Sleep Deprecation

Name:Sleep Deprecation

Description:The user can make people feel tired and sleepy making them either take a lot of stamina or make them feel like passing out.


*At close ranged the opponent is barely able to move and loses all stamina

*The opponents won't know if their under the affects of the quirk so the user could hide near them to tire them out

*It makes them go into a miserable mood after being affected so if their fighting multiple opponents they won't be able to coordinate with one another


*The user can only use it in a 10 meter radius anything beyond that would not work

*With a strong enough will the quirk's effectiveness can be decrease but not nullified

*It gives the user no boost in physical abilities so you'd still be a normal person with the quirk

*If the field is used with allies close by it will effect them no matter what

Special Ability:Parasite Field
The user sacrifices a lot of stamina or the stamina of someone they touch to increase the range of their ability to a hundred meters the field they create now sucks the will and stamina of an opponent meaning anybody unfortunately caught in the field would be unwilling to do anything or help anybody while they slowly fall to sleep and eventually die after long exposure.
