Double trouble

season 2, episode 3.

Words: 2,6K

Warnings: Does bad writing count? If not, none.

Lloyd was training in Grand Master Dareth's Mojo Dojo. He was trying to light a light bulb.

"Focus, Lloyd. Control the power inside you. When you feel a surge welling up, harness it." Jay encouraged Lloyd.

"I understand. I am in control." Lloyd groaned as he tries harder.

"Come on, Lloyd. You can do it." Y/n told the little boy.

"Aah! Stupid light bulb!" Lloyd faced the ninja, "You're putting too much pressure on me. Let me have one more try."

Kai sighed, "Sorry, Lloyd. That was the last light bulb."

Cole hands Lloyd a broom, "Clean up, Lloyd. We'll continue training tomorrow."

Instead of cleaning, Lloyd used the broom to punch a punching bag.

Jay sighed and shook his head, "What am I doing wrong, Sensei Wu? I can't seem to teach him to control his power."

Lloyd's broom hits him on the head and he grunts. "You dare to defy the green ninja?"

"Patience, Jay. Sometimes, the greatest opponent we face is ourselves, and that's especially true of Lloyd. Remember where he came from. He's the son of Lord Garmadon. It's going to take time for him to embrace the light."

Nya came into the room, wearing the same outfit she wore when she went on the date with Jay.

"Hey guys, and Y/n." She waved.

"Hey, Nya." Everyone waved bacl.

"Hey, Jay. Uh, wanna come by the auto body shop later?" She asked.

"Uh, the auto body shop?" The blue ninja asked confused.

"Yeah. I got a part-time job. Though I could fix up the ultra sonic raider in my off time. Maybe if you come over, I can show you what I've been working on." She offered.

"Uh, sure, heh." Jay noticed Nya is holding a letter. "Uh, what you got there?"

"Oh, um, this letter came for Lloyd." Nya gave Sensei Wu the letter.

"Hmm. It's from Lloyd's old school." 

"The darkley's school for bad boys?" Cole interrupted.

"Formerly bad boys. Since the last time we were there, they've changed to the Darkley School for Great Children." 

"Heh, wait. They've turned good?" Kai asked suprised.

"Hmm, it says here there's going to be a ceremony." Sensei Wu said.

Cole nudged Kai, "I love ceremonies. That means there's going to be cake."

"Lloyd's change inspired them. Now they've invited Lloyd to give him an honorary degree in excellence." 

At the same time, Lloyd broke the broom and threw it away. After throwing the broom away he headbutted the punching bag.

"Are we sure we're talking about the same Lloyd?"

"Woohoo!" Jay exclaimed as the ninja are riding the ultra dragon. Lloyd in front, followed by Cole, Kai, Jay, Y/n and lastly, Zane. "Now that we can ride the Dragon, we should get to Darkley's in no time."

"If Lloyd can get us there in one piece." Kai chuckled.

"Just be gentle. Any sudden moves can cause him to-" Cole started but got cut off by Lloyd.

"Any sudden what?" He pulled the reins and the ultra dragon dives down.

Cole, Jay and Kai screamed as they dove. "The reins! Let go of the reins!" Cole shouted and Lloyd does as he had been told.

"Seriously, you guys sounded like girls." Y/n snickered and Jay rolled his eyes. "Says the girl."

The dragon lands and they jump off. "Hehe. At least I'm getting better."

"All the same, I'll take the reins going home. Just to be safe." Cole told the little ninja.

They walked inside, getting greeted by a student. "Lloyd!"

"Uh, Brad?" Lloyd said awkwardly.

"You came! So good to see you." Brad hugged Lloyd.

"It is? You put fire ants in my bed." 

"Please forgive me. I wasn't myself and have learned the error of my ways. And you must be the Ninja!" Brad exclaimed.

"Uh, guys. Meet Brad Tudabone." Lloyd introduced him.

"Such a huge fan." Brad shook the boy's hands, Y/n didn't want to. "Sis." Jay nudged her and Y/n gave in, rolling her eyes and shaking Brad's hand.

"Go good! Haha. Uh, please, will you not follow me to see the Principal?" Brad offered and the ninja followed the little boy, Y/n walked a few metres behind them.

They followed Brad into the school, as Cole noticed the classrooms were empty. "Uh, shouldn't you all be in class?"

Y/n looked around suspicious. "Actually, today is a new Darkley School tradition: Ninja Day. We stay out of sight to honor the way of the Ninja for showing us the light." Brad informed.

"Huh, this is a good school. I'm impressed." Cole said and Y/n snickered.

"Cole, there's no cake so far." Y/n whispered to the black ninja.

Brad opened a door to the principal's office, "Principal Noble, Lloyd and the Ninja are here for the ceremony."

"That, and the cake. By the way, do you what kind it is?" Cole asked Brad.

"I'll be with you in just a moment." Principal "Noble" replied.

"I should get back to the flowers." Brad walked out and threw the door closed.

"Um, heh, has anyone seen a teacher yet?" Jay asked.

"Indeed, their absence is most strange." Zane answered.

"That's exactly what I was thinking. I don't trust this at all." Y/n huffed and "Noble" spoke from behind the door, "I'll see you now. Come in, come in."  

Jay, Cole, Kai, Zane and Lloyd walk in but Y/n stayed behind. Cole looked at her confused and she replied, "I just said it. I don't trust this." Cole shrugged and walked inside, closing the door behind him.

"Welcome back, Lloyd." A voice spoke.

"Uh, Gene?" 

Gene got a light pointed at him, "And welcome, Ninja, to the new Darkley's School for Worse Boys!" He yelled and cuts a rope. sandbags fall on Jay, Kai, Zane and Cole, causing them to black out. Lloyd got a few more seconds before blacking out, "Ugh. Gene, I'm gonna get you for-"

Y/n heard everything and ran her way outside as fast as possible, hiding behind the school's wall.

Cole woke up with a groan and five faces look at him. He sat upright, just as the rest of the ninja. "Thank goodness you're here!" A voice exclaimed.

"What happened? Where's Lloyd? And Y/n? And who are all you?" Kai asked as he stood up.

"We're the teachers and we've all been taken prisoners. We've tried to teach the boys how to be good, but they overthrew us. They're monsters!" Another voice complained.

"But I thought Lloyd was getting an honorary degree." The blue ninja rubbed his temple.

"Oh, that was just the boys' trick to lure Lloyd here and convince him to be their leader." 

"What? There's not gonna be cake!?" Cole yelled dramatically.

Zane flips on a switch and stiffens up, "Battering ram activated." Kai, Cole and Jay pick Zane up and try to use him as a battering ram, but the door doesn't bulge.

"Ugh. We're never gonna open that door. I hope they haven't turned Lloyd. I don't think things can get much worse." Kai groaned.

"Maybe Y/n got out." Cole shrugged. "She just needs to find this "room" and we'll be out here in no time." 

"Look, don't worry, guys. I told Nya I'd meet her at the auto body shop and since I'm so punctual, if I'm even one second late, she's gonna suspect something's wrong." Jay ensures the rest.

Y/n decided she needed to rescue her friends. She walked towards the front of the entrance and looked around, seeing no-one. The purple ninja sneaking inside, walking softly through the corridors. A loud thud could be heard outside, followed by an explosion. Y/n ran around the corner as lockers falling and things breaking could be heard. As the falling and breaking continued, she ran, still without any sound, looking behind her. She didn't watch what was in front of her and ran into a bookshelf. 

Y/n stumbled back and the shelf fell. She whinced and saw a hidden passage. The purple ninja shrugged and walked inside.

The bizarro ninja; Cole, Kai, Zane and Jay, while destroying things, make their way throughout the school. "Someone's coming." Brad gasped and he and the other students walk outside. "The ninja escaped! Execute Doomsday formations! To glory! Spitball brigade, step forward. Fire!" The students do as they've been told and the bizarro ninja just laugh, dodging the spitballs and Cole used a locker as a shield.

"Smoke bomb brigade, step forward. Fire!" Another group of students walk to the front and throw some smoke bombs, hitting the bizarro ninja in their faces.

"Ninja, go!" The bizarro ninja cleared the smoke with Spinjitzu.

"Dodgeball brigade. Ready, fire!" The last group of students walk to the front and throw dodgeballs. But the bizarro ninja catch the balls.

"Our turn." Bizarro Kai said and they throw the dodgeballs at the students.

"Retreat!" Brad shouted and got hit by a dodgeball. Bizarro Kai walked over to him and grabs the little boy. "Where are the Ninja?" He asked and Brad looked confused.

Brad leads the bizarro ninja to the place they locked the other ninja in, but found it empty. "What is this? Some kind of joke?" Bizarro Cole asked.

"Uh, that's where they were. Honest!"

"Time for another noogie." Bizarro Kai smirked.

They turned around and saw the real ninja walking, with Y/n as last. 

"Ah. Finally, a way out." Cole sighed happily. "Thanks Y/n."

"No problem, Cole." She winked and Cole's cheeks suddenly got hot.

"Guys, why are we staring at ourselves?" Kai asked, after ignoring the two and turning to the hallway.

"And where am I?" Y/n asked, "I'm a part of the team." She whined.

"You must be happy you don't got a second you." Kai got into a fighting position.

"Uh, this is kind of too weird for us. We're gonna stay in here." Noble said and closed the door.

"Ha. Those who don't fight, teach." Jay joked.

"Drop the boy, uh, me!" Cole said confused.

Bizarro Cole drops Brad and the little kid ran away, "He's of no use to us anymore."

"Who are you guys?" Kai asked.

"Your doom." Bizarro Kai answered, clenching his fist.

"That's a bit cliché, isn't it?" Y/n rolled her eyes, getting into a fighting stance.

"Don't roll your eyes at us, pretty girl." Bizarro Cole said and Y/n's face turned red.

"I think this copy of you is a bit flirty. I hope-" Y/n told Cole. "-that that's just an effect of the copying."

"Me too." Jay glared at bizarro Cole.

"My early assessment tells me this must be Garmadon's doing." Zane interrupted.

"My early assessment tells me you will be destroyed." Bizarro Zane pointed at normal Zane.

"Ninja, go!" Both of the teams shout and they charge at each other. Cole kicked his bizarro's version, Zane headbutted his bizarro self and Kai punched his copy. Y/n was just watching it happen. After a few minutes she decided it'll be going better if she'd help, but which ninja are good and which one are the copies? No one hitted the other one, it was a game of ducking and punching.

The fight continued of the bizarro ninja copying the normal ninja's movements. No one was able to blow a hit. Y/n blew them all over. All the ninja, both sides, groaned and stood up again. Y/n shook her head and the others were fighting again.

Suddenly, bizarro Cole took Y/n hands, pulling her close. Bizarro Cole gave her a quick peck on the lips, let her go and turned to normal Cole again, smirking. Jay didn't seem to notice since he was fighting his copy. Normal Cole growled and charged at his copy again. "Ugh, we're so evenly balanced...ugh...this fight could go on...forever." Jay puffed out.

"We can't give up. Keep fighting!" Kai yelled and ducked for the bizarro's feet. 

Y/n took Cole from the battle, whispering, "Please tell no one about this! No one." She whisper-shouted, while her face was as red as Kai's gi. Cole just nodded, but not without a red face.

"Thank you." She said, before walking back to the battle. Y/n hits all of them again with another wave of wind. They grunt and she snickered, "This is going on forever." 

"Could you stop doing that?" Jay asked, she just shrugged, "I'll try." and they returned fighting.

A group of mini-ninja ran in the battle, yelling "Ninja, go!" 

The kids wore different colours of ninja gi's. Black, blue, white, red and one even wore purple. 

"Hey, it really is Ninja Day!" Cole exclaimed.

"Oh, I see what they're doing! They're trying to confuse them!" Kai said as tried to punch his copy. 

"Yeah, but it's confusing me, too." Jay commented.

The mini-ninja ran at bizarro Zane, jumping on him. Normal Zane made them take a few steps back and did spinjitzu. He threw bizarro Zane towards the wall, and it disappeared in ash.

"It works just like Gene says. If you can land a punch, they'll be defeated!" Lloyd exclaimed and got punched in the face by bizarro Jay.

Bizarro Cole got surrounded and had to dodge a lot of kids, one of them jumped out the locker behind him, kicking it towards normal Cole. Normal Cole punched his copy in the stomach, it stumbled, fell backwards and disappeared.

"Don;t think you can get rid of us that easily. By the way, did I mention that I kissed Nya?" Bizarro Jay spoke to normal Jay when they were close. 

"What! You did what!?" Jay shouted angrily.

"Hahaha. Yeah."

Normal Jay jumped behind his bizarro version and kicked him, causing the cop to disappear.

"Heh. Nobody kisses my girl."

Bizarro Kai was the only one left and the students jumped on him from all the sides. "Stay back!" It groaned and ran away. He got a smoke bomb in his eye and stumbled. "Aw, my eyes! I can't see!"

Kai punches him and it hits the wall, disappearing into ash. "Ain't so bad." Kai chuckled.

All the students cheer as they gathered around Lloyd, "It worked, Lloyd! You did it!" Brad hugged the green ninja.

"No, we did it." Lloyd corrected him and the whole group cheers again.

The teachers walk out, with a big, proud smile on their faces. "Normally, we'd punish you for holding us captive, but I guess now that we've all learned a valuable lesson, I suppose it's cause for a celebration."

"Uh, that wouldn't mean cake, now, would it?" Cole smiled. Y/n chuckled and the rest laughs.

After the celebration, Cole and Y/n returned with the dragon and Jay, Kai, Zane and Lloyd were in the ultra sonic raider. 

"Oh, man. So great the have the tank back." Jay stated.

Cole stuffed his mouth with cake, "You said it, mmm." 

"Can you give me another piece?" Y/n asked and Cole did as asked.

"Can't wait to hear what Sensei says when he hears about this." Kai smiled proudly.

Garmadon appeared on a screen in front of Jay, "So, it is true. You have destroyed my evil Ninja." He chuckled.

"Keep it coming, Garmadon. Your attempts to stop us are only making us stronger." 

Garmadon sighed, "But tomorrow is a new day, Ninja. Mark my words, I will find new ways to finish you, once and for al-" The screen was malfunction.

"What? I can't hear you." Kai mocked.

"Nya will be displeased. She just repaired it and it appears it already has to go back to the shop."  Zane said.

"Nah, it's not broken." Lloyd replied and electricity surged down his arm and he switched on a video game.

"You did that? But it didn't blow up." Jay said proudly.

"Hey, you go to school, and sometimes you might pick up a thing or two."

What's up with me and short chapters lately? Anyway, I hope you liked it. 

Have a good morning/afternoon/evening/night wherever you are!

See you in the next chapter!
