Shopping | SMUT

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Contains: public sex(lingerie shop), fingering, oral sex, praise

Y/n PoV

„Hey baby" Scarlett whispered and tip toed to hug me from behind, kissing my neck gently while grabbing my waist, pulling me into her.

„Hi" I smiled and Scarlett let go of my neck, turning me around.

„I wanna go shopping and you'll come with me" She smiled challengingly.

„Well, only if we go to the fancy lingerie shop I love" I smirked and picked her up, making her squeal. Her legs wrapped themselves around my waist, pulling her even closer to me.

„Deal" She whispered and her forehead touched mine. I drowned in her eyes every time I looked into them.

„You have beautiful eyes, baby" I whispered and pecked her lips. She smiled and cupped my cheek gently.

„Thank you. I love your eyes too, but I like your nose and mouth more." She chuckled softly, pressing a soft kiss onto the top of my nose and on my lips.

„Then let's go to my favourite shop" I said, placing her down carefully.

~Timeskip to the shop~

„I cant wait to see you in that one" I smiled and pulled out a deep red lace set. The bra was completely see through and the straps of the bra were crossed in multiple places, making it look more hot and complicated. The thong was see through lace too and I smirked when I gave the lingerie to Scarlett.

„Oh- I don't think I'll look good in that" She whispered and I shook my head.

„Don't say that. You'll look beautiful. But here, try this black one too" I said and gave her a black lingerie set. Scarlett's eyes widened when she saw the set but she still nodded and took the set to.

„Okay, I'll try them on" She said and walked to the fitting rooms. I followed her and waited in front of the fitting rooms, waiting for her.

„Uh- do you wanna look?" Scarlett asked and I smirked, walking to her room, entering it carefully.

„Oh wow" I gasped and my mouth fell agape. I gazed at her like a creepy stalker, making her chuckle. She closed my mouth with two of her fingers, smiling gently.

„You might wanna pick your jaw off the floor" She whispered while doing that.

„You look absolutely gorgeous" I said and pressed her up against the wall of the fitting room, trapping her with my body weight. She moaned quietly as soon as my leg pressed in between Scarlett's legs.

„Stay quit for me, darling. Can you do that, be a good girl?" I whispered into Scarlett's ear, nipping and sucking on her pulse point soon after.

„Yes, please" She whimpered quietly and I pulled down the lace panties, stroking her inner thighs and V-line. I kissed her softly, my tongue swiping over her bottom lip, asking for entrance. My hand started to wander over her pubic bone and outer labia too, making her whimper into my mouth.

„Please, y/n" Scarlett mumbled against my lips and I smiled while my fingers spread her labia gently, rubbing over her clit. Scarlett shut her eyes close and arched her back into me. I used my thumb to rub her clit in circular motions. Slowly, I slipped two fingers into her dripping vagina, stretching her out gently. Scarlett's mouth hung open in pleasure and her head fell back against the wall of the fitting room. I smiled and took my other hand to hold two fingers in front of Scarlett's mouth.

„Suck, darling. Try to stay silent for me" I whispered and Scarlett nodded, taking my fingers into her mouth. I thrusted in and out of her vagina slowly, making Scarlett whimper. I smirked, picking up my pace for her. Scarlett bit down on my fingers when I curled my fingers inside her up against her G-Spot. She clenched around me and I knew that she was close.

„Cum if you want to, be my good girl" I whispered into her ear, biting her earlobe gently. Scarlett's eyebrows furrowed and she came hard, her legs shook slightly, not holding her complete weight anymore. I stabilised her with my body, holding her up. I pulled my fingers out of her mouth and kissed her soothingly.

„Thank you" Scarlett said and kissed me gently. I smiled and pulled my fingers, covered in cum, out of her, making Scarlett whimpered at the loss of contact.

„Look at that" I smiled and held my fingers up in front of Scarlett's face. „You made a mess" I whispered and Scarlett took the fingers into her mouth, sucking them clean. She swirled her tongue around them, licking in between them and sucking them dry.

„Good girl" I said and Scarlett blushed. I took of the lingerie carefully, smiling while doing it. „You are such a good girl for me."

Scarlett moaned at the name, making me smile.

„Let's get you cleaned up" I said and spread her legs gently, licking over her slit with my flattened tongue. Scarlett gasped, she was still sensitive because of her orgasm before. I parted her labia with my tongue and cleaned up the cum that was spread all over the length of her pussy. I circled her clit one time just to tease her before I licked around with a flattened tongue again, collecting Scarlett's sweet cum. She tasted amazingly sweet and it was amazing not even imaginable.

Scarlett's legs shook around my head and she came a second time, moaning loudly. I smirked, I made her cum just with cleaning her gently. I cleaned her up again and smiled softly.

„You were really loud, baby. We should hurry up now" I gave her her clothes and took the two sets of lingerie, walking out of the fitting room.

Soon after, Scarlett came out, smiling to me shortly before taking the lingerie sets. She paid them and we left the shop quickly.

We walked down the streets and smiled to each other.

„It was close" I said and chuckled.

„I didn't really expected you to make me cum while cleaning me up" Scarlett answered and blushed.

„Well, I didn't planned on making you cum" I laughed and Scarlett intertwined our hands gently. Her thumb stroked the back of my hand gently and I smiled at the gesture. I stopped walking  and Scarlett looked at me briefly before tip toeing, wrapping my arms around my neck. She pulled me to her and kissed me gently.

„It was close but I loved it baby" She whispered and I smiled before we continued to walk to our car.

„I love you, you know that right?" Scarlett said and I nodded.

„Of course I love you. You are the best thing that happened to me" I said and looked deep into her eyes, drowning in them again.
