Breeding | SMUT

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Contains: unprotected sex(breeding), mentions of throwing up, cockwarming, oral sex(blow job)

~Reader is G!P(Girl with a penis)

Y/n PoV

„Honey, im Home" I shouted when I entered the house, looking for my wife.

„I'm in the kitchen" She answered and I took off my shoes and jacket before walking into our kitchen. I smelled dinner and smiled.

„You don't have to cook dinner for me all the time" I whispered and hugged Scarlett from behind.

„Well, I want to" She replied easily and turned around, still in my arms to kiss me.

I lifted her up to the kitchen counter and stood between her legs, kissing her passionately.

Scarlett moaned and bucked her hips against my crotch, making me groan.

„Babe, the food" She breathed and I ignored her, still pecking her lips softly.

„Fuck the food I want to have you as my dinner" I whispered and pressed my forehead against hers.

„No. The food will burn and we have to talk" She said and pushed me away a bit.

„We need to talk?" I said surprises and looked at her scared.

„It's not something bad, the opposite... But we have to talk, yeah" She said and placed the food on the table.

„Okay... Then let's talk while eating." I said and sat down at the table.

„Enjoy the meal" I smiled and Scarlett replied the same.

We ate in silence till I started to speak.

„So, what do we have to talk about?" I asked and looked up to Scarlett.

„Uh- we Are married for 2 years now. Together for 5 years... I always said I wanted children. Do you think we could try having a baby?" She asked and I smirked.

"Of course. I want a baby. It's a great idea." I smirked and finished my food, bringing the plate to the sink.

I went back to the table, standing behind Scarlett and placing my hands on her shoulders. I started to massage it and slowly went down to her shoulder blades before going back, slowly bringing my hands down her front.

„Well maybe I should give you a baby now" I whispered into her ear and groped her breasts.

„That's an excellent idea" Scarlett panted and tilted her head to the side, giving me access to her neck. I started kissing it slowly and sucked a small hickey on her pulse point.

„Let's go to the bedroom" She said and pushed me away a bit to stand up. She took of her t-Shirt and shorts, standing there just in a black lace pantie.

„Get what yours" She whispered and left the room.

I followed her to the bedroom,while taking my clothes off, and as soon as we got there, I pressed her against the wall, kissing her firmly. I slipped my tongue into her mouth, played with her tongue before exploring her mouth softly. Scarlett took off her panties and wrapped her legs around my waist. My half-hardened dick almost immediately slipped inside her but I stopped, taking a step back.

„Babe, get it hard first" I ordered and Scarlett nodded. She got on her knees and started to kiss the tip of my dick slowly. She began to take the length into her mouth and gagged when it hit the back of her throat. Tears began to form in her eyes and her saliva dripped out of her mouth.

„That's enough" I smiled and Scarlett stopped, standing up again.

I kissed her passionately and pressed against the wall again. She wrapped her legs against my waist again and I slid my length into her.

„Oh, mmmh" Scarlett cried out and moaned.

„You're such a Good Girl, taking my cock like that. You like that hm?" I panted and started thrusting in and out of her at a fast pace.

„Yes, Yes! I love it. Get me pregnant with your babies. Fuck me over and over again" She almost screamed and laid her head down on my shoulder, biting down slightly.

„I'm gonna cum" She moaned when I reached down to her clit, circling it.

„Fuck" Scarlett whimpered and came all over my dick. I went even faster, not stopping to circle her clit.

My movements got sloppier and I came for the first time for this evening, thrusting my seeds deep into her sweet little pussy.

„Now to the bed" Scarlett said and I nodded, still having my dick inside her. I brought her over and laid her on her back, carefully.

„Im gonna fuck you over and over, till you are pregnant for sure" I whispered and Scarlett moaned at the words.

„Yes, fuck me. Do it over and over again" She said and I nodded, starting to thrust inside her again.

I went a little bit faster and smiled when I saw how Scarlett arched her back, furrowing her eyebrows and squeezing her eyes shut.

„You close already?" I smirked and started to rub her clit slowly, at the pace she liked the best.

„Fuck Yes" She moaned and I felt myself being close to.

„I'm gonna cum" I moaned and triggered her orgasm while thrusting my second load of sperm into her.

„That was amazing" Scarlett breathed and I nodded.

„Let's get you cleaned up, my love" I said, but she shook her head violently.

„No, I wanna cockwarm you. Your sperm should remain inside me and I love it when you're still inside me when I fall asleep" She explained and I agreed.

She fell asleep pretty fast and I laid my head on her shoulder, falling asleep shortly after her.

~the next day~

I woke up before Scarlett and looked at her, admiring her face and body features.

„Good Morning, beautiful" I whispered and kissed her jaw line with soft kisses.

„Morning" She mumbled and I laughed quietly at her grumpiness.

„I- oh You're still inside me" Scarlett smiled and I nodded.

„I wanted to ask you if I should pull out but you slept" I smirked and Scarlett laughed with me.

„How about you fuck me again" She whispered and kissed me.

„If you really want that" I smiled and kissed down to her boobs and sucked her nipples, planting kisses all around it.

„Fuck" Scarlett moaned softly and I smiled.

„You're already so wet for me baby" I smirked and she blushed a bit.

„I'm always wet for you" She replied and made me blush.

„Well, then I'm going to impregnate again" I whispered into her ear and picked up a slow pace.

„God, faster" Scarlett begged and I nodded, holding her hands up, above her head. I circled her clit again went a bit faster.

„I'm gonna- I'm gonna cum" Scarlett moaned and I nodded.

„Then Cum" I said and she came with a high pitched scream, triggering my orgasm.

I thrusted my seeds deeper into her before slowing down.

„I'm pretty sure you are pregnant now" I smirked and Scarlett nodded.

„Probably. I hope so" She smiled.

~timeskip 1 month later~

When I woke up, I heard puking in the bathroom. I walked into it and saw Scarlett throwing up.

„Oh Baby" I sighed and held her hair back, rubbing her back soothingly.

„I hate it" Scarlett whispered when she stopped and closed her eyes exhausted.

„I know baby, I know" I thought of buying pregnancy test but I wanted to wait till she was ready with that too.

„It's the 3rd time this week" She whined and I pulled her into me.

„Shh, everything is okay. Do you want me to buy pregnancy tests for you?" I whispered soothingly and kissed her on the top of her head.

„Do you really think?" She looked up with me smiling tiredly.

„Yes, I think it's possible" I smirked.

I got the tests and Scarlett handed me the result.

„I'm pregnant" She whispered and cried.

„Oh Baby, im so happy. Im proud of you" I smirked and hugged her, having tears in my eyes too.

„You're going to be an amazing mother"

„And a milf" i whispered to myself.

„I heard that" Scarlett laughed and I just blushed and gave her a wink.
