
(This quirk has traits of a transformation quirk but is still a mutation)


Description:The user is a hybrid of a human and deer being able to enter two different forms.
1st form:The user has normal human traits besides having antlers and hooves similar to faunus's.
2nd form:The user becomes much larger and is covered in fur. Their antlers grow in size/sharpness, their muscles begin to increase in size and generally their appearance becomes more monstrous.

*The first form gives the user the ability to look normal and also have slightly above average speed plus the antlers do make decent weapons.

*The second form makes them incredibly fast being able to move faster then the average motorcycle.

*The user is strong enough to break bones with kicks and hits.

*The user gains increased durability.

*The user becomes resistant to attacks from the cold.

*The user takes time to switch between forms leaving them vulnerable

*The antlers can be broken and take weeks to be repaired

*The user is weak to heat based environments

*The user takes longer to recover from injuries such as broken bones

Special Attacks:Super Stomp
The user focuses power into their legs before sending a barrage of kicks towards their target for massive damage.
