Little fuck toy | SMUT

Scarlett Johansson x Elizabeth Olsen x fem. Reader(G!P)

Contains: usage of mommy and mistress+ nicknames, degrading(slut, whore), praising, strap-on, ropes, handcuffs, overstimulation, gag ball, passing out, begging, fingering, eating out, face riding, doggy sex, anal, usage of a butt plug, double penetration, unprotected sex, usage of a vibrator, squirting.

Well, I kind of escalated.

Requested by Blackhill84

Redet is G!P(Girl with a penis)

Scarlett is Single

Y/n PoV

„Lizze?! We have to go the Emmys... Are you ready?" I shouted through the house I shared with my girlfriend.

„Yeah... Of course, I'm ready" She walked down the stairs and I gasped audibly.

„You look- absolutely gorgeous" I said and smiled.

„Well, im going to pick your jaw of off the ground for you" She smirked before walking over to me, bending down in front of me, shoving her ass into my crotch.

I groaned and Elizabeth turned back to me and pecked my lips.

„You look beautiful too, baby" She whispered and kissed me a few times.

I wanted to deepen the kiss but Elizabeth denied it.

„Don't ruin my makeup. We have to go, babe" She laughed and I nodded.

~Timeskip to the Emmys after parties~

I walked around with Lizzie and chatted with some random people, when Scarlett approached us.

„Hey Girls, I wanted to ask if we could drink a bit together" She smiled shyly and I nodded.

„Of course" I agreed and Elizabeth walked with me to a table.

„I'll get some drinks" Elizabeth said and left.

I waited for Scarlett to sit down and looked her up and down.

I had to tell myself not to be too disrespectful and I started small talking with her, but I noticed that she was checking me out too. I smiled to myself and right in that moment, Elizabeth came back.

„Hey babe" I greeted her and saw that Scarlett looked slightly disappointed.

„Hi" She smiled and placed the drinks on the table.

Elizabeth sat beside me and I kissed her shortly.

„Thank you for getting the drinks" I smiled.

„No problem" She blushed when I placed my hand on her tight.

„Uhm- I didn't knew you two were together" Scarlett cleared her throat and smiled. „Congrats"

„Oh Scarlett, we're together for 1 year now. I told you about her" Elizabeth laughed and Scarlett blushed.

„You- you didn't talked about a boy? I thought you were dating a guy. You told me always just „they make me so happy"...." Scarlett said embarrassed.

„Well..., I have a dick so maybe she used ‚they' because of that" I smirked and Scarlett choked on her drink.

„That- yeah I knew that" She said and I nodded knowingly.

„Yes, I'm very open with that." I sipped on my drink.

After two hours, we talked a lot and there was definitely some alcohol in our systems.

„So top or bottom?" Scarlett smirked and looked at me and Elizabeth.

„I'm a top most of the time, and when not I'm a power bottom" I replied easily and Scarlett blushed, crossing her legs.

„And im the bottom, Normally I'm a switch but with y/n.... She just fucks you too good. I still like being in control and sometimes y/n gives up control for me" Elizabeth answered and blushed too.

„Sounds sexy" Scarlett stated and downed a shot. „My ex men were shit.(I don't think that, I need it for the story) they almost never made me cum."

I concocted my face. „Ew, men" I smirked.

„you are straight, right?" Elizabeth asked Scarlett.

„What? No" She laughed. „I'm bi and a bottom" She winked, smirking.

I smirked to myself, already making a plan.

We talked another hour.

„Lizzie, baby, maybe we should head home, hm?" I asked her and she nodded.

„Maybe Scarlett wants to come with us?" I said and looked over to Scarlett.

„Uhm, sure. Why not?" She smiled and rubbed her thighs together.

~Timeskip Home~

At home, Elizabeth and I changed into comfortable clothes and gave Scarlett some too.

Scarlett went to the guest bedroom and I started talking with Lizzie.

„Did you noticed what I noticed?" I whispered and Elizabeth nodded.

„She wants us, babe" Elizabeth smiled.

„So I have a Plan..." I started explaining.

~Timeskip 15 minutes later~

Scarlett came back into the living room and looked at us.

„Hey" I greeted her and Scarlett smiled before walking over to the couch.

„Is it okay when we watch a movie before going to bed?" I asked and Scarlett nodded.

„Sure" She replied.

We put on a random movie and I started kissing Elizabeth.

I slipped my tongue into her mouth, tasting her and playing with her tongue. My hand wandered down to her breasts and played with them through the t-shirt. Elizabeth's hand wandered down to my ass, starting groping it.

I pulled way and looked over to Scarlett.

Scarlett sat there, breathing a bit heavier than usual. Her legs were crossed firmly and she blushed.

„Do you wanna join us?" I asked her. She nodded shyly and I walked over to her and kissed her firmly.

Scarlett stood up and I walked up to the bedroom, Elizabeth following us.

As soon as we entered the room, I pressed Scarlett against the wall, holding her hands above her head and kissing her firmly. She moaned into my mouth and I took the opportunity to slip my tongue into her mouth and played with her tongue.

„You taste amazing, kitten" I whispered after we pulled away for air, while kissing her ear and upper neck.

She whimpered slightly at the nickname and I smirked.

„You're such a good girl for us, hm?„ I smirked and we walked over to the bed.

Lizzie already sat on the bed with a lot of toys laying around her.

„Oh my god" Scarlett moaned when she saw the toys and what Lizzie wore.

Lizzie wore a black lace set. It was see-through and you saw everything. Her nipples pocked through the material and her pussy was clearly wet.

„Do you like it" I stood behind Scarlett and kissed her shoulder softly.

„Fuck Yes" She whimpered and took of her clothes.

„Go on, lay down on the bed for us" I ordered.

Scarlett nodded eagerly and laid down, spreading her legs for us.

I took off my clothes too before sitting down on the bed too.

Elizabeth went over to me and kissed me. I started playing with her boobs and moved away her underwear. She was dripping wet and I started toying with her clit slowly.

„oh" She moaned and threw her head back.

I looked over to Scarlett and saw that she was dripping too. „Don't close your legs, kitten" I said firmly and slipped two fingers into Elizabeth.

„Come on, use me to cum" I whispered and sucked a hickey on Elizabeth's neck.

„Fuck, Yes" Elizabeth cried out and came hard over my hand after 2 minutes of grinding on my fingers.

I pulled my fingers out of her and went over to Scarlett.

„Come on, clean my fingers up" I smiled and shoved my fingers into her mouth.

Her tongue swirled around my fingers, sucking on them at bit of her saliva dripping out of her mouth. Slowly I pulled my fingers out and a strand of saliva connected Scarlett's mouth with my fingers.

„Such a good girl" I praised and spread her legs slowly.

„Babe, give me the handcuffs please" I looked over to Elizabeth and she nodded.

I cuffed Scarlett's hands to the bed and kissed down Scarlett's stomach, leaving love bites over her breasts and stomach.

I grabbed a vibrator and pressed it onto Scarlett's clit. She moaned loudly and bucked her hips up. Elizabeth held Scarlett's hips back down and shook her head.

„Stay still" She said firmly and Scarlett nodded, whimpering.

Slowly I took the vibrator away and plunged 3 fingers into Scarlett. She cried out in pleasure and Elizabeth took a butt plug into her hand.

I thrusting in and out of Scarlett a few times before pulling out again. Scarlett whimpered and I slapped her between her legs.

„Did you ever had something in your ass, kitten?" Elizabeth whispered and kissed Scarlett's jaw line.

„Yes" She nodded and Elizabeth smiled. Elizabeth went back to Scarlett was and slowly inserted the butt plug.

„Fuck" Scarlett moaned and squeezed her eyes shut.

„You're such a good girl for us" I smiled. „Do you want my cock, kitten?" I asked and saw how she clenched around nothing.

„You like that, right?" I teased and spread her legs even more.

„Yes" Scarlett whimpered.

„Then beg for my cock" I smirked.

„Please mistress, give me your cock. Fuck me so hard I can't walk for the next 3 weeks. I want to feel you cumming inside me and destroying my pussy. Please fuck me. Make me your sex toy, your slut, your whore for ever. Make me the whore you can fuck every time you want to. Please mistress" Scarlett begged desperately and I smiled when I heard Lizzie moan softly.

„Since you asked so nicely." I gave in and rubbed the tip of my cock between her folds.

I slid the tip inside Scarlett making her moan. With every inch that slid into Scarlett, she moaned louder and I filled her up completely.

„You're so big, mistress" She moaned and I smiled.

„You're a slut. Deal with it" I said firmly and started thrusting into her.

„Oh fuck, yes. Make me your slut. I wanna be your slut. I wanna be your slut. I wanna be a slut for mistress and mommy" She moaned and bucked her hips up.

I snapped harder into her and Scarlett clenched around me.

„Can I Cum?" She asked and whimpered.

„Yes, you can, but I won't stop when you came."

„Fuck" Scarlett screamed and came all over my dick.

I went even faster and she came again, shaking violently.

I reached down circling her clit, making her scream.

„Come on, slut. Cum for me, cum for your mistress" I said firmly and Scarlett came.

She came hard, squirting all over my dick and crying out my name.

„What did you call me?" I growled and pulled out of her, she looked at me scared.

„I'm sorry mistress" She said and went a bit away from me.

„Well, now I have to punish you right?" I said and Elizabeth nodded.

„I'll help you" She smiled and uncuffed Scarlett.

Elizabeth suddenly had a gag ball in her hand and held it to show it to Scarlett.

„You're gonna take it like the slut you are" She smirked and gagged Scarlett with it.

„Your going to open your hand if you want us to stop." I explained and Scarlett nodded again, her hands turning into fists.

Slowly Elizabeth pulled the butt plug out of Scarlett and played a bit with her.

„Can I fuck your ass?" Elizabeth growled and slapped Scarletts breasts harshly.

Scarlett moaned, muffled by the gag and nodded.

„Well, then I'll take that pretty little pussy of yours" I said and saw how Elizabeth got a strap.

„Sounds wonderful" Elizabeth smiled and kissed me hard, but shortly after I got the dominance over her.

I went over to Scarlett and took out a rope.

Elizabeth started by inserting some fingers into Scarlett's ass before using lube to slide the strap on in. Scarlett's muffled moans echoed through the room and a circled her clit a bit, just to tease her.

I gave Scarlett some time to adjust to Elizabeth's strap before I stretched Scarlett's pretty pussy out so good. She was clenching around me and her legs shook already.

„You're such a good girl, taking us both" I whispered into her ear, sucking a hickey under it.

Scarlett threw her head back when Elizabeth started moving. I gave her some time before thrusting into her too, making her moan against the gag.

I tied her hands together with the rope and pulled the rope harshly. Scarlett's arms went into a position where she couldn't really move then anymore. I smiled.

It was arousing seeing her like this. Elizabeth and I never went this far but I liked it. Scarlett was the perfect person. Maybe she should join our relationship. She was such a cute girl. Never wanted to be top. She always acted like the big energy type but she just wanted someone to fuck her senselessly till she passed out.

I was pulled out of my thought by Scarlett, coming over my dick again.

„You still haven't had enough?" I asked and pulled out of her, Elizabeth did the same and took of the strap.

„I know what I'm going to do with you now" I took out her gag and cuffed her hands to the bed again. Elizabeth gave me another rope and I tied her legs to the bed too.

„And now, you're going to watch" I smiled and brought Elizabeth to me.

She spread her legs for me and dived in, eating her out. She tasted amazing and I smiled at it, hearing her moan out in pleasure.

„please faster" she cried out and I smiled.

I pushed my tongue inside her, starting to circle her clit with my fingers.

„Cum for me baby" I ordered and Elizabeth came, her back arching and her juice dripping out of her. I lapped everything up before making her kneel on the floor in front of the bed.

„Suck me off" I said firmly and Elizabeth nodded pulling me to her.

She spat on my dick, before licking it slowly. I growled and she stated bobbing my length.

„Take it all" I said and Elizabeth gagged while taking the most she could.

„Oh fuck, your mouth is so good" I moaned and my dick twitched inside her.

„I'm gonna cum, baby" I moaned and heard Scarlett whimper.

Elizabeth went even faster and I came, Elizabeth swallowing all of my cum.

„Did you have enough slut?" I asked and she nodded submissively.

„I don't think so, baby. Go on the bed" Elizabeth bend down over the bed, right in front of Scarlett and I went behind her.

I kissed Scarlett and sucked her breasts before going back to Elizabeth again.

„Do you want me?" I asked her and Elizabeth nodded.

I rubbed my, already hardened, dick between her folds, teasing her hole.

„Please" She moaned and I smiled, sliding a few inches into her pussy.

„Like that?" I asked and Elizabeth moaned in response.

I went faster and reached down to her clit, toying with it and circling it, making her clench around me.

„Do you wanna cum?" I said and Elizabeth cried out in pleasure.

„Yes, please, please let me cum" She moaned and I nodded.

„Then cum" I smiled and Elizabeth came over my dick, making me cum too.

I pulled out slowly, seeing how a mix of her juice and my cum dripped out of her pussy. I smiled and licked a stripe on her pussy.

Scarlett whimpered and I turned over to her.

„Do you wanna cum too?" I asked and Scarlett nodded.

„Yes, please mistress. Make me cum till I cry, begging you to stop" She whimpered and I looked at her.

„All tied up for me and so dripping wet for me. You're such a pretty slut aren't you?" I asked and Scarlett nodded, Elizabeth sitting beside us.

„Elizabeth, Ride her face" I ordered and Elizabeth lowered herself on Scarlett's face.

I kissed down Scarlett's stomach, licking a stripe slowly. I pressed a kiss on her clit and swirled my tongue around her clit.

„fuck" Elizabeth moaned and I started trusting two fingers into Scarlett's desperate hole.

„You're such a good girl for mistress" I said, tasting Scarlett's sweet pussy.

„Oh fuck" Elizabeth cried out and came all over Scarlett's face. She got of off Scarlett and I continued to fuck Scarlett.

„Oh Mistress" she moaned and came over my hand.

„Can you do one more for me, slut?" I asked and Scarlett nodded.

„I could...try" She said and nodded weakly.

„Good girl" I smirked and curled my fingers, hitting her g-spot. I sucked her clit in, making her scream and moan out loudly.

„I- can I cum?" Scarlett whimpered and I nodded.

„Yes, cum for me" I ordered and Scarlett came, passing out almost instantly.

„Well" Elizabeth laughed a bit and uncuffed her again. „That happened to us just one time."

I nodded and took out my fingers, untying her legs, picking her up carefully.

„I'll get her cleaned up, will you come soon?" I asked and Elizabeth nodded.

„I'm just going to clean up the toys" She said and I brought Scarlett to the bathroom.

I wetted a cloth with lukewarm water and cleaned her up carefully.

Elizabeth joined soon after and I cleaned her up too before we went to bed.

I laid Scarlett down between of us.

Slowly she woke up again.

„D-did I really pass out?" She asked and I nodded, smirking.

„Yes, you did." I smirked and kissed her.

„Elizabeth and I wanted to ask you something" I began to say and looked over to Elizabeth, she nodded so I continued.

„Would you like to join our relationship?" I asked and Scarlett blushed.

„I would love to" She whispered and kissed Elizabeth before kissing me.

„I love you two" She smiled before sleeping.
