

Description:The user can produce, become, and control sand

*The user can become sand to avoid physical damage

*They can make sand as tough as stone to either A.Defense against strong attacks B.Make weapons or C.Make projectiles

*They are incredibly powerful when around sand like in a desert or beach area

*The user can make huge amounts of sand like Gaara from Naruto or that one sand dude in Fairy tail to crush and smother their opponents

*They can suck the moister out of objects by touching them
*The user can't use their ability while covered in water

*Sand structures aren't incredibly strong and can be broken by someone with super strength

*Incredible heat like Todoroki's flames will destroy sand structures and possible turn it to glass

*They need physical contact to suck the moister out of someone/something
Special Attack:Desert World
The user puts their hands to the ground covering all of the surroundings in sand  if their opponent is standing in said sand their body will become covered in sand allowing them to immobilize them or crush them*COUGH**COUGH**SAND COFFIN**COUGH*

