


Description:The palms of the user can launch any object that the user touches at varying intensities so for example the user has four coils to measure how much power their using so if they grabbed a baseball and used one coil the object will go flying and give someone a minor concussion if they were hit but if they activated four coils the baseball would probably crack their head open or kill them

*The user can send objects flying at the enemy at high speeds

*The user can make the enemy go flying

*The user can boost himself in any direction by sending wind at high speeds

*The more power the user uses he/she would experience a great amount of fatigue

*When has three or four coils the recoil could destroy their arms

*Without training the user could hurt people around them with controllable bursts of power

Special attack:8 Coil
The user grabs a large object with both hands activating both arms at four coils launching the object at incredibly fast speeds
