Iron & Stone

Season 9, episode 2.

Words: 3K

The Ninja, Kai, Jay, Zane and Y/n, are pushed to the ground, as they're surrounded by dragon hunters.

"His throne. I already hate him." Kai scowled, annoyed.

Iron Baron walks over to them, patting Zane on his head, "They don't look as I imagined." The Hunters laugh at his remark, "Where did you find them?"

"To the south. They were building a fortification." Heavy Metal replied, pushing people out of the way to get closer to the baron.

"That's pretty generous. Heh. More like a rickety shack. But after losing everything, who am I to complain?" Jay asked, smiling and chuckling.

"Did I say you could speak?" Heavy Metal questioned, pushing Jay back to the ground.

"We took them by surprise. There may be more." Daddy No Legs said.

"Is this true? Are there more of your kind?" Iron Baron asked, making the captured Ninja frown.

"Our kind?" Kai slowly asked.

"No." Zane quickly cut in, "We're alone."

"Then tell us, who do these diapers belong to?" A woman with a mohawk -- what? -- asked.

"Oh! Those are Jay's." Y/n said, smiling innocently.

"Yeah, tell 'em, Jay." Kai nodded, nudging the blue Ninja.

"Oh. I have a weak bladder." Jay smiled, as the Hunters laugh at him.

"See how they lie? See their treachery? They cannot help it. It's in their nature." Iron Baron stated, glaring at the four Ninja who were still pinned to the ground.

"Do not reveal anything." Zane whispered to his team mates.

"But there is one whom you cannot deceive." Iron Baron continued.

"Okay, now, take it easy there, Captain. Let's not do anything—" Kai tried to stop the Dragon Hunter's leader from talking

"Throw the Oni into the pit!" He exclaimed. Daddy No Legs picks up Jay, giving the others no other choice than to follow.

"Slab knows! Slab knows! Slab knows! Slab knows! Slab knows! Slab knows! Slab knows! Slab knows! Slab knows! Slab knows!" The Hunters cheered.

Kai's eyes widened, "Oni? You're making a mistake!"

"We are not Oni!" Zane resisted.

"Apparently, we are now." Y/n said, shrugging.

"Okie dokie. Off we go." Jay chuckled, as Daddy No Legs leads them outside.

They were being brought to the 'pit', earning glares from Dragon Hunters who were working around there.

"They think we're Oni." Kai whispered to the others.

"Captain Obvious joined the gang." The Purple Ninja pointed out, making her brother snicker.

"I know," Jay replied to Kai's statement, "how funny. And here we thought they were Oni." They see a forced to provide to blacksmiths.

"Their entire culture appears to be built around the hunting of and exploiting their Elemental Powers." Zane explained, as the four looked at the dragons, curiously.

"Then it's a good thing we kept our identities secret." Kai added.

A guy with a slot machine in his chest made Zane look at him, "Ah! Welcome to the Dead's End! May I have your parts when you expire?" The guy, called Arkade, asked. Zane's eyes widen before he was pulled along by the chains he was tied to.

"At least we know what to call this dump. But what do you make of this "Slab?" And what's "the Pit?"" Kai continued, not noticing Zane's encounter with the human arcade machine.

"Duh. It's most likely an arena. A brutal tradition but exciting nonetheless. I for one can't wait!" Jay exclaimed, looking at his sister and the Fire Ninja.

"Can't wait for what? Being slaughtered by these Hunters or probably being eaten by a 

Two Hunters started to fight, making Y/n snicker, "Hey! Hey! Hey! What do you think—"

She then turned to Jay again, "This isn't good, Jay. It's bad. And it's only gonna get worse." Kai said.

Jay smiled, which kinda scared the other three Ninja, "Aw, lighten up. We're in an exotic realm, discovering new cultures, meeting interesting people."

"People who wanna kill us, Jay!" Kai exclaimed.

"Oh, boy. I believe Jay's mental state has made him useless to our plight" Zane spoke, just as they pass the remains from the Bounty.

"Hey! That's ours!" Kai screamed, but he didn't get any reply, only some smirks from Hunters.

"Let's just hope Cole, Wu and Morro can rescue us from this mess." Zane said, sighing.

Cole, Wu and Morro, who wasn't really keen on risking anything, spy on the Hunters. Cole was using his hands as a telescope, looking at where his friends were brought to.

"They're headed towards that arena. But I don't think they're going to see a show." He said, sighing.

"Then we have to go in there and break them out. Come on!" Wu jumps down to save his friends, but Cole catches him by his collar.

"Are you crazy?" The Earth Ninja exclaimed, before pulling the little master up. 

"This place is crawling with Hunters and getting caught isn't on my to-do-list. We're gonna have to wait it out." Morro spoke, agreeing with Cole for once.

"Don't put off till tomorrow what can be done today." Wu said, making the past Ghost Boi roll his eyes.

"Uh? Did you—Did you just use my words against me?" Cole asked, his eyes widened.

"They were my words first. You just borrowed them." Wu defended.

"I'm not putting anything off. I'm trying to come up with a plan. What do you expect me to do? Take them on all by myself?" Cole replied, Morro sighed in annoance, as Wu pulls out a telescope. "Since when did you have that?" He then asked, dumbfounded.

"I borrowed it earlier. Like how you borrowed my wisdom." He sees a clothesline, holding clothes the Hunters wear. "There. We can use that. We can use disguises."

Cole stuttered, thinking back to when they infiltrated the Sons of Garmadon - which didn't go well. 

"Uh, I don't know. Disguises haven't worked out so good for me in the past." He sees Wu heading towards the clothesline and sighs deeply, "Master Wu! Get back here! Wu!" Cole 

Morro groans in annoyance, before slowly following the two.

The Ninja are thrown into a dungeon like area.

"Easy! Watch the hair!" Kai warned.

"May the Pit swallow you whole!" Daddy No Legs said, chuckling. The four look around, frowning.

""Watch the hair" he says. Kai, I think we got bigger problems right now!" Y/n exclaimed, annoyed.

"Oh, ho, ho! Out of the frying pan and into the fire!" Jay pats Kai on his back, a small chuckle escaping the Blue Ninja's lips. "Can this get any better?"

"Can you get any more nuts?" Kai screamed.

"Well, Jay may have a point. As far as pits go, I have detected worse." Zane replied, looking at Jay, concerned.

Cow bells rang, before a voice spoke up, "Oh, oh, oh, haha! Now, this ain't the Pit." The person where the voice belonged revealed themselves.

"Uh, who are you?" Y/n asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, no! It's Slab." Jay said, overly sarcastic.

"No, no, no, not Slab. I'm Chew Toy. Nice to meet ya! Four of ya? Haha! Oh, this'll be a good show. Real good. Haha!" Chew Toy exclaimed, as the plate they were standing on started to rise. The ceiling opened itself, revealing Dragon Hunters cheering.

"Now that...That's the Pit." Chew Toy added, smiling a creepy smile.

Jay swung an arm around the cow-bell holding Hunter, "Haha! Let's do this. Hahaha!"

"You still don't want is to use our powers?" Kai whispered to the two sane Ninja.

"You've seen how they treat the Dragons. What do you suppose they'll do to us?" Zane spoke, with Y/n nodding in agreement.

"Good point." Kai replied, sighing.

Chew Toy laughed, "Can you hear that? Mm! They're cheering for us, fellas! Let's give 'em what they want!" 

Kai, Zane and Y/n exchanged glanced, concerned about the whole situation.

The cheering died down, as Iron Baron spoke up, "I've spent my whole life wanting to see the true face of an Oni. And now I get to see four. I hope Slab can wipe the smirks off those dirty shapeshifters."

Chew Toy started hopping around the arena, as the Hunters cheered for him.

"Chew Toy! Chew Toy! Chew Toy! Chew Toy! Chew Toy! Chew Toy! Chew Toy! Chew Toy!"

"I can't hear you! Hahah!" Chew Toy did some weird dances, throwing the cow bell from hand to hand.

"Is everyone in this place crazy?" Kai exclaimed.

Jay, amused by Chew Toy, replied to Kai, "Hehe. That man is a born entertainer. Are you seeing these moves?"

The amusant turned back to the four Ninja, "Now, listen, fellas, don't you go down in the first few seconds. Watch out for Slab's breath. It can bury you. If you know what I mean. Hey, and if Slab ever gets you cornered, best not fight it. Just play dead. He'll get bored eventually." Chew walks away, motioning to the place Slab is held. Slab nudges the door. The sound attracted the attention of the four, making them turn to the giant door.

"Ah! I'm gonna go with that's Slab." The Fire Ninja mumbled, startled.

"And here I thought we were at rock bottom. This is so much worse." The Blue Ninja laughed, with Y/n once again looking at him oddly.

"So Slab is a Dragon. I thought Dragons are our friends." Kai screamed, as Jay was looking around, amazed.

"In Dead's End, no one's our friend." Zane replied.

"Dead's End. Ha! I get it. This is where we're gonna—" Jay started but got cut off by the Purple Ninja.

"We get it, Jay! Could you at least try to be helpful?" She yelled.

"Ooh! Wowee-wow! You Oni have really got Slab fired up." Chew Toy laughed, with Jay smiling widely at him, "I've never seen him his angry."

"For the last time, we are not Oni!" Kai exclaimed again.

"Yeah, well, Dragons hate Oni. If it's not you, something else has really got his blood boiling."

Morro, Cole and Wu, disguised as Dragon Hunters, enter the audience of the arena. With Morro looking at Y/n in concern.

"Look, there they are." Wu pointed out.

"But we're in the cheap seats. If we're gonna help them, we have to get closer. Come on!" Cole was about to walk to his right but he bumps into someone.

"I don't recognize you." The man shouted, his gruff voice making Morro raise an eyebrow.

"And I don't recognize you!" Cole hesitantly replied, looking at his two 'friends' for help.

"Haha! Everyone knows I am Scar the Skullbreaker. Now, who are you?" 'Scar' exclaimed.

"Uh, we're new to camp. The name's Rocky Dangerbuff. And this is my son, Dangerbuff Jr." Rocky Dangerbuff spoke, before noticing Morro, "a-and of course my brother, Brise Dangerbuff."

"What for a kind of name is Brise for a boy-" Morro got cut off by Scar.

"Ah! From the Dangerbuff clan! Ha. I know Stalwart Dangerbuff. I bet he'd like to see you. Let me fetch him." He turns around and in that time, the three quickly leave. Scar turns around again and notices Cole, Morro and Wu are gone. He laughs, "Classic Dangerbuff."

As they're walking through the crowd, Wu spoke up, "You're right. Bad at disguises."

"I didn't hear you two speaking up." Cole defended.

"The Master knows when to keep his mouth shut." Wu replied.

"I just didn't feel like talking." Morro said, shrugging.

Chew Toy was still running around with his cow bells, annoying the Ninja. Except Jay, of course.

"Open the gates! Reveal the Oni!" Iron Baron announced, and a Dragon Hunter pulled a lever, releasing Slab.

Slab opens his wings and roars at the Ninja, with Jay laughing. Chew Toy starts ringing his bells to gain the Dragon's attention. Slab grabs Chew Toy and swings him around, with Jay still amazed by Chew Toy's skill.

"Still don't wanna use our powers?" Kai asked, raising an eyebrow at the Hunter held by the Dragon.

"We have befriended Dragons before. This one should be no different." Zane replied.

"You know, I think Chew Toy, or something like that, pissed Slab off. Not us. I mean, have you heard those annoying bells?" Y/n exclaimed.

Slab throws Chew Toy in the crowd. Jay runs toward the bells, excited.

"Haha! It's ours!" Jay yelled, ringing one of the bells. "Sis, catch!" He threw one to Y/n, who caught it, suprised.

"What are you doing?" Kai screamed to the Blue Ninja, who was walking towards the Earth Dragon.

"If I'm going out, I'm going out with bells on." Slab attacks Jay, who jumps away just in time. The Hunters first look at the Blue Ninja oddly, before cheering. The Master of Lightning kept jumping around, still having full attention of the dragon. 

That was, until Sab got bored and noticed other people standing on his right. He turned his head to them, growling. He then shot a chunk of earth at the three, which barely dodged it. 

"Why did Jay even give me one of these-" Y/n dodged another attack, cutting herself off.

The Earth Dragon started chasing Kai and Zane, which gave the purple ninja some time to think.

"-Oh!" She started, before ringing the bell and earning the attention of Slab. Slab stopped chasing the Ice and Fire Ninja, heading towards her instead.

"See? Slab knows. Slab can smell Oni blood. Change for us, Oni! Show us your ugly faces!" Iron Baron shouted.

Kai looked at Y/n, who threw the cow bell his way. He caught it and distracted the dragon again, using the bell. Jay and Zane joined him with running, as Y/n hid behind a rock.

"A little help? Huh? A sword? A shield? We're defenseless down here!" Kai screamed, and the crowd throws them useless weapons. Kai caught a banana in his free hand, "Really?" He threw it away, "Guys, how do we get outta here alive?"

"They expect us to survive with a banana?" Y/n mumbled to herself, peeking at the three from behind the rock.

"The sooner you realize we can't, the more fun it'll be." Jay answered, smiling.

"We need to find a way to subdue it." Zane spoke, panting as they were still running.

"There's nothing but rock and sand. If you want me to hold it with my bare hands, just ask." Kai said.

"I do not believe that is possible." Zane muttered, raising an eyebrow at the Fire Ninja.

"I was being sarcastic!" Kai screamed. They reached Y/n again, and Jay and Zane hid behind the rock as well. Kai was being stupid and decided to continue running. 

"Y/n!" Cole yelled, standing above the four, Wu and Morro standing next to him.

Y/n's eyes lit up when she saw Morro was safe, "You two found Morro!" Morro smiled a small smile, his cheeks turning slightly red.

"Zane." The Master of Wind nudged the Nindroid, motioning to Cole, Wu and Morro.

"Cole! Master Wu. Morro. You're all here." Zane said, smiling.

"We've come to help." Cole whispered.

"Then you should leave." Zane replied.

"Wait, what? We're trying to save you!" Cole exclaimed, confused.

"Master Wu is a descendant of the First Spinjitzu Master. He's part Oni. His mere presence is only making things worse." Zane added, as Kai decided to play dead to the Earth Dragon. The crowd booed.

"You okay?" Morro asked Y/n.

"So far, yes." She replied, occasionally glancing at the dragon and Kai.

"Help... me..." Kai whispered, shutting his eyes closed. Lucky for Kai, Jay ran past, holding two cow bells.

"We should go." Morro whispered to the other two.

"Maybe not." Wu replied, glancing at the chains hanging above them. "I wanna help." He told Morro and Cole, running towards the chains. He then lowers some chains, making Zane and Y/n smile. "Now we go."

"Ha! At least now they have something to work with." Cole exclaimed, before they followed Morro out the arena.

Kai and Zane ran towards the chain, "Time to get creative." The Nindroid said. As Y/n and Jay were distracting the dragon, Kai and Zane were chaning Slab.

"Where did they get that chain?" Iron Baron asked, annoyed. Zane ran towards one of the rocks, tying the chain around the rocks. Kai did the same, and Slab fell to the ground with Jay still taunting it. Y/n ran towards Kai, getting out of the dangerzone of Slab.

"We did it! We did it! We did it!" Jay cheered, as Slab slowly growled.

Jay looked at Y/n, who pointed at the dragon, who was about to use its elemental power on Jay. But, Zane freezes Slab before it could use any power. The cheering of the crowd died down, and Iron Baron gasps, as Kai and Y/n slowly regrouped with Zane and Jay.

"Oni don't have Elemental Powers. They know the ways of the First Spinjitzu Master! Hunt them down." Iron Baron demanded, looking at Heavy Metal.

"Hunt them down!" Heavy Metal repeated, louder. This caused all the Dragon Hunters to jump from their spots, into the pit.

They cornered the four, with Kai readying himself with fire, "Who's ready for round two? Fire!" He shouted, as Y/n started to form a ball of wind in her hand, glaring at the Dragon Hunters.

I am so, so sorry this took so long. I even had a week break from school, but I still didn't finish it. Then I went to Spain with school, so I didn't have time.

One question for another Ninjago x Reader story I'm writing:

Do you prefer reading x Reader stories in first person or in third person? (Like this)

I prefer writing third person but if more people like first person I'm gonna use that.

Vote for who you want Y/n to end up with:

Cole: Comment here;

Kai: Comment here;

Morro: Comment here;

See you in the next chapter!
