Teaching and learning | SMUT

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Okay, okay.

So I had second hand embarrassment writing this. I warned you guys!

Cosmo is just planned in this chapter

Contains: talk about sex, oral sex, fingering

Y/n PoV

„Hey" I greeted Scarlett and Colin. They were me best friends and I never felt like a third wheel even if you would probably think that when your two best friends are married to each other.

„Hi, it's so great to see you again" Scarlett smiled and hugged me tightly, making me chuckle.

„Hey, it's nice that we could meet up" Colin smirked and hugged me too.

„Well, come in" I laughed and they entered my house, taking off their shoes.

„Let's go to the living room" I said and walked to the couch, sitting on it. A bottle of red wine and three glasses stood on the coffee table and Scarlett chuckled.

„You wanna drink already?" She asked and I laughed.

„Scarlett, sweetheart. It's already 6pm. We can drink a bit of wine right?" I asked and Colin nodded. I laughed at him and Scarlet agreed to drink a glass too.

„Tell me about your life. How's it going? We haven't met in such a long time" I said excited and Colin chuckled.

„We very really busy, to be honest." He said and I nodded understandingly. Scarlett sat besides Colin and he gently wrapped is arm around her waist, holding her close.

„What were you doing? I didn't heard of a new project, Scarlett" I asked and Scarlett blushed. Colin looked down to her, asking her something silently. She nodded softly and he smiled.

„We're trying to get a child" Colin said and smiled. Scarlett smirked too, making me chuckle.

„What? Ohhh- now I get it!" My eyes widened and I laughed.

„Well, Let's hope it worked or works" I smiled and Scarlett's smile died down.

„We've been trying for over a year now" She said and her waterline bubbled.

„Oh- Im pretty sure it'll work. You guys will be amazing parents" I said and kissed Scarlett's forehead, making her smile.

„Let's just hope. We talked with doctors, gynaecologists, everyone. They said everything is fine." She whispered and I nodded.

„Everything will be great." I smiled and Colin nodded slowly, saying an ‚I love you' to Scarlett. Scarlett tuned to him and kissed him passionately. The moment that kiss turned into a make out session, I coughed, starting to laugh.

„Uhm- maybe my couch isn't the best place to try the having a baby thing" I laughed and Scarlett pulled away, blushing.

„Sorry" She mumbled and shook my head.

„No everything is okay. Let's talk about your sex life" I laughed and shook my head, making clear that I didn't meant that, but Scarlett didn't saw it because she turned to Colin, pecking his lips on last time.

„There's nothing much to tell." She mumbled and I chuckled. I pulled out a note book, making her laugh.

„Not that one again.... Come on, y/n. That's literally 5 years old" She chuckled and I shook my head, opening it.

„Last time you had sex?" I asked, pulling out a pen to write it down on the next page of the book.

„This Morning" She mumbled and blushed.

„Dirty" I stated and started laughing. Scarlett and Colin laughed with me and I smiled while writing her answer down.

„Last time you came?" I asked and Scarlett blushed, hiding her face in her hands.

„Noon" She whispered and I smirked.

„Not this morning?" I asked and she shook her head, making Colin look very surprised.

„I thought you came" He said confused and Scarlett blushed.

„I'm sorry. Uh- I should have told you. Normally we talk. I'm sorry" She said quietly and Colin hugged her, kissing her gently.

„No, everything is okay. Can you tell me what I did wrong? Do you want to change something?" He asked and she nodded.

„Awwww" I cooed and Scarlett slapped me playfully. „I feel like a therapist" I laughed and they laughed with me.

„You are the therapist" Colin laughed and I nodded.

„So, Scarlett. I'll just try to complete the note book page before we'll try to find the thing that went wrong with this time having sex." I said and read the next question. „Last time you masturbated?"

„Noon." Scarlett whispered and blushed.

„Obviously" I laughed and Scarlett blushed.

„Last time you used toys?" I asked and Scarlett blushed even more.

„Noon" She said and I chuckled.

„Which toy?"

„Vibrator" She answered and hid her face „Y/n!" She yelled and I laughed. „You're not even writing it down! Why did you ask then"

„I was just curious" I chuckled and Colin laughed with me.

„I hate you both" Scarlett stated and I shook my head.

„You don't" I smiled and she nodded.

„Yeah... I don't" She smiled and I chuckled.

„Okay, so let's find the problem in your sex life" I chuckled and closed the note book, laying it down onto the coffee table.

„So what exactly did you guys to this morning?" I asked and Colin blushed too.

„Uhm, regular sex and he went down on me" Scarlett smiled and I chuckled.

„Regular sex means straight sex?" I asked and Scarlett laughed.

„Right, I forgot you're gay and don't really understand having sex with a man" She chuckled and Colin blushed. „Yes. Regular sex means straight sex and we just did missionary" Scarlett said still chuckling.

„Okay, so Colin... What exactly did you do there?" I asked, thinking that it probably was an in and out thing.

„Uhm, I was inside her, thrusting. Can't you imagine the rest?" He asked, laughing at me.

„Did you pay attention to her clit?" I asked and he blushed, shaking her head.

„No, not this time" He said quietly.

„There we have the problem. Only 20% of all women can cum just with In and out action" I explained and chuckled.

„oh" Colin said and Scarlett laughed at him.

„I told you that, dipshit" She chuckled.

„Okay, Colin. Where is the clit?" I asked, waiting for him to answer.

„Uhm, so the part that I can see is at the start of the inner labia. You can see it if you spread the labia gently. Uh- and the shaft is directly over that. And then there's a lot of the clitoris that is inside and I don't see it." He needed some time to say that but I was impressed.

„Wow. You know a lot. That's good" I said and Colin gave me a small chuckle. „How do you stimulate it?"

„So i can tell you what my ex's and Scarlett like." Colin said, sounding not sure now.

„Then do it" I said and he nodded.

„You can rub small circles around it. Some women don't like if you directly touch the part of the clit you see because that's too much stimulation. You can gently rub the shaft, stroking it. Of course you stimulate that part when you circle the clit. And you can carefully find the parts of the clit that are under the skin, around the entrance of the vagina." Colin explained and blushed.

„You know a lot. Scarlett, did you teach him all that?" I asked and Scarlett nodded, chuckling.

„Not everything but a lot." Scarlett smiled and kissed Colin gently.

„So the problem this time was that Colin just forgot to help Scarlett to cum or Colin didn't stimulate her enough." I said and Colin nodded.

„No" Scarlett said and I looked at her surprised. „He went down on me too."

„Oh right" Colin said quietly and blushed.

„So what exactly happened?" I asked and Scarlett blushed.

„He kissed down my stomach and collected some of my wetness with his tongue. That was okay. But then he started to lick me with a flattened tongue for literally 10 minutes. He nudged my clit sometimes by accident. It wasn't that good" She chuckled and I looked at Colin who blushed and avoided eye contact.

„Yeah, that's complicated." I said and finished my glass of wine. We already drank the first bottle and the second one was almost empty.

„I could show Colin what he has to do" I said, being a bit drunk already.

„What?" Scarlett blushed and I shook my head.

„No, forget it. I won't eat you out. You're my friend and you're married" I massaged my temples and shook my head.

„I would like it" Scarlett whispered and blushed.

„Maybe it would be good" Colin agreed and pulled Scarlett in another hug.

„Really? I mean, if you guys want to do it." I said and stood up. „Follow me to my bedroom." I smirked and walked to my bedroom.

„What now?" Colin asked and I smirked.

„You will sit down on that chair and you will learn. Scarlett will sit down on the bed. Okay?" I asked and Scarlett nodded while Colin sat down on the chair.

„Scarlett? Are you okay?" I asked her and she nodded. „Colin, You're okay with that too?" Colin nodded also.

I kissed Scarlett gently. Just lips. Nothing more. Butterflies erupted in my stomach and I mentally cursed myself for that.

„Can I take off your shirt?" I asked and Scarlett said ‚yes'. I gave her a small smile before pulling off her shirt carefully, displaying her black, lace bra. I unbuttoned my own shirt, tossing it somewhere in the room. I kissed Scarlett gently and Scarlett swiped her tongue over my bottom lip, she wanted to deepen the kiss and honestly, I wanted that to. I slipped my tongue into her mouth, exploring it before playing with her tongue. Scarlett moaned quietly, smiling into the kiss. I pulled away and my hands cupped her breasts gently.

„Take the bra off" Scarlett begged, making me smirk.

„Patience" I said, but still discarded the bra, letting her breasts fell free. I laid her down onto her back. I kissed down her neck, sucking a light hickey before licking over her collarbones. Slowly, I went down to her breasts, looking at Scarlett questioningly. She nodded and I smiled, licking around her nipple gently, sucking her nipple into my mouth. My tongue swirled around it and Scarlett moaned loudly, her head fell back into the pillow. I did the same treatment to her other breast and kissed down her stomach. Removing her pants and panties with her consent.

„So Colin, now the important part." I said and he nodded, his eyes were glued to me, settled in between Scarlett's legs. I spread her legs a bit wider and Scarlett propped herself up on her elbows, looking down at me.

„Are you okay?" I asked and Scarlett nodded.

„So Colin, start with what you did. Lick her with a flattened tongue, just to collect the wetness and spread it around a bit." I explained and lowered myself to Scarlett's heat, licking her one time like I explained before. Scarlett released a loud moan and smiled.

„Now play with her clit" I said and started to lick around her clit, sucking it in gently, kitten licking her folds before sucking her clit back in.

„Colin, ask her if she is okay, enjoys it or if you can try something different. Her body will tell you a lot but she will talk to you too." I chuckled and continued to lick Scarlett gently. My tongue wandered down to her entrance, thrusting in and out a few times before I spread her ass cheeks a bit, licking over her asshole.

„N-no" Scarlett said and I nodded softly, giving her a comforting smile before continuing to circle her clit with my tongue.

„Like that Colin" I said. „Her body signals you when she is close and maybe she will tell you too."

I slipped two fingers into her, curling them up against her g-spot, making her see stars. Her legs shook violently already and her head fell back, releasing moan after moan.

„I'm close" She whimpered and clenched around me. I sucked her clit in again before building up a rhythm she probably liked.

„Yeah, just like that" She screamed and moaned loudly.

„Cum" I ordered and Scarlett came all over my face and fingers, collapsing onto the bed. I pulled my fingers out and kissed her gently.

„You did so well. Very good, baby" The ‚baby' slipped out and I blushed.

„So yeah Colin. Praise her, make her feel good. It's nice to have someone who does it." I smiled and stood up to get a wet cloth.

„Clean her up gently" I said and cleaned her, making her whine due to how sensitive she was.

„Shhh, it's okay. I'm already done" I whispered and pecked her lips softly, calming her down.

„Thank you" Scarlett whispered and hugged me, pulling me onto the bed to cuddle with me.

„No problem. I hope Colin learned" I chuckled and Scarlett smiled.

„Colin? Come here.?" Scarlett said and Colin nodded, laying down behind Scarlett, hugging her gently.

„Can y/n join our relationship?" Scarlett said and I chuckled.

„Why? Do you like me that much?" I asked and blushed.

„Yes. I like you too. I love you and Colin" Scarlett whispered and hid her face in my neck.

„Colin, would you be okay with that?" I asked and her nodded.

„Well,...." I stated to talk, not sure if I should agree.


I don't feel so good xD
