On set | SMUT

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Place: Set of the Black Widow Movie

Contains: gun kink, knife(cutting open clothes), face sitting, public sex(is a set public? Idk... There were other People on the set too), fingering, oral sex.

Y/n PoV

I sat on Scarlett's bed in her trailer. She said she had one scene left but that was an hour ago. I was bored and horny. Scarlett wanted me to come to set because she said I could watch. I always wanted to watch but I couldn't because the team was scared I might drop secretes from the movie.

Today, they didn't had any important, secret scenes so I was allowed to come to the set too.

For the whole afternoon I watched Scarlett doing her scenes. She looked hot in her Black Widow suit. Too hot for me.

After 2 hours of watching I excused myself and went to her trailer.

Finally, after 1 1/2 hour, Scarlett came finally back.

„Hey babe" She greeted me.

„Hi" I said quietly and crossed my legs, sitting up at the edge of the bed.

„I thought you wanted to watch... Why did you left, darling?"She smirked and sat beside me, stroking my thigh innocently.

„I was horny" I mumbled and Scarlett smirked.

„Aw, did I make you horny?" She smiled and I nodded.

„The suit is hot, you are hot. Everything you do is hot" I groaned and Scarlett laughed.

„You want me to fuck you, while I'm in the suit?" She offered and I blushed.

„If that's okay for you" I said quietly and Scarlett rubbed my back.

„Honestly, I love that idea. I'm going to pull a Natasha Romanoff" She chuckled and I shook my head.

„That's kinky, Ms. Johansson" I smirked.

„Hmm, and you like it" She whispered and kissed me, straddling my lap.

I started fiddling with the zipper of her suit and smirked, while pulling it down a bit.

„Do you think you're allowed to undress me?" She said firmly and shook my head.

„No, I'm sorry" I said.

Scarlett stood in front of me and pulled the zipper down slowly. My breath hitched in my throat and Scarlett stopped when her breasts nearly spilled out of the suit.

„You like that, hm?" She whispered lowly and lifted my chin up with her fingers.

„Yes" I answered and whimpered quietly when Scarlett pressed her knee in between my legs. My hips bucked against her knee, making her chuckle.

„Patience, sweetheart" She said and kissed me, pushing me with my back down on the mattress.

I heard the clicking of handcuffs.

„Scarlett?" I asked and smiled, knowing that my hands were cuffed to the bed above my head.

„Yeah Baby? I said I'm gonna pull a Natasha, right?" She smirked and pulled a knife out of nowhere.

I gasped audibly and Scarlett smiled, pressing the knife against the fabric of my t-Shirt.

„Can I undress you?" She asked me and I nodded.

She cut open my clothes and threw away the knife, attaching herself to my left breast, sucking slightly on my nipple.

„Fuck" I moaned and arched my back.

Scarlett switched to my right breast, giving it the same attention, leaving love marks and hickeys all over my chest and boobs.

„Deeper, please" I whimpered desperately and Scarlett nodded, kissing down my stomach. She pressed kisses on my v-line and placed soft kisses on my pubic bone.

„Please" I groaned and Scarlett smiled, stroking my folds lightly with her fingers.

Scarlett smiled starting to collect some of my wetness with her fingers, then pulling away completely.

She brought her fingers to her mouth and sucked them, slowly licking them.

„You taste amazing, darling" She moaned and I blushed, bucking my hips up.

„Please, fuck me" I whined and Scarlett smiled.

„Gladly" She replied and went down to my Pussy again, starting to lick my clit, sucking it in slowly.

„Don't tease" I groaned and Scarlett nodded before pushing two fingers into my cunt.

„You like That?" She asked and went faster before attaching to my clit again.

„Fuck" I screamed and clenched around Scarlett's fingers, feeling myself coming close.

„Come on Baby, Cum" Scarlett whispered and I came hard, screaming her name loudly with shaking legs.

„Thank you" I breathed and Scarlett smirked kissing me.

„Do you think that was all?" She smirked.

„We're not done?" I asked surprised and Scarlett shook her head.

„When was the last time you only came once when I fucked you?" She asked and I blushed.

„It never happened." I whispered and she nodded.

„See... We're Not done yet" She pulled out a gun from the side of her suit and I gasped again.

„Is that a prop gun?" I asked.

„Well Baby. I won't tell you that... Do you trust me?" She answered and I nodded.

„Yes, I Trust you"

„So it won't be a problem with the gun?" She asked.

„Not a Problem" I smiled and Scarlett nodded, un-cuffing me.

„Well, then ride my gun baby" She whispered.

I looked at her surprised and saw how Scarlett held the gun for me.

„Are you sure?" I asked carefully and Scarlett nodded.

„Yeah." She said and I nodded silently.

Slowly I sank down onto the weapon and started to grind on it.

„Oh" I moaned and threw my head back.

„You like That? You like riding Black Widows gun?" She whispered and kissed my neck.

„Yes, fuck. Mhhhh, I love it" I cried out in pleasure and clenched around her gun.

„Do you want to cum?" She asked me and I nodded eagerly.

„Yes, please let me Cum" I said and Scarlett nodded slowly.

„Then Cum. Mark my gun. Cum on it and make me have dirty thoughts every time I have to pull the gun out for the movie." She moaned at the last sentence.

„Ohhh Scarlett" I screamed cumming with a high pitched, loud moan.

„Can you do another one?" Scarlett smiled and pulled the gun out of me, laying down on the bed. I nodded slowly.

„Come on, sit on my face" She smiled and I nodded, lifting my pussy over her face. She pulled me down roughly and I moaned, gripping the head board tightly.

Scarlett sucked in my clit, licking it, teasing my entrance from time to time.

„Oh Scar" I whimpered and Scarlett smirked against my pussy.

She stuck her tongue into me, tasting me, massaging my walls before pressing her tongue rhythmically against that one spot inside me.

„Jesus Christ" I cried out in pleasure and Scarlett went even faster, before licking back to my clit.

„I'm gonna cum" I moaned and Scarlett continued, squeezing my thighs slightly, allowing me to cum.

„God" I screamed cumming hard over Scarlett's face, covering it in my cum.

I got off of her face slowly and tried to steady my shaking legs.

„You taste really amazing" Scarlett whispered and I smirked, helping her to clean up her face.

„Let's get you cleaned up and then leave the set" She smiled and I nodded, feeling a bit tired now.

Scarlett cleaned me up before we went to our car, meeting Florence on the way to it.

She just looked at us and started laughing.

„Florence? What happened?" I asked and Florence blushed while laughing hard.

„The whole set heard you guys... I'm going to give you a hint: The trailers aren't soundproof." She whispered and I blushed.

„What did they hear?" Scarlett asked slowly and blushed too.

„Ohh too much" She smirked and turned to Scarlett. „Let's say it like this: No one is going to touch your gun again" She laughed and Scarlett blushed, hugging me to hide her face in my neck.

„Well..." I laughed and winked to Florence.

„I guess I have to go home with the all-mighty black widow now. I think she needs some space" I chuckled and brought Scarlett to the car, driving to our home.
