Hot tub | SMUT

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Contains: sex in a hot tub, kinda public sex(rooftop), fingering, scissoring, a bit of praise

Y/n PoV

„Come on baby" I smiled and led her to the rooftop with the hot tub, that rooftop that was attached to the apartment and private, just for us two. I held a bottle of champagne and two glasses. Scarlett smiled and followed me. Our apartment was in New York. We were lucky that we got this beautiful apartment over 2 floor with the rooftop terrace attached to the 2nd floor. The whole rooftop was illuminated by the soft, warm light of the lanterns and candles. It was already deepest night and the warm candlelight created a beautiful atmosphere.

I placed the bottle of champagne and the glasses onto the table besides the hot tub, smiling over to Scarlett. I opened my bathrobe and pulled it of, letting it fall to the ground. My bikini didn't hide much of my body and I heard Scarlett's breath hitch on her throat. I was a black top, a small one, barely coving my whole breasts. The bottom was black to and covered not even half of my ass and not much of my pubic bone.

„Do you like what you see?" I asked and spun around myself, showing off my body, chuckling.

„I like it very much" She smiled and took off her bathrobe, displaying her bikini. A deep shade of red coloured one, cupping her breasts perfectly, making them look fuller.

„You look absolutely stunning" I whispered and stepped to her, lifting up her chin to kiss her gently. Scarlett allowed my tongue the access to her mouth and our tongues danced together in a passionate loving way. I explored her mouth softly, making her let out little gasps and quiet moans. My hand wandered up to her waist, squeezing and stroking it slowly. I started to pepper kisses all over her neck and jaw, leaving some love bites. I sucked on her pulse point, my teeth grazing over her skin gently. I sucked her skin in softly and when pulled a soft moan from Scarlett. When I let go of her skin, a deep red hickey formed on her skin and I smirked.

Scarlett and I went to the hot tub and sat in it, enjoying each other's company and the warm water. I filled up the glasses with the champagne and gave Scarlett one, while taking the other glass.

„I love you. To us" I smiled and we toasted, drinking a bit.

We chatted a bit, looking over New York and just enjoying the moment. After some time I started to run my fingertips over Scarlett's arm and shoulder, smiling when the goosebumps appeared. Scarlett's breathing got a bit heavier and she placed our glasses on the table. As soon as our hands were completely free, I kissed her firmly and my hands wandered behind her back, playing with the bikin top. Scarlett nodded softly and I discarded the top, her breasts falling free.

„You are beautiful" I mumbled against her lips and she smiled, her hands placed themselves on my waist. She pulled me onto her lap and my tongue slipping into her mouth, exploring her mouth gently. I pressed open her jaw and mouth with my fingers, she stuck her tongue out. I stuck my tongue out too and played with hers in a passionate and gentle way. I kissed down to her neck and chest, starting to play with one of her breasts. I latched myself to the nipple and my hand started to devour her other breast. Scarlett released soft moans and I smiled, swirling my tongue around her nipple, grazing my teeth over it gently. My fingers draw circles over her areola and pinched her nipple softly.

„Please" Scarlett moaned, making me smirk. I trailed my fingers down her body, feeling the hot water of the hot tub against my skin. Scarlett played with my bikini top and discarded it, pulling it off, smirking. I smiled and kissed her softly while pulling off her bikini bottom. I spread her legs gently and sat on one of her legs, my wetness rubbing onto her leg ever time I moved.

My fingers touched her clit, making her gasp softly before releasing a moan because I added some pressure onto her clit. I rubbed slow circles before sliding my fingers down to her vagina and dipping my fingertips into her. Scarlett moaned loudly and her head fell back, her walls clenching around me.

I silenced her with a passionate kiss because I didn't wanted that whole New York hear her beautiful moans.

My fingers finally slipped into her completely and my thumb circled her clit softly. I curled my fingers up to her g-spot and my fingers slid knuckle deep inside her. Scarlett's walls cleaned around me and she moaned loudly.

„Oh, mh- please" She moaned and I smiled, holding two fingers of my other hand in front of her mouth. Scarlett took them into her mouth and sucked, biting down slightly to muffle her moans and screams.

„Cum for me, baby" I whispered into her ear and bit down on her ear lobe gently. Scarlett's hot cum flood out of her into the water and I smiled softly.

„Good girl" I whispered and took off my bikini bottom. I rubbed myself onto her thigh, moaning when my clit hit her flexed tight muscle.

„Please" Scarlett whimpered after letting go of my fingers. I slid my heat onto hers and our pussies finally touched each other's.

„Ohh, fuuckk" We moaned and I started to built up the rhythm we both liked the best. Our juice gushed together and the hot water splashed around us. I captured Scarlett's lips in another passionate, loving kiss. One of my hand held her shoulder and the other circled my clit softly. I took my hand away from my clit again and bucked my hips harder into Scarlett. Our clits hit each other perfectly and my head fell back, moaning loudly.

„I'm so close" Scarlett breathed and moaned softly.

„Oh, mhhhh, fuuckk" She moaned and came hard, collapsing under me, seeing her cumming under me, triggered my orgasm. I came hard on top of her and collapsed into her.

„That was sooo good" I whispered, heavily breathing. Scarlett nodded and I kissed her softly, smiling.

„Let's hope that whole New York didn't hear you screams" I whispered and Scarlett blushed hardly.

„Stop" She groaned and I chuckled.

„Maybe we should go shower" I said and got out of the hot tub, wrapping myself in a fluffy towel. I gestured Scarlett to come out too and I dried her and wrapped her into another towel too.

„I love you" She whispered and pecked my lips.

„I love you too" I answered and kissed her gently, making her smile.

„Now Let's shower." Scarlett said and walked away from me.

„Round 2?" I asked and smiled.

„You bet" She smirked and went into the apartment.
