Birthday | FLUFF

Contains: / ;)

Y/n PoV

I had set my alarm on 6am and stood up, quietly being careful to not wake up my girlfriend that laid beside me in the bed. I walked out of the room and went down to the kitchen, looking at the chocolate cake I baked last evening. I smiled to myself and prepared the whipped cream to put little pieces of icing on the cake.

„Well done" I whispered to myself and looked at the work I had done. I took out a wooden tray, that I prepared for her birthday. Our names were engraved into it and I was kinda proud that I got it done.

I prepared orange juice and a small breakfast, including croissants with a variation of toppings to put it onto the Croissants, a bit of baguette, coffee for her and me, yoghurt with granola and fruits and just fruits.

I had already prepared the presents so I could easily place them onto the wooden tray now. I had prepared 6 different presents and I hoped that Scarlett would like them.

The clock showed me that it was already 8am. I took a deep breath before I lifted the tablet up and brought it to our shared bedroom.

I placed it onto the desk carefully and went back to the bed, laying down behind Scarlett, hugging her gently.

„Good Morning, my love" I whispered and started to kiss her neck gently.

„Mh, just 5 minutes" She grumbled and I chuckled to myself grabbing the coffee mig and held it under her nose. She sniffed at it and inhaled the smell of coffee, slowly stirring awake.

After 5 minutes, she sipped some of the coffee and exhaled deeply.

„Good Morning, darling" She husked in her raspy Morning Voice, sending shivers down my spine and butterflies straight to my heat.

„Good Morning, love" I whispered and pecked her lips gently.

„Happy Birthday" I said and cupped her cheeks, kissing her more passionately. A kiss full of love evolved and I couldn't help but smile into the kiss.

„Don't say that. I don't wanna get older" Scarlett mumbled against my lips and I chuckled.

„Shh, it's your day, love. Just enjoy" I said and picked up the wooden tray, placing it onto the metal tray holder that I placed on the bed already. Scarlett looked at her breakfast and then to me, her waterline started bubbling slightly.

„Thank you" She whispered and a tear escaped the corner of her eye.

„Don't cry, my love. That's what you deserve and it's your birthday, honey" I said soothing and sat beside her on the bed, hugging her. Scarlett smiled softly and I kissed her forehead gently, making Scarlett chuckled.

„Your hands are too cold" She smiled and I pulled my hand away from her waist, giving her a apologetic look.

„Do you want me to sing for you?" I asked and started laughing.

„If you already ask like that... yes, i want that" She laughed with me and I blushed.

„Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday dear Scarlett, happy birthday to you" I sang softly and lit up the candles on the cake carefully.

„Your voice is still beautiful. I love how you sing, especially with that sexy voice of yours." She whispered and her hand wandered from my waist up to my breasts, squeezing them gently.

„No" I chuckled and pulled her hand away. „I made a breakfast, a cake and you have presents. Please, let's do that first." I explained and Scarlett nodded.

„Okay, what do you want me to do first?" She asked and I smiled, pecking her lips.

„You can decide, darling" I said and felt how the goosebumps appeared on her skin. „No, I would save the cake because the candles are burning on top of it" I chuckled and Scarlett gave me a small smile.

„1, 2, 3" Scarlett blew out the candles and I clapped, making her laugh.

„Wonderful, love. Now you can decide what you want to do first" I said and laughed with her softly.

„Presents" She decided and her face expression changed to the ones of a child that got a lot of presents and is excited to open them.

„Fine, honey. I would recommend that one first" I said and tapped onto a present. It was a small one, wrapped in golden wrapping paper.

„Okay" Scarlett nodded and grabbed the present, opening it gently. It was a black velvet box and when she opened it a small golden necklace was in it. She smiled and read it out loud. „Y/n." She whispered and smirked. „Did you really made one with your name?" She asked and I nodded.

„I thought you like it" I whispered and Scarlett kissed me softly.

„I love it, darling" She whispered and trapped the next present. I chuckled at her actions but watched her how she opened it. This one was very basic for couples but I thought maybe she'd like it. It was an album for pictures and photos. I just filled the first 2 pages so she would have enough space to fill in her important and cute pictures. She chuckled at the pictures I already made in it and gave me a soft smile.

„That's the cutest present someone ever made me" She said and I smiled to myself, feeling proud. She snatched another present. She opened it and a small teddy bear came out of it.

„Huh?" She asked and then it hit her. „Ohhhh, gosh. That's so cute. You really remembered?!" She said and pulled me into a bone crushing hug, kissing me passionately.

„Of course I remember our first date. I shot you a teddy bear on this festival thing. And then you forgot it there and it was gone. I got you the exact same one" I whispered and she smiled, her waterline started bubbling again.

„Don't cry baby" I chuckled and she nodded. She grabbed the next present but I stopped her. „Don't you want to eat something first?" I asked and she nodded.

„Cake" She said in a childish voice, making me chuckle.

„Fine, everything for the birthday child" I laughed and cut her a piece of the cake. We ate it in silence but Scarlett gazed at her presents all the time. She wanted to open them all.

„You can open them you know" I whispered and she smiled, opening the next one.

„What's that?" She asked and I smiled.

„What does it look like?" I asked and she blushed.

„A sex toy" She started and I started laughing.

„Babe, That's kinky. And it's not a sex toy... That's small speaker. A really small one, but it's really good and you can bring it everywhere." I laughed and tried to breath normal again.

„Oh" She laughed and smiled. „Thank you, that's a good present" She chuckled.

„So the others were bad?" I challenged and Scarlett shook her head while taking the next present. She opened it and blushed.

„Well, that's a sex toy now" She whispered and looked at it.

„Uhm- Yes... sorry" I chuckled and she shook her head softly.

„No no no. That's good. I'll try it on you later, darling" She whispered and kissed the skin under my ear, nibbling at my earlobe. Now it was my turn to blush but the nervousness for the next present was stronger.

„That's the last one" I said with a shaky voice that even Scarlett noticed.

„Love, I won't be mad. You made some beautiful presents. I don't need more" She whispered and I shook my head.

„Open it" I whispered. „But you have to get up for that one. It's a bit complicated." I said and Scarlett nodded, getting out of the bed carefully.

„A printed Rose?" She asked and looked up to me. I just nodded and knelt down on one knee, pulling out a small velvet box.

„I love you till eternity. You're the best that happened in my life and I want to spend the rest of it just with you. I love your smile, your jokes. I love everything about you.

Scarlett Ingrid Johansson, will you marry me?" I asked and looked at her face expression with a hint of nervousness in my own eyes. She cried and nodded.

„Of course! I can't say yes often enough. I want to marry you, I love you!" She smiled and kissed me passionately, both of us smiling into the kiss.

I placed the sodden tray onto the desk and went back to the bed, taking of my sleeping clothes.

„And now your last present" I smiled and Scarlett nodded.

„Okay, That's indeed the best present" She chuckled and came over to me, kissing me gently before attaching herself to my breasts.
