Shadow Hunter

Name:Shadow Hunter

Description:When the user isn't being hit by U.V. rays they gain a strong boost in strength while also being able to travel through shadows(This isn't two quirks I swear just one quirk with different abilities.)

*The user is a god of the night

*They can sneak around easily by jumping through shadows

*They gain enough strength in the dark to choke an adult easily

*The user is as weak as Mineta when hit by the light

*If someone has a light quirk or light creating object like a flash grenade they can nullify the quirk

*The user needs to see a shadow to actually go through it

Special Attack:Pull Down To Hell
Basically the user goes beneath their target using a shadow and starts dragging them in since he/she is the only one who can survive in shadows they will be killed if they are fully dragged.

(It's a confusing quirk I know!Sorry!)

Inspirations:Black Sabboth And Shikamaru
