Chapter 13 Demons vs. Vampires

Everyone is staring at Akaba Reiji, and Yuya says, "This is the real final match, huh?"

"So you decided to come inside, Akaba Reiji." Yuni adds.

"What?" Everyone exclaims as Yuya knows him, Ron says, "So he is the Professor's son..."

Reiji says, "However, I will like to choose my opponent."

Tatsuya says, "Hold on, who are you to decide things on your own?"

"Yeah! This is our school, so we should decide who we want to send!" Ayu says.

Yuni says, "Please stop, guys. He is not someone who you can argue with. After all, the person in front of us is the President of the Leo Cooperation and LDS...Akaba Reiji."

The kids realize how serious this is, and they are speechless. Yuya turns to Reiji and asks, "Reiji, if we let you choose your opponent, who are you picking?"

"I have witnessed the strength of those who come from Sakaki Family, but there is one that I have interests in." Reiji says as he stares at Katrina, who widens her eyes and says, "You want to duel me?"

"Big Sister Katrina can beat him, right?" Ayu asks.

"From this point forward, watch our duel in silence." Reiji says while turning to Katrina, "I hope you give it your all in this duel."

"I think I have seen him from somewhere..." Shuzo looks at the tablet and says, "Here it is..."

"Very well. I'll duel you." Katrina says with determination in her eyes.

"Are you sure you want to do this? Katrina?" Yuzu asks in worry.

"Trust me. I won't lose." Katrina says as she goes to the field.

Sora asks, "So how strong is he?"

Yuni says, "He is the fourth-youngest duelist to become the Pro at the age of 16."

Ron says, "Who are the first three?"

Yuya says, "His brother and the two Vice Presidents of LDS, who become a pro at the age of 11."

This causes everyone to shock. Hokuto says, "It is obvious that they will be surprised."

Yaiba says, "Of course. The Vice Presidents are more than they can ever think."

Yuzu notices Katrina's nervous face and says, "Katrina! Smile!"

Katrina is surprised as she turns to the others, Yuzu continues, "You Show Duel School teaches happy and fun entertainment dueling! Don't forget your smile!"

"Smile..." Katrina says with a small smile. "She's right. Our family entertains with happiness and fun. I must not forget that."

The others are smiling, while Himeka says, "I wonder how long that smile is going to last..."

"What are we going with the Action Field?" Katrina turns to Reiji.

"Choose whatever you like." Reiji says.

Shuzo looks at the monitor and says, "Katrina is letting me choose again. But if he's really Akaba Reiji... He's a pro-level duelist. This may be unfair, but the reason he's here might be onto something. If that's the case, I'll go with this one. Action Field on! Field Magic: Four Dimensions!

As the field appears on the field. The ones who aren't born from Standard are shocked that there is Academia, New Domino, and Heartland in the field.

"Yuni, when do you put that card inside?" Yuya whispers to Yuni.

"I don't know..." Yuni says. "Maybe the principal might know we're up to something..."

Reiji says, "So you choose this field, quite amusing."

"What?" Gongenzaka says, "Don't tell me it is his specialty."

"Not exactly..." Yuni says. "If anything, this might be the best Action Field we can have right now."

Everyone is confused at what Yuni says, but Katrina says, "An entertainer fulfills the audience's expectations. I'll show everyone a great duel!"

After activating the duel disks and chanting, both Reiji and Katrina yells, "Duel!" (Reiji:4000)(Katrina:4000)

Katrina looks at the cards and says, "You don't mind if I go first, right?"

"Not at all." Reiji says.

Yuya says, "Akaba Reiji and us go way back, we have been childhood friends since we were little."

"Seriously?" The kids are surprised to hear this story, and Yuzu says, "However, for some reason, his family seldom played with us and we haven't met him until recently..."

Katrina thinks, "I came here because I want to go home, but for my comrades, they are here because of him...I can't screw this up, for Heartland..." Then she says, "I Normal Summon Blood Sucker Cursed Mummy from my hand." (ATK:1300/DEF:0 LV:3)

A mummy with some blood on it appears on the field. Katrina says, "I set one card and end my turn.

Reiji says, "It's my turn. I activate three Magic cards from my hand. This is the first one. I activate the Continuous Magic: Contract with Hellgate! With this card, every time it's my Standby Phase, I take 1000 damage."

"Every time it's his turn..." Ron mutters.

"He takes 1000 damage?" Jean is confused.

"Once per turn, I can add 1 Level 4 or lower D/D monster from my deck to my hand. I add D/D Cerberus to my hand." Reiji says as he adds a card.

"D/D?" Futoshi is confused.

Sora says, "Different Dimension. It means an alternate dimension."

Reiji says, "The second Magic Card is also Contract with Hellgate."

"What? That means on his next turn...He'll take 2000 damage." Gongenzaka gasps.

Reiji draws another card and says, "Just as before, I can add a Level 4 or lower monster to my hand. I add D/D Lilith to my hand. The third Magic Card I activate is the Continuous Magic: Contract with the Devil King. Due to this card, I take 1000 damage during my Standby phase."

"It's now 3000 damage. Why is he taking this huge risk?" Vivian asks.

"You'll see." Yuya says.

As the Devil King appears behind Reiji, he says, "Once per turn, Contract with the Devil King lets me Fusion Summon a Fiend-Type Fusion Monster without using Fusion."

"Fusion Summon without Fusion?" Sora gasps.

"I fuse D/D Cerberus and D/D Lilith in my hand." The monsters appear above him as he holds up the cards, then he chants "Hellhound which bares its fangs, seductress of dark night! In the whirlpool of light from the realm of the dead, become one and give birth to a new King!"

The monsters vanish into the Fusion vortex as Reiji declares, "Fusion Summon! Be born, D/D/D Flame King Temujin!" A warrior-like fiend wreathed in the fire appears on the field. (ATK:2000/DEF:1500 LV6)

"Fusion..." Katrina is sweating as she remembers the scene in Heartland, where people are crying for mercy as the giants are attacking the city.

"He's a Fusion user?" Gongenzaka says.

"But why would he risk so much to summon that monster?" Yuzu points out.

"This time, it's D/D/D." Ayu says.

"Three Ds, what does that mean?" Tatsuya asks.

Sora says, "He's completely different than the others. Is he the real deal? But..."

"There's no record that Akaba Reiji used Fusion Summon in his previous matches. He's showing overwhelming power without using it before. So he has gotten stronger than before, just like Yuya and Yuni..." Shuzo says.

"Battle! Flame King Temujin attacks Blood Sucker Cursed Mummy!" Reiji says.

Katrina quickly recovers from the shock and says, "I activate Cursed Mummy's effect! Once per turn, I can negate its destruction!" As the flames hit Mummy, Katrina was also burned. (Katrina:4000-3300)

"I set two cards and end my turn." Reiji says.

"Now he only has one card in his hand." Yuzu comments.

Reiji just adjusts his glasses and smiles, and Ayu says angrily, "Geez, what's with his arrogant attitude?"

"Since he's battling fourth, he shouldn't be so cocky!" Futoshi says.

"He's acting cocky." Ron says. "Maybe he's risking taking 3000 damage because he's underestimating Katrina."

"No way..." Ryu says.

"How rude to underestimate your opponent!" Gongenzaka says. "He doesn't deserve to be called a duelist!"

"I'm not sure about that, Reiji is actually smarter than all of you think." Yuya says, and the others are confused as to why Yuya and Yuni are talking like that.

Katrina runs and leaps into the air. "My turn!" She draws a card and says, "I summon Blood Sucker Healing Bandage!"(ATK:1700/DEF:2000 LV:4 PS:5)

As the bandage with a red cross appears on the field, she says, "Healing Bandage's effect activates! Once per turn, I can draw cards from my deck with the same amount from my hand, I have 3 cards in my hand, so I can draw 3 more cards!"

As Katrina draws the three cards, she flinches as she sees one card. But she quickly recovers and says, "I activate Magic Card: Daybreak Alert. I can destroy my whole field and randomly summon the same amount of monsters from my deck to my field."

As the deck shuffles and sends out two cards, she says, "I Special Summon two Blood Sucker Eyeing Cobra!" (ATK:1500/DEF:2000 LV:5 PS:6)

As both brown cobras appear on the field, she says, "I use its effect! Your monster loses 500 ATK! And since I have two of them, I'll use both of them on Temujin!"

As the two Cobras use their glare, they hypnotize Temujin and the large monster drops its massive sword. (ATK:2000-1000)

"Temujin's ATK decreased!" Ayu cheers.

"Eyeing Cobra has 1500 ATK. It can now destroy it!" Tatsuya says.

"I am getting shivers!" Futoshi says.

"Battle! Eyeing Cobra, attack Flame King Temujin!" Katrina says.

As the cobra is charging, Reiji says, "I activate the Continuous Trap Card: Contract with the Valkyrie."

"Another contract? Does that mean?" Ryu gasps.

"During my turn's Standby Phase, I take 1000 damage. A Fiend-type monster on my field gains 1000 ATK." Reiji says as Temujin's ATK returns to normal. (ATK:1000-2000)

"That means Eyeing Cobra's attack won't succeed." Vivian says.

Katrina sees a card on the Heartland Tower, she runs and grabs the card. She says, "I activate the Action Card: High Dive!"

Sora notices the speed and says, "Wow, she is so fast."

"Eyeing Cobra gains 1000 ATK until the End Phase." A trampoline appears on the ground, and Eyeing Cobra lands on it, bouncing into the air and glowing red as its ATK increases. (ATK:1500-2500)

"Now that's what I'm talking about." Yuni says.

"Go! Eyeing Cobra! Attack Flame King Temujin!" Katrina says.

Reiji has Temujin throw him at the highway of City, and he grabs an Action Card from it, then he leaps onto another, activating his last Trap Card with a smile. The ATK of Temujin decreases, and the attack of Eyeing Cobra connects, causing an explosion of smoke, and the kids believe Katrina's done it.

"As if that'll work..." Yuni says with a sigh.

Just then, everyone is shocked to see Temujin standing.

"No way..." Katrina asks.

"I also activated an Action Card." Reiji says. "The Action Magic: Great Escape. Which ends the Battle Phase."

"You're pretty skilled." Katrina says.

"They're evenly matched so far." Shuzo says.

"The opponent activated 4 Contracts, so he'll take 4000 damage on his next Standby Phase. In other words, if Katrina ends her turn, her opponent will have 0 LP." Gongenzaka says.

"So Big Sis Katrina wins?" Ayu asks with delight.

Yuya says, "I wonder about that. As we said, he's not the type who makes simple mistakes."

Yuni says, "If you have noticed, Reiji had already filled his Magic and Trap Zones, how would he be able to activate the Action Card unless he has to get rid of them somehow?"

Everyone widens their eyes as Katrina mutters, "I set one card and end my turn. High Dive's effect ends, and Eyeing Cobra's ATK returns to normal." (ATK:2500-1500)

Just then, they all see the four contracts are destroyed, and Vivian asks, "But how?"

"The Contracts are negated. I already activated the Trap Card: Lease Landing. Lease Landing activates by negating the effects of all Contracts, and all Contracts are destroyed during the End Phase." Reiji says.

"4000 damage were negated..." Gongenzaka says.

"And for every card that was destroyed, I draw a card from my deck!" Reiji says as he draws the card. He then says, "10 years ago, we have received reports about a half-vampire attacking the city fair, causing panic to a lot of people at that time. Judging by the skills and the speed you have while grabbing the Action Card, I assume that the half-vampire is you?"

Everyone except the Sakakis, Hiiragis, and the Xyz Duelists are shocked.

"You know about this? Your sister is a half-vampire?" Gongenzaka asks. Yuya and Yuni nod.

"Of course, we know." Yuni says. "We saw her transform 10 years ago."

"It is true that I am a half-vampire. I was also scared of myself: I was scared if I hurt people because of me. That's why I vow to myself that I will use my powers to show off Dad's Entertainment Dueling instead of frightening others." Katrina says.

"With Sakaki Yusho's dueling." Reiji says.

"You know my dad?" Katrina asks.

"Of course we do." Yaiba says. "Your Dad is famous."

"As a former Champion who ran away." Hokuto says.

"SILENCE!" Reiji roars. Yaiba and Hokuto freeze up. They can also sense Yuya and Yuni glaring at them and Masumi mutters, "Idiots."

"My apologies. Of course, I know your father. He's a pioneer who built up Action Duels into the success it experiences today, so I admire him deeply. His disappearance is also part of my—no. Our family's fault since I had a request for him." Reiji gives a solemn look.

"What does he mean by that?" Jean asks.

"It's a long story." Yuya says while looking down, Yuni also does the same.

"I'll make you show me the dueling that you inherited from your father. That means I'll have to get serious." Reiji says.

"Get serious?" Katrina gasps. "You weren't serious back then?"

"My turn." Reiji draws a card and says, "I summon the Level 3 Tuner Monster: D/D Night Howling!" (ATK:300/DEF:600 LV:3)

"Tuner monster?" Katrina gasps as everyone is also shocked.

"Looks like it's time for the main event." Himeka says.

"When it's summoned, I can Special Summon a Level 4 or lower D/D monster from the graveyard by lowering its ATK to 0. I resurrect D/D Lilith!"

As the plant-like Fiend emerges from a Graveyard portal in front of Katrina, she is surprised and jumps. "I tune Level 3 D/D Lilith with Level 4 D/D Night Howling!"

Each monster jumps high to get close enough to begin the Summon. Reiji chants "Howls that tear through the night, with swiftness of a gales give birth to a new king! Synchro Summon! Be born! Level 7! D/D/D Gust King Alexander!" (ATK:2500/DEF:2000 LV:7)

The group of onlookers gasp in shock. Rin appears besides Yuzu and says, "So he can use more than Fusion?"

Ruri also appears and asks, "Does that mean he can..."

"I'm not done. I activate D/D/D Flame King Temujin's effect! When another D/D/D monster is Special Summoned, I can Special Summon a D/D monster from the Graveyard."

The flames of Temujin become purple, and is raises its sword. Reiji says, "Resurrect again, D/D Lilith! D/D/D Gust King Alexander's effect activates! When a D/D monster is Special Summoned, I can Special Summon a D/D monster from my graveyard! Resurrect! D/D Cerberus!"

The aura of Alexander and the winds around it intensify, and Katrina looks on in shock as Reiji revives D/D Cerberus this time.

"2 LV4 monsters..." Rumi says while appearing besides Yuni.

"Yeah. Here it goes." Yuni says.

"I overlay Level 4 D/D Lilith and D/D Cerberus!" When the two monsters become energy swirls and enter the Overlay Network, it causes water to erupt from the Network. Reiji chants, "In order to subjugate all that resides within this world, descend now onto the peak of the world!"

His monster is slowly revealed, green eyes glowing. Ruri asks in shock, "Is this..."

"Xyz Summon! Be born! Rank 4! Wave King Caesar!" Reiji finishes.(ATK:2400/DEF:1200 RNK:4 OVU:2)

"He even uses Xyz Monsters." Sora gasps.

"Unbelievable..." Ron admits.

The LDS students seem shocked that Reiji can freely manipulate the Summoning methods that they all specialize in, Himeka chuckles.

"He mastered three summoning methods. This is Akaba Reiji." Shuzo says.

"D/D/D stands for Different Dimension Demon." Yuya says.

"Which means Katrina has to taste the power of the demon kings that have conquered different dimensions." Yuni adds.

Adjusting his glasses, Reiji declares, "Battle! D/D/D Flame King Temujin attacks Blood Sucker Eyeing Cobra!" As Katrina tries to dodge, the Cobra is defeated as she gets damaged. (Katrina: 4000-3500)

"Oh no..." The children are concerned.

"Next, D/D/D Gust King Alexander attacks the second Eyeing Cobra!" Reiji says. Alexander destroys another Cobra as Katrina falls to the ground near the sea. (Katrina: 3500-2500)

"Katrina!" Everyone yells in horror.

Katrina slowly stands up, then Reiji says, "Go! D/D/D Wave King Caesar, attack directly!"

As the massive blades send her into the sea, everyone is worried about her.

"Is she going to be okay?" Tatsuya asks.

"Don't worry, Sister Katrina is strong." Vivian says.

Just then, Katrina jumps out of the ocean and lands on the cliff. (Katrina: 2500-4000)

"But how..." Hokuto asks.

"Her LP is supposed to be 100 left!" Yaiba says.

"What's going on..." Masumi asks.

Reiji asks, "Care to explain?"

"Before Caesar's attack, I activate my Trap Card: Nighttime Approaching. When I'm getting the direct attack, I can force the Battle Phase to end and recover all the LP that I lost during this turn!" Katrina says.

"Amazing..." Gongenzaka says.

"She sure fooled us." Ryu says.

Reiji says, "I set one card and end my turn."

"You're incredible when you're serious." Katrina says. "I'm surprised that you've mastered three summoning methods."

Reiji says, "Is that so...maybe it is time to reveal all the secrets."

"All the secrets? What does he mean by that?" Ryu asks.

"As you can see, these three LDS members you faced before my duel are the best students in their respective courses. Each of them is trained under our own Vice Presidents."

"You keep saying about Vice Presidents, what is so special about them?" Tatsuya asks.

"Yeah. You sound like they are all high and mighty, just what is the big deal about those mean people?" Ayu says while Yuya and Yuni wince a little. Yuni whispers, "My...we are now rude people, huh?"

"Consider how they are acting during the duel, I think it is no wonder." Yuya says.

"Do you think it is a good idea to insult our Vice Presidents while they are watching this duel with all of us?" Himeka asks, causing them to flinch.

"What? You mean the Vice Presidents are watching?" Tatsuya asks.

"No way..." Ayu says.

"The truth is, everything about this LDS trying to take over You Show Duel School is just a plan to check the strength of the students here." Reiji says. "Half of you already knew the truth, and everything is set up by the Vice Presidents."

"So you aren't going to take over You Show this whole time..." Gongenzaka says

"But who are the Vice Presidents? Why are they going this far to set up a four-on-four duel like this and also giving us a lot of trouble?" Ryu demands.

"That will be us." Yuya and Yuni step forward. Yuya says, "We are the Vice Presidents of LDS."

Yuni says, "You know, we are a little offended that you treat us as mean and rude people."

Yuya says, "But just because we are the Vice Presidents of the LDS doesn't mean that we like to act all high and mighty." Then he turns to the three students who are flinching, "And don't think you're off the hook after trying to insult our father."

This makes silence filled in the room, Tatsuya asks, "You are kidding, right?"

"Does that mean those three LDS members are your students?" Futoshi asks.

"And you guys are pros when you are eleven?" Ayu asks.

"It is true." Yuni says. "We are also the ones who set up these duels, that's why we didn't ask to battle them in the previous three rounds."

Shuzo closes his eyes and says, "Yuya and Yuni are students from two duel schools since Sakaki Yusho first found LDS with his friend. Since then he was the Vice President until he went missing."

"And Reiji's father was the President until he also gets missing, so Reiji and his brother become the President." Yuni says.

"Big Brother Yuya? Big Sister Yuni, why didn't you tell us about it? Don't you trust us?" Ayu looks like she is about to cry.

Yuzu steps in front of them as she says, "It is not that they don't trust you, please understand. They have already suffered a lot of misery because Uncle Yusho went missing, once the news spread out, think about how many people will treat them as liars and even badmouthing him? It just makes matters worse..."

Ryu says, "So Yuzu, you know it, too? Yuzu? About them being the Vice Presidents?"

Yuzu lowers her head a little and nods, she says, "Yuya and Yuni had told me about it, they even took me to their office once..."

Himeka says, "These two and my other son Reisho are the ones who let our school teach Fusion, Synchro, and Xyz. Their knowledge surpassed every teacher in the world. And because of them, LDS can produce a lot of cards for children to smile."

"I see." Jean says. "That is quite understandable."

Katrina thinks, "So my siblings have brought smiles to others... Then I'm not going to lose to them as well. It's my turn! The fun is only getting started!"

Katrina jumps high onto the roof of Academia and draws a card, she looks at Shuzo, who then gives her the spotlight. "Ladies and Gentlemen! Sorry for keeping you waiting. I, Sakaki Katrina, will show you the entertainment dueling that is inherited from our family!"

Every one of You Show is excited, Yuni says, "I guess the tradition runs in the blood." Yuya nods, and even Vivian can understand the feeling.

Katrina shows two cards and says, "With the Scale 2 Blood Sucker Crazy Clown and Scale 6 Blood Sucker Unshown Mask, I set the Pendulum Scale!" Katrina places both cards on the Duel Disk and a Clown that has a white face and looks creepy along with a person behind a mask with no face appear on the field, with 2 and 6 under it.

"I use the Pendulum Effect of Crazy Clown, I can double my Mask's scale!" (Scale:6-12)

"Scale 12..." Reiji mutters.

"With this, I can summon monsters from Level 3 to Level 11!" Katrina says. As the red pendulum swings, Katrina chants, "Now born from the darkness, come with the swing of nighttime and appear for a hunt! Pendulum Summon! Come forth! Revive from my Extra Deck, Blood Sucker Eyeing Cobras! Then Princess of the monsters, use your beauty to attract others and suck their blood! Blood Sucker Vampire Princess!" (ATK:3000/DEF:2500 LV:8 PS:11)

As a black gown princess with vampire fangs appears on the field, Tatsuya says, "There it is! Pendulum Summon!"

"The princess is so beautiful!" Ayu adds.

"It gives me shivers!" Futoshi exclaims.

"Now it's time for a counterattack!" Yuzu says.

"Go! Katrina!" Jean says.

Katrina looks at the card in her hand and thinks, "I am not afraid of everything! I should be the one to scare them."

Reiji says, "So this is your Pendulum Summon..."

Katrina says, "That's right. Since you have done a lot of summons, I'm going to return the favor. Everyone, please pay attention to this card! Magic Card: Summon Carnival!"

"Summon...Carnival..." Reiji mutters while sweating a little.

"What's up with that card? He seems to be a little nervous..." Sora says.

"That card is the ultimate card that we have made." Yuni says. "As for its effect..."

"First, I overlay my two Level 5 Blood Sucker Eyeing Cobras! King of the monsters, bringing terror and feasting on your enemies!"

As the two monsters become purple swirls and go into a portal, a king with black clothing and Vampire fangs appears on the field.

"Xyz Summon! Come forth! Rank 5! Blood Sucker Vampire King!" (ATK:2400/DEF:2000 RNK:5 PS:8 OVU:2)

"There it is, Katrina's ace!" Ron says, but Yuya says, "But that is not her only ace."

"With the effect of Summon Carnival, our Tuner Monsters, Blood Sucker Eyeing Cobra, will have a small cameo for the next surprise!"

"Wait, Eyeing Cobras are tuner monsters?" Gongenzaka says while the others are surprised.

"I tune Level 5 Eyeing Cobra with Level 5 Eyeing Cobra!" Two spirits of the Cobra appear and then one becomes 5 rings as the other becomes 5 stars. "Prince of the monsters, fight for the rich blood and eliminate your enemies! Synchro Summon! Come! LV10! Vampire Prince!" (ATK:2700/DEF:2200 LV:10 PS:2)

As this time the prince who wears dark clothing appears, Katrina knows that the next one is what brings her bad memories, but she knows that it is not the method that is bad. Katrina says, "We have the father, the brother, and the sister, so the only one missing is the mother! Summon Carnival's effect, Blood Sucker Eyeing Cobras are back for the final cameo. That is, I Fuse both Eyeing Cobras!"

"Fuse? Katrina is going for a Fusion Summon?" Ron gasps in surprise.

"No way..." Jean says.

"Queen of the monsters, use your power to suck out everything that blocks in the way." Katrina chants while two monsters are swirling into the portal. A Queen who has a similar dress to the Princess appears from the portal. Katrina also holds her arms tight like what the Fusion users do.

"Fusion Summon! Come forth! Level 10! Blood Sucker Vampire Queen!" (ATK:3000/DEF:2500 LV:10 PS:5)

Now the four family members are on the field, everyone is amazed at what they've seen. "She did it, she manages to perform all the summoning methods..." Sora says with surprise.

"So that was Katrina's true power?" Rumi asks while being in spirit form.

Katrina looks at the four monsters, with Yusho, Yoko, Yuya, and Yuni overlapping with them. "Now we are a whole family again, let's show him why people are afraid of vampires!"

Katrina jumps from the top of the Heartland Tower and yells, "Blood Sucker Vampire Prince's effect activates! Once per turn, I can destroy a monster on the field! The one I'm going to destroy is D/D/D Gust King Alexander! Sucking Prey!" Katrina yells as the Prince rushes and gives Alexander a bite, causing it to be destroyed. But unknown to everyone except Yuni and Yuya, D/D/D Wave King Caesar has detached an Overlay Unit.

"Next, I'm going to use Vampire Queen's effect! For each monster I control, all of my monsters gain 500 ATK! There are 4 monsters, so each of them gains 2000 ATK!" As the Queen raises the staff, all monsters feel stronger. (ATK:3000-5000)(ATK:3000-5000)(ATK:2700-4700)(ATK:2400-4400)

"If all the attacks work, Katrina will win the duel!" Tatsuya says in excitement.

"I am getting shivers!" Futoshi says.

Ron says, "Wow... I don't know Katrina is this powerful with all the summoning methods."

"She is already strong back in think she still has more power left here in Standard..." Jean adds.

"Battle! Vampire Princess attacks D/D/D Flame King Temujin! Princess' song!" Katrina says. Vampire Princess makes a beautiful voice as Temujin is destroyed. (Reiji:4000-1000)

"At the same time, I activate my Vampire Princess' effect! When it manages to destroy a monster, it can deliver a second attack! This will be the end for you! Vampire Princess attack D/D/D Wave King Ceasar! Princess' Song!"

Reiji grabs an Action Card and says, "Action Magic: Damage Banish. I won't take damage during this battle."

Then he sees his Caesar being destroyed by the voice, Katrina says, "It is lucky that you have found an Action Card, but let's see how you're dealing with 3 more of my monsters! Vampire Prince attacks you directly! Fang Absorb!"

As the Prince comes closer, Reiji sees another Action Card and picks it up. "I use Action Magic: Encore. It lets me use an Action Card in my graveyard. I choose Great Escape, which ends the battle phase."

Katrina grits her teeth as he picked a card that stops all her monsters' attack. Ayu says, "What a shame, I thought Big sister Katrina can win."

Yuzu says, "I guess we really can't underestimate Reiji."

Yuya and Yuni look at each other and then leave for a while, only Himeka notices it.

Suddenly, the three monsters that were destroyed are back on the field, Tatsuya says, "How? They should be destroyed."

"This is due to Wave King Caesar's effect. By detaching one Overlay Unit, I can Special Summon the monsters that were destroyed this turn at the end of the Battle Phase.

"That means all monsters are resurrected from the graveyard?" Gongenzaka asks.

Reiji adds, "Of course, this great reward comes with great risk. If these Special Summoned monsters are still on my field next turn, I take 1000 damage for each monster."

Ryu says, "He resurrected three monsters, and he has 1000 LP left. Will he take 3000 damage and lose?"

Vivian says with admiration, "I am not sure, he's not the type who'll lose that easily."

Reiji says, "I use my trap card, D/D/D Human Resources! I return three D/D/D monsters on my field to my Deck to add two D/D monsters from my Deck to my hand."

All three D/D/D monsters vanish as two cards are ejected from Reiji's Deck, Sora says, "Now that those monsters are gone, he won't take damage next turn."

"All he did was return his monsters to his Deck." Futoshi points out.

"He said he took a risk for a reward, but what's the reward?" Ayu asks.

"He did add two cards to his hand." Vivian says. "Those two cards... they could mean something."

"Well, I guess I end my turn." Katrina turns to Reiji, "Just like all these years ago. Everything you do surpasses my expectations. I'm looking forward to finding out how you'll surprise me next!"

Reiji closes his eyes and says, "You've also done very well. I was able to experience what your Pendulum Summon was like firsthand. Now you will too."

"Huh?" Katrina is a little confused.

"My turn. With Scale Scale 1 D/D Magical Savant Galilei and the Scale 10 D/D Magical Savant Kelper, I set the Pendulum Scale!" Reiji says as he places the monsters on the desk. The word appears on Reiji's Duel Disk, and two robotic pillars rise from the ground in blue columns of light.

"With these, I can summon monsters from Level 2 to 9!" Reiji says.

"Those are Pendulum Monsters!" Gongenzaka says.

"No way!" Jean says.

"Grand power which shakes my very soul!" Reiji chants as the Pendulum Monsters work. "Arise within me and give birth to a new light that rends the darkness! Pendulum Summon! Come before me, my monsters!"

Unlike Yuya, Yuni, and Katrina's Summon, no pendulum swings between the monsters, and only a purple mass of light surges from the portal as everyone gasps.

"The three transcendent deities who rule over all kings!" Reiji chants. "D/D/D Death Great King Hell Armageddon."

A crystalline monster descends, and it's not just that one, another, and the third Armageddon descends. (ATK:3000/DEF:1000 LV:8 PS:4)

Katrina says, "No way..."

"3 monsters with 3000 ATK!" Sora gasps.

As everyone is shocked, they hear the sound that is from the keyboard typing, and much to their surprise, Yuni and Yuya are using their laptops placed on the tables as Yuya asks Yuni, "The energy levels are stable. Yuni, how about you?"

"The visual is clear, and the projection is of a high standard. We did it. We have finished the first Pendulum Monsters." Yuni says. "Now we are able to mass-produce them, our efforts are not going in vain."

Yuzu says, "Wait, you made those Pendulum Cards for Reiji?"

Yuya says, "We did say that we are also the head of the Card Developing department of Leo Company, who do you think created the Pendulum Cards?"

"With a lot of trial and error. I'm glad that this time the cards are successful." Yuni adds.

Reiji says, "It is thanks to your siblings that I had these Pendulum cards. Battle! D/D/D Great King Hell Armageddon attack your Blood Sucker Vampire Prince."

Katrina runs and picks an Action Card on the highway. "Action Magic, Miracle! I negate the destruction of my monster and the battle damage is halved!

Armageddon blasts eight strands of black and purple lightning from its body, impacting Vampire Prince as he uses his sword to block it. (Katrina: 4000-3850)

"The miracle won't happen again. You're next! Great King Hell Armageddon attacks the Vampire Prince again!" Reiji says.

The second one manages to destroy through the sword and destroys the Prince, Katrina is hurt by the blast and takes damage. (Katrina: 3850-3550)

Katrina thinks, "When a Pendulum Monster is destroyed, it won't go to the graveyard but the Extra Deck...Reiji has the final Armageddon and it should be the same ATK as both of my Queen and my Princess."

Reiji gets an Action card near the Heartland tower and says, "Action Magic Bi-Attack! I can double my third Hell Armaggedon's ATK!" (ATK:3000-6000)

"6000 ATK?" Gongenzaka says in shock.

"Battle! Great King Hell Armageddon attacks Vampire Queen!" Reiji says.

As the Queen is attacked, Katrina falls onto the highway. (Katrina: 3550-550)

"Katrina!" Everyone in You Show yells.

"I set a card and end my turn." Reiji says.

Himeka says, "Impressive, Reiji, you have already mastered Pendulum Summon."

Yuya says, "Now Katrina, what will you do?"

Shuzo yells, "I can't believe he can use Pendulum Summon as well. How much power does Akaba Reiji have right now? Katrina! The battle isn't over yet! Get fired up! Get burning!"

Katrina jumps and says, "You are right. It's still in the middle of the duel, and this only makes the duel interesting! My turn!"

After drawing the card, she says, "I use Crazy Clown's effect once again to make Unshow Masks' Pendulum Scale double! Pendulum Summon! Revive from my Extra Deck! Blood Sucker Vampire Prince! Blood Sucker Vampire Queen!"

As two monsters reappeared, Masumi asks, "They are also Pendulum Monsters?"

"A combination of Synchro and Pendulum..." Yaiba says. "So the Pendulum Monsters can also be combined with extra deck monsters."

Reiji says, "I see... I can see the further evolution of Pendulum Monsters."

Katrina says, "Vampire Prince's effect activates! I can destroy one monster on the field! I choose your Great King Hell Armageddon!"

As the monster is destroyed, Reiji takes the card and says, "The destroyed Pendulum Monster goes to the Extra Deck. Hell Armageddon's effect activates!"

"What?" Katrina gasps.

"When my monster leaves the field, it gains that monster's ATK until the end of the turn." (ATK:3000-6000) As two Hell Armageddon's ATK are 6000, everyone is shocked.

"How is she going to defeat that monster..." Ron says.

Katrina looks at the only card in her hand and says, "I guess I can't do anything right now... I set one card and end my turn."

Reiji says, "My turn."

And then both Galilei and Kelper begin shaking violently, covered in lightning. Their scales become 2 and 5. Lightning strands extend from the two Pendulum Monsters and destroy the two Armageddon, much to everyone's shock.

"What just happened?" Ryu asks.

"All D/D monsters have some risks in their standby phase." Yuni says. "The Pendulum effect of Galilei is that during the Standby Phase: Double this card's Pendulum Scale, then send to the Graveyard all Pendulum Summoned monsters you control with a Level less than or equal to this card's Pendulum Scale."

Yuya says, "As for Kepler, during the Standby Phase: Reduce this card's Pendulum Scale by 5, then send to the Graveyard all Pendulum Summoned monsters you control with a Level higher than or equal to this card's Pendulum Scale. Because of this, both Hell Armageddon are destroyed.

Reiji says, "I know this will going to happen, so I use my face down. Contract of the Pendulum: During my standby Phase, I will take 1000 damage."

"Again?" Jean rolls her eyes.

Reiji says, "I send two Pendulum cards to my extra deck to summon back Hell Armaggedon with its effect negated."

As the monster appears, Reiji says, "It doesn't matter right now, I can just attack your king with the 3000 ATK. Battle! I attack your King! This is the end!"

Katrina looks worried and then has a determined face. She says, "I use my Trap Card! Sudden Dawn! When a monster I control is targeted for an attack, I negate the battle and both players get 1000 damage!"

As the light comes, Reiji says, "What?"

Just then, both of them fall to the ground. (Katrina: 550-0) (Reiji:1000-0)

As the field disappears, Tatsuya says, "A draw again..."

Sora says, "Wow..."

Yuya and Yuni walk inside and clap to them, Yuya says, "You have done a good job, Katrina."

Yuni says, "You too. Reiji."

Katrina smiles at them and says, "That was fun, Reiji. I hope we can determine the winner next time."

Before Reiji can reply, "What did you say?" Himeka gasps, catching the attention of everyone.

As Nakajima is talking to Himeka, Masumi says, "Professor Marco was..."

Yuya hears it and says, "Marco?"

Yuni uses her monitor on the Duel Disk and calls Nakajima. "What's the matter, Nakajima?"

After the explanation, Yuni turns to Yuzu and says, "Yuzu, please explain everything about being an LDS Vice President to them, Katrina, Vivian, I need you to come with us to LDS."

Katrina, Vivian, and Yuzu nod as Yuya, Yuni, Katrina, Vivian, and the other LDS members rush out of the school.

Here is the duel. Now since Yuya is the Vice President, he won't need the 60% win rate to get into the tournament. But the 3 duels will be mentioned in the flashback.

New OC cards:

Blood Sucker Cursed Mummy:

Dark Attribute, LV3, Zombie/Effect, ATK:1300/DEF:0

Effect: Once per turn, It can't be destroyed.

Blood Sucker Healing Bandage:

Light Attribute, LV4 PS:5, Fairy/Pendulum/Effect, ATK:1700/DEF:2000

Pendulum Effect: Once per turn, when the user has another Pendulum monster on the other scale, draw 2 cards.

Effect: Once per turn, you can draw cards equal to the number of cards on your hands.

Daybreak Alert:

Quick Play Magic

Effect: destroy the field, randomly pick a monster from the deck and summon it. When the monster destroyed is Extra Deck Monster, summon another Extra Deck monster with the same or lower level as the original.

Blood Sucker Eyeing Cobra:

Dark Attribute, LV:5 PS:6 Reptile/Pendulum/Tuner/Effect, ATK:1500/DEF:2000

Pendulum Effect: Once per turn, lower a monster's ATK by 1000.

Effect: Once per turn, when attacking a monster my opponent controls, lower a monster's ATK by 500.

Nighttime Approaching:

Normal Trap

Effect: When having a direct attack, end the Battle Phase and restore all the LP that was reduced in the turn.

Blood Sucker Crazy Clown

Dark Attribute, LV:6 PS:2 Zombie/Pendulum/Effect, ATK:1900/DEF:1000

Pendulum Effect: Once per turn, double the scale of the other Pendulum Monster in the Pendulum Zone.

Effect: When this card is in the extra deck, target one monster and it goes to the graveyard.

Blood Sucker Unshown Mask

Dark Attribute, LV:2 PS:6 Zombie/Pendulum/Effect, ATK:900/DEF:1000

Pendulum Effect: Once per turn, draw a card, if the opponent guesses the card correctly, send it back to the deck, if wrong, add it into the hand.

Effect: Let the opponent pick a card, and if it is a monster, negate the conditions and summon it to the field.

Blood Sucker Vampire Princess

Dark Attribute, LV:8 PS:11 Zombie/Pendulum/Effect, ATK:3000/DEF:2500

Pendulum Effect: Once per turn, it can Pendulum summon an Extra Deck Pendulum Monster.

Effect: When it destroys a monster, it can have a second attack.

Summon Carnival:

Normal Magic

Effect: It can use the two same materials to perform up to 3 different kinds of Extra Deck Summon.

Blood Sucker Vampire King

Dark Attribute, RNK:5 PS:8 Zombie/Xyz/Pendulum/Effect, ATK:2400/DEF:2000

Pendulum Effect: When an Xyz monster the user controls is destroyed, special summon it.

Effect: Two LV:5 Blood Sucker monsters. Once per turn, it can use the effect of the monster my opponent controls, when this card is destroyed while the Pendulum zone is empty, send this card to the Pendulum Zone.

Blood Sucker Vampire Prince

Dark Attribute, LV:10, PS:2 Zombie/Synchro/Pendulum/Effect, ATK:2700/DEF:2200

Pendulum Effect: When a Synchro monster the user controls is destroyed, special summon it.

Effect: One Blood Sucker Tuner+One or more Blood Sucker monsters. Once per turn, it can destroy one monster the opponent controls, when this card is destroyed while the Pendulum zone is empty, send this card to the Pendulum Zone.

Blood Sucker Vampire Queen

Dark Attribute, Level:10, PS:5 Zombie/Fusion/Pendulum/Effect, ATK:3000/DEF:2500

Pendulum Effect: When a Fusion monster the user controls is destroyed, special summon it.

Effect: Two or more Blood Sucker monsters. Once per turn, it can raises every Blood Sucker monster's ATK by 500 times the number of Blood Sucker monsters on the field, when this card is destroyed while the Pendulum zone is empty, send this card to the Pendulum Zone.

Contract of the Pendulum

Continuous Magic

Effect: During the standby phase, get 1000 damage. By sending two Pendulum Monsters to the Extra Deck, summon a Pendulum monster from the Extra Deck with effects negated.

Sudden Dawn

Normal Trap Card

Effect: When the opponent declares the battle, negate the battle and both players get 1000 damage.
