Home Office | SMUT

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Contains: unprotected sex, mommy kink, masturbating , fingering, praising, some overstimulation, seggsy time 2x(little break in the middle of the chapter) ;)

G!P Reader(Girl with a penis)

Y/n PoV

I was working since 8.30am just with breaks to use the bathroom or eating something.

Scarlett was bored and I knew that but I couldn't change it. I had to get this important project done.

Currently it was 5.34pm.

The door opened and Scarlett walked over to me and started kissing my neck.

„Y/n/n, i want you" She whined and started lifting up my t-Shirt.

„Scar, I have work to do and you know that" I sighed and pushed Scarlett a bit away.

„But you can do that later right?" Scarlett asked whiningly.

„No, I have to get this done" I said firmly, not keeping my eyes off of the monitor.

„I give you 5 minutes" Scarlett whispered in my ear and left the room.

Scarlett PoV

I walked to our shared bedroom and took off my clothes.

I laid on my bed and spread my legs open for y/n. I was incredibly wet and starting fingering myself a bit but when I heard y/n coming up the stairs, I stopped completely.

After 10 minutes Y/n finally entered the room.

„I still have work so we have to be fast, baby" Y/n said and took off her clothes.

Y/n PoV

Scarlett laid on her back and I was above her. I laid my head on Scarlett's chests and kissed her deep. Slowly I kissed down her chest, over her boobs and down her stomach. Scarlett moaned eagerly and I pressed some light kisses on her pubic bone before going down to her slit. I licked a long stripe before toying with her clit.

„Fuck" Scarlett moaned and her hands gripped my hair. She pulled me deeper inside her cunt and i plunged my tongue into her aching hole, my nose pressing lightly against her clit.

I swirled around inside her, thrusting my tongue in and out, moaning at her taste. She tasted amazing. I felt how she clenched around my tongue and started circling her clit with my fingers slowly.

That pushed her over the edge and she came hard, shaking around me.

„Thank you, Mommy" She panted and I went up to her mouth, kissing her and allowing her to taste herself on my tongue.

She started to grind herself on my and I pushed her down on her back.

„Are you okay with that?" I asked her and waited for her consent.

„Yes, please" She whimpered and I pushed myself inside her and giving Scarlett some time to adjust to my size.

In this time I started to kiss her breasts and sucked her nipples. Her mouth hung open in pleasure and she squeezed her eyes shut.

Slowly I began to move and Scarlett pushed up her hips up to support me. I moved back and forth and started to hit all the right sports inside her.

Again I kissed her breasts and sucked them. Scarlett threw her head back and her legs began to shake.

I reached down and started to circle her clit in tight circles. Scarlett cried out in pleasure as her orgasm washed over her, she looked like a goddess, letting out pornographic moan after pornographic moan. Her legs shook violently and her back arched.

I helped her riding out her high and pulled out of her.

A bit of my cum dripped out of her pussy.

„Let's get you cleaned up" I whispered and went to the bathroom to get a wet cloth. I cleaned her up and she fell asleep.

„Sleep well" I whispered, kissing her temple before leaving the room.

After all, I still had work to do.

I went back to my office and finished the project.

It was a lot of work and I needed 2 hours for it, but when I was finish I was happy and closed my laptop for this day. The rest of the work could wait till tomorrow.

I sighed and went back to the bedroom. When I arrived I heard muffled moans coming out of the room.

„Didn't she had enough already?" I asked myself silently and walked into the room.

And there she was.

My beautiful girlfriend. Pumping 3 of her fingers in and out of her wet cunt, making a squelching noise, while playing with her nipples with the other hand.

She threw her head back in pleasure and moaned on ecstasy. Seconds later she clenched around her fingers and came hard over her hand.

„Fuck" She moaned and pulled her fingers out of her, starting to lick them clean.

„What a nice show for me, baby" I said and Scarlett flinched, looking at me.

„Sorry, i just couldn't help it" She whispered and I walked over to her while taking of my shirt and pants.

„I am not enough?" I asked teasingly.

„Oh you are but I need more" She said firmly and sat herself up.

I took of the rest of my clothes and walked over to the bed, completely naked.

„You're already hard baby. You enjoyed seeing me here like this, right?" She look up to me with big eyes and I smiled.

„Of course, I love it baby but now I'm going to give you what you need." I jerked my dick a bit because it was already hard, I didn't needed long to get it completely hard. her little show was hot in every way possible.

Scarlett nodded and got on her knees and hands, showing me that she wanted me to fuck her from behind.

I leaned over to her and kissed her neck, before sliding my whole length into her aching pussy.

„Oh fuuuuuuck" Scarlett moaned deep and throaty with every inch that slid into her, filling her up to the limit.

„Can i move baby?" I asked her and Scarlett nodded firmly.

I started thrusting into her at a fast pace, hitting the right places. Scarlett rocked with every thrust, her legs already beginning to shake. I bent down over her back and reached at the front of her pussy, curling her clit.

„Jesus Christ, y/n" She moaned when she came the first time for this session.

I didn't stopped and went even faster and harder, making scarlett scream my name.

„Cum for me baby. I know you can take it" I smiled while Scarlett came the second time.

I stopped thrusting into her and turned her so I sat on the bed, Scarlett sitting on my lap, my dick still inside her.

„Come on baby, be a Good Girl, use your mommy to cum again" I ordered and Scarlett whimpered at my words.

She started bouncing up and down on my dick, grinding on my lap. She started playing with her breasts, massaging her nipples, before reaching down toying with her clit.

„Oh god" She moaned and shook violently cumming the third time.

I carefully laid her on her back and thrusted into her, wanting to cum. I circled her clit again and Scarlett clenched around me again.

„Come on Baby. Cum with me" I demanded and she nodded, cumming at the same time, I thrusted my sperm into her.

„Such a Good Girl. Can you do one more for me?" I asked and a tears slipped out of Scarlett's eye.

„I can try" She whispered and closed her eyes.

I pulled out of her and my fingers made their way up to Scarlett pussy, stroking her thighs soothingly.

My fingers toyed with her clit and I kissed her passionately, playing with her tongue, tasting the sweet taste of her mouth.

I let my two of my fingers slip into her wet cunt and started thrusting in and out of her slowly. I curled my fingers, hitting her g-spot perfectly, while circling her clit with my thumb.

„Oh fuck, mommy" Scarlett cried out and came for the fifth time.

„You're such a Good Girl, Baby." I whispered and picked her up, placing her on the bathroom counter.

I run a bath with warm water and brought Scarlett to the bathtub, laying down and pulling Scarlett to me. She laid down on my and I kissed her neck soothingly.

„You're my good girl, baby. I love you" I whispered and Scarlett nodded, being very tired.
