cursed Mummy with Tarotrei!" Mieru says.

"I use Cursed Mummy's effect! Once per turn, it can negate the destruction!" Katrina says, but the cards hit her as she still takes damage. (Katrina:2400-1000)

The children gasp in horror, and Mieru says, "I set one monster and end my turn."

"This is bad, if this keeps up, I don't see how I can..." Katrina thinks. "No, I have to win, for my comrades and for my family... I am not allowed to lose."

She draws a card and she smiles, then she says, "Alright! What's so good about your divination? I won't be fooled by it! With Scale 2 Blood Sucker Crazy Clown and Scale 6 Blood Sucker Unshown Mask, I set the Pendulum Scale!" Katrina places both cards on the Duel Disk and a Clown that has a white face and looks creepy along with a person behind a mask with no face appears on the field, with 2 and 6 under it.

"I use the Pendulum Effect of Crazy Clown, I can double my Mask's scale!" (Scale:6-12) "With this, I can summon monsters from Level 3 to Level 11!"

As the red pendulum swings, Katrina chants, "Now born from the darkness, come with the swing of nighttime and appear for a hunt! Pendulum Summon! Come forth! Princess of the monsters, use your beauty to attract others and suck their blood! Blood Sucker Vampire Princess!" (ATK:3000/DEF:2500 LV:8 PS:11) And then the dragon with blood-colored roses, Bloody Rose Dragon! (ATK:2500/DEF:2000 LV:7 PS:4)

"There it is! The Pendulum Summon!" The children cheer as they are going to have a comeback.

"How ominous." Mieru says.

"What now?" Katrina asks.

"If you don't know, then let me read your future with the positions of your cards. First, Bloody Rose Dragon being summoned in the middle leaves it exposed, Vampire Princess represents your power, and Cursed Mummy is an obstruction. In other words, you will fail and succumb to the darkness." Mieru says.

"Big sister Katrina! Don't listen to that divination!" Tatsuya yells.

"But she's been right on everything up until now." Ayu notes.

"The occult stuff is giving me the shivers!" Futoshi says.

"If that's my future then...I'll change it!" Katrina says.

"Fate is already predetermined." Mieru says.

"We'll see about that! I attack Tarotrei with Vampire Princess! Princess' song!" Katrina declares.

"I use Tarotrei's effect! Once during my opponent's turn, this card can turn one face-down monster to Attack position."

"A Flip Summon on my turn?" Katrina gasps.

"Awaken! Prediction Princess Petalelf! (ATK:800/DEF:700 LV:2)" As the monster appears, she continues, "When this card is Flip Summoned, it turns all monsters on the opponent's field to Defense Position!"

"What?" Katrina gasps as all the monsters are changed. (ATK:3000-DEF:2500)(ATK:1300-DEF:0)(ATK:2500-DEF:2000)

"And my opponent can't change their battle positions for the rest of the turn!" Mieru adds.

"No way..." Katrina frowns.

"Now let's have Tarotrei fortune tell what future you have in store!" Mieru says while looking at the future, and it shows the Tower. "The card Tarotrei has shown the Tower in Upright position. The meaning this card holds is collapsing, falling, and disaster."

Mieru sees a vision where Katrina falls from the tower, and she says, "Just give up! If you continue what you're doing, your life will be at risk!"

This causes Katrina to gasp in shock, and Ayu asks, "What does she mean that Katrina's life is at risk?"

"That's ridiculous! She's just saying nonsense to throw him off!"

"But Big sister Katrina is in a shiver-inducing pinch right now." Futoshi says.

"All of his Pendulum Summoned monsters have been forced into Defense Position. And because of Petalelf's effect, he can't change their positions this turn." Tatsuya adds.

"It's true that I don't have any options right now, but I still have my monsters. As long as I have them, I can still fight." Katrina thinks.

"It seems you're still willing to fight! But if you don't want to be seriously injured, hurry up and surrender!" Mieru says.

"What are you talking about? Getting seriously injured during a Duel?" Katrina asks. "I set one card and end my turn."

"So you don't intend on stopping...My turn!" Mieru says as she draws the card, "I set one monster face-down Defense position!"

After setting the monster, Futoshi says, "Another Face-down defense one!"

"What monster is it this time?" Tatsuya asks.

"At this moment, I activate Tarotrei's other effect! This card can turn all Flip Monsters on my field face-down!" Mieru says. "Full Sleep!"

Petalelf then changes back into face-down defense position, Ayu says, "They're face-down again!"

"The Defense of all Katrina's Monsters are lowered than 2700..." Tatsuya says. "Anyone of them could be destroyed by Tarotrei!"

"They're all easy pickings!" Futoshi adds.

"With this, I end my turn." Much to everyone's surprise, Mieru just finishes without attacking. "I have no reason to attack you now. After all, your fate has already been decided."

"My future hasn't been set in stone yet!" Katrina yells. "My turn!"

After drawing a card, she says, "I switch Blood Sucker Vampire Princess into Attack Position!" (DEF:2500-ATK:3000)

"A futile act! I use Tarotrei's effect! Once during my opponent's turn, this card can turn face-down monsters to Attack position. Full Reverse!"

As two monsters are flipped, Katrina says, "So she can freely flip her monsters up and down?"

"That's right! This is the power of the holy priestess who governs the fate of the cards! Next, I activate Petalelf's effect! When this card is Flip Summoned, it turns all monsters on the opponent's field to Defense Position! And they can't change their battle positions for the rest of the turn!" (ATK:3000-DEF:2500)

"I knew it..." Katrina says.

"Furthermore, I activate Prediction Princess Ouijamorrigan's (ATK:1300/DEF:0 LV:3) Flip effect! At the end of the turn, it will destroy the Defense Position monsters my opponent controls! Then, it will deal 200 points of damage to my opponent for each monster destroyed this way!"

"So the reason she didn't attack the last turn was to make this effect deal more damage!" Tatsuya says.

"My victory was decided ever since I Set my first card on the Field." Mieru says.

"Th-there's no way that's..." Katrina says.

"No, there is. Do not avert your eyes and look at the truth presented in front of you!" Mieru says. "The fate of destruction that awaits you!"

"My own fate?" Katrina asks.

"You can still make it. To save yourself from your own destruction, surrender now." Mieru says.

"Fate...Destruction...this won't do." Katrina thinks.

In the stands, Nico muses, "This won't do. She's being trapped by a fortune-telling opponent, Katrina needs to break the mold and show me an unexpected Entertainment Duel."

A woman holding a crystal ball declares, "Allowing this Duel to continue is dangerous." Another holding chopsticks agrees, "Yes, my divination tells me this as well. We should have them stop as soon as possible." The third, holding tarot cards, claims, "You truly can't defy fate."

"I set one card and end my turn." Katrina says.

"At this moment, Ouijamorrigan's Flip Effect destroys all of your monsters!" Mieru says as all the monsters are destroyed. "And you take 200 times 3, 600 points of damage!"

Then Katrina takes damage while her field becomes empty. (Katrina:1000-400) "Destroyed Pendulum Monsters are sent to the Extra Deck."

"Now do you understand? I'm saying this out of concern for you. If you continue struggling like this, you'll do something that can't be undone!" Mieru says.

Katrina doesn't respond, and Mieru says, "It doesn't matter what I say, does it? My turn!"

After drawing the card, she continues to use Tarotrei's effect, which flips her monsters face-down. Mieru continues, "Didn't I tell you to stop struggling? Let me divine the consequences of your actions with this Action Card."

She picks a card and says, "This is... I activate the Action Card, Draw Lock! Until the opponent sends an Action Card to their graveyard, they can't draw!"

Chains bind Katrina's Duel Disks, and Mieru continues, "The cards themselves are telling you to stop fighting against your destiny. I won't criticize you, just surrender."

"If I give up here, then my path to reach my brother and sister will...I'm not going to do that!" Katrina says as she starts running.

"If this is how it's going to be, then I have to end the Duel as soon as possible." Mieru says. "I set one card and end my turn!"

She knows that the card she set is Reverse Reuse, it is a trap card that allows her to Special Summon two Flip monsters from her Graveyard to Katrina's side of the field in face-up Defense Position. With that, she'll be able to use her Petalelf and Ouijamorrigan combo to end the Duel and prevent the prophecy from coming true. But just as she finishes that train of thought, a link in the massive chandelier up above snaps.

Katrina sprints along the walkway and yells, "My turn!"

"Due to the effect of Draw Lock, you can't draw!" Mieru says.

"I already know that! But still, I will...!" Katrina starts to jump from platform to platform, and Mieru says, "Stop this already! Continuing this Duel will not benefit you in any way! Give up already! Don't you hear me telling you it's dangerous?"

Katrina spots the Action Card and sprints hard towards it. Up above, one of the chains shatters, and the chandelier begins to sway, raining down stone from the ceiling. Still sprinting, Katrina makes a desperate leap for the Action Card, only just grabbing it. Then the chandelier breaks fully loose, crashing down on Katrina and burying her in the rubble.

Mieru looks away in distress and screams. She looks at the carnage in shock, as does the crowd, and turns away. But much to their surprise, Katrina bursts from the rubble, and holding aloft the Action Card, Miracle.

"You did it!" The children are cheering, and Mieru says, "I can't be...her fate changed? She overcame her life-threatening crisis with a miracle?!"

The principal says, "She opened up the previous closed-off path to her future!"

"By sending Miracle to the graveyard, I can dispel Draw Lock! All right, with this, I'll bet it all on this one card!" Katrina says as she draws the card.

But just as she draws the card, she can't believe the card is Fusion. "This is Yuzu's...Why is it?"

She then remembers bumping her head on her desk and dislodging a few cards that got mixed in with her Deck. "It was back then..."

She knows that this card would be able to save her. She declares, "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!"

The kids are cheering as Katrina says, "I use Crazy Clown's effect once again to make Unshow Masks' Pendulum Scale double! Pendulum Summon! Revive from my Extra Deck! Blood Sucker Vampire Princess! Bloody Rose Dragon! And from my hand, Two Eyeing Cobras! (ATK:1500/DEF:2000 LV:5 PS:6)"

As four monsters appear again, Mieru uses Tarotrei's effect once again to Flip summon two monsters, and Petalelf's Flip effect switches all monsters into DEF.

"Isn't it great you avoided your fate of destruction? Now I can win this duel with a clear conscience." Mieru says as she reminds her of Ouijamorrigan's effect.

"Now you understand, don't you? You cannot win this Duel!" Mieru yells.

"I wonder about that." Katrina smirks.

At the same time, Yuzu, Yuya, Sora, Ron, and Jean arrive at the scene, with Sora, Ron, and Jean having 6 matches in a row ready.

Yuya says, "Good, it's not over yet."

"And now!" Katrina takes out the card, and every one of them looks in surprise.

"That's-!" Yuzu says.

"I activate the Magic Card: Fusion from my hand!" Katrina yells as she places the card on the Field.

"Katrina is going for Fusion Summon?" Ron asks with surprise.

"The Monsters that I choose to fuse are Eyeing Cobra and Bloody Rose Dragon! Vampire killed by the sun, revive as the form of a Dragon! Fusion Summon! Come forth! Level 6! Blood Sucking Dragon!"(ATK:2200/DEF:1800 LV:6 PS:1)

A red dragon with a black cape appears in front of the crowd, much to everyone's shock.

"This-this is..." Nico says.

"But it only has 2200 ATK, too bad you won't be able to wipe out my life with that!" Mieru says, "Your fate remains unchanged!"

Katrina smiles, "That's why I use my face-down card, Vampire Alliance! I target Blood Sucking Dragon, it gains all effects of the monsters I control! That means Blood Sucking Dragon can use Eyeing Cobra and Vampire Princess' effects!"

"What did you say?" Mieru gasps in shock.

"First of all, Blood Sucking Dragon's effect lets me target a monster in either of our graveyards, and it gains the ATK of the monster to itself! I choose my Cursed Mummy! (ATK:2200-3500) Next, Blood Sucking Dragon uses Eyeing Cobra's effect, when this monster attacks an opponent's monster, that monster loses 800 ATK! It's show time!" (ATK:2700-1900)

Katrina jumps onto Blood Sucking Dragon, and she yells, "Battle! I attack Holy Prediction Princess Tarotrei with Blood Sucking Dragon! Dragon's meal!"

The Dragon charges forward and bites at the monster, dealing a lot of damage to Mieru. (Mieru:4000-2400)

"And for the finale, Blood Sucking Dragon gains the effect of Vampire's Princess, which means it can attack twice! I attack Prediction Princess Ouijamorrigan!" (ATK:1300-500)

And the Blood Sucking Dragon charges at Ouijamorrigan, and Mieru is then sent back to the ground as the duel is over. (Mieru:2400-0)

After landing on the ground, the children rush toward Katrina and congratulate her. "Your Pendulum Fusion is so cool!" Tatsuya says.

"Indeed, I'm getting the shivers." Futoshi says.

"That was amazing! You've done something really amazing!" Sora rushes toward Katrina, and so are the others.

"Brother, Yuzu, Sora, Ron, and Jean! When did you get here?" Katrina asks.

"Katrina, that was..." Yuzu asks.

"Ah, sorry!" Katrina takes the card and says, "I used this without asking you."

She returns Fusion to Katrina, and Ron and Jean realize that Katrina was using Fusion from a card from Academia. Katrina says, "I'm giving this back to you."

"Are you sure?" Yuzu asks.

"Of course, I have other ways to perform Fusion Summon after all." Katrina says.

"Well, that sure is interesting. Though you should've told us, Yuzu and I had already wasted a lot of time searching for that card." Yuya says.

"Darling!" Yuya flinches as he realizes that Mieru is still here, and she tackles Yuya to the ground.

"My fated person! You have come to watch my duel!" Mieru says.

Ron, Jean, Katrina, Sora, and the children feel a dark aura emitting from Yuzu, "Hold on, fated person? What is the meaning of this?"

They gulp as they see the paper fan, and Yuya says, "Wait, it really isn't what you think..."

"Oh, darling! There's no need to be so shy!" Mieru says.

"Yuya!" Yuzu growls, "What is that girl to you?!"

"Darling and I are bound together by fate!" Mieru says.

While Yuya, who has Mieru attached to her, starts to run away from the angry Yuzu. Ron asks, "What the hell just happened?"

"I guess something happened three years ago when Brother dueled her?" Katrina shrugs. "He did try anything to avoid her after all."

"I'm definitely going to change that fate!" Yuya yells while being hit by Yuzu's fan.

And here is a new chapter, with this, everyone has the chance to get into the Junior Youth Championships, I hope you like this chapter and the next chapter will be Yuni's duel with Kurosaki Shun.

New OC Cards:

Bloody Rose Dragon:

Dark Attribute, LV:7, PS:4, Dragon/Pendulum/Effect, ATK:2500/DEF:2000

Pendulum Effect: Once per turn, you can reduce the battle damage you take from an attack involving a Pendulum Monster you control to 0.

Monster Effect: When your opponent attacks, it can only attack the monster that has the higher ATK. By tributing this card, you can banish a Fusion, Synchro, Xyz, and Pendulum Monster from the deck, extra deck, or graveyard to do an Integration Summon.

Blood Sucking Dragon:

Dark Attribute, Level 6, Scale:1 Dragon/Fusion/Pendulum/Effect, ATK:2200/DEF:1800

Pendulum Effect: Once per turn, by sending 1 card into the graveyard, give 500 damage to the opponent.

Monster Effect:

Two Dark Attribute monsters

This card cannot be destroyed by card effects, target one monster from either's graveyard, and this monster gains the ATK equal to the monster's ATK.

Vampire Alliance:

Continuous Magic

Effect: Once per turn, target one monster you control, that monster gains the effects of all monsters you control until the end of the turn.
