Snake Jaguar

Season 8, episode 4.

Words: 1,8K (I hope that updating twice today makes up for it)

"Where was Zane last seen?" Lloyd asked over the com, as he was atop of a tram.

"Central Station. But once they went underground,Pixal lost his signal. We haven't been able to pick up Cole and Y/n's intercom either." Jay replied, sighing. He was concerned about his sister and best friend.

"If they're taking Zane to their hideout, then Cole could be held captive there. We can't lose Zane. I'm over Central now." Lloyd jumps off the tram, making his way to the ground.

"No sign of Zane, Y/n or Cole. They could be anywhere by now." Lloyd informed Kai and Jay, who were at the bridge. A loud clang was heard underneath the bridge, where Nya was building something.

"Ugh, do you mind, sis? We're trying to save Y/n, Cole and Zane." Kai complained.

"What do you think I'm doing? Zane won't last long undercover in a biker gang without a bike." Nya retorted, making Kai 'oh.'

"Harumi, can you hand me the electric torque wrench?"

"Yes, of course." Harumi hands Nya a tool.

"Oh, sweetie, that's the torque multiplier." The Water Ninja said, making Rumi sigh.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Maybe I should be doing something more useful."

"Lloyd, did you find their hideout?" Kai asked.

"No sign of any of them. They could be anywhere by now." 

"Don't worry. We'll find them. Kai and I will search other stations." Jay informed, sighing as he looked at the map.

In the station, Lloyd was also looking at a map of the tram rails. "Where are you, Zane?"

Cole and Y/n are locked up cells, she was sitting in the back of it, as he was trying to get out.

Cole tries to hit it Earth Punch with his but he ends up hurting his hand.

"Ah! Vengestone." He groaned, as two man came walking in.

"Careful!" Chopper Maroon warned, as they held a box.

"What do you think I'm doing?" Mohawk retorted, annoyed. "So, what's in the box?"

"You haven't heard? The boss found the key for the last mask." Maroon replied.

"If they get the last mask, then they'll have all three." Cole muttered to himself.

Chopper placed the box in a room and locked it, "Ha! It's all coming together. It'll be good to see Lord Garmadon again."

"You mean it'll be bad." Mohawk laughed, and Maroon joined.

"Lord Garmadon?" Cole asked.

Maroon noticed Cole talking, "Hey! You always talk to yourself this much? Shut it!"

"I don't talk to myself that much. I mean, sometimes, but not that much. I mean, it's only when I just kind of—oh."

"Cole, take a deep breath." Y/n whisper-yelled. Cole muttering to himself was one of his habits when he was nervous.

"No- I think I'm gonna have a panic attack." He whispered back.

"Look at me." 

Cole didn't do as she asked, only panicking more.

"Cole! Look at me."

He turned around and when finally did, his eyes softened.

"That wasn't so hard now, was it." She chuckled, standing up. "Why are you panicking?" She asked, walking closer to the Master of Earth.

He took another deep breath, "because we've been captured by the Sons of Garmadon."

"That can't be all..." She muttered.

He sighed, "because I'm here alone with you." He said under his breath, hoping she didn't hear. Unlucky for him, she did.

"You... do you want me gone?"

"Because of me, you're stuck here in the first place." He complained to himself. "And that means I couldn't keep you safe."

"I can handle myself, you know... But you didn't answer my question; do you not want me to be here?"

An awkward silence formed between the two, as he didn't answer.

"I do, I love nothing more than being with you." He muttered, but this time it was soft enough so she couldn't hear.

"What did you say?"

"Nothing," he quickly dismissed. He was looking at the ground, not wanting to meet her gaze.

"C'mon Cole, answer me."

He looked up, just now noticing how messy her hair had become. He slightly smiled, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. Her cheeks lit up, as she looked at the ground, embarrassed. He wanted to say something so bad, but he didn't know what. She looked at him again, into those brown eyes she loved.

"I want a word with the Ninja! In private!" Someone, who sounds like Ultra Violet demanded, making the guarding Sons of Garmadon leave.

"Oh, hey, easy. Of course, Ultra Violet. They're all yours." Chopper said, leaving.

"Yeah, as long as it's not me. Do whatever you want." Mohawk added, following Chopper.

"I ain't in the mood, sunshine." Cole folded his arms, as 'Ultra Violet' looks back, seeing that the other two had left. 'Ultra Violet' revealed himself to be actually Zane, in disguise.

"Zane!" Cole exclaimed.

"Shh." Zane sushed the Master of Earth.

"Oh, haha! Oh, aren't you a sight for sore eyes." Cole exclaimed again.

This confused Zane, "Did they hurt your eyes?"

"Yes. No. I'll explain later. Just get us outta here." The Black Ninja said, looking back at Y/n, smiling.

"They have the key to the third mask." She added, standing next to Cole.

"The key?" Zane asked.

"If they unite all the masks, they're gonna resurrect Lord Garmadon." Cole informed.

"The bad one! Four arms and all!" Y/n exclaimed.

"We need to get that key and get outta here." The Master of Earth added.

Zane hesitated, "Um..." 

"Well, what are you waiting for? Unlock the door. Let's go!" Cole said.

Zane shook his head, "I can't. I need to ride with them to learn who's behind all this."

"They're gonna get all the masks! Who cares who's in charge?" Cole asked.

"When the station clears, break out. Break out and steal the key."

At the end of the corridor, the real Ultra Violet was heard, "What do you mean I just walked past here? Get your eyes fixed."

"Good luck, friends." Zane hid, just as Ultra Violet walked their way. 

"How are we supposed to steal the key? We need a key! Zane? Zane!" Cole shouted, until he saw Ultra Violet, "Uh...Sane! I'm not sane! Get me outta here! I'm insane! Argh! Aah!"

"You and I both." Ultra Violet replied, laughing.

Cole fails to pick the lock and annoyed he throws the tool at the ground.

"Okay, think. Think, Cole. You're not thinking, you're running your mouth. Look who's talking. Now I am having a conversation with myself. How annoying is that?"

"You sound like Jay." Y/n chuckled, startling Cole.

"Hey, Dangerbuff, be quiet!" Maroon yelled at them.

"He wants you to be quiet, huh? Sing that song again. They all clearly hate it." She said to Cole, making him exclaim. "Then, we'll knock him out and take the keys."

"Brace your ears, Breezy. Ahem. Shine, little glow worm, glimmer glimmer. Hey there glow worm. Don't get dimmer! Shine, little glow worm, glimmer glimmer! Hey there, little glow worm! Don't get dimmer! Shine, little glow worm! Don't get dimmer! Hey, little glow worm!" Cole sang loudly, with Y/n smiling behind him.

"Stop!" Chopper yelled from the beginning of the corridor.

"Glimmer glimmer! Shine, little glow worm! Don't get dimmer! Shine, little glow worm, shine, little glow worm, glimmer glimmer!" He started to sing louder.

Simultaneously, Chopper Maroon yells, "I can't take it!" He runs to Cole, "Would you stop!?"

"Hm, maybe." Cole tilted his head. Y/n hits Chopper and takes the key from the ground.

The unlock the cell door and walk out, "Dad would be proud." Cole muttered, smiling.

"How do you even know that song?" She asked, "it's cute when you sing. I mean-"

"Is my singing cute or do I look cute?" He smirked, as they start to make their way to the room with the 'key.'

"Now Kai got the best of you. But, lets just say both." She winked, causing his face to turn red.

They reach the room with the 'key' and Cole looks inside the room with the box.


Y/n unlocks the door, as Cole walks in confused. "The key to the third mask?"

He uncovers the box partly, revealing the eyes of a baby. "Ugh! Uh oh!" He kicks the box away, making Y/n gasp. 

"And...that's not a key."

Y/n slowly walks to the box, uncovering it more. The baby makes gurgling sounds, making her 'aww.'

Cole sighed, "Sorry, baby, but we're looking for a key. we gotta go. You understand." He gets up to leave, but the baby cries. "Oh, fine." Cole picks the baby up, making it stop crying.

The familiar sound of Ultra Violet's laugh was hear, "You didn't think it'd be that easy, did you?" The sight of Violet makes the baby cry again. "Sweet, isn't he?" 

""He?" If you want the masks to bring back Garmadon, why take a child?" Cole asked, holding the baby tighter.

"You really have no clue, do you?" Ultra Violet charges at Cole and takes the baby from his grip. The baby immediately starts crying, as Ultra Violet touched him. Cole tried to grab the baby, but Violet threw it into the sky. Just Y/n's environment. 

She uses her powers to grab the baby out of the air, "you wouldn't hurt a child!" As the baby felt her grip, he stopped crying.

"Lord Garmadon will not be stopped." Ultra Violet yelled, trying to take the baby again. 

"Lloyd saved his father. He sacrificed himself for Ninjago. He wasn't a bad man." Cole said. Y/n ran out of the room, with Cole following her.

"This one will be. Lord Garmadon will eventually destroy you all. An-" Before Ultra Violet could finish, Cole closed the door on her.

Cole and Y/n high-five as they start to make their way out of the hideout of the Sons of Garmadon.
