Married | FLUFF, slight SMUT,some ANGST

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Contains: cheating, divorce

Y/n PoV

I met Scarlett at the Comic Con. I was a huge fan and nearly passed out when Scarlett gave me her phone number.

I wrote a bit with her and Scarlett knew that I would be in New York for a few days.


„Hi" Scar said and hugged me from behind.

I turned around and looked at Scarlett with a really scared look on my face.

„God- You scared me" I laughed at Scar and hugged her again.

„Do you wanna grab a coffee with me?" Scarlett asked and shifted her weight on her feet.

„Uhm sure. I mean- Yes!" I answered and laughed nervously.

„Then let's go" Scarlett said happily and grabbed my hand.

We went to Starbucks together and drank a coffee. With the coffee we went to the Central Park and watched some people while drinking the liquid.

„Hey, uhm- If you want we could go to my home... maybe even a sleepover if you have the time" Scarlett said nervously and looked at her hands.

„Really? Sure! I would love to" I said exited and smiled.

We went to Scarlett's car and drove to her house.

„Wow, it's beautiful!" I breathed as we entered the house.

„I'm glad you like it" Scarlett smiled and started to show me all the rooms. The house was really beautiful.

„If you want we can watch a movie." Scarlett said and we went to the living room. We changed to comfortable clothes. Or otherwise, I stole comfortable clothes from her.

„Sure! Which movie?" I asked and sat down on the sofa.

„A good old James Bond?" Scarlett asked and laughed.

„Very classic but why not?" I respond, smirking, and Scarlett sat down beside me on the couch.

We started the movie and with time Scarlett started to cuddle with me. My stomach erupted into butterflies and I blushed. I accepted Scarlett laying on my upper body and I started to stroke her hair gently.

When the movie ended i turned off the TV and looked at Scarlett who still laid with her head on my chest. She smiled softly in her sleep and I looked at my friend, feeling a warm feeling in my stomach, warming my heart.

Slowly I drifted to sleep, never stopped stroking Scarlett's hair.

The next morning, I woke up before Scarlett. I carefully laid Scarlett on the couch and went to the kitchen. I made Pancakes and brought them in the living room. I shook Scarlett slightly and laughed.

„Good Morning Sleepyhead" I said and pushed some of Scarlett's hair strains out of her face.

„Did you made Pancakes?" Scarlett asked and looked at me with a surprised look.

„Yeah... I was hungry and I thought I make breakfast" I smiled apologizing and showed Scarlett the food.

„Wow It looks good" Scarlett smiled.

We ate together till some of the iced sugar sticked on Scarlett's bottom lip. I looked at her nervously and decided to remove it. Slowly I pulled her thumb over Scarlett's bottom lip. Scarlett moaned slightly and bit her bottom lip after I removed my thumb. I looked at Scarlett, scared that I fucked up.

„Did you plan that, y/n/n?" Scarlett asked and looked at her surprised.

„No, not really. You had some iced sugar on your lip" I laughed nervously and looked at my hands.

After we ate everything I placed the plates on the coffee table.

„Oh fuck it" Scarlett cursed and looked at me.

„Languag-„ I tried to say but Scarlett shut her with a kiss.

„Fuck" I breathed after Scarlett needed air and stopped kissing me.

„y/n? Did I ruined things?" She asked me nervously.

„No. Not at all" I smiled and kissed her again.

„I love you Scar" I moaned when Scarlett started kissing my neck.

„I love you too" Scarlett continued kissing down my neck and removed my T-Shirt.

She started to suck my collarbones and planted kisses on my bra. I took Scarlett's T-Shirt off and opened her bra. Her breasts fell free and my eyes wandered down to them slowly.

„God. You're so beautiful Scar" I said and pushed her on the couch. I started kissing her breasts, playing with her nipples and sucked them in carefully. Scarlett moaned, waiting for me to go deeper, in between her legs. I snaked my hand down her stomach, removed Scarlett's pants and started stroking her thighs.

„Please, fuck me" Scarlett moaned loudly.

As soon as she started moaning, begging for me to stop teasing I stopped completely.

„Oh god, Scarlett" I said panicking.

„y/n? What's wrong?" Scarlett asked and sat up on the couch.

„You're married! Fucking married! Scarlett you're cheating!" I yelled and a tear rolled down my cheek.

„y/n. He doesn't know that. Please, I love you" She said and tried to hug me, but I stood up, didn't wanted to be touched by her.

„I'm not going to kiss you again! You're married Scarlett! M-A-R-R-I-E-D! You're cheating on your husband. Should I tell him or will you stop?!" I said angrily.

„y/n/n, please don't tell him. He doesn't need to know right? We just kissed, I bet he kissed some girls too!"

„You know what, then talk to your husband, ask him if it's okay when you fuck others! But I'm not going to be your second choice!" I yelled, Tears rolling down my cheeks.

„I'm gonna leave now!" I sobbed out and left Scarlett's house.

~Timeskip 2 weeks later~

I sat on my couch. I was still in New York because I didn't felt like leaving right now.

I was crying over my last time with Scarlett. We didn't talked and didn't write in the last 2 weeks.

I loved Scarlett but I can't be the second choice. My heart couldn't take that. I could move on but at the same time, I couldn't.

The doorbell ringed and I opened the door.

There was she. Scarlett Johansson.

She looked like she was crying a lot in the last two weeks. She held a contract in her hands.

„Why are you here?" I asked harshly.

„Uhm- Can I come in, y/n/n?" Scarlett looked at my begging.

„If you have to..." I said annoyed and let Scarlett in.

„So, what do you want?" I asked.

„I- I divorced Colin" Scarlett sobbed and looked at me.

„You did what?!"

„I divorced him, y/n/n" Scarlett repeated.

„Don't call me that! And why did you do that?" I looked at Scarlett.

„I don't love him. This marriage is senseless" Scarlett explained.

„And why do you tell me that? I don't care about your marriage, Scarlett!" I said annoyed.


„No buts Scarlett. I don't care. I don't care about you! You used me as your toy and I don't accept that. Would you please leave my Appartement?" I said hurt and angrily.

„y/n! Wait! I divorced him for you! I love you, I don't love Colin!" Scarlett yelled desperately.

„For me?" I asked confused.

„Of course for you! You said you don't want to be the second choice. I love you more than the second choice. I want you to be my first choice! I still love you y/n" Scarlett said silently and handed me the contract.

„Look! Colin and I already signed. It's just time now till we are divorced" She said and smiled softly.

„So you want me to give you a second chance?" I asked.

„Yes. Please" She begged.

„Then convince me"

She nodded understandingly and sat up. She pulled me into a kiss. Our lips fitted on each other like a puzzle. A perfect match.

Scarlett sucked my bottom lip in and her tongue asks for the permission to explore my mouth.

I pushed Scarlett away.

„I- give me a minute, please." I whispered.

„Can I stay here with you?" Scarlett asked carefully.

„If you want" I said and sat down on the couch.

„Thank you" Scarlett sat down beside me and leans on my upper chest.

„Can you stroke my hair again?" Scarlett asked. „I love that and missed it" She smiled and closed her eyes.

„Okay" I accepted her request and started to stroke Scarlett's hair.

„I love you. You know that, right y/n/n" Scarlett said sleepy.

„Yes I know that. I love you too." I said and bend down to kiss Scarlett carefully on the tip of her nose.
