

Description:The user can make Spider like silk that can be made out of any of their sweat glands or their mouth sending webs at the enemy threw their hands,mouth,feet,or any other body part.

*The webs are almost unbreakable being able to capture an elephant with ease

*It can be made into nets to capture foes

*If the user uses a spider string around the opponents neck it'd be an easy way to choke them out

*The user is great at long and mid ranges

*The silk can become a solid to be used for weapons like spears or bows or even armor


*If dehydrated the user can't make webs

*It takes a little bit of time to make webs so they can't just spam it for infinite amounts of time

*Almost useless at short ranges

Special Attack:Spider Arrow
By using a bow made of powerful string and a arrow made of solid webs the user can use a very destructive Bow attack that can reach Miles away. The
