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Contains: BDSM, breaking rules with following punishment, Mistress kink, usage of a gag, orgasm control, wax, breath-control, usage of a whip, usage of a strap-on, knife play(with a prop knife), handcuffs, ropes, overstimulation, squirting, passing out, crying, fingering, spitting, usage of a leather collar with leash

Scarlett is called Mistress in that OneShot

Y/n PoV

I am Scarlett's submissive and I love it. We are in a relationship and she sets up rules for me. It is easy. I break the rules, I get punished by my Mistress.


I washed the dishes and dried them with a tea towel. One of the plates slipped out of my hands and fell to the floor, shattering into little pieces.

„Shit" I cursed and instantly covered my mouth with my hand. „I'm sorry" I said and turned around to Mistress, looking at her with a submissive, begging look in my eyes. My mistress walked over to me and used her foot to make me kneel on the kitchen floor. She grabbed the leash, connected to the leather collar around my neck, pulling on it harshly. For a short time I couldn't breath and I gasped for air after Mistress allowed me to breath again.

Mistress walked to our special bedroom, making me crawl behind her. My face faced the floor, I wasn't allowed to look up unless Mistress told me or made me stand up. We entered the bedroom and Mistress made me get up harshly. She took the handcuffs that were secured on the ceiling and pulled them down. I lifted my arms up on her command and mistress cuffed me to the ceiling.

She grabbed a leather whip and let it wander up and down my body. The clothes I wore at home barely covered anything because mistress wanted it that way, she bought them for me. Goosebumps appeared on my skin and Mistress smiled at it.

„What was the rule you broke?" Mistress asked me and the whip stopped on the level of my breasts.

„I'm not allowed to swear, Mistress" I answered quietly and the whip hit my breasts hardly.

„Speak up, slut" Mistress said with a low and dangerous undertone in her voice.

„I'm not allowed to swear, Mistress." I repeated my answer and she nodded slowly.

„And what did you do?" Mistress asked me and I looked down to the floor.

„I swore" I said and the whip hit me again, this time on my other breast. I bit my lip to prevent a moan from coming out. Mistress let the whip wander down to my ass, stroking it with the leather.

„Are you ready for your punishment?" My Mistress asked me and I nodded.

„Answer me" She said and the whip landed on my ass with the delicate sound of leather meeting skin.

„Yes, Mistress" I said and closed my eyes, waiting for the blindfold I already knew. Mistress slapped my ass with the whip one more time before walking away, leaving me barely covered, standing in the bedroom with my hands cuffed to the ceiling. I flinched when someone wrapped a strip of cloth around my head, blindfolding me. The darkness overtook my eyes and I started concentrating on what I heard and what I felt on my skin.

My mistress stroked my skin with the whip, making me shiver. The leather stopped on my collarbones, wandering over them before slapping my left collarbone harshly. I let out a quiet moan, hoping that my mistress didn't heard that. My mistress pulled down my bottom lip with her thumb and I opened my mouth for her. Mistress spit into my mouth and I swallowed her saliva, opening my mouth again to show her that I swallowed.

„Such a slut for me" My mistress whispered into my ear and spat into my mouth again. This time I kept her saliva in my mouth tasting her before swallowing all of it. The leather whip wandered down my body again and started tracing my stomach and V-line. My mistress spread my legs with her knee, pressing it between my thighs. I opened up a bit and my mistress let the whip hit on my inner thighs harshly. I gasped quietly at the contact and my mistress chuckled darkly, hitting my other inner thigh with the leather piece. My mistress took of the blindfold so I could see her. She smiled and pulled out a butterfly knife, tracing up and down my body, making my breath hitch in my throat. I knew that the butterfly knife was a prop but it looked very real and it felt real against my skin.

„Mistress" I moaned quietly and Mistress slapped me harshly.

„Be quiet unless I told you to speak" She said and took of my „clothes". These clothes were just a small thong that was connected to the leather stripes that were constructed around my breasts. I nodded and looked down at the floor, not being allowed to hold eye contact now.

Mistress ran two fingers through my folds, collection my wetness. My hips bucked at the sudden contact and I bit my lip so hard that I felt the taste of blood in my mouth. I wasn't allowed to moan and I knew that I should follow the rules of my Mistress. Mistress started circling my clit and I couldn't help but release a shaky breath, clenching around nothing.

„Do you want my fingers, slut?" Mistress asked me and her fingertips teased the entrance of my vagina, slowly sinking the tips of her fingers in before pulling out again.

„Yes, Mistress. Please" I said with a begging undertone, hoping that she would give in and finger me with her pretty fingers, making me cum all over her hand.

„Don't cum" Mistress ordered and I gasped when two of the fingers of my Mistress entered me, thrusting in and out of me at a fast pace. My legs shook slightly and my Mistress grabbed my waist with her other hand, holding me up.

Mistress curled her fingers gently, brushing against my g-spot. I clenched around the fingers of my Mistress, feeling the knot tighten in my stomach. I got un-cuffed and try to hold my weight on my legs while I got fingered by my Mistress. Mistress pulled her fingers, covered in my slick, out of me and I almost whimpered at the loss of contact.

Her other hand pressed onto my shoulder and I knelt down in front of her. My mistress shoved her fingers, that were inside me, into my mouth and I sucked them clean, making my Mistress moan quietly. She tried to cover it but I heard her moaning and pride filled my body. Her fingers were pulled out and Mistress grabbed the leash, making me crawl over to the bed, laying down onto it.

Mistress came over to me and used velvet ropes to tie me up to the bed posts.

„Such a pretty slut. All tied up for me" Mistress growled and lit up a candle. She let the candle melt some of the wax before she let the wax drip down onto my chest. The wax hit the soft swells of my breasts, running down to the valley between my breasts. My mistress smiled and let the wax drip onto my other breasts before moving up to my collarbones. She used the candle to cover my collarbones with wax, making me gasp quietly at the contact with the hot, melted wax. Slowly, my Mistress wandered down with the candle, letting the wax drip onto my stomach, watching how it ran down to my bellybutton. Mistress blew out the candle, smiling and placing the candle onto the nightstand.

She grabbed the butterfly knife again and traced it over my stomach and breasts. Slowly, she pressed the knife against my throat, giving me a small smile before moving it down to my collarbones. My mistress used the knife to get the wax off of my skin, making me almost moan at the feeling. She moved the butterfly knife down over my breasts to my stomach, removing the wax from my skin. My mistress placed the knife onto the nightstand too and stood up just to come back with a big strap-on and a gag.

Mistress hovered me and gagged me with the gag, wrapping her hands around my throat gently just to add pressure, not allowing me to breath for a short time. Mistress let me breath again before letting completely go, taking her underwear off. My mistress secured the strap-on onto her hips and spat into her hand, rubbing up and down the length of the toy, wetting it before rubbing the tip of the dildo up and down the length of my pussy.

„You are not allowed to cum unless I say so" Mistress said and I nodded, whimpering against the gag quietly. The whole length of the toy was slammed into me at once, making me scream loudly. My mistress didn't let me adjust to the size and thrusted in and out of me at a fast pace. She reached down to circled my clit harshly. The knot in my stomach reappeared and my waterline started bubbling at the feeling. I wanted to cum and I needed it. My mistress went even faster, hitting a good spot inside me, making me scream against the gag. I moaned loudly and my back arched. My hands tugged at the ropes, wrapped around my wrists, leaving red marks on them. A tear left the corner of my eye and I couldn't help but start crying. It was overwhelming and I needed to cum. I needed to finally let go and cum.

„Cum for me, slut" My mistress ordered and I finally let go. I came hard, my back arching while my body shook violently, tugging at the ropes wrapped around my wrists and ankles. I squirted all over the dick of my Mistress and wetted the bed sheets.

After I rode out my high, everything went black and my limp body fell onto the mattress. The last thing I saw was how my Mistress came hard, releasing a loud moan.

Scarlett's(Mistress) PoV

Y/n was such a good girl for me, I lifted her up after taking out the gag and untying her wrists and ankles, seeing the red marks, I left.

I brought her to the bathroom and cleaned her up gently before bringing her to the master bedroom. I rubbed lotion on her skin gently, using a special cream on her wrists. Slowly, Y/n stirred awake and I smiled, pecking her lips gently.

„Mistress?" Y/n opened her eyes and I smiled.

„You did very well" I whispered and wrapped her into a blanket. She almost immediately fell asleep but not with out telling me how much she loves me.

„I love you too. More that you could imagine, baby" I whispered and kissed her neck, wrapping my arms around her, falling asleep while cuddling with her.
