Chapter 15 Phantom vs. Angels

Yuzu and Vivian are having lunch in the schoolyard, Vivian is asked by Yuni and Yuya to tell the news to Yuzu, and she nods as she has heard everything. Yuzu asks, "So Yuya and Yuni didn't come to the school because of LDS?"

Vivian says, "Yeah, due to Professor Marco is still missing, they are having a full-scale investigation, Reiji has asked the Principal to let them have a day off with the status as the President. Besides, it is the end of the semester, too."

She opens the lunchbox and says, "Ever since I moved into Yuya's family, I'm glad to have lunch boxes like this one. I'm really starving."

Then she starts to gobble the food and says, "And I'm going to also become a pro just like Brother and sister, I am not going to lose to them."

"Hey, don't talk with your mouth full." Yuzu sighs, just then, a hand offers Yuzu a handkerchief. She looks up to see Sawatari Shingo, who says, "Hey there."

Yuzu looks away in disgust while Sawatari says, "Sheesh, you're so uncouth in front of your friend. Just like your brother's dueling."

"Dirty?" Vivian asks with annoyance. "My eating habits aside, since I lived in an orphanage and I didn't get enough food, but what do you mean my brother's dueling is dirty?"

"I heard him ambush someone again." Sawatari says.

"That wasn't Yuya, though!" Yuzu says. "We know an LDS teacher is attacked by a man who used Xyz Summon, but Yuya is the Vice President and he wouldn't attack his subordinate."

"I was kidding about him being the culprit this time, he is the Vice President of LDS after all." Sawatari says. "There are rumors that Leo Cooperation is independently developing Pendulum Cards. I'm going to get my hands on those."

Yuzu says, "That is if Yuya and Yuni want to give you since you have caused them a lot of trouble."

"Oh, don't worry, I am now under training with that Sakaki Yuni, and I am going to master it until I can finally defeat that Sakaki Yuya. That's all I'm here to say, see you. I'll be waiting at the Junior Youth Championship."

Sawatari then leaves, as Vivian says, "What a headache, first that Hokuto and now that Sawatari, why is Sister teaching them while all they do is boasting?"

"Beats me..." Yuzu says. "But that reminds me, Vivian, you still haven't reached the 60% win rate, right?"

Vivian lowers her head with a frown, "Yeah...I couldn't become a pro at this rate..."

After school is over, the three kids are waiting for them. Ayu says, "Big sister Yuzu, big sister Vivian!"

Futoshi asks, "Have fun at school?"

"Let's hurry up and go to Duel Sch-" Just then, they notice Vivian in a gloomy state. "What's wrong, Big sister Vivian?"

After telling them the situation, everyone is surprised that Vivian isn't qualified for the Junior Youth Championship. Vivian says, "In order to qualify, you need to have at least 50 matches with a 60% win rate..."

"What's your current record?" Ayu asks, "I heard that you just started dueling ever since you were adopted by Big Brother Yuya's family."

"I only got 49 matches with 29 wins..." Vivian says.

"So that's...29/49= 59%. But you just need one more win, right?" Tatsuya asks.

"Wow, Tatsuya, you're fast at math." Futoshi comments.

"If you win one more duel, you can have a 60% win ratio, right?"

"That's right." Yuzu says, "Vivian has been dueling our classmates since two weeks ago, however, today we searched around the school for the last one..."

"Nobody wants to duel me because they've already dueled me once, and for those who didn't want to duel me, they just want to keep their win ratio over 60%, or because they are just scared to duel me because of who my siblings are..." Vivian sighs.

"In order to be a pro, you have to win the Junior Youth Championship, then pass the Youth exam and win the Youth Championship, and then you have to pass the Pro test fight."

"And to think I can't take that important first step forward..." Vivian mutters.

"How about I help you out then? If you really don't have a duel partner..." Yuzu asks, feeling sorry for Vivian.

"I can't do that. You've already helped me a lot, and that's why I want to become someone who Brother, you, and the others rely on." Vivian says. "With my own strength."

Yuzu is amazed at what Vivian is thinking, and she decides to move forward Tatsuya asks, "Where are you going?"

"Don't worry about it! I just thought that I want to get stronger too!" Yuzu says. "Tell my dad that I won't be going today!"

"Okay..." Vivian says, as the others are also confused.

After getting back to school, Yuya is already there and he says, "Vivian, there you are."

"Brother?" Vivian is confused.

"So you must be Sakaki Vivian, Sakaki Yuya and Yuni's sister, right?" And then a man with glasses and a yellow and black shirt walks towards them. Futoshi says, "It's Nico Smiley."

"What's he doing here?" Vivian asks Yuya.

"We were just discussing about Strong Ishijima, considering that he's no longer the Champion." Yuya says.

"After losing that match, he forfeited his title and went overseas to retrain himself from scratch!" Nico yells, much to the others' surprise.

"But he is not the only pro duelist that I'm managing, I also manage two duelists, that is, Sakaki Yuya and Sakaki Yuni." Nico says.

"Oh yeah, Big Brother Yuya and big sister Yuni are pros." Futoshi says.

"And that's why I'm giving him a request, Vivian, he will be taking you to your final opponent for the Championships." Yuya says.

"Really?" Vivian is delighted, as they explain the details.

At the same time, Sora is wandering around LDS, he looks at the building and thinks, "I never would've thought he was Leo Corporation's President...then that means he's Professor's son like Akaba Reisho..."

He also notices that there are a lot of guards, surrounding the building; they aren't the kind of people who'd let Sora in to see Reiji if he asked. As he thinks, a professor places his hand on a handprint detector provided by a guard. The guard motions the professor to proceed.

"I really wanted to Duel Akaba Reiji..." Sora mutters.

"I knew you'll be here." Yuzu finds Sora and says, "The reason you haven't been to Duel School is that you were after Akaba Reiji, right?"

"Ah, no, I'm not after him, I'm just..." Sora says.

"Just like when you approached Yuya whenever you get interested in someone, you just go after them!" Yuzu says.

"That's just because he's interesting. The way he just slammed out Fusion, Synchro, Xyz, and Pendulum like that!" Sora says.

"But he's not someone you can get close to that easily." Yuzu remarks.

"Because he's the Leo Cooperation's President, right?" Sora asks.

"Oh, you actually know. Anyway, come with me." Yuzu grabs Sora's hand and Sora yells, "Hey, wait, where are we going?"

"Just come with me." Yuzu says.

"I heard it happened around here." Masumi, Hokuto, and Yaiba are looking at the crime scene, Yaiba says, "That's about it for the suspicious part."

"Maybe there's something LDS isn't telling us." Hokuto says.

Inside, LDS professors are analyzing the damage. Masumi goes underneath the caution tape to try to enter, with Hokuto trying to stop her. A professor opens the door and asks, "Hey! What are you doing here?"

"I-I'm not anyone suspicious! I'm a student of Professor Marco's Fusion Course class at LDS, Masumi Kotsu."

"And you two?"

"Sorry, Sir. I'm Todo Yaiba from the Synchro Course." Yaiba says.

"And I'm Hokuto Shijima from the Xyz Course, sir." Hokuto adds.

Just then, Tio comes out and says, "Ah, I've heard about you three, you're also skilled duelists that get to train under the Vice Presidents after class, right?"

"Yes sir." The three says.

"And did someone tell you what happened here?" Tio asks.

"No...we just heard that Professor Marco was attacked by someone...and the LDS secretariat said we can't see him yet." Masumi says. "The Vice Presidents aren't telling us what's going on as well. We just want to know what happened to him." Masumi says.

"Was he really attacked by someone during a Duel?" Yaiba asks.

"I heard the culprit was an Xyz user...I use Xyz as well, so I don't like hearing about people abusing it..."

"As the Vice Presidents' orders, we can't discuss the details about it. We're still investigating it ourselves, you see." Tio replies.

"Is he alright? Is Professor Marco okay?" Masumi asks.

I can't discuss that either, sorry." Tio says, "But you don't have to worry, the top brass of LDS will definitely figure out what happened here. You all should keep on improving your Dueling skills...I think that would make Professor Marco the happiest. Got it? If so, leave this to us and hurry back to the school."

Yaiba and Hokuto nod, but Masumi isn't buying that. She rushes away to check other places while leaving Hokuto and Yaiba behind.

Meanwhile, Yuni was riding her D Wheel to the place where Yuto was last spotted. Astral says, "So this is the place where Sawatari was attacked?"

"Yeah, right now he is my student, it is a teacher's duty to investigate about what actually happened." Yuni says as she places her duel disk on her hand as she walks inside.

Meanwhile, Yuto was hidden on top of the warehouse as sees her, he is shocked, "Rumi... what is she doing here...wait, could she be..." He thinks as he jumps from the top of the roof.

Yuni then looks around the place, she sees the blast on the wall, and she says, "This hole really is big indeed..."

Zarine says, "Do you think Yuto is actually the one who caused this?"

Rumi thinks for a second and says, "I know Yuto too well since we have been childhood friends, and I know that he will do anything to protect Ruri. But to think that he would make this hole..."

Yuni then takes the photo and says, "Right now we won't know anything unless we use the resources of the LDS to uncover the truth. Let's go."

Just then, Yuni feels a presence behind her, then she turns around and sees Yuto, who is wearing a mask standing in front of her.

Yuni seems to give a smile and she says, "And what do we have here? It seems like we are able to get answers very soon..."

Yuto just keeps standing there for a while until he opens his mouth, "What are you doing here? And why do you have the same face as her?"

Yuni says, "If that is what you want to ask, then I can ask you the same thing, why do you have the same face as him as well?"

"Him?" Yuto is confused at first, but Yuni says, "But it doesn't matter. I assume that you are the one that created this hole on the wall, right? Yuto?"

Yuto is surprised and he asks, "How did you know my name? Who told you?"

"Do you think my sister Katrina won't tell me anything about you guys? In fact, I am very thankful for you to take care of her in Heartland."

"So you really are the sister that Katrina is looking for, then the him you speak of, is your brother?"

"You can say so. But even though we would need a conversation, I am not going to let you keep targeting our LDS members." Yuni says as she activates her duel disk.

Yuto just looks at her and says, "You are the Vice President of LDS, is that correct? Then I will need some answers as well." He activates his duel disk.

Rumi is watching the two of them and she says, "And I thought things couldn't get much worse..."

Zarine says, "We should have faith in Yuni, maybe a duel is a perfect way for communication."

After staring for a while, the two of them finally yell, "Duel!"(Yuni:4000) (Yuto:4000)

Yuni says, "Ladies first. I use my Magic card, Smile Call, with this I can summon a monster from my deck. I summon Smile Fairy Shooting Swimmer."(ATK:500/DEF:1500, LV4)

As the pink bikini swimmer with green water appears, Yuni says, "Then I Normal Summon Smile Fairy Tricky Nurse." (ATK:1200/DEF:1000, LV4, PS:6)

The white nurse appears from the field as Yuni says, "I use its effect. I can give you 500 damage times the number of cards in my hand. I have 3 of them, so I can give you 1500 damage."

The nurse then gives Yuto a shot on the arm, causing him to wince in pain. (Yuto:4000-2500)

"That is going to be hurt." Rumi winces a little, but then she hears Yuto mutters, "The pain is nothing compared to the enemies..."

Yuni says, "I use Shooting Swimmer's effect. I can pay 200 LP for drawing a card, I pay 1000 to draw 5." Then she draws them after being hit by water. (Yuni:4000-3000) "Let's say I should give you a welcome by overlaying my Level 4 Shooting Swimmer and Level 4 Tricky Nurse!"

Yuto is surprised to see an Xyz Summon, but he then watches what will happen. Yuni says, "Carry hope on white wings! Xyz Summon! Come forth, Number 39! Messenger of Light! King of Wishes, Hope! (ATK:2500/DEF:2000 RNK:4 OVU:2)

As the Pegasus appears, Astral says, "I see. You are using Hope."

Yuni says, "I set 2 cards and end my turn."

Yuto says, "My turn." As he draws a card, he looks at the field and says, "From what I have seen, you could have used Shooting Swimmer's effect to draw five cards, and then finished me with the 4000 damage with the effect of your Tricky Nurse. Why don't you do it?"

Yuni says, "You really have a good observation. And in fact, I could have done that, but that won't be fun. Since I want you to show me your deck's potential."

Yuto is surprised at the words, he starts to remember the time when Rumi said the same words before the invasion started.

A younger Yuto and Rumi are dueling at Yuto's house after school. Rumi lands on her back as Yuto defeats her with Dark Rebellion..

"Man...I lost again." Rumi says. "But that is fun."

Yuto asks, "Indeed. But I can sense that you are holding back. Why do you do that?"

Rumi wipes the dust from her skirt and says, "You know, Yuto. I could win the duel, but that won't be fun. I just want to see your deck's potential, so there will be more surprises you can show me."

"Even if you lose in the end?" Yuto asks.

"I don't see the reason not to." Rumi says. "How about we have another round? This time I want to see if I can put out the potential you did."

Yuto gives a smile and says, "You're on."

Yuto smiles happily at the thought, then he shows his determination in front of Yuni and he says, "Then I'll show you my deck's potential. I summon Phantom Knights Dusty Robe." (ATK:800/DEF:1000 LV:3)

As a ghostly figure who wears a cloak appears, Yuto says, "Then I summon Phantom Knights Silent Boots, this card can be special summoned when I have a Phantom Knights monster on the field." (ATK:200/DEF:1200 LV:3)

Then a normal ghost human-like creature appears on the field. "I overlay Level 3 Dusty Robe and Level 3 Silent Boots! Souls of the dead knights, protect the princess with your damaged life! Xyz Summon! Come forth! Rank 3! Phantom Knights Protection Carriage!" (ATK:2000/DEF:1000 Rank:3 OVU:2)

A ghostly carriage with a horse that looks like it is covered by blue flames appears on the field, Yuni feels a little crept out when she sees the design.

Yuni says, "So this is your Xyz Monster, I must say that I'm impressed."

"I use Protection Carriage's effect. I can target one of the Overlay Units, which I'm going to choose Dusty Robe, it gains ATK equal to Dusty Robe's original ATK." (ATK:2000-2800)

"Now it's higher than Hope..." Yuni gasps.

"Battle, I attack Hope with Protection Carriage! Charging Smash!"

As the Carriage with the Dusty Robe inside starts to charge at Hope, Yuni yells, "I detach one Overlay Unit from Hope! I can negate an attack! Moon Barrier!"

"It's useless. I use Protection Carriage's effect, by detaching one Overlay Unit, I can negate that effect and send that monster to the graveyard!"

The Carriage charges forward and the ghost inside pulls Hope in the Carriage as it disappears.

"Oh no..." Yuni says in panic.

"Without your monster, the battle continues and I can attack you directly." Yuto says.

"As if, I have a counterattack!" Yuni says, "I use my Quick-Play Magic Card, Smile Sorry, I can end the battle phase."

Then a shield comes as Yuni is shielded. Yuto says, "I set 3 cards and end my turn."

Yuni sighs as Rumi says, "Yuni, you can't underestimate Yuto."

"I know. I am getting serious now." Yuni says.

Katrina is walking around the streets until she meets Ron and Jean. Ron asks, "Katrina, what are you doing?"

Katrina says, "I am finding Yuto of course, I have something to ask him. How about you guys?"

"We have nothing to do, so we might as well come with you." Jean says, "I know where he might be for now."

Katrina nods as they all head to the warehouse, but they are surprised to see a D-Wheel near the gate.

"Hey, I remember this is Sister's D-Wheel..." Katrina says in shock. "What is it doing here?"

"Don't tell me..." Ron says as he is fearing the worse.

The three rushes inside the house and sees Yuni and Yuto dueling.

"Sister?" Katrina says in shock, which causes surprise to both people.

Yuni says, "Katrina? Ron? Jean? What are you doing here?"

Yuto narrows his eyes as he knows that there is some explaining to do. Ron says, "Yuto, she is not our enemy, what are you doing?"

Yuto says, "I need to get some answers, don't interrupt me."

Yuni says, "He is right. We are in the middle of the duel. If you want to talk about something, wait until we are done."

Katrina says, "But..."

Yuni yells, "My turn!" She draws a card and sees the card, she smiles and says, "It's here..." She turns to Yuto and says, "Since you did show me what your deck can do, now it will be fair if I show you what I can do with my deck. I use Scale 3 Contact Telephone and Scale 9 Nightmare Prisoner, I set the Pendulum Scale!"

A fairy holding a telephone and a female Freddy-like monster appear with 2 numbers at the bottom.

"With this, I can summon monsters from LV3 to LV7! Swing! Pendulum of my heart! Listen to my call and show us the way! Pendulum Summon! Come! My monsters! First is the Dragon with Hope in the eyes! Hope-Eyes Pendulum Dragon (ATK:2500/DEF:2000, LV7). And the second is Smile Fairy Double Identity! (ATK:2500/DEF:0 LV:7 PS:4)

Besides Hope-Eyes, a female warrior that has a D on it appears on the field. Yuni says, "With this Pendulum, I'm going to show you why I teach Xyz in LDS. I use my Magic Card! Xyz Summon Carnival!" As the card appears from the field, Katrina widens her eyes. "Oh no..."

"Since I have 3 cards in my hand, I can summon 3 Xyz Monsters with the same materials I had on the field!" Yuni says.

"What?" Yuto widens his eyes, not knowing such Xyz exists.

"Is she serious?" Jean says in shock, if what she said is true, then Yuni is going to summon 3 Rank 7 Xyz Monsters on this turn.

"Now I overlay my two Level 7 monsters! When the crowds cheer, smiles from everywhere will give the fairy power! Xyz Summon! Come! Rank 7! Smile Fairy Laughing Angel!"(ATK:2800/DEF:1400, RNK:7)

A witch-like monster that looks like a female Entermate Laughing Maker appears on the field, Yuni says, "Now for the second summon. Relaxing and smiling brings joy to everyone, and this monster is going to be its bearer! Xyz Summon! Come! Rank 7! Smile Fairy Relaxing Angel!" (ATK:2800/DEF:1400 RNK:7)

Then another witch that has white robes and looks just like Laughing Angel appears on the field. Yuni says, "Finally, my last Monster: Dragon with Hope in the eyes, become the snow where every kid can play with! Xyz Summon! Come forth! Rank 7! Hope-Eyes Chilling Dragon!" (ATK:2500/DEF:2000 RNK:7)

The final monster is a snow-armored Hope-Eyes Dragon, and Jean says, "Unbelievable...three Rank 7 monsters in a row..."

"With the Xyz Summon Carnival's effect, I gave each of my Xyz Monsters an Overlay Unit. First, I'm going with Laughing Angel's effect! I can add all the ATK of the monsters special summoned on the field to gain my Life Points!"

Katrina says, "That means Sister will gain 10100 LP in the end!"

"No way!" Ron says.

"I use Protection Carriage's effect! I detach my final Overlay Unit to negate the effect, then I destroy your monster!" Yuto says, using the last Overlay Unit.

"I see. But too bad. I detach an Overlay unit from Relaxing Angel to negate the destruction!" Yuni smiles.

As smiles appear everywhere, the Carriage stops in front of the angel. Yuni says, "You stopped my effect, which deserves praise. But now it is time to battle! I attack your monster with Laughing Angel! Laugh for smiles!"

As the smiles rush towards the monster like bullets, the monster is destroyed. Yuni says, "Since we have the same ATK, however, with Relaxing Angel's effect, my monster won't be destroyed. And now I use Chiling Dragon to attack directly!"

"I activate Phantom Knights Shade Brigandine!" As two cards are shown, Yuto says, "I can special summon them as monsters!"

Then two monsters appear on the field that looks like a shield. (ATK:0/DEF:300, LV:2)

"Then I attack these two monsters. Chiling Dragon! Chiling Breath, Relaxing Angel, Relaxing for Fun!" Yuni says.

Chiling Dragon sends out a blizzard that destroys Brigandine, while Relaxing Angel just smiles and causes the other one to be destroyed.

"I set one card and end my turn." Yuni says as she places it on the disk.

Yuto says, "At the moment, I use Carriage's effect. In the end phase, I can summon back Silent Boots and Dusty Robe back from the graveyard as Level 4 monsters!"

Then as the monsters appear, Yuni says, "So you have prepared this much, huh..."

Jean says, "Yuni, Katrina, I think it is time that you give us answers right now."

Yuni turns to Jean and asks, "And what do you want to know from us?"

Ron says, "It's obvious. We want to know where are Rumi and Ruri. I know that the two of them are saved and they are in this Dimension."

"What? Ruri and Rumi are here?" Yuto gasps in shock.

"Just take us to them. I know that you're also protecting them from Academia. It's just they are our comrades, and we just want to see them." Jean says.

Yuni sighs and says, "It is not that I don't want to help you, but it is the fact that I can't help you. The whole situation is complicated, and I don't think you will believe me."

Yuto feels enraged and says, "Then I'll defeat you and find Ruri and Rumi ourselves! My turn!" After drawing a card, he continues, "I overlay my Level 4 Silent Boots and Level 4 Dusty Robe! Formed from pitch-black darkness, to fight those foolish enough to oppose it with its treacherous fangs! Now, descend! Xyz Summon! Rank 4! Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon!"(ATK:2500/DEF:2000, RNK:4 OVU:2)

When Dark Rebellion appears on the field, Yuni says, "It's here...Phantom's true form..."

Yuto says "I use my other face down! Phantom Knights Dark Hands! With this card's effect, I target all your Xyz Monsters, so they will gain Levels equal to their ranks!"

Yuni widens her eyes as the hands make the monsters Level 7, she knows very well what Dark Rebellion's effect is. Yuto yells, "Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon's effect! I use all two Overlay Units to half your two monsters' ATK and add it to itself. I take Relaxing Angel and Laughing Angel's! Treason Discharge!"

Two bolts of lighting surrounds two monsters as their attacks are taken. (ATK:2800-1400)(ATK:2800-1400)(ATK:2500-5300)

"With this attack, Yuni is going to lose." Jean says.

"For Ruri and Rumi, I will win this duel. Battle! I attack your Hope Eyes Chiling Dragon! Revolt of Lighting Disobey!" Yuto yells.

Yuni widens her eyes as the attack hits, smoke covers the field as nobody can see what's going on. Yuto stares at the smoke clouds and he says, "I'm sorry, but this is all for Rumi and Ruri."

Much to his shock, Yuni's Hope-Eyes Chiling Dragon is still on the field, Jean gasps, "But how?"

"It is simple, I know you are going to do that, that's why I've already had a card helping me out." After the smoke is cleared, Yuto, Ron, and Jean see that Rumi is standing in Yuni's place, she's wearing the Resistance outfit, but the Duel Disk is still Yuni's. In front of Rumi, the card is Flying Riders Sky Shield.

"Flying Riders Sky Shield..." Katrina mutters, "It negates the battle and ends the battle phase..."

As the others are still processing what's going on, Rumi gives an annoyed sigh and says, "What? Aren't you happy to see me again? I am a little hurt, you know."

Yuto says, " that you?"

"Wait, if you are here, then where is Yuni?" Jean asks while looking around. "And why were you using her duel disk?"

Katrina knows that the secret she is asked to keep is busted, she says, "The whole situation is complicated because the person in front of you is not only my sister but also Rumi. Let's say they are sharing the same body right now."

"What?" The three duelists are shocked, they didn't know it is possible to combine two people who look the same together.

"So does that mean she is both Yuni and Rumi combined?" Ron asks. "How is that even possible?"

"When Reisho saved them from Academia, they couldn't move their bodies and they are weak. With their dragons connecting, Rumi's soul is now inside my sister, so she can recharge her body's energy." Katrina says. "It is not just Rumi, Ruri is sharing the same fate as well."

Yuto remembers the time when he noticed Yuzu, and he says, "So that girl from before...does that mean..."

"You are correct, Ruri's soul was inside her." Rumi says. "Though I'm surprised that Yuni wants me to finish the duel in this turn, not that I'm complaining. My turn!"

After drawing a card, Rumi says, "My Light Patience Xyz Dragon might be a Rank 4 monster, however, it seems that I'm not the only one who possesses Light Patience. I overlay Rank 7 Laughing Angel and Rank 7 Relaxing Angel!"

As the two Angels become the Overlay Units and go into the portal, a white colored Dragon that looks like Dark Rebellion appears.

"Formed from the rays of light, use your fierce jaws to fight! Cross Xyz Summon! Come forth! Rank 7! Light Patience Flying Dragon!"(ATK:2500/DEF:2000, RNK:7 PS:6)

Yuto mutters, "Light Patience..."

"I thought Light Patience is Rank 4...but this is a Rank 7 monster..." Ron says.

"Rumi's Light Patience Xyz Dragon is Rank 4. However, my sister's Light Patience Flying Dragon is Rank 7, and its effect also extends to Ranks." Katrina says, "This really is the end of Yuto."

Rumi says, "I use its effect. By detaching one overlay unit, I can lower Dark Rebellion's ATK by 1200 and you get 1200 damage! Dazzling light!".As the light glows, Yuto has taken 1200 damage with Dark Rebellion. (Yuto:2500-1300) (ATK:2500-1300)

"This is the end. Battle! I attack Dark Rebellion with Light Patience! Destruction of the waiting Light!"

The dragon glows as its fangs become surrounded by light, then it pierces through Dark Rebellion and Yuto was blasted away. (Yuto:1300-0)

As Yuto gets back on his feet, he sees Rumi smiles at him. "Rumi..." He mutters, then they see Rumi's body fading back to Yuni.

Jean says, "So Rumi is inside could've just told us the whole truth."

Yuni says, "I am sorry to hide this from all of you, I was worried that nobody would believe us if we tell the truth."

"I'm glad to see Rumi safe." Yuto says with a nod. "Thank you for helping them out."

Yuni nods, but then Katrina senses Yuzu and Sora's presence and she says, "Yuto, hide now. Someone's coming."

Yuto nods and hides in the shadow, and Jean asks, "What is this about?"

"Ron? Jean? Yuni? Katrina?" Yuzu and Sora notice the four of them, and Yuni says, "Oh, hi, Yuzu."

"I see what she means that Yuto must hide." Ron says.

"Yuzu says, "Oh well, I guess you guys are here, too."

Sora says, "Why'd you bring me to a place like this?"

Yuzu then bows and says, "Please! Teach me how to use Fusion Summoning!"

This shocked everyone currently. Ruri asks in her spirit form, "Yuzu, are you serious?"

"I am, Ruri." Yuzu says. "Besides, it is not the method but the user is bad."

Ruri can only nod at Yuzu's words, and Sora asks, "Why...? I mean, Yuya was the one that taught Fusion Courses in LDS, right? Shouldn't you ask him instead?"

"I want to get stronger! I'm not enough as I am right now! I can't always rely on Yuya and his siblings, they are already busy being Vice Presidents. And also, I want to use Fusion to protect others." Yuzu says.

Ron asks, "But why Fusion? You can also become stronger by learning Synchro and Xyz, right?"

Yuni says, "It is because of your duel against Masumi, right? Seeing that she can use it, but you can't, you must be frustrated, right?"

"I already have 2 teachers that teach me Xyz and Synchro." Yuzu says. "I want to be as strong as Yuya and Yuni to master all kinds of summoning."

"Since you don't have a teacher for Fusion, you want a Fusion user like me to teach you?"

"Yes, so I'm begging you!" Yuzu says. "Teach me!"

Sora starts to think about it, "Well..."

"You can't?" Yuzu asks.

"It is not that I can't, but rather if it's okay. It is true that you can be stronger after learning it."

Yuzu says, "Then It's better, right? Make me stronger so I don't lose to anyone!"

Jean says, "Wow, she is so determined."

Katrina says, "Yeah, but I wonder if Ruri will be okay with this."

Sora gives her the Fusion card, he says, "All right, well, this is the Fusion card. This Magic Card allows you to fuse monsters together, and the bread and butter for Fusion Summoning in general."

Yuzu says, "I understand."

Sora thinks, "I can't believe that I'm teaching her; being too nice is my only flaw."

Yuzu says, "So the Fusion Materials can be on the field or hand, right?"

"Yes, but there can be exceptions—" Sora says, but he feels Yuto's presence nearby.

Yuto leaps from his hiding spot, with Sora in pursuit.

"Huh? What's wrong?" Yuzu asks.

Sora ignores her and arms his Duel Disk. Yuzu is confused about the turn of events as Sora chases the Duelist, who activates his own Duel Disk. Sora also activates his Duel Disk and the two clash with the holographic blades as if they were swords.

"Crap, he sees him." Yuni says to the others as they nod.

Both Duelists leap back, Sora asks, "And just who are you? You're not from here, aren't you?"

"Neither are you!" Yuto says.

"Hey, you are from before..." Yuzu says.

"Huh? Yuzu, you know him?" Sora asks.

"Yeah, when she was here with Sawatari before." Yuni says.

Yuzu asks, "Yuto, right? Are you the one who causes the attack?"

"Attack?" Sora asks.

Yuni says, "An LDS teacher who teaches Fusion is attacked."

Sora says, "That explains why there were so many guards...So you're the culprit then?"

Yuto keeps silent, and Yuzu asks, "Did you duel Sawatari in order to save me, or do you have a grudge against LDS?"

"That's—" Yuto says as he doesn't know how to reply.

Suddenly, the warehouse doors fly open and Masumi comes in. "So you are the culprit, then?"

"Kotsu Masumi?" Yuni says in shock. "What are you doing here?"

"I thought I could get something from the first scene of the crime." Masumi arms her Duel Disk and says, "But if you were lurking here all along, you saved me the trouble of searching!"

Yuzu says, "Hey, wait, I am still talking to him!"

Masumi says, "I have things to say to him first."

Yuni says, "Calm down, Masumi, there is still no proof that he is the culprit."

Masumi says, "Once we see whether he uses Xyz or not, we'll know the truth! Don't try to stop me, Vice President!"

Upon hearing "Xyz", Sora becomes intrigued.

"I'll find out myself, fight me!" Masumi says as she activates her Duel Disk. "Here we go, let's duel!"

"Hey, cut it out! I already defeated him in a Duel, there's no need for that." Yuni says.

Suddenly, Yuzu's bracelet starts to glow, blinding everyone. When the light fades, Yuto has vanished.

Ruri asks, "Ray! I thought you sealed it!"

Ray says, "I also thought I did! I don't know when I activated it again! If Reisho is here..."

"He's gone..." Ron asks.

"What's going on?" Jean asks.

"Hey! Yuzu!" Yuya rushes in and says, "Huh, you are all here? Thank goodness, the Principal was worried and sent me out to find all of you!"

"Vice President Yuya!" Masumi says as she grabs his shoulder. "Do you see where he went?"

"Who?" Yuya asks.

"The culprit who attacked Professor Marco! Where is he?" Masumi yells at him.

"Ah, there he is! If you don't catch up he'll run away!" Sora yells as he points to the left.

"You won't be getting away with it!" Masumi says as she pushes Yuya and runs in the direction Sora pointed.

Yuya asks, "So the culprit was there?"

"Meh, If she hung around, she'd get in the way of our training." Sora says.

"Training?" Yuya asks in confusion.

Yuni says, "Yuzu wants to learn Fusion Summon from Sora so she can be stronger."

"I see... so she is really pumped up for the Championship, huh?" Yuya says. "Oh, Yuni. I forgot to tell you, Vivian has found her final opponent with Nico Smiley's help."

"That's good to hear." Yuni says. "I hope that all of you manage to reach the top in the Junior Youth Championship."

"Hey, you've been talking about the Championship, but what is that?" Jean asks.

"Can we attend the Championship as well?" Sora asks.

"There is a slight problem, you see, not only just Sora, but Ron and Jean as well, you guys haven't played 50 matches since coming to Miami, right? You need at least that many matches with a 60% win record to participate."

"Man...I want to duel you in the tournament..." Sora says sadly.

Yuni says, "Well, you can win six wins in a row to enter, too. And this is what we're going to tell you guys about."

"So Ron, Jean, Sora, and I have to win 6 duels in a row, how hard is it going to be?" Katrina asks.

"Yeah. Maybe it will be a chance to see what the Championship is offering." Ron nods.

As they all head outside, Yuni sees Yuzu still looking at her bracelet, Yuni says, "Yuzu, are you okay? We're leaving."

"Oh, I am coming." Yuzu says as she rushes to them.

Meanwhile, Shun is wearing a blue coat and sunglasses, and the red scarf that covers his mouth, he looks at the LDS tower and then goes there.

So the Resistance knows the truth about Rumi and Ruri. And I reveal the deck of Rumi's it is my OC deck called Flying Riders. Don't worry, she will duel again in the future chapter. Please be patient and wait for it to come.

New OC Cards:

Phantom Knights Protection Carriage.

Dark Attribute, ATK:2000/DEF:1000, Rank:3, Machine/Xyz/Effect.

Effect: 2 Level 3 monsters.

You can choose one monster as its overlay unit, it gains ATK equal to the monster's ATK. By detaching one Overlay Unit, you can negate an effect and destroy the card. If this card is sent to the graveyard, in the end phase special summon 2 monsters from the graveyard and had their levels to 4.

Smile Sorry:

Effect: When a monster my opponent controls declares an attack, you can negate that attack and end the Battle Phase.

Smile Fairy Contact Telephone:

Light Attribute, LV:5, PS:3, Fairy/Pendulum/Effect, ATK:0/DEF:1500

Pendulum Effect: When an Xyz Pendulum Monster has been sent back from the field to the Extra Deck, you can Pendulum Summon that monster.

Monster Effect: When a monster declares an attacl on this monster, special summon a monster from the deck and negate the battle.

Xyz Summon Carnival:

Normal Magic

Effect: You can use the same monsters to Xyz Summon depend on the number of cards you have in your hand. But the monsters will be devided in different Xyz monsters. This card can become one of the monster's Overlay Units.

Smile Fairy Double Identity:

Light Attribute LV7 PS:4 Fairy/Pendulum/Effect ATK:2500/DEF:0

Pendulum Effect: If you control a monster that has the name Smile Fairy or D-Hero, you can target one monster you control on the field, it can attack twice.

Monster Effect: This card can be treated as a D-HERO Monster. If you have a Smile Fairy Monster or a D-Hero Monster on the field, by sending two cards from your hand to the graveyard, you can attack twice.

Smile Fairy Laughing Angel:

Dark Attribute, RNK:7, Fairy/Xyz/Effect ATK:2800/DEF:1400,

Effect: 2 Level 7 monsters.

By detaching one Overlay Unit, you can choose two effects: 1. Gain LP equal to the ATK of all special summoned monsters. 2. Negate the destruction of all the monsters on the player's field until the end of the turn.

Smile Fairy Laughing Angel:

Light Attribute, RNK:7, Fairy/Xyz/Effect ATK:2800/DEF:1400,

Effect: 2 Level 7 monsters.

By detaching one Overlay Unit, you can choose two effects: 1. All damage taken becomes 0. 2. Negate the destruction of all the monsters on the player's field until the end of the turn.

Hope-Eyes Chilling Dragon:

Water Attribute RNK:7 Dragon/Xyz/Effect ATK:2500/DEF:2000

Effect: 2 LV7 monsters.

By detaching one overlay unit, you can take control of all your opponent's monsters and treat them as these monsters.

Phantom Knights Dark Hand:

Normal Magic Card

Effect: Switch all the Xyz Monster's Ranks into Levels.

Flying Riders Sky Shield:

Normal Trap Card

Effect: Negate a battle and end the Battle phase.

Light Patience Flying Dragon:

Light Attribute, Rank:7, PS:6, Dragon/Xyz/Pendulum/Effect, ATK:2500/DEF:2000

Pendulum Effect: Once per turn, you can reduce the battle damage you take from an attack involving a Xyz Monster you control to 0.

Monster Effect: Two Rank 7 Xyz Monsters.

By detaching an Overlay Unit, once per turn, lower the targeted monster's ATK by 300 times the number of the Rank or Level and give the same amount of damage to the user. When this card is destroyed, destroy one Pendulum monster in the zone and place this card instead.
