Wind Amplification

Name:Wind Amplifier

Description:The user can increase the speed and strength of any wind that they or anybody around them create.
Ex:They move their hand making a small gust of wind which then is amplified becoming strong enough to throw multiple people into the air.

*The user can fight almost anywhere

*The user can make slashes of wind that can cut through bricks and even some metals

*The user can make their breath into a concentrated blast of wind

*The user can turn their kicks and punches into range attacks or increase their close range damage

*Its super useful with a blade of some kind

*The user can't use it underwater or when there is no air

*Without a strong wind or weapons they won't have enough strength to beat durable opponents like Kirishima

*It takes stamina to increase the power of the winds

Special Attack:Seven Dragons
The user using a sword/any other sharp weapon creates seven dragons made out of wind and launches them towards an enemy doing massive damage.
