Ex | some ANGST, SMUT

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Rose is 3 in this story and Scarlett still breastfeeds her.

Reader is G!P

Contains: ⚠️mentions of forced sex as an excuse for cheating(lie to explain cheating)⚠️, fingering, breastfeeding kink, cow girl, doggy, unprotected sex

Y/n PoV

„You have to let her go" My best friend said and hugged me, giving me another tissue to wipe my tears.

„I cant, y/b/f/n. I love her. I can't let her go, you know that" I whispered and new tears threatened to fall.

„Y/n, you're just hurting yourself. You saw her right? You saw Scarlett cheating" She said and rubbed my back while I nodded, my heart arching in pain at the memory.

„Yes" I sobbed and curled up into my best friend.

It was 6 months ago.

I came home earlier from work. I had secretly put on the lingerie Scarlett loved. I was confused when I saw another car in our driveway but I didn't thought much of it. Maybe the cleaning lady or the babysitter for Rose. But Rose wasn't there today, maybe an emergency.

When I entered the house it smelled like sex. I saw a pair of shoes that shouldn't be here normally and loud moans coming from the bedroom. I walked up the stairs to the master bedroom and froze in the door frame.

Colin Jost. The guy, I was good friends with, was completely naked in our, mine and Scarlett's bed, fucking my girlfriend. She was moaning loudly, obviously enjoying it.

„How long?" I asked bitterly and they covered themselves with a blanket. Scarlett stood up and walked over to me.

„Let me explain, baby" She said desperately and tried to hold my hand.

„Don't fucking touch me, slut" I said angrily and pulled away, looking at her with anger and hate in my gaze. Tears pricked her eyes and she started sobbing.

„I'm sorry. It was a mistake." She whispered and I chuckled.

„Really Scarlett? The basic talk... Pack your things and leave. I don't want you in my house anymore" I said and her tears fell down her cheeks.

„Please, can we talk about it?" She sobbed and I shook my head.

„We don't need to talk. I saw it and everything you want to say... you could say it now" I said and walked over to the closet, ripping out her clothes. I got her suit case and bags, placing them on the floor.

„Pack your things. I'll bring you some stuff like books later. Take just the things you need now. I don't want you here" My voice sounded coldly and turned over to Colin.

„Do you mind explaining me what you thought?! You knew exactly that we were together!" I yelled and Colin shook his head.

„Scarlett asked me to do it" He answered and pointed to Scarlett.

„He forced me to do it" She fired back and I chuckled darkly.

„Well, then go the police and report it. You'll still leave now, because I don't care who started it. And Scarlett" I turned to her again. „If he really forced you, then come here, look me in the eyes and swear to god that he did it." She shook her head.

„I cant" She whispered and wiped her tears.

„Did he force you?" I asked and closed the closet again.

„No, I didn't" Colin yelled and I shushed him.

„No, he didn't" Scarlett whispered and I got even angrier.

„So You're lying now?! Scarlett, there are people out there who were and are really forced to have Sex and you're using it for an excuse?! That is so disgusting, leave now!" I shouted and she nodded silently, packing her things up.

„And you-„ I turned to Colin again. „Leave too. I don't want to see you here again!" I yelled at him and he nodded silently.

That was the day I lost the love of my life. The women I was in a relationship with for over 4 years.

When they finally left, I took off my jacket that I still wore from work. I felt the little velvet box in it. A box never felt heavier.

I placed the box in my nightstand, crying myself to sleep.

„Y/n?" My best friend snapped in front of my face, pulling me out of my thoughts.

„Yes?" I asked and looked up to her. I had curled up further into her chest and my tears slowly dried.

„You zoned out" She stated and I chuckled.

„Wow. You're a genius." I laughed and she smiled with me. She rubbed my back, comforting me gently.

„Im really sorry but I have to go home now. Will you be okay without me?" She asked me and I nodded silently.

„I love you. You know that right? Just because she is gone doesn't mean you don't have friends anymore." She explained and I smiled.

„I love you too" I said and stood up, drinking a glass of water slowly. I brought y/b/f/n to my front door, hugging her and saying ‚good bye'.

I went back to my couch and started my favourite movie, wrapping myself in a blanket.

After 20 minutes, the door bell rang and I stood up, being very confused. Maybe my bestie because she forgot something. I opened the door and froze.

„Scarlett" I said bitterly and she looked at me with a guilty expression.

„Im sorry. I just wanna talk. I don't want to ruin the friendship. The relationship is over, I guess" She said quietly and I nodded.

„You're right, it's over. But if you want we can talk" I replied and let her in, bringing her to my guest bedroom, sitting down on the bed.

„So what do you wanna say?" I asked and Scarlett shook her head softly.

„I'm sorry. I love you. I had sex with him two times, you caught me while we had sex for the second time. I don't want to ruin our relationship but I understand if you don't want to give me- give us a second chance." She rambled and her voice broke at the end. I placed a hand on her shoulder and slowly moved up to her neck, making her breath hitch in her throat.

„Y/n" She whispered shakily and I shook my head.

„I can't Scarlett. I can't do this. What about Colin?" I asked and a tear escaped Scarlett's eye, rolling down her cheek.

„He doesn't want me. He said that I'm an ugly monster that cheats in a relationship and is fat" She sobbed and I let her curl into me, stroking her back soothingly.

„You're not fat, Scar. But you are a cheater" I said softly and Scarlett sobbed even more, wetting my shirt.

„I'm sorry, y/n. I love you. We wanted to get married, have children. I want you" She whispered the last sentence but I still heard it.

„I'm sorry that I left you but you cheated and I can't do this." I said and Scarlett let out a sob that broke my heart.

„Can you kiss me? one last time?" She asked, looking up to me.

„Okay" I replied quietly, wanting to kiss her again for a long time.

I pulled Scarlett up from my chest a bit and pressed my lips onto hers. Her tongue swiped over my bottom lip, asking for entrance which I denied. I slipped my own tongue into her mouth, tasting her. My tongue played with hers and explored her mouth. She moaned into my mouth when I grabbed her neck, pulling her more into me. I took of her shirt and pants, taking off my own shirt and shorts too.

„I love you" Scarlett moaned after I opened her bra and latched myself onto her nipple.

„Oh fuck" Scarlett moaned when the warm liquid poured into my mouth. It tasted like heavily sweetened almond mild and I loved it. When her left breast didn't gave me any milk, I switched to her right breast. I kissed her nipple softly, circling my tongue around it before sucking gently, making the milk pour out.

„I love your taste" I whispered after I finished both of her breasts and kissed down her stomach. Her breath hitched in her throat and I smirked against the skin of her clothed pubic bone. I kissed her clothed clit with a gentle kiss, making her moan.

„Please" Scarlett whimpered and I pulled away, immediately.

„We don't whimper, kitten. Tell me what you want me to do. Tell me, darling, what do you want mommy to do to you?" I whispered into her ear, sucking on her pulse point softly.

„I want you to make me cum, I want you to fill me up, fucking me into heaven. I want your dick inside me. I want you inside me, all the way inside me, Mommy" She whispered and I smiled.

„Well let's do this then" I whispered and pulled down her panties. My fingers spread her labia gently, smiling at her wetness. My fingers circled around her entrance, using her wetness as a lubricant.

„You make me so wet, Mommy" Scarlett moaned and I nodded, slipping one finger into her. Scarlett moaned loudly and I licked over her breasts gently, licking around her nipples again. A second finger was added to her pussy, stretching her out gently.

„god, yes" Scarlett moaned loudly as soon as I hit that spongy spot inside her, starting to circle her clit.

„Already calling him, huh?" I asked and Scarlett's head fell back, her mouth hung open, releasing moan after moan. She clenched around my fingers and I smiled softly.

„Cum for me" I said and Scarlett screamed while cumming all over my fingers. Her legs shook violently and her back arched. The orgasm send her to heaven, leaving her here releasing moans and screams.

„I wanna ride you, Mommy" She whispered and I smirked, chuckling softly.

„Do it." I said and Scarlett took off my pants before taking my boxershorts off.

„Spit in your hand and use it as lube" I ordered and Scarlett nodded, spitting into her hand. She coated my dick in her saliva, rubbing up and down fast. I groaned loudly and she went even faster.

„No" I shook my head, making her stop. „Don't make me cum. Ride me, kitten" I whispered and Scarlett nodded, hovering my dick.

Slowly, she sunk onto my length, her cum functioning as lube for my dick. She whimpered in pain as soon as I bottomed out, a small tear escaping the corner of her eye. I wiped it away gently. Scarlett began to move and rode me slowly but hard. She moaned and her head fell back, releasing soft moans.

I turned us over, not pulling out, making her scream surprised. Now I pounded into her from behind, making her scream.

The air was filled with the smell of sex, the only noises that echoed in the room were moans and screams, the panting and the slapping of skin.

I slapped Scarlett's ass one time, making sure to leave a print for tomorrow. She moaned loudly and her upper body, collapsed onto the bed.

„You like that? You like me spanking you?" I asked and Scarlett nodded, not able to answer anymore. I was close to cumming so I wrapped my arm around her waist, rubbing her clit. Scarlett came almost immediately, making me cum too. I shot my cum into her, filling her up with it.

„Oh, I missed that" Scarlett whispered when I pulled out and cleaned her up with a wet cloth gently. I smiled and brought the wet cloth back to the bathroom. I laid into my bed to her.

„Good girl" I whispered. „Cumming two times for me. Screaming my name"

Scarlett shuddered at the words and I smirked into Scarlett's neck.

„your good girl" She whispered and I nodded.

„I love you" Scarlett whispered and I nodded.

„I love you too" I said and we fell asleep together, cuddling into each other, knowing I would never get over that woman.
