Caught her | SMUT

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y/n is 15 years old and Scarlett is her mother in this one.

Y/n masturbates for the first time in her live, she knows that her mom won't be home for the next hour, but Scarlett comes home earlier and caught y/n.

Contains: masturbating, Mom caught daughter, the talk , straight sex(mom and husband), daughter sees Mom

y/n pov

I looked over to the clock: 4pm.

My mom would be home at 5pm, so I still had an hour left.

I wore baggy sweatpants and a t-Shirt that ended shortly over my bellybutton. I didn't wore a bra because I was at home and I didn't wanted to.

I took my phone in my hand and opened YouTube.

The first video popped on had a weird title.

„Masturbating for girls. Starter help."

I laughed a bit. Starter help? Do you really need that? I asked myself.

I never masturbated in my life but I knew that it's a normal thing...

The title still has woken up my interest so I clicked on it.

I skipped a lot of the boring stuff.

And then the woman in the video started to explain how to set the right mood and stuff.

As longer as i watched the video the more distracted I became.

My left hand traveled to my chest and started to touch my breasts. I drew little circles around my nipple, stroked my breasts and pinched my nipples.

I let out a silent moan and my hands trailed down my stomach. My hand slipped under my pants and I started to stroke my inner thighs. Slowly my hand ghosted over my clothed core. Then I decided to add pressure on my clothed clit and I moaned at the new feeling.

The video was long forgotten and my phone was off.

I took of my t-shirt and my sweatpants and pulled my underwear down too.

My left hand stroked my thighs while my right hand still played with my breasts.

I took a deep breath and my left hand wandered in between my legs.

I parted my labia and moaned surprised and turned on when I felt how wet I was. I collected some of the wetness with my index and middle finger.

Slowly I started to circle my clit. Then I tried to rub it, carefully, with slower circles and this was a jackpot for me. My back arched and I moaned out loudly in pleasure.

My right hands snaked down to my left hand and I coated my index finger in wetness too. Then I slowly inserted it into my pussy and moaned.

God I was so tight

Still, a second finger would be so good i thought so I inserted my middle finger too.

I started to thrust my fingers in and out of myself while rubbing my clit and my legs began to shake.

I curled the fingers of my right hands slightly and screamed when I hit my G-Spot.

Scarlett PoV

I came back an half hour too early today but I was sure y/n would be happy about that.

I entered the house and froze when I heard loud moans.

Slowly I put down my bag and took off my shoes. Then I followed the sound and stopped in front of y/n's door.

Oh my gosh. Please don't tell me my daughter has sex now. She didn't even showed me to her boyfriend.

I slowly opened the door and was greeted with y/n. Just y/n.

Her fingers pumped in and out of her pussy and she rubbed her clit in circular motions.

Her back arched and with a loud moan she came and her cum dripped down her fingers.

„Oh my god!" I shouted and covered my eyes.

y/n's eyes shot over to me and she covered herself with a blanket.

„Im so sorry mom. I didn't wanted to. I'm sorry" She panted embarrassed and blushed.

„No, no... It's okay. Im just going to leave this room and you're going to come down in 20 minutes. we'll talk about that" I said and walked out of the room backwards.

y/n PoV

„Fuck" I cursed and stood up after my mom left the room.

My mom just caught me masturbating, But that it was my first time thing is not important.

She saw me.

That's the main problem.

I stood up and showered shortly before I put on new clothes and went down in the living room.

„Mom?" I sat down on the couch and she looked at me.

„y/n, you don't have to be embarrassed okay?" She asked and I nodded.

„do you wanna say something ?" She asked after it.

I shook my head and looked down on my fingers.

My mom came over to me and cupped my face. „You really don't have to be embarrassed! It's normal. A normal thing and everyone does it"

„ I know mom" I said.

„Even I do it, you know..." She continued her speech.

„Mom!" I said with a disgusted look on my face. „I don't want to know that!" I laughed.

„But it's normal...." My mom replied.

„I know but I don't wanna know that you masturbate.... You're still my mom" I turned my head away.

„by the way" she said.

„What?" I asked.

„You're really good when you squirted instantly" My mom laughed.

„MOM!!" I said embarrassed and blushed.

„Maybe You are a squirter but I'm not, so I don't know where you should have got that from... Is that even genetic? I don't know" She giggled and looked at me.

„Mom" I sighed.

„What?" She asked.

„I don't wanna know that" I blushed.

„You don't wanna know what?" She played dumb....

„I don't wanna know if you are a squirter or stuff" I explained and covered my face.

„You know, if you want I can show you some toys in the internet and you can choose some of them" She offered and I stood up.

„MOM! Please stop now. I'm not going to choose sex toys while you are watching, that's the first point. Second: I don't know if you notice it but you make me feel a bit uncomfortable. Third: please mom, this was my first time and you kinda ruined... so please let me be and explore myself alone" I said slowly and looked at her a bit angrily.

„This was your first time?" my mom asked.

„Yes, and now we are not going to talk about it again." I sighed.

„Okay okay, I love you y/n you know that right?" She asked me.

„Yes I know that. I love you too Mom"

~Timeskip next day, 11pm~

„Fuck!" A loud scream woke me up. That was my mom. I stood up and walked over to my Mom's bedroom.

Another scream.

„Mom?" I asked quietly but I got no response.

When I got closer to her room, I heard more screams and something that sounded like slapping.

„Does Colin slap her? Why would he do that?" I asked myself and stood in front of the door.

The screams turned into moans and heavy breathing.

„Hm, I See. He doesn't slap her. And she enjoys it." I whispered and debated if I should open the door or leave.

I decided the thing, I shouldn't have done. I opened the door slightly and saw them.

Right in that moment Colin turned Scarlett around, so she bend over the bed on her knees and hands.

„Fuck me, baby" She moaned when Colin reached between her legs and rubbed her clit.

He smirked while slamming his whole length into her, earning another scream.

„I should leave" I thought and blushed, walking backwards out of the room. Slowly, I went back to my room and laid down on the bed. The screams didn't go away so I had to wait another hour till I could fall asleep.

~Timeskip to the next morning~

I walked into the kitchen and saw my parents already sitting on the table.

„Good Morning" They greeted and I started to laugh over what happened yesterday.

„Morning" I smiled and they looked at me really weird.

„Is everything okay, y/n/n?" My mother asked me and I nodded.

„Yeah... Uh- I couldn't really sleep but still" I answered and Scarlett looked down immediately.

„Well, I have to go to work... Good bye y/n/n" He kissed me on the top of my head and left.

„Mom, really?" I asked, laughing.

„I'm sorry, baby" She said embarrassed and started playing with the rings on her fingers.

„I didn't think you're so straight" I laughed and and put my plate in the sink.

„Im not that straight! You know that" My mother protested.

„Oh really? By the way, I hope for gods sake that you guys protected, I don't want a little sibling and I don't want to give you the talk" I started laughing when I mentioned this special talk that everyone has with their parents.

My first words during that talk were ‚I'm lesbian. Now tell me everything you want to say'

„You don't want a sibling?" Scarlett blushed and I groaned.

„This dude even came inside you? Wow Mom wow." I walked over to her and lifted her chin up a bit. Slowly, I cupped her cheek.

„Hi, Im Colin and I fuck the amazing Scarlett Ingrid Johansson from behind and I love coming inside her" I tried my best to copy Colin and now it was Scarlett's turn to laugh.

„You're weird" She smiled and I shook my head.

„You're weird" I laughed.
