Chapter 39 The Kidnapper of Ruri

Inside Yuni's mind, Sona wakes up and finds two people standing in front of her. "I see that you're awake." Zarine says to Sona, who looks around and asks, "Let me guess, this is Yuni's mind?"

"You're correct. I should introduce myself, I am Zarine, I am your original soul." Zarine says. "And this here is Kurosaki Rumi, let's say that she's your Xyz Dimension self."

Sona slightly pales a little after hearing what her Xyz Counterpart is named, and Rumi is showing some sort of angry aura, and says, "Thanks to you kidnapping my sister, I have to suffer a lot, it will be better if I get my revenge here and now."

Zarine stops Rumi and says, "You can't deal any damage when we're inside Yuni's mind, and you're not the only one that suffers, if anything, the real enemy is Akaba Leo."

Sona says, "About what happened to your sister, I'm truly sorry. When I thought the Professor only wanted to capture an Xyz Dimension person instead of carding, I didn't think about the consequences. I promise if you listen to my part of a story, I will let you do anything to me."

Rumi gives Sona a glare and she says, "Fine."

After Yuni and Katrina take the two Academia students to the special dorm for LDS students so that no one will be able to find them except for officials like them, Katrina volunteers to stay there while Yuni goes to talk to Reiji about the situation.

"Since you're here, Serena. I should introduce myself. I am Sakaki Katrina, you might have heard of me as the Vampire of Heartland." Katrina says.

"Vampire of Heartland?" Serena asks, she has heard of the rumors of a vampire in Heartland, those who were defeated by her would become very weak. But then again, maybe the Xyz Duelist who defeated one of Academia's spies is her.

"Does that mean you were the Xyz Duelist that defeated Sona's brother?" Serena asks.

"No, I'm not. I should tell you that I wasn't from Xyz Dimension, only that I was teleported there 7 years ago. 3 years ago, I witnessed how Academia turned the Xyz Dimension into a battlefield, I saw a lot of defenseless citizens become victims of the so-called hunting game of yours. I only came back to Standard Dimension a few weeks ago, because I know that my siblings will be able to help me."

Serena frowns as says, "I thought if I defeat the Xyz Duelist, the Professor will acknowledge my skills and I will be sent to the frontlines... I thought we were doing a glorious thing..."

Katrina says, "There is nothing glorious in it. And I have to say that the Professor already acknowledges your skill, but he already has plans for you."

"What do you mean by that?" Serena asks.

"The Professor wants you to become a sacrifice just like those carded people, you are one of his key of ambitions." Katrina says with a bitter tone.

This causes Serena to be shocked. Satoshi says, "Is that true? Does Serena have to be just like those people who are carded? How did you know Professor's plans?"

Katrina says, "We also have spies in Academia as well, he has been giving us a lot of information about what the Professor is planning. To create the utopia, the Professor needs four people that look like you, Serena. You are the one, and Yuzu is another one..."

Serena wants to think that it isn't true, but Katrina says, "You don't have to believe me if you want to, but that is an undeniable truth. The Professor is scared that you will leave the Academia, which is why he is sending an army here to bring you back, or else the utopia isn't going to be created."

Serena frowns, finally scrubbed to defeat, she says, "I can't believe this... HOW DARE HE! After everything I've done to him, I have to be like those carded people?!"

Katrina knows that it might take some time for Serena to open her eyes to see the truth, and she can only hope that her sister and brother finished what they were doing before coming here.

Meanwhile, Yuya and Reiji are in the Control Room as Yuni walks in. Yuya says, "I heard from Reiji that you have dueled the other two when Reiji is dueling the one that was sent back to Academia, are you okay?"

Yuni says, "I am fine, I called Katrina to help me, though. I only dueled one and the person I dueled looked just like me."

Yuya says, "I've seen from the cameras, not only I found the person who shares the same face as Yuzu, but you as well."

Yuni nods and says, "Her name is Sona Shunin, and she is Sora's sister."

"Sora did have mentioned a sister that looks like you. Reiji told me that Serena is here because she wants to fight Kurosaki Shun, but what about her? Why was she here?" Yuya asks.

"Sona, unlike her brother, hates what Academia has done. She couldn't forgive herself, so she made up her mind to betray Academia." Yuni holds her chest and says, "Katrina and I were skeptical at first, so I dueled her as it is the easiest way. According to the other person, a boy named Satoshi, Sona has never lost a Duel in Academia. Which means I am the first one she lost to."

Yuya says, "So she is willing to betray Academia, I'm glad to hear that there are people in Academia who rebels against the Professor's plans. We might need to have a chat with her, I assume she's with Katrina and the other Academia members?"

"The thing is, we might need to be more careful about dueling Zarc, Zarine, and Ray's fragments, after I defeated Sona, she was in the state just like Yuto a few days ago. So I absorbed her and now I have three souls inside me."

Yuya says, "Just like Yuzu, we also need to be careful about absorbing our other counterparts. Once we absorbed all four of them, we will be gone forever and Zarc, Zarine, and Ray will be whole again."

"I know. And there is also a slight problem after I absorbed Sona..." Yuni frowns. "The one who kidnapped Ruri to Academia is Sona, even though it is coming from the Professor's orders."

Yuto's ghost appears beside Yuya and says, "Wait, she is the one who kidnapped Ruri? How dare she!"

"Calm down! Yuto. Ruri is safe too, and I'm sure that Sona is regretting her actions right now." Yuya says.

Yuni says, "Yeah, she is now really guilty about this and she is willing to atone for her mistakes by helping us defeat Academia."

"I hate to admit it, but Yuni is right." Rumi then appears as Yuni asks, "How is it? Is it fine for you that Sona is with us?"

Rumi says, "At first I think I couldn't forgive what she had done to Ruri, but after I see her memories and how she's being sincere, I feel like she is a victim just like us, as well as some of her friends."

Yuto says, "Does that mean you are going to forgive her?"

Rumi says, "I'm sure that not even Ruri will want the grudge to continue, so I may as well forgive her."

Yuto nods and then Rumi suddenly takes control of Yuni, more like she also wants Akaba Reiji to hear this. "Sona also told us a problem that might be concerning to us."

"What is it?" Yuya asks.

"The Professor has ordered two people to capture Yuzu to Academia. We all know that one of them is Sona, who decides to betray Academia. But there is another one, and that's Yuri, who Sona claims to look just like you, Yuya." Rumi says.

"Which means he is Zarc's Fusion Fragment, the one who holds Starve Venom Fusion Dragon." Yuya says.

"If that's the case, they will be coming during the Championship." Reiji says.

"What should we do?" Yuya asks. "Since we can't stop the tournament because it is a way to counteract the Academia..."

Yuni manages to gain back her control as she says, "Since we have a reversal carding function, I guess we should not let everyone leave the stadium for safety. Since the tournament is for choosing the Lancers, I guess it is time for actual practice."

Yuya widens his eyes, "Are you telling me that..."

"Yes. We are going to have a Battle Royale." Yuni says.

"But doing so will cause a lot of participants to be carded..." Nakajima says.

"That is true, but I agree with this plan," Reiji says.

"President?" Nakajima is shocked.

"We have no other choice. Once the second round ends, we will start the battle royale." Reiji says.

Yuya nods as well as Yuto and Rumi. Then Yuni takes Yuya to where Katrina is so Yuya can meet Serena.

At the dorm where Serena is, Yuni knocks on the door as Katrina comes and opens it.

"Brother, Sister, you are here." Katrina says.

Serena and Satoshi are shocked to see Yuya, who looks really like Yuri. But they know he isn't Yuri after hearing Katrina calling him brother.

"You must be Serena and Satoshi, I am Sakaki Yuya." Yuya introduces himself.

"Um...I am Serena and this is Satoshi." Serena says, still shocked at the fact that he looks really like Yuri.

"I know how you feel, seeing another person look like your friend." Yuni says. "Katrina, does she know everything about Heartland?"

Katrina nods and says, "Yes. Sister. She was having a hard time believing it, though, considering she never went there before."

Serena asks, "Is what she said true? About how Academia laughs when they are hunting?"

Yuya says, "We can only assume that since Yuni and I have never been to Heartland before. However, I want you to watch this footage, it is a duel that reveals what exactly happened in Xyz Dimension.

As he plays the video, they see Sora and Shun dueling. Sona gasps, "That is my brother...does that mean his opponent is from Heartland?"

"Yes, and he is my brother." Rumi says, "Kurosaki Shun."

As the duel goes on, the three Academia members hear what Sora has said to Shun, which proved that what Katrina said to them is right. Sona also drops a tear, which is noticed by Yuni.

"Brother...I can't believe he is this mean...I can't believe Academia has corrupted him this far!" Sona says.

This causes confusion for Yuni and Rumi. Sona says, "Brother was my only family since we were orphans. Before Professor comes to Academia, he is a caring and cheerful person. He will try everything to make others happy..."

Katrina says, "I might believe your words, Sona. Sora didn't show any hostility when he stayed at our house, and my Mom also likes him that he would make pancakes for him."

After the duel ends, Serena says, "My head really I don't know what is right and what is wrong..."

Satoshi says, "I have decided to help them stop Academia, ever since that experience, I don't think I can side with them anymore."

Yuya and the others nod, then they look at Serena, who stands up and says, "I will help you guys stop Academia as well."

"Are you serious?" Yuya asks. "What makes you change your opinion?"

"I still think the Professor's belief is right, but I don't believe the approach is right. Besides...we are runaways, so no doubt that Academia will come and search for me." Serena says.

"We know that, so we have some plans discussed." Yuni says.

After talking a little, the three Sakaki Siblings leave them two alone as they head back to meet Yuzu and the others.

At You Show, Yuya, Yuni, and Katrina greet others as they get into the room. Everyone has been looking at the top 32 duelists that have managed to get through the second round.

"Yuya, Yuni, Katrina, you are back." Yuzu says as everyone notices them. "How is the meeting?" Shuzo asks.

"Well, it is fine. So I guess you saw the news of the 32 duelists who managed to get past the second round at Junior Youth." Yuni says.

"Yeah. Even that Kurosaki Shun that beat Sora is there, too. No matter how you look at it, he went too far!" Tatsuya says.

"I bet it's his fault that Sora is gone too!" Ayu says.

"I'm so frustrated I've got shivers!" Futoshi says.

Everyone then stays silent as the kids don't know about the whole truth, Yuni says, "We are not sure if it is his fault, but there is no denying that Sora is still missing. Yuzu, Vivian, Ryu, Gongenzaka, Jean and Ron. We have some important matters that we need to tell you."

Gongenzaka asks, "What important matters?"

"It is about the third round in Junior Youth." Yuya says. "Principal, Mom, we might need some privacy about this."

Shuzo and Yoko nod as they take the children to the duel field to train. Then Yuya says, "Yuzu, can you switch to Ruri?"

Yuzu nods and she glows, just then Ruri is now taking control of her body. For Ryu and Gongenzaka, this is a new experience.

"Ruri, good to see you again." Ron says.

"Wait, so you are Kurosaki Shun's sister?" Ryu asks.

"Yes. I guess it is our actual meeting. My name is Kurosaki Ruri." Ruri says, then she turns to the Sakaki siblings. "What do you want to talk about?"

Yuya says, "I guess we should get straight to the point. Do you remember who captured you back in Heartland? Can you tell us the full story about what exactly happened?"

Ruri flinches at first, but she nods, "It was when everyone has gone out to duel, I was at the refugee camp helping others. A person with a cloak then approaches me, at first one of the Resistance members says that he finds her and she is here to help, and she did save a lot of us...but one day...she wants me to come with her alone, and then she shows me that she is from Academia. She wants to have a duel with me and if I lost, she won't card me, instead, she will take me to Academia."

Vivian says, "We know it is for reviving Ray, but how is the duel? What kind of monsters did she use?"

"Her deck is about cooking and other things, but when Assembling Nightingale blew off her hood, I saw it. At first, I couldn't believe my eyes, but it is the same face as my sister and Yuni."

"What?" This causes everyone except the Sakakis to be shocked.

"I thought it was my sister, but she told me that she isn't her and she is from Fusion Dimension. Not only that...she also summons a Dragon...a dragon that is similar to Light Patience Xyz Dragon, but it uses mirrors and...I don't remember, except being here in the Standard." Ruri says.

Yuni says, "Since I have all Zarine's dragons, so I want to know if the dragon looks like this one?"

Yuni shows her Full Clear Cooking Dragon, Ruri nods and says, "Yes, that is the dragon that she used."

Jean says, "So you were captured by Zarnie's Fusion Fragment? Is that what you want to tell us?"

As the siblings nod, then Yuni says, "You see, when we got back to LDS after Brother's duel with Kachidoki, we have an alarm and our detectors scan a powerful Fusion Summoning."

"Alarm?" Gongenzaka asks. "And a Powerful Fusion Summoning? What do you mean?"

"We don't know, so we check out the Security Cameras and then we find that four people are surrounding Hokuto."

"Hokuto? By the way, how dare he miss the duel..." Vivian says. "He wanted to get his revenge on me and this is how he did?"

"Hokuto is dueling someone with an Academia Duel Disk. He lost and he was carded." Katrina says.

"What? Academia Duel Disk? Does that mean they are here?" Jean says alarmed.

Yuni says, "We have been checking about it, and it seems that the culprit has come along with 3 other people. And under the hood, we saw the is the same as Yuzu's."

Ruri, Rin, and Yuzu are shocked. Ray asks, "Could it be my Fusion Fragment?"

"We know that Yuzu is dueling in the stadium, so in order to find out the truth, I called Katrina to come as we find them targeting one of the LDS aces in the Youth Class. Serena, that is your Fusion Counterpart's name, she wants to duel the Xyz User who beat Sora, but she is stopped by Reiji." Yuya says.

"As for me and Katrina, we manage to distract the other two away from there. Then they also show themselves, and one of the two has the same face as me." Yuni says.

"What? Is she the one who kidnapped me?" Ruri asks fearfully. "Is she here to capture me again?"

Yuni says, "Well, she admits that she is the one who captured you before, but she's not here to capture you again."

"Then why is she here?" Ron asks.

"She, as well as the companion that comes with her, says that they are going to betray the Professor." Yuni says, "Reisho told them to come to find me when they arrive at Standard so I can help them out."

"What?" The group is shocked once more.

Ryu asks, "You mean, the one who kidnapped Ruri, is betraying Academia?"

"Are you sure she is telling the truth?" Jean asks.

"I dueled her in order to find out the truth, and I found out that it was true all along." Yuni closes her eyes. "She is Sora's sister. Her name is Sona Shunin."

"Sora has a sister? He didn't mention this to us before." Vivian says.

"Well, he has, but indirectly. He mistook me as his sister when we first met." Yuni says. "Sona is also said to be the strongest of Academia, no one has ever won against her in a duel."

"I can believe what you said." Ruri says, "She manages to make my Assemble Wings' effect negated. And when she battles, I really don't have any idea how to counteract."

Katrina says, "I also saw her duel with Sister, I have never seen Sister sweating a lot because of her ways to counter her attacks."

"Seriously...I am glad that we didn't face her, or we will get carded..." Jean says.

"Well, she said that she had never carded a person in her life as Academia Student." Yuni says.

"Are you serious? Then what did she do to our comrades?" Ron asks.

Ruri says, "About that...before she told me that she was from Academia, I heard that she has managed to teleport some of the Resistance members who lost the duel to the Duel Lodge. But I don't know how she did it."

Katrina says, "Full Clear Fusion Dragon has the power to do it, as well as having the power to create fake cards with duel energy."

"So she is nice after all...unlike her brother." Vivian says.

"But after I dueled her, just like the time when Rumi duels Ruri and Rin in order to save them, she also drained her energy, so I decide to absorb her as well."

"Wait, so she is here the whole time?" Ron asks in shock.

"And does Rumi know this?" Yuzu asks.

"Rumi decides to forgive her after seeing her memories." Katrina says. "As for Serena and her companion, they are now at LDS for protection since not long after, Academia will come and try to capture her and Yuzu at the same time."

"What? So we are going to be just like Heartland?" Vivian asks in shock. "This quick?"

"I am afraid so." Yuya says. "But we have a plan, and it will need the competitors' help."

"And the plan will be starting when the match starts." Yuni says as they nod.

"By the way, can we meet Sona?" Yuzu asks. "From what we heard, she doesn't seem to be a bad person after all."

Yuni says, "Well...I know she is still guilty about it... alright." Yuni says as she closes her eyes. Then not long after, the one who appears in front of them is no other than Sona.

"So you must be Sora's sister, Sona?" Yuya asks.

Sona nods and says, "I am really sorry for all the damage Academia caused to you. Since the Academia I once knew isn't like this."

Ron says, "We understand. In fact, we really don't want the conflict to continue."

Vivian asks, "But if you just come from Academia, does that mean Sora is there now?"

Sona nods, "The last time I see him, he is at the ward treating his injuries. He will be fine since Academia has the best doctors for treatment."

She closes her eyes and says, "As I said to Yuni, Yuya, and Katrina. Brother isn't a person that would hurt others. When Yuni and Yuya let me watch the duel, I was terrified that how the Professor and the way Academia has become now have turned him like this. I want to bring the real him back."

The others nod as Gongenzaka says, "Don't worry. The Man Gongenzaka will help you."

Yuzu says, "Yeah, we will help you too."

Sona nods and says, "Thank you, but there is something I need to tell you as well. The reason why the Professor sent me here is that the Professor wants me and Yuri to bring Yuzu to Academia. Since Ruri and Rin's disappearance, the Professor has been in a state of anxiety. And now that Serena also escapes, I guess he will try to send Obelisk Force here to take both of them back."

"Which is why we need to protect Yuzu." Katrina says. "We can't let her fall into the hands of Academia."

"But who is Yuri? And why did the Professor first ask you and him?" Ryu asks.

"Yuri is my friend, he also shares the same face as Yuya." Sona says. "He is really lonely these days, so he will try to capture Yuzu for Professor for the purpose that he can gain attention."

"Gain attention?" Jean asks. "What do you mean?"

"Yuri and I are the strongest duelists in Academia. We give it all we got through dueling, but because of it, our classmates tend to stay away from us because no one can beat us." Sona frowns.

"How can they be so cruel?" Yuzu says in shock.

"It was until we met Serena, who introduces us to a lot of friends and we have been playing together. But three years ago...the Professor has come to Academia. He has been planning to invade other dimensions for the utopia. Even though some of our friends agree with the plan, most of our friends and I rebel against it after we see them carding innocents. But things don't turn out well for us as some of our friends successfully escaped, and some of our friends are carded. And some of our friends are being controlled by parasites. Satoshi was the one who was being controlled until I freed him with the help of my dragon."

"Satoshi is the one who is now with Serena, right?" Yuya asks. "We really should ask his name first."

"Yes. The Professor can't place parasites in my and Yuri's head, so they try to use the controlled people to break us down so we will help him with the plan. Yuri falls for it, but I didn't. And it is also the reason why Yuri agrees to capture Yuzu..."

"I see... I can't believe he is this cruel to others, too." Ron says.

Yuni says, "Then we must help him by freeing him out of the darkness. Yuzu, when brother and I come when you face him, tells Ray to stop her bracelet."

Yuzu says, "I get it."

Yuya says, "So I am going to absorb him like Yuto?"

Katrina says, "I guess it is the best choice we have."

As the others nod, then they head to the duel arena to watch the children.

In the Fusion Dimension, Leo sits on his throne in front of his machine, he asks, "You said you wanted to go to Standard again, correct?"

"Yes, sir! There are Xyz remnants in Standard!" Sora says.

Leo says, "I will grant that wish."

Sora widens his eyes and bows, "Thank you very much!"

"However, you will not be going alone this time. I will have you go with them." Leo says. Just then, a lot of Obelisk Force members appear behind Sora, causing Sora to get surprised.

"Finding the Xyz remnants is only a secondary objective. Your primary objective is her." Leo says as he shows him the hologram of Serena.

" wait. That is Serena..." Sora notes.

"Yes, your friend has left the Academia to Standard. Your objective is to capture Serena and bring her back to this world. You are authorized to engage the local Duelists in combat in order to accomplish this. You must bring Serena back." Leo says.

"Yes, sir. May I ask where is my sister?" Sora asks.

"I have another mission for her, so she isn't here at the moment." Leo says. "Now you can dismiss."

After the hall is empty, Leo stands up from his throne and Reisho walks in.

"Father. You called me?" Reisho asks.

"Reisho. How is your championship doing?" Leo asks, not knowing that it is a tournament to fight against him.

"The second round is over, tomorrow will be the third round." Reisho says.

Leo nods and asks, "Have you found any traces of Ruri and Rin?"

Reisho shows him the data and says, "No. It is like they disappear off the face of the four dimensions."

Leo clenches his fist and says, "Without them, the mission won't succeed..."

Reisho says, "But Father. I have a theory about it."

Leo asks, "And what is it?"

Reisho says, "Could it be that Ray had been revived in Yuzu's body and she already absorbed Ruri and Rin at the same time? Then she only needs Serena to be complete."

Leo closes his eyes and says, "It may be possible, but I don't have a clue about it. That is why I have Sona and Yuri to take her to me."

Reisho nods and then excuses himself to leave, leaving Leo in his own thoughts.

Here is a new chapter, as you can see, Sona manages to meet the Xyz Duelists except for Kurosaki Shun, and they decide to forgive her for her actions. The next chapter will be the beginning of Battle Royale.
