Threesome | SMUT

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Scarlett x Elizabeth(G!P) x fem. Reader.
~G!P means girl with a penis(intersex)

Contains: Degrading, spitting, ice cubes, usage of daddy and mommy+nicknames, oral sex, handcuffs, choking/breath control, orgasm control, face riding, hair pulling, masturbation, 69, unprotected sex+ breeding kink, breast feeding/breast milk, 69, rough sex

3rd person PoV

Elizabeth pushed y/n against the wall and trapped y/n with her body weight. She kissed y/n roughly and attacked her jaw and neck with bruising kisses.

„Lizzie?" A female voice came from the kitchen.

„Yes Baby?" Elizabeth asked and covered y/n's mouth with her hand.

„Im home" The Woman laughed and walked up the stairs.

„Oh wow, surprise. You're home" Lizzie smiled.

Scarlett entered the room and froze when she saw y/n.

„Elizabeth?!" She said angrily and looked at her.

„Scar, you wanted a threesome right? I talked to y/n before, she's okay with a threesome" Elizabeth explained and took her hand away from y/n's mouth, y/n nodded.

„But our baby is not even a year old.... We can't just have a threesome now" Scarlett answered confused.

„They're both visiting their grand parents. We have time till tomorrow evening" She smirked.

„Okay, then let's try it" Scarlett smiled and they went to Elizabeth's and Scarlett's shared bedroom.

Elizabeth closed the blinds while Scarlett walked over to y/n and smirked. She took the strap of y/n's bra and hooked her fingers under it. Slowly she let go of the strap and it snapped back into place.

„What are we going to do with you" Scarlett whispered into y/n's ear and placed a soft kiss under her ear.

„I don't know" y/n responded slowly.

Scarlett bit down on y/n's earlobe gently and y/n let out a soft moan.

She grabbed y/n's head and turned it to her face. She pressed her lips onto y/n's and she grabbed y/n's jaw to open her mouth. Scarlett plunged her tongue into y/n's mouth but y/n pulled her head away.

„Oh, so you're a slut and we can treat you like one?!" Scarlett smirked and y/n smiled.

„You like that, right?" Scarlett asked.

y/n nodded, blushing a bit.

„Lizzie, she likes degrading" Scarlett turned around to her wife and kissed her passionately.

„That's good" She smirked and turned to y/n.

„So you are our little sex toy now, hm?" She asked and smiled.

Y/n nodded.

Elizabeth walked over to y/n and grabbed her shoulder.

„Lay down on the bed"

Y/n nodded silently and laid down on the bed. Scarlett walked over to her and undressed her till she laid there just in her underwear.

Elizabeth undressed Scarlett, revealing her red, lace lingerie. Scarlett lifted Elizabeth's shirt over her head and tossed it somewhere in the room.

„Ice cubes?" Scarlett asked and Elizabeth nodded. „Let me get them" She smiled.

Scarlett walked over to the bed and hovered y/n.

„Can I take off your bra?" Scarlett asked and y/n nodded silently.

„I need your verbal consent, kitten" Scarlett answered and smiled.

„Yes" y/n said.

She reached behind y/n's back and discarded the bra before pulling it off.

Elizabeth came into the room again with a wine glass filled with rosé and a bowl with ice cubes.

„Is that okay?" She asked and Scarlett nodded.

Elizabeth placed both things on the night table and Scarlett sat herself on y/n's lap, pulling her up and kissing her. One of Scarlett's hands held y/n's chin up while she took the rosé in the other hand, sipping some of it.

Slowly, she let the liquid drip down from her mouth into y/n's.

„Swallow it, slut" Elizabeth said and sat beside them, taking an ice cube into her hand.

Slowly y/n laid back on the bed again and Scarlett left her place over y/n. She sat down beside her, while Elizabeth took the ice cube between her lips and started circling y/n's nipples with it.

A moan erupted from y/n and Scarlett spat more Rosé into y/n's mouth.

Elizabeth stopped her teasing and hooked her fingers under y/n's thong.

„I take these off, okay?" She asked. y/n nodded and said ‚of course'.

„What do you want?" She asked and y/n smiled.

„Fuck me, Daddy" She said seductively.

„You think you can take it?" Elizabeth asked slowly.

„Yes" y/n answered firmly.

Elizabeth put her pants aside and her boxers were tossed somewhere in the room.

y/n gasped when she saw her length.

„Are you sure you can take that?" Elizabeth smirked. y/n nodded.

„Give me a blowjob, slut. Show me how you take me" She said firmly and y/n looked at her with a surprised look on her face.

„That's too much" She whispered.

„You take as much as you can. Im pretty sure 10 inches are good for you" Elizabeth smiled.

y/n walked over to Elizabeth and kneeled in front of her. Scarlett followed them and stroked y/n's thighs with her left hand.

y/n took the tip of Elizabeth's dick into her mouth slowly licking it before coating as much of the dick as she can in saliva before taking a lot more into her mouth. She struggled with the size and Elizabeth pulled her head towards her stomach. y/n gagged but Elizabeth didn't stopped to fuck her mouth.

Meanwhile Scarlett started to circle y/n's clit and slowly inserted a finger.

Elizabeth moaned when she began to twitch inside of y/n's mouth.

„I'm gonna cum. You're going to swallow it all, slut" She said and came into y/n's mouth.

y/n swallowed all of it, moaning at the taste.

Scarlett pulled her finger out of y/n's pussy and stopped circling her clit.

„Go back to the bed" She said firmly and y/n nodded.

y/n laid down on the bed again. Scarlett and Elizabeth walked over to her and sat down on the bed. They slowly kissed and their kiss turned into a heated make out session. Elizabeth discarded Scarlett's bra and threw it somewhere in the room. She cupped Scarlett's breasts, pinching her nipples while kissing her roughly.

„Come on, we have to take care of our little slut" Scarlett moaned and pulled away from the kiss.

„Okay" Elizabeth smiled and put on a condom before looking over to y/n.

„Are you okay?" She asked and y/n nodded.

„Answer slut" Elizabeth said and slapped y/n's breasts harshly.

„Yes, just fuck me Daddy" y/n said desperately.

Elizabeth smiled and lined up her Pussy. She slowly pushed herself a few inches into y/n and y/n winced in pain.

Elizabeth gave y/n some time to adjust to her size before she started moving back and forth.

„Scarlett, cuff her hands to the bed" Elizabeth said and Scarlett smiled before cuffing y/n to the bed.

„Honey, choke the little slut" Elizabeth commanded and smirked devilish.

Scarlett placed her left hand around y/n's throat and her grip tightened, not allowing y/n to breathe.

Slowly she gave her a moment to breathe again before tightening the grip again.

„Mommy, please" y/n choked out in a moan. Scarlett just smiled.

„Daddy, faster" y/n whined. Elizabeth went faster and y/n moaned, arching her back.

„I'm gonna cum" She moaned and Elizabeth shook her head.

„Hold it slut" She commanded and y/n squeezed her eyes shut.

„I don't think- I can't" y/n whined and she clenched around Elizabeth's dick.

„You're not going to cum, whore" She growled and y/n nodded silently.

Elizabeth went faster and came into the condom before pulling out.

„Good Girl, let's ask Mommy if you can cum now" Elizabeth smiled and looked over to Scarlett.

„No" Scarlett said and smiled. Slowly she sat down on y/n's stomach. „I'm going to ride her face, first"

She moved herself up to y/n's head and started to grind down on y/n's face.

y/n started to lick Scarlett's clit slowly before sucking it in, earning a pleasured scream from her. She plunged her tongue into Scarlett, swirling around, moaning at the taste and sending vibrations up Scarlett's pussy. y/n continued pleasuring Scarlett's clit, feeling how Scarlett clenched around nothing.

„Come on, kitten. Im so close. Finish it" She moaned and with one last suck on her clit, she came all over y/n's face.

„Such a good girl, kitten" Scarlett panted and got off of y/n's face.

Elizabeth un-cuffed y/n and made her bend over the bed. She took out another condom and put it on before entering y/n again.

She thrusted a few times before pulling back y/n's hair roughly, making her moan.

„Look Scar, our little slut likes it rough." She smirked and Scarlett just smiled.

Scarlett sat in front of y/n and opened her legs, before starting to circle her clit with her left hand. She slowly inserted 2 fingers while her right hand played with her nipples. She moaned softly as her palm brushed against her clit while she curled her fingers inside her, hitting her g-spot repeatedly.

y/n moaned loudly when she realised that Scarlett was touching herself in front of her.

„Can I cum daddy?" She asked moaning.

„Yes, cum" Elizabeth said and y/n came all over her dick, leading Elizabeth into her orgasm.

Scarlett screamed, cumming all over her fingers.

„Clean my fingers up slut" She said and y/n sucked Scarlett's fingers clean.

„I want 69... Lizzie, can I have her for this" Scarlett asked and looked over to Elizabeth.

„Do it" She smiled and y/n nodded.

Scarlett wanted to be the upper part and started to eat out y/n before y/n started to tongue-fuck Scarlett.

Their moans send vibrations into each others pussies, pushing them closer to the edge.

„Mommy. Can i cum?" y/n mumbled against Scarlett's pussy.

„Yes, cum with me kitten" She moaned and they both came into each others mouths.

Scarlett laid down on the bed, panting heavily before looking at Elizabeth.

„Come on Elizabeth. Fuck me, you didn't even really touched me today" She said and opened her legs for her.

Elizabeth just smiled and went over to her. She pulled out another condom but Scarlett shook her head.

„Fuck me raw, baby. I wanna carry your babies, I want to feel you inside me" She breathed and Elizabeth kissed her passionately.

She entered Scarlett's pussy and moaned at the feeling.

„You feel so good, baby" She moaned, starting to move slowly.

„Faster, please go faster, baby" Scarlett begged, moaning loudly when she hit that certain spot inside Scarlett, that made her scream.

„y/n, suck her breasts." Elizabeth commanded and y/n smiled before pleasuring Scarlett's breasts, gently sucking her nipples.

„Oh fuck" y/n moaned when she tasted milk.

„Oh kitten, did you forgot that I gave birth to a child nearly a year ago? Of course you're getting my milk." Scarlett smiled and moaned when Elizabeth went even faster.

Elizabeth's hand traveled down to Scarlett's pussy, started circling her clit.

„Fuck, fuck, fuck" Scarlett cried out, while she came all over Elizabeth's dick.

„Oh Baby, im gonna cum inside you" She moaned and Scarlett nodded.

„Yes, do it. Fuck me, get me pregnant with your babies." Scarlett moaned when Elizabeth's moves got sloppier.

She kissed Scarlett when she came inside Scarlett thrusting her sperm deep into her pussy and led Scarlett into her next orgasm.

y/n stopped sucking Scarlett's breasts smiling, that she got to taste Scarlett's breast milk.

„How did it taste?" Scarlett smirked and looked to y/n.

„Amazing, surprisingly sweet" y/n answered.

„Be careful that you don't get addicted" Scarlett answered and laughed.

„Oh, I already am... But I guess your milk for them." y/n laughed.

„Hm... They will come back tomorrow evening and they're old enough so breast milk is not the only thing they gets. Ask me if you want some more. It feels good during sex. I mean... I like my boobs, they're my girls and they wanna have some love too" Scarlett smiled teasingly and laughed.

„Im tired" y/n said and laid back on the bed.

„No, no, don't sleep now please" Scarlett said and kissed y/n passionately.

„I'll get you two cleaned up" Elizabeth said and started filling the bathtub.
