New Professor | SMUT

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Contains: usage of a vibrator, teacher x student(legal age gap), praising, nicknames

Scarlett is not an actress in this One Shot.

Y/n PoV

I went to my last class period today.


I really wanted to learn it but the teacher was just boring. He was old and couldn't even speak Russian.

I was five minutes late and walked into the room.

„Sorry" I said more to myself than to the teacher.

„You're Late" A female voice said coldly and I looked up.

There was a women beside the blackboard. She wore a blue jeans, a white blouse with a low neckline and a black blazer. Her heels were black too but had red bottoms.

I blushed and nodded. „I'm sorry Miss" I said and sat down.

„Well, then I'm going to explain again.

Im Miss Johansson. Your new Professor because your old teacher is sick. I'm going to be your new teacher for at least 6 months and I hope everyone here really wants to learn the beautiful language, Russian." She explained and looked over to me. „And I expect punctuality."

I blushed and looked down.

„Then let's start with the lesson" She clapped her hands to times and started to explain some Russian grammar.

I didn't really payed attention because I stared at her.

Her beautiful ass, her full breasts nearly spilling out of her blouse. Her perfectly formed, plump lips. Her cute nose and her green eyes.

Fuck her eyes.

I felt like I drowned in them.

„Miss y/l/n, would you repeat what I said, please?" Miss Johansson pulled me out of my thoughts and I blushed.

„No, I'm sorry" I said and looked down at my lap.

„Stay behind after class please, miss y/l/n" Miss Johansson sighed and went back to her lesson.

I started to google her because I wanted to know who she was.

I gave in her last name and my university.

„Interesting" I whispered to myself. „So her name is Scarlett Johansson"

I googled that too and gasped.

She was a lesbian, very successful as a professor and single.

But the most shocking thing, some of her private pictures got leaked, including some nudes.

I just saw an article about that so I googled her nudes.

„Oh fuck" I mumbled quietly and crossed my legs.

There were three nudes leaked.

One where she covered her front with a towel and stood with her back to a mirror. The picture was a mirror picture so I saw her bare ass.

The second picture was one from the side, just her upper body, she was cupping her breast, making her breasts look even fuller.

And the last picture was one of her front. She looked directly into the camera and breasts were even fuller than they looked in the blouse she wore now.

I felt the wetness pooling between my legs and crossed my legs even firmer.

I spend the rest of the lesson daydreaming about my new professor, Miss Johansson.

After the lesson, I packed my things slowly and waited for the others to leave the room.

„Please follow me to my office, Miss y/l/n" She said and picked up her things.

She brought me to her office and I walked into it, she followed me and locked the door.

She sat down on her chair, crossing her legs, laying one over the other.

„Why don't you listen? I said that I want you to listen, Miss y/l/n" She started the conversation and I didn't say anything.

„I looked up your grades. You are really good at Russian. Why aren't you now?" She asked me.

„I don't know" I said and blushed. My gaze got caught on her neckline.

She stood up and walked over to me.

„Am I distracting you darling?" She whispered and lifted up my chin with 2 of her fingers.

„N-No" I stuttered and blushed.

„Really? Why don't you pay attention then. Now we have to re-learn the whole lesson" Miss Johansson whispered and kissed my cheek.

She sat on her chair and pulled out the sheets for the lesson I didn't payed attention in.

„Come on, sit on my lap, Miss y/l/n" She ordered and I nodded, sitting down on her lap.

„And now do the exercises" Miss Johansson said and sucked my pulse point under my ear.

„M-Miss Johansson, W-What are you doing?" I whimpered and bit on my lip to hold my moans.

„Marking you, sweetheart. You're mine now, darling" She replied easily and stopped kissing my neck.

„Do the exercises" Miss Johansson ordered and I nodded, starting doing the exercise sheet.

„What does that mean?" Miss Johansson showed me a piece of paper with a handwritten sentence.

I read the sentence and blushed hard.

„Трахни меня, мамочка"(fuck me, Mommy) I said and felt the wetness between my legs return.

„Oh, so that's what you want? Do you want me to fuck you?" She whispered and kissed up my jawline till she turned my head to hers.

„Yes" I whimpered and closed my eyes, moaning when Miss Johansson's hand wandered inside my pants, her fingers rubbing my clothed clit.

„Please, Miss Johansson" I moaned and looked at her eagerly.

Her fingers slipped inside my panties and circled my clit before teasing my entrance a bit.

„What do you want, Miss y/l/n?" She whispered and I moaned loudly.

„your fingers, Miss Johansson" I whimpered.

„Really? Such an eagerly slut for me" She said and I moaned at the nickname. She spread my legs a bit wider and slipped two of her fingers into me.

„Please, faster" I said and clenched around her fingers.

„Are you close, Miss y/l/n? Do you want to cum?" Miss Johansson asked and smiled against my neck.

„Yes, Yes please let me Cum" I begged and Miss Johansson shook her head.

„No, Miss y/l/n" She took her fingers out and I whimpered at the loss of contact.

She took out a small vibrator and slipped it inside me.

„Do your exercises" She said and I whimpered.

„I cant" I breathed and threw my head back against her shoulder.

„Please let me cum" I begged and squeezed my eyes shut.

„No" She said firmly and pressed me to the in direction of the work sheet. „Finish the sheet and then you can cum"

„Okay" I whimpered and tried to solve the exercises while having a vibrator on the highest setting inside me.

„I finished" I said breathlessly and moaned loudly.

„Good Girl. Cum for me" Miss Johansson whispered and sucked another hickey on my shoulder.

„Fuck, Miss Johansson" I cried out and came hard into my panties.

„You're such a good girl" She praised, turning off the vibrator, and I moaned at the praise.

„Can I give you something back?" I breathed and Miss Johansson raised a brow.

„What? You want to make me cum?" She smirked and I nodded.

„Yes Miss Johansson" I said and she agreed.

I pulled down her pants and the black lace pantie.

She was dripping wet and I loved seeing her like this. I spread her legs a bit and she displayed her dripping cunt for me.

„You're dripping" I stated and she smiled.

„Make me cum and maybe you'll see it more often." She said.

I dived into her heat and licked a stripe from the bottom to the top before licking over her clit, sucking it in softly.

„Fuck" A quiet moan escaped her mouth and i got more confident.

I licked down to her entrance, teasing it before plunging my tongue in, tasting her, swirling around.

I stopped playing with her and licked back to her clit, plunging two fingers into her.

I pumped them in and out of her slowly, curling them slightly.

„Faster" Miss Johansson said firmly and her hand tangled into my hair, pulling me deeper into her cunt.

I went faster and curled my fingers with every thrust, hitting her g-spot perfectly.

„I'm gonna cum" Miss Johansson moaned and with a last suck on her clit. She came, her back arching and her legs shaking violently.

I swallowed her juice, cleaning her up before sitting up again.

„Thank you" I said and kissed her.

„You're a good girl" Miss Johansson said and I smiled.

„Here is my phone number. Call me if you need me" Miss Johansson gave me a paper with a phone number on it and stood up, fixing her clothes again.

„Good bye, Miss y/l/n. Till class on next Friday and I expect you to pay attention" She said and unlocked the door, opening it.

„And by the way. Outside of classes, you can call me Scarlett" She smiled and I blushed.

Miss Johansson or Scarlett, left the office and I fixed my clothes and hair before leaving the office too.
