Object Fusion


Description:The user can fuse with an object making their own limbs or body parts shoot out.
Example:The user combines with a table once somebody sits down their arms shoot out grabbing the person sitting down.

*The user can hide really easily

*The user is invincible while in an object

*The user can come out of anywhere while in an object

*The user can combine with clothing to attack a person at close range

*The user can take objects like knives or guns with them
*The user can't combine with anything to small like a pebble or dog sized object

*The user can be attacked when their part parts come out

*The user can trap them or hurt them by burning the object their in

Special Attack:Bullet Demon
The user grabs a two guns combining with the nearby surroundings before making their arms appear in multiple places firing.

(Sorry if this quirk is confusing)
