Tick tock

Season 1, episode 7

Words: 2,4K

Warning: None.

"Ten minutes! He just broke his own record. The guy's inhuman!" Kai shouted as the ninja, except Y/n, are timing how long Zane can stay underwater. After some more seconds his face popped up above the water.

"amazing!" Cole cheered along with the other

"We're not worthy." Jay said.

"I broke the record?" Zane asked.

"You destroyed it!" Kai cheered.

"Okay, okay. Is anyone thinking what I'm thinking? We've been training for so long, I don't think we can get any better. Just think about all we've accomplished." Jay said and thought about the time they did train for their true potential.

"The question should be raised. Perhaps we have reached our full potential?" Zane asked and they walked to Sensei Wu.

They found their Sensei along with Y/n, who now is wearing a purple gi. "Hahaha, I do a thousand and one." Jay smirked.

"What is this, amateur hour? Sounds like my warm-up. Sensei, what does true potential look like if-" Cole started but stopped when he saw Y/n and Sensei, meditating.

"Our apologies, Sensei. We've interrupted you." Zane apologised.

Sensei Wu sighed. "I'm sorry if I've been distant lately. My mind has been elsewhere since Lloyd has gone missing. What can I help you with?" He asked and nodded to Y/n who walked away without saying a word.

"Y/n's been distant lately as well.." Jay muttered.

"Sensei, what if we've done enough training? What if we've reached our True Potential? What if we're ready?" Cole asked.

"Have you not seen it with Y/n? You might have reached peak physical condition, but you've yet to reach your inner potential. In each and every one of us, there are obstacles that hold us back. Only when you conquer that fear will your heart be free. Only then will you reach your True Potential. Only then will we have a fighting chance to stop the serpentine from releasing the great devourer."

"There's more to the Great Devourer than you've led on, isn't there, Sensei?" Zane asked politely.

After Wu told them a story.

The ninja and Nya waved Sensei Wu goodbye, as he went on his own mission. They decided to hang up poster about missing fangblade. 

"Oh, this is silly." Zane sighed.

"You have any better ideas?" Cole asked.

"Hey, maybe Sensei is gonna go get the Samurai for help." Jay exclaimed.

"The Samurai? I'm sure she's.." Kai started but got cut off by Y/n  "He means, he's busy looking for the Fangblades as well."

"Uh, is everything all right?" Cole asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, yeah. Why wouldn't it be?" Kai lied.

"Ofcourse, there's nothing wrong." Y/n smiled innocently.

"Are you sure there's nothing going on between you two?" Jay asked harshly.

"Jay, there's nothing going on, they're not hiding anything. Because then they would've told me." Nya lied along. The ninja saw Zane dropping the flyers and a man getting angry at Zane.

"I'm sorry, sir. Sometimes our friend is in another world." Kai covered for Zane.

"He's littering all over the place." The man replied annoyed.

"We'll pick it up. So sorry." Cole apologised and they picked up the flyers.

"Zane, what's the deal?" Jay whispered once the man was back inside. "Ah! It's the Falcon! Oh, my gosh! Everytime we follow it, it leads us to good fortune!"

"Head back to the Bounty and wait till you hear from us." Kai whispered to her sister.

"But where are you going?" Nya asked annoyed.

"We're gonna follow the bird. Who knows, it could lead us to the first Fangblade." He replied and ran away, followed by Y/n. "I guess good fortune is really far away." Kai said as they've already ran in a desert, in a snow field and are now climbing a mountain.

"Keep going. I'll...I'll catch up later." Jay panted and stopped. Kai, Y/n, Zane and Cole continued running, until they had to go over a trunk.

"I'm good. Just...just taking a breather. Uh, I'll meet up with you shortly." Cole said and lied on the trunk. 

After some more running, Kai and Y/n were out of breath as well. "Good thing...we're in...peak...physical...condition." Kai stopped but a second later he continued. Y/n stayed behind, catching her breath. "Go..Just...Go...I...Can't...anymore..." She panted out.

"Gosh, that bird just keeps going." 

"Hey, what do you make of this?" Kai pointed at an sign

"I am not familiar with a Treehorn." Zane replied.

"It's probably just some wild squirrels, heh. Well, don't lose him. I'll wait for the other guys to catch up." Kai said and Zane continued to run.

Y/n eventually cought up with Kai. "Hey... I'm back." She smiled, still panting. "And Cole and Jay are close too.."

"We'll wait for them." Kai returned a smile. Y/n eyes light up a bit and Kai's cheeks began to blush, as they stare in each other eyes.

This lasted for a minute before Jay and Cole interupted.

"Hey! we're back!" Jay exclaimed and Y/n and Kai snap out of the trance.

"Oh uh, hi!" Y/n blushed after the moment with Kai.

Jay raised an eyebrow but shrugs it off, not really caring right now, "Which way did Zane go?" He asked.

Kai pointed to the place he went to, "There." And the rest followed the way Kai pointed.

"Zane?" Kai asked.

"Wow, would you look at this place?" Jay exclaimed until he saw Zane on his knees, "Zane, what's wrong?" He asked and the ninja ran towards Zane.

"Are you hurt?" Kai asked again.

"Zane, what's wrong?" Y/n asked, concerned for her friend.

"Are you okay?" 

Zane sighed and slowly showed looked the blueprints again, "Hey, what..." Cole asked confused but got cut off because Zane opened his chest, and revealed he is a robot.

"You're a robot?" Kai asked.

"All this time, and I never knew." Zane said sadly.

"Uh, guess this explains why you're always acting so weird. Right? Hehe." Jay said awkwardly and Y/n elbowed him.

"The reason I never had a sense of humor was because my funny switch wasn't on." Zane said and turned it on.

Zane started to dance and Jay laughed. "Hello, my baby. Hello, my honey. Hello, my ragtime gal. Send me a kiss by wire." He sang and continued to dance. After some more seconds Zane turned the funny switch off again.

"Uh, it just makes you more special. You're still the same Zane. Just more, uh, gears." Cole said unsure of what to say.

"No matter what you're made of, you're still our brother." Kai said and patted Zane's shoulder.

"Really?" Zane asked.

"In fact, I bet it even makes you an even better Ninja." Cole said, now a lot more sure.

"Yeah, and how cool is it that I can honestly say "My brother is a nindroid?" Jay babbled.

"A Nindroid?" Zane asked confused. Y/n stayed the whole conversation silent, compared to her brother.

"Now come on. Pythor is still out there looking for the first Fangblade, and we need you." Cole said, determined.

"You'll have to go on without me. I just don't feel right." Zane said sadly and the rest turned around to leave.

"We just have to give him time. I don't know how I would feel if I was told I was a robot." kai said compassionate.

"You mean a nindroid." Jay corrected him.

"Yeah, whatever." Kai rolled his eyes.

"Y/n?" Jay asked and she nodded. "Why are you so... quiet...?" 

She sighed, "It's just, everything that happened. My true potential. Lloyd gone and now... Now this...Zane..." 

"Hey, I understand it can be hard, but we gotta stay strong. We need to defeat the serpentine." Jay hugged her.

"I don't wanna ruin the moment but, how the heck do we get out of this place?" Cole said and the ninja heard something growl. "What's that?" 

"Cute, tiny, birds?" Jay said sarcastic and the ninja put on their hood. They saw something moving and their eyes widened. "Did you see that?" Cole asked.

"I don't see anything." Jay said in a scared tone.

"I just saw it too. Treehorns!" Kai whispered as some treehorns surrounding them.

"Intruder. Intruder." A machine said.

"Oh, great. I think that thing was supposed to protect this place. Guys, it's up to us." Kai said and Jay runned to a treehorn, trying to knock it down. Followed by Kai who tried Spinjitzu, but failed and his weapon got knocked away. He was about to stand up but got kicked by a treehorn.

"Kai!" Y/n shouted and ran towards him, trying to protect him but now they got both kicked away. Cole was swinging around a treehorn and knocked two other down. He, unfortunatly, got stuck in some legs of treehorns, just as Jay.

"Guys! We need to-" Y/n started but got overpowered by treehorns. Kai hitted his head against a tree, and fell unconscious.

Zane ran out the tree and saw his friends getting attacked by them.

"Leave my friends alone! Ninja, go!" He shouted and used spinjitzu to knock the treehorns away. Doing everything that he can to protect his friends.

"What's gotten into Zane?" Cole asked as Jay helped him up.

"I don't know, but I like it." Kai said and ran towards Zane, followed by the rest.

"Ninja, go!" They all shouted and the treehorns slowly backed away. They fought them and gave everything they got and hitted the treehorns with everything they could.

The treehorns all turned their head towards a specific one. "Are they regrouping? Who's that?" Jay asked.

"The queen. You will not hurt my friends." Zane stepped forward and the rest stepped backwards.

"There is nothing that will hold me back."

 "I know who I am." Zane started to glow, just like Y/n did. 

"I've never seen a robot do that." Jay said and Cole corrected him. "You mean, nindroid."

"Yeah, whatever."

"Zane's unlocked his True Potential." Y/n said, eyes glued on him.

Zane used Spinjitzu to let the queen stay on her place and he levitated again. He froze her and the other treehorns ran away. Zane went slowly back to the ground. 

"Oh no, I know what's happening now. Zane!" Y/n ran towards him, trying to catch him. Lucky for Zane, she was just in time.

"What happened?" 

"Heh, I've never seen anything like it." Cole said and Y/n rolled her eyes. Only Jay saw what happened to Y/n because the rest was trying to escape already.

"This must be what Sensei meant by unlocking our hearts. I remember now. I remember everything. I remember my father and how he cared for me. I remember where I came from. And I feel stronger for knowing." Zane stated and everyone's jealous, except Y/n, "I'm so jealous. His powers are so cool." Cole said and the rest nodded.

"Watch out, Pythor. We're coming to get you." Zane said determined.

Back at the bounty.

"Hey Nya! We're back!" Y/n shouted and she found Nya in the kitchen. The boys went to their room immediately.

"Hey guys." She replied. "Why are you so happy? In the morning you were still... kinda depressed." 

"I'm happier because Zane's found his full potential as well!"

"Zane's found it? Amazing!" Nya smiled.

"And... We found out something else as well... Zane's a... A nindroid." Y/n said awkwardly.

"Zane's a what?" Nya replied confused.

"A nindroid. A robot ninja." Y/n said and took some cake out the fridge. "Isn't this Cole's?" She asked. 

"Uh, I guess." Nya shrugged.

"This is Cole's cake, don't eat unless you want your ass kicked by Cole."  Y/n read out loud from a note. "Let's eat it."

"So, what happened when you followed the bird?" Nya asked curiously.

"Uhh, we ran. Far.. And-" Y/n got cut off by eating a piece of cake. "-And after a while Jay gave up, followed by Cole. They couldn't run any further-" She took another piece. "-Me, Kai and Zane kept running, following the bird. When we were in some woods I gave up as well, followed by Kai.-" 

"Kai gave up?" Nya asked shocked.

"Yeah and- Then I caught up with him and we-"

"Kissed?" Nya exclaimed.

"No- No, hell no. We just waited for Jay and Cole. We ran towards the direction Zane went and walked into a tree. There Zane was desperatly lying on his knees, and we were like "Zane what's wrong" and he opened his chest and Jay was like "My brother's a nindroid" and stuff like that."

She ate another piece of cake.

"Then he wanted to be alone so we all walked out and got attacked by treehorns. And Zane saved us by unlocking his full potential."

"Okay, what?" Nya asked confused.

"I'll tell you another time. I wanna eat my cake." Y/n smirked. Unlucky for her, Cole ran around the corner. Desperately needing cake. Nya decided to walk away at that moment, leaving Y/n alone.

"Is that my cake?" Cole asked and pointed at Y/n, who had to held her laugh.

"Not anymore." She laughed.

"I had a note on it! Don't eat this cake or your ass will be kicked." He quoted.

"Uhh, we can share?" Y/n smiled innocently.

"Uhu, I'm gonna share my cake." Cole said sarcastically and walked closer to her.

"Sorry?" Y/n fake apologised.

"You can make it up... By a date." Cole smirked.

"No way I'm doing that, Jay would go crazy." Y/n's face turned as red as Kai's gi.

"Or you'll have to buy me a cake whenever I want."

"I'm broke." Y/n shrugged. "And don't you like Nya?" She whispered, in case she was close.

"I, uhh, I don't know what you're talking about.." Cole's face flushed red.

"I knew it! I was just guessing. I'm so gonna tell her!" Y/n exclaimed.

"No- pleas don't tell her. I- I'll forget that you ate my cake?" Cole asked.

"Deal." Y/n said and held out her hand, which Cole shaked.

"I'm heading to bed now, see you tomorrow." She waved at Cole.

"Remember! No! Word!" He said lastly and walked away. "I like Nya, don't I?" He thought as he walked back to his room.

I'm sorry this is a shorter chapter then usual, because this episode was mainly focused on Zane. I tried to make it as long as possible and I hope you like it! In case with the Y/n parts, it was more a filler.

See you next chapter!
