

Description:The user can go back ten seconds to their past position and condition basically Tracer from Overwatch.

*The user can heal instantly from wounds if they use their ability wisely
Example:They get stabbed in the arm and immediately use their ability now their body is as it was ten seconds ago

*The user can dodge attacks by back tracking to their past position

*The user can use this ability without expending energy

*The user can do hit and runs very well

*If they touch another person they can reverse them as well

*The user has a cool down of five seconds on their ability

*The user can be permanently damaged if they have injuries before ten seconds

*The user can be hurt by rewinding into a wall or dangerous locales

*If the user is knocked out or killed in a instant the ability won't help them

Special Move:Limit Breaker
The user takes away their limiter meaning they have no cool down so they can spam their ability and become basically invincible for a limited time the time depending on the amount of training the user does.

