See Through

(This one sounds basic but I had a few more creative applications for the ability)

Name:See Through

Description:Basically a fancy way for X-Ray vision they can see through multiple objects including walls, flesh, clothing, and most solid objects.

*They can see through clothing to find hidden weapons(And not for any other reason)

*They can see through walls for recon or rescue

*They can see the movements of somebody's muscles meaning they can predict the actions of an opponent.

*They can see hidden injuries

*They can study a quirk more carefully

*It puts strains on the eyes to use for so long

*The user can't see through led

*It has no direct combat application

Special Move:Full Examination
The user is able to see the entire body of their opponent allowing them to predict their moves and study their quirk basically it just amplifies all the basic applications of the ability.
