Chapter 36 Yuya and Dark Rebellion

The next day, Gongenzaka, Katrina, and Ron have defeated their opponents and they advance to the next round.

"Now the next round, we have our Vice President of LDS, Yuya Sakaki versus Isao Kachidoki from the Ryozanpaku Duel School!" As Nico announces, everyone feels unease of the appearance of the two duelists.

"Hey, come on, why're you getting nervous just watching?" Shuzo asks.

"Because his opponent today is that Kachidoki Isao! Weren't you watching yesterday's match?" Yuzu asks.

Jean says, "For some reason, this duel is getting us some unease feelings."

"After witnessing what happened to Yaiba yesterday, it is no wonder." Vivian says. "Kachidoki was the runner-up this tournament last year on top of that."

"The winner already moved up to Youth Class, though." Gongenzaka says. "So it isn't strange to consider Kachidoki the number one candidate to win this tournament!"

"So what's the deal with Ryozanpaku School?" Katrina asks.

"Smiling and Dueling don't belong together. That's how the Material Arts School Ryozanpaku trains their students." Shuzo says. "To them, winning is everything. Just like you guys saw, their forceful Dueling is justified by their belief that anything goes if it leads to victory. Ryozanpaku's School Principal, Godagawa Ryozan, has been criticized for his forceful and rough Dueling style. But they've won lots of pro titles as if they were just brushing off their shoulders."

"He seems like a very strict person..." Ron says.

"Yes. On top of that, it's a boarding school where students aren't allowed to go outside unless it's to attend class. I've also heard that they're not even allowed to see their parents until they become pros!" Yuni sighs.

"I'd run straight out of that place full of shivers!" Futoshi replies.

"But even with such a strict training regimen, they have countless people wishing to join." Yuni adds. "They're only second to LDS when it comes to creating pros! And the one who stands head and shoulders above the rest of Ryozanpaku is Kachidoki Isao."

"Now let's get the duel started! Field Magic: Bamboo Battleground, activate!" As the field appears, Yuya finds himself at the front of a bamboo shelter while Kachidochi is standing on an isolated rock peak. As he strikes a combative pose, Yuya says, "Even though as the Vice President of LDS, who can't give out my own point of view, but I won't say that your dueling method is right. That wasn't dueling after all."

Everyone is watching Yuya with surprise, as he is challenging him, but Kachidoki just begins the Action Duel chant with Yuya also recites his lines with the same attitude.

"Duel!" (Yuya:4000) (Kachidoki: 4000)

Yuya says, "Well then, the first round goes to me, I summon Entermate Silver Claw from my hand!" (ATK:1800/DEF:700 LV:4 PS:5) Yuya jumps onto the monster and starts to run forward, the crowd cheers for him, but Ayu and Futoshi yell, "Big Brother Yuya, watch out in front of you!"

And it is too late, Yuya ends up brushing the leaves of the bamboos onto his mouth, which gives the children a laugh.

"Look at him eating bamboo! What are you, a panda?" A child in the crowd laughs.

"Yuya is always himself no matter who he fights." Shuzo says.

"I am not sure...after what happened that night 3 days ago..." Yuni says with a frown. "But I admit that he's still standing up to face what he needs to."

"I end my turn." Yuya says as Kachidoki just responds by drawing.

"If my opponent controls a monster and I don't, I can Summon Hayate the Earth Soaring Star without a release!" (ATK:2100/DEF:0 LV:5) As a warrior like monster appears, Nico yells, "There it is! Kachidoki has already Summoned a high-level monster!"

Kachidoki yells, "Battle, I attack your Silver Claw with Hayate!"

Yuya tries to hide in the bamboo shelter, and finds an Action Card ahead of him. However, Kachidoki throws two shoots to slow Silver Claw down, and within moments, he is ahead of Yuya.

"You're too slow. The battle is still underway." Kachidoki says while taking the Action Card for himself. With that, Hayate the Earth Soaring Star knocks Yuya off his monster and destroys it, knocking 300 Life Points off Yuya. (Yuya: 4000-3700)

"Kachidoki is already dashing out the damage!" Nico announces.

"Destroyed Pendulum Monsters are sent to the Extra Deck!" Yuya says after wiping the dust on his clothes.

"I end my turn." Kachidoki says.

"That is really unfair!" Ayu yells.

"He would've gotten that card if Kachidoki didn't get in the way!" Tatsuya exclaims.

"That's so underhanded it gives me shivers!" Futoshi yells as well.

Katrina says, "He sure is ruthless...I don't know if Brother can handle that..."

Yuni says, "I am sure he will be fine."

Yuya notices the same gesture that Kachidoki used before and reacts to it with disdain. "Are you going to keep Dueling like that no matter what? If so, then I'll also duel the way I believe in! My turn." He draws the card and looks at it, he smiles and he says, "Now it is time. I set Scale 4 Entermate Trump Girl and Scale 8 Timegazer Magician in the Pendulum Scales!"

As two magician monsters rise into the air with 4 and 8 below, he yells, "With this, I can summon monsters from Level 5 to Level 7! Swing, pendulum of souls! Draw an arc of light across the ether! Pendulum Summon! Appear! Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!" (ATK:2500/DEF:2000 LV:7 PS:4)

The summon draws a positive reaction from the crowd, as well as You Show students. Yuya says, "The fun has just begun!"

"The fun? I'm only here to win." Kachidoki mutters.

"I also want to win! But that isn't all there is to Dueling!" Yuya retorts back. "And now, I Normal Summon Entermate Rakudown from my hand!" (ATK:800/DEF:1800 LV:4 PS:2)

After the camel appears, he yells, "Battle, I attack Hayate with Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!"

"I activate Hayate's effect. If it is the only monster I control, it can negate one attack." Then the warrior blocks the attack.

"Kachidoki responds to that attack splendidly!" Nico says.

"We didn't think that it would be that easy to beat you, right?" Yuya says, "I use Trump Girl's Pendulum Effect! Once per turn, I can use monsters on my field to perform a Fusion Summon."

"Wait, he can do that?" The kids are shocked. "Using a Pendulum Effect to Fusion Summon?" Jean asks in surprise.

"I'll use Entermate Rakudown and Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon as Fusion Materials! The beast survives in the scorching land. Become one with the mysterious dragon, and create a new power! Come forth, ferocious dragon with luminous feral eyes! Level 8, Beast-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!" (ATK:3000/DEF:2500 LV:8)

"So this is the Pendulum Fusion!" Nico says, "Because the materials were two Pendulum Monsters, they just go to the Extra Deck!"

Kachidoki stares at Yuya as he gasps, remembering a flashback.


Young Kachidoki is with Godagawa as they are walking on the road, where they notice young Yuya and Yuni are dueling with their father. Yuya says, "Here it comes! My Entertainment!"

Godagawa notices Kachidoki staring at the duel with the siblings and father, he says, "Do not think of Dueling as fun. The path you are about to walk is nothing naive like that. The next time you'll be able to see your parents who brought that Duel Disk for you is when you become a pro. Until then, you'll be walking a pitch black road of darkness."

(Flashback Ends)

Kachidoki says, "It must have been fated since then for me to Duel you now."

"What are you talking about?" Yuya rolls his eyes. "Battle! I attack Hayate with Beast-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!"

Kachidoki says, "I use Action Magic: Evasion. It negates an opponent's attack." After the attack is useless, he says, "What's wrong? Are you done with your fun, carefree Dueling? If you're done, hurry up and end your turn! Next, it's my turn!"

Yuya grits his teeth and says, "Next time, I'll make sure you have fun! I end my turn."

"My turn!" Kachidoki draws a card and he says, "If I control an Earth Monster, I can summon Tenma the Sky Rising Star without Release!" (ATK:2100/DEF:0 LV:5) As another monster appears, he says, "With Tenma and Hayate as materials, I use the Magic Card: Fusion!"

This causes surprise to Ron and Jean, Kachidoki chants, "Stars racing through the heavens, soaring above the earth, now become one, and shine as the star of the eternal conqueror! Fusion Summon! Appear! Level 10! Idaten the Conqueror Victory Star!" (ATK:3000/DEF:2200 LV:10)

"So he is a Fusion User..." Ron gasps.

Yuni sighs, "Well, unlike me, brother usually gives out Fusion to a lot of students for the purpose of having fun in duels, Xyz might be easy to use, but I didn't teach it much to others since it is not that hard to use it."

Gongenzaka says, "Its ATK is the same as Beast-Eyes, but knowing Yuya..."

"With an Action Card...!" Yuya suddenly starts running for an Action Card. "Let me tell you what Idaten's monster effect is. Whenever this card battles a monster with a lower Level, the opposing monster's ATK becomes 0."

Vivian says, "If Beast-Eyes ATK becomes 0, he'll take 3000 damage at once!"

While Yuya continues to run, Kachidoki swiftly takes out a piece of bamboo and throws it in front of Yuya, causing him to trip.

"I equip the Equip Magic: Magic Star Sword to Idaten! By sending one Magic Card that I've added to my hand this turn to the Graveyard, the equipped monster's ATK goes up by 100!"

As he applies this effect by discarding the Action Card he beat Yuya to, Tatsuya says, "Because Action Magic Cards are Magic Cards, every one he sends to the Graveyard will increase its ATK!"

Yuya, sensing this, goes for the next Action Card he sees, but Kachidoki barges him and grabs the Action Card for himself, applying Magic Star Sword's effect again. He does this another four times, increasing Idaten the Conqueror Star's ATK to 3600. (ATK:3000-3600)

"Oh no...this is really bad..." Yuzu says with horror. "Brother's LP is currently at 3700! If this keeps up, he's going to lose!" Katrina says.

Yuya says, "Now it is time to get serious." He starts to run fast, but Kachidoki is beside him, matching him in pace. "I will never let you get ahold of an Action Card! Up until now, you've lived your life strolling along a bright path without a single shadow falling over it. I walked only a pitch-black path of darkness. I will not lose to someone like you! I will attain victory!"

"You don't know that for sure!" Yuya says while both of them notice an Action Card in front of them. "I'll definitely get that card!"

"I won't let you! Battle! I attack Beast-Eyes Pendulum Dragon with Idaten the Conqueror Victory Star!" Kachidoki yells. "Idaten's effect activates! Beast-Eyes's ATK becomes 0! (ATK:3000-0) The wind of victory only blows for those who have seen true darkness!"

"I'm not going to give up!" Yuya jumps for the Action Card, but at the next moment, an explosion is heard from inside the bamboo shelter. Everyone is worried for Yuya, but as the smoke clears, Kachidoki is placing his foot over Yuya's left wrist, about to steal the Action Card in his left hand. (Yuya: 3700-100)

"What's this? Sakaki Yuya managed to get an Action Card, but his remaining LP is only 100!" This causes everyone to sigh in relief. Kachidoki says, "I end my turn. Looks like you lived by the skin of your teeth...but your own darkness will be upon you soon. Fall into the pitch-black darkness!"

"Fall into my darkness, you say?" Yuya slowly stands up. "If you think my own darkness is going to stop me from doing what I believe, then you're wrong!"

Yuya wipes his clothes and says, "You may think that you got the Action Cards every time by beating me, but what you do not know, is that I hold back every time when I was about to get those cards."

"What?" Kachidoki widens his eyes. The crowd is also shocked at Yuya's words. Yuya says, "As the Vice President of Leo Corporation, I have helped out gathering information about all the Duel Schools that we invited into this tournament. It is thanks to that, I know about Ryozanpaku's dueling style. I thought that the crowd will be excited to see a duel with an ultimate comeback, and I promise that you won't be giving the next turn!"

This causes the crowd to cheer really harder and Kachidoki is a little angrier that he has been used. Yuto appears and says, "Switch to me."

"Yuto?" Yuya asks in surprise.

"I will help you win this victory. Trust me on this." Yuto says.

Yuya ponders a little, but he sighs as he changes into Yuto. His eyes changed into grey eyes, which Kachidoki gasps in surprise.

"My turn. I activate the Action Magic: Mad Hurricane." Yuto says. "This card returns all cards on my field to my deck."

After sending the cards to the deck, Yuni, Yuzu, and Katrina notice the sudden change in Yuya's tone. Yuni says, "Is that Yuto? He took over Brother's Duel?"

Ron, Jean, and Vivian hear what Yuni said and they are also shocked. Jean asks, "But why?"

"I set Scale 3 Entermate Turn Toad and Scale 5 Entermate Cheer Mole in the Pendulum Scales! With this, I can Summon Monsters that are Level 4." Yuya says as both monsters float in the air.

"Only Level 4?" Yuzu says in confusion.

"I think I got it..." Ron gasps.

"Swing, pendulum of souls! Draw an arc of light across the ether! Pendulum Summon! Appear now! My monsters! From my Extra Deck, Entermate Rakudown! (ATK:800/DEF:1800 LV:4 PS:2) and Entermate Silver Claw!" (ATK:1800/DEF:700 LV:4 PS:5)

Yuto says, "I overlay the Level 4 Entermate Rakudown and Level 4 Entermate Silver Claw."

As the two monsters become yellow orbs that goes into the galaxy portal, he says, "Formed from pitch-black darkness, to fight those foolish enough to oppose it with its treacherous fangs! Now, descend! Xyz Summon! Appear! Rank 4! Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon!" (ATK:2500/DEF:2000 RNK:4 OVU:2)

"What?!" Kachidoki notices the new dragon in front of them, and Jean says, "Yuto really took over Yuya's Duel!"

At the LDS control room, Shun says, "Why does he have Dark Rebellion? I am sure that is not the one he has but Yuto's!"

Reiji says, "As I thought, Yuto was inside Yuya..."

Noticing the crowd is scared by the dark dragon, Yuya says, "Yuto, I think your Dragon is scaring the crowd..."

"There is nothing to be scared about." Yuto says to the crowd, "Dark Rebellion is friendly, he is also going to give out an Electricity Show. I use Dark Rebellion's effect! By detaching an Overlay Unit, I can halve the ATK of a Level 5 or higher monster my opponent controls and add that amount to its own ATK! I use both of them! Treason Discharge!"

Dark Rebellion's electricity goes into the air making the field sparkle before going towards Idaten the Conqueror Victory Star. Those who know about Yuto being inside Yuya are surprised to see that Yuto's Dragon is using the Electric to make some sort of electricity show instead of its original absorbing effect.

"Wow!" "So Pretty!" "Amazing!" The crowd is looking in awe as Idaten is now bound by the electricity. (ATK:3600–900) (ATK:2500–5200)

" trying to do an Entertainment..." Rumi gasps.

"Yuto..." Ruri is also relieved to see that Yuto is still trying to enjoy a duel.

"5200 ATK?" Kachidoki says in shock.

"Battle! I attack Idaten with Dark Rebellion!" Yuya says with a smile as Dark Rebellion flies towards Idaten.

"I use Idaten's effect! If this card battles an opponent's monster with a Level less than or equal to this card's, that monster's ATK becomes 0!" Kachidoki says in a panic.

Yuto says, "That won't work."

Vivian says, "That's it! Xyz monsters don't have levels, so that effect can't be activated!"

Jean says, "Wow, he really knows the advantages of Xyz."

Kachidoki says, "If they don't possess levels, then isn't their Level 0?!"

Yuto stares at the man, and Yuya says, "This is the Standard Dimension, after all, not everyone knows about Xyz Summon as Heartland does."

Yuto then nods and yells, "Revolt of Lighting Disobey!"

Just then, Dark Rebellion's jaw glows and it passed through Idaten, causing Isao Kachidoki to fall to the ground. (Kachidoki:4000–0)

As the field disappears, Nico says, "T-the winner of the match is Sakaki Yuya!"

Everyone cheers for him as Shuzo yells, "Good job, Yuya!"

Tatsuya says, "That new dragon is so cool!"

"I am getting shivers!" Futoshi says.

Yuto returns the control back to Yuya as he tries to reach his hand to help Kachidoki up, only to be slapped away.

"Hey, what is that for?" Yuya asks, but Kachidoki just turns and leaves the duel.

"Geez...he is no fun..." Yuya sighs as Zarc appears, "I know. But Yuto, I never thought you would do this kind of duel as well."

Yuto frowns and says, "Katrina might've influenced me to do this kind of duel. I enjoyed these before Academia destroyed our hometown."

"That's why we have to stop Academia from what they're doing." Yuya says as they head back to the others.

Since in my story, Yuya won't be berserk, so I change the last part to make Yuto appeal to the crowd. I hope you like this chapter and the next chapter will be Reiji's Duel.
