Coming home from work | SMUT

That's a short one. Just a little filler, for fun.
Don't forget to vote and comment <3

Contains: fingering, oral sex(pussy eating), spitting, a bit of praise(stuff like good girl...)

3rd Person PoV

„Hey Baby, im Home" with these words, y/n came home from work.

„Scarlett?" No answer.

Y/n walked to the bedroom worried.

And there she was. Her girlfriend, Scarlett Johansson. Completely naked.

Y/n took off her clothes and walked over to the bed.

Scarlett spread her legs open, displaying her wet cunt for y/n. Y/n smiled and kissed Scarlett firmly. She started slowly, wandering down, kissing Scarlett's collarbones, her breasts, playing with her nipples, licks down her belly, ghosting over the small stripe of pubic hair before placing a kiss directly on her labia. Scarlett whimpered and bucked her hips up.

„Patience" Y/n smiled and licked a stripe from the bottom to the top of Scarlett's pussy. She hummed at the taste and Scarlett moaned out loudly.

Slowly y/n's tongue teased Scarlett entrance before licking back to her clit, swirling around it. Scarlett cried out and moaned in pleasure, whimpering when y/n pulled away.

Y/n looked at Scarlett, admiring every detail.

Her blonde hair, falling in slight waves, her green eyes, her cute nose, the plump lips, swollen from the kisses, her defined collarbones, her breasts full of little love marks and slightly swollen from the sexual aroused state Scarlett was in, her perfect stomach and her long legs.

Y/n loved everything about Scarlett and took her time to admire her.

„Don't be a tease" Scarlett breathed desperately.

„I would never" Y/n smiled and kissed Scarlett's inner thights, edging closer to her pussy.

Scarlett whined and tried to pulled y/n by her hair, closer where she needed her the most.

Y/n sucked Scarlett's clit into her mouth and licked it. Scarlett screamed and arched her back while shutting her eyes closed.

Y/n's swift tongue thrusted in and out of her entrance, swirling around inside Scarlett before pulling out again. Scarlett's legs began to shake and she moaned loudly every time y/n's tongue entered her or licked over her clit.

„I'm so fucking close" Scarlett breathed and moaned in ecstasy.

„Come on baby, cum" Y/n said and thrusted 2 fingers into Scarlett. She curled them slightly and Scarlett shook violently when she came.

Scarlett squirted all over Y/n and wetted the bed sheets. Quickly Y/n caught some of the squirt and pulled herself up to Scarlett's head. Scarlett opened her mouth and Y/n spit the mix of Scarlett's Squirt and her own saliva into Scarlett's mouth. Scarlett hummed at the taste and swallowed it all.

„Such a good girl" Y/n praised and Scarlett blushed
