Reality Versus Time

(I know this small story sucks but I just thought it'd be a cool idea)

Time Stop(Hero) vs Reality(Villain)

"Everybody clear the area!!A villain has attacked!!"A policeman with a megaphone said as civilians ran in terror a villain currently wrecking the town. "Ha!Ha!This is so much fun send your heroes and I'll kill them" the reality villain 'Dimension' shouted making a portal putting his hand through it before a rocket launcher came out. He then looked at a little girl who was crying for her mom not moving an inch"Your my next target!" He fired the missile that soon hit dead on making a massive explosion. "Bullseye" he villain said only to realize the girl wasn't their. "What the....?" He searched for her only to see the hero 'Time Quake' holding her in his arms. "Please leave child your mom is waiting" The Hero said kindly the girl running off. "You bastard!" The villain dropped his rocket launcher reaching into a different portal getting out two machine guns firing directly at him. "DIE!DIE!DIE!" The guns eventually ran out of bullets after a full two minutes of spray. Expecting to see the hero completely riddled with holes but he didn't see him at all disappearing again 'Where is he?!' He felt a tap on his shoulder 'Time Quake' being behind him. "Time Rush!!!" Time stopped as the hero sent a barrage of punches his face didn't seem damage until he turned around time resuming the damage starting bruises and cuts appearing on his face throwing him back. "Damnit!" The villain made multiple portals above the hero lava and acid coming out. 'Time Quake' quake stopped time jumping out of the way but after four seconds time restarted a small drop of acid getting on his shirt but he avoided most of his attacks. The hero moved again towards him knowing that at close range he could finish him quickly but this was what the reality villain wants five enormous portals showing up. "Great Disaster!!!!" He shouted hundreds of meteors coming down like bullets making huge dust clouds as the meteors destroy the surrounding area. "Even if he stops time he can't stop it enough to avoid that attack!" He then felt a tap on his shoulder seeing Time Quake his eyes bleeding blood looking like he was about to die. "What how?!" He shouted Time Quake holding up his fist"I stopped time for TEN seconds I almost died and I'm about to pass out but I still have enough strength to defeat you!!!!" He then stopped time for two seconds sending a quick barrage of hits. When time resumes the reality villain is completely defeated meaning that: TIME STOP IS THE WINNER.

(I know this story sucks but I just thought it'd be a cool idea)
