
Requested by: @Zerethblade


Description:The user can infect any digital object with an almost impossible to break virus after looking directly at it.

*The user can control anything automated such as some cars or even robots

*They can hack into even government controlled sights with ease

*They can hack into to cameras and see their footage

*They can control drones or toy cars for reconnaissance

*If their a villain they can just mess with Television, interrupt traffic lights, and hack into peoples bank accounts

*The user has to have direct eye contact with the object or the ability won't work

*Its rare but some people can block out the virus

*It doesn't have to many combat uses

*This is going to sound brutal but if the characters eyes were removed or blinded the quirk wouldn't work anymore

*The user is incredibly weak at close range.

Special Attack:Berserker Virus
Basically the user hacks into the internet around them and makes every electronic device start going haywire and start doing completely random things in a well populated area especially a city this could hurt TONS of people.

