The Mask of Deception

Season 8, episode 1.

Words: 3,2K

Season 8 Cole is so cute oml.

A group of monks is silently meditating, as the door bursts open and the storm of outside reaches the monks, making them wince. The snow is cold on their faces, as three figures roll into their temple. They groan, as the girls closes the doors with her powers.

One by one, they stand up, brushing the dirt off their clothes.

"Aren't you two together the Master of Storm?" The one in black asked, turning to the others.

"If we were one person, sure, but we're not one person." The blue one replied, groaning.

"Y/n, Cole, you two are my friends, sister, whatever, but right now you two are my worst enemys. You have no idea how time travel works." The one in blue added, complaining.

"If someone goes back in time and alters the past, our reality as we know it would change." The girl explained.

The one in black added something, "We could look totally different and not even know it." He said, pulling his Ninja hood off his head, revealing his black hair.

The blue one also pulled his hood off, his light brown hair flopping out, "But we don't. Thus, Master Wu must have slipped into a time stream into the future." 

The girl in purple also pulled off her hood, showing her H/L (Hair lenght), H/c (Hair color) hair, "Whenever he is, it's been a year. It's time we find him."

Cole, the one in black, goes up to a monk, "Uh, hi. Sorry to bother you. Cole, Master of Earth. Uh, these are Y/n, Master of Wind and Jay, Master of Blabber." Jay poses, before realising what Cole said.

"Lightning." Jay corrected, scolding the Master of Earth.

"We heard that an old man who lost his memory wandered in from the cold. About so high, long beard, drinks a lot of tea." Cole explained, but the monk doesn't respond.

"I told you not to introduce yourself as the Master of Earth. No one knows what that means." The Blue Ninja exclaimed, pointing at them. The monks look at the two bickering boys, annoyed.

"No, you bolthead. Everyone here took a vow of silence." Cole hits Jay on the head, making Y/n stifle a laugh.

Jay then turned to the monk again, "Can you point us to him!?" He yelled. Annoyed, the monk points somewhere. Y/n facepalmed.

"Thank you! I-I like your place!" The three towards the spot the monk pointed at, and they see a man. Jay pulled Cole and Y/n both to the side, "Wait. If it's him, and he lost his memory, don't remind him of that stupid TV show I once hosted, okay?"

Y/n ignored her brother and turned to the old man, "Uh. Master Wu?"

The man slowly stands up and turns around. Jay looked at the turning man with a lot of hope, which must've disappointed him when the man had turned around completely. It was a old man, but with a grey mustache and weird eyebrows.

"Oh, come on. We came all this way, and it's not him? Aw, th-that's it. I quit." Jay whined, turning around to leave.

"I'm tired of losing people in my life. Wu would never quit on us, and we're not quitting on him." Cole replied, sighing.

Jay started to walk to the exit, "If he's really still out there, couldn't he at least send a letter from the future? Or leave a message to stand the test of time? He's wise. He'd find a way."

"We just have to keep looking." Y/n said to her brother.

"Yeah, you two do that. And while you're at it, I'll be doing something more useful, like being a Ninja." The Master of lightning said, posing.

"Ha! Some Ninja you are. You talk more than you fight." Cole spat back.

"At least I'm entertaining. All you do is judge and act like you know everything! Or break my sister's he-"

"Would you stop fighting!?" A monk interrupted Jay, before gasping and covering his mouth.

"Way to break your vow." Monk number two laughed at the first one, before gasping, "Oh, no, I spoke too!"

"Haha! I knew you didn't have it in you." Monk number three laughed as well.

"I've been holding this in, but I just want to say I hate doing your dishes!" Monk number four yelled.

"Well, if everyone is doing it, I'm doing it too." Monk number five added, and the five monks continue arguing, as Y/n's communication device beeps.

"That's our cue. Got to run!" Y/n exclaimed, and the two boys open the door. The wind blows them away for a seconds before they pull their hoods back on and run out of the door.

The Ninja eventually grouped up and Lloyd is the last to join them.

"Hey, there he is. You're late." Kai pointed out, fist bumping the Green Ninja.

"Kai was late too, if it is any consolation." Zane added, smiling innocently.

"Thanks for meeting me here. It's been a while since we've all been under one roof." Lloyd started talking, making Nya giggle and Cole nudges Jay. "What?" 

"Are we gonna talk about it?" Jay asked, curiously.

"Talk about what?" Lloyd questioned, confused.

"Your voice, it's—" Y/n got cut off by the Master of Ice.

"Lower." Zane said in a deep voice.

Kai gives Lloyd a noogie, "Sounds like our little Ninja's growing up." He laughs.

"Leave him alone." Nya said to her brother, giggling.

"Any word from your mother?" Y/n asked.

"Not since she went searching for Master Wu. I don't know where she is." Lloyd explained, sighing.

"She'll come back, Lloyd. And so will Wu." Cole replied, smiling.

"Not everyone comes back, Cole. But that isn't why I called you here. I called you because of this." Lloyd shows them the logo he saw on the parachute.

"Your father? Lord Garmadon?" Cole gasped.

"After poking around, I've learned it's the symbol to—" Lloyd go cut off by the nindroid.

"The Sons of Garmadon. A mysterious criminal syndicate growing prominent in Ninjago City."

"Seventy two hours ago, they stole a powerful relic from Cyrus Borg. Some mask—"

A guy walks in, "Not "some" mask. The Oni Mask. There are only three in existence."

"Whoa, I'm confused. How can there be three masks when you just said it's the only mask?" Jay asked.

"Not "only," Jay. "Oni."" Y/n explained to her brother, draging out the 'o.'

"The Oni are said to be all-powerful beings. Demons that predate Ninjago." Zane said.

"Each mask embodies one of the three Oni warlords. If all three masks are united, whomever owns them will wield tremendous power." The man continued.

"Ninja, this is Mr. Hutchins. Master at Arms and Counsel to the Royal Family. I've asked him here." Lloyd told the others.

"The Royal Family?" Kai asked.

"Apologies if you aren't familiar. They honor their privacy, as they do the safety of Ninjago."

"Let me guess, they have an Oni Mask too." Cole guessed.

"Two? Now there's two?" Jay asked excitingly. Y/n quickly covers his mouth.

"The Emperor will be delivering a public speech tomorrow, and I'm worried the Sons of Garmadon may try to steal the mask. We could use your assistance, that is, if you can keep a low profile." Hutchings said.

"We are Ninja." Zane turned himself into his human form, "No one will know we are there."

"Just let us know where and when." Lloyd said, bowing.

Later that day, the emperor starts his speech. The Ninja, except Lloyd, are hiding. The Green Ninja is standing next to the talking emperor.

"As many of you know, my family has kept a private life. We aren't interested in meddling with current affairs. But as crime has risen, so has our concern. So it is time to step out of the shadows, and into the light." The emperor spoke, as Nya was walking around the crowd. Pictures were made, which could be heard.

"I don't like this one bit. If the Royal Family likes their privacy, why give such a public speech?" Nya complained.

"I think it's nice. They're reaching out to the people." Jay replied, as he met up with his sister.

"Why all the hate, sis? You just don't like getting gussied up." Kai said to Nya, joining the Storm siblings.

"I agree with Nya, all that gold and glitter is for show. The Royal Family are figure heads." Y/n said, looking around the crowd.

"Exactly! They don't have any real power, what purpose do they have?" Nya asked the others, slightly smirking.

"Their purpose is to be protected, as do all of our traditions." Zane answered, as he caught Lloyd staring at the princess. "I believe Master Lloyd has spotted something of interest."

"Looks like he's got an eye for the Princess." Kai said, smirking.

"I guess green is her favorite color." Jay added.

Lloyd mentally scolded his friends, "You do know I can hear you, right?"

"We must continue to be vigilant..." The emperor continued.

"The Emperor is almost finished. Let's just do our job." Lloyd said at the same time.

"...and always stay united." He finished, and the crowd cheers.

"Be on the lookout." Lloyd warned and he spotted a balloon with the Sons of Garmadon logo. "I see a—" The Green Ninja got cut off by loud popping sounds. The crowd panics and Lloyd tackles the Princess and Empress to the ground while Hutchins did the same for the Emperor. 

"Is the threat clear?" He asked, as Nya sees firecrackers going off.

"Huh. Firecrackers. False alarm." The Water Ninja snickered.

Hutchins walked towards the gathering team, "You protected the Royal Family. You have their gratitude. You are invited to be their guests in the palace." He invited them, as the emperor, empress and Jade princess walked inside.

"Heh. No one ever gets invited into the palace." Y/n said.

"Are you sure they meant us?" Jay exclaimed, smiling.

"It's just a palace. Once you've seen one, you've seen them all." Nya shrugged it off.

"We'd be honored." Lloyd added, bowing again.

Later that night, the Ninja enter the palace.

"Welcome to the Royal Palace, also known as the Palace of Secrets." Hutchins announced.

As Hutchins was closing the palace's door, Kai turned to him, "Ooh, why do they call it the Palace of Secrets?"

"If I were to tell you that, then it wouldn't be a secret now, would it?" Hutchins replied, as they walk inside. The Ninja, except Nya, gasp in awe.

"Look at that." Y/n said, smiling.

"I already feel royal." Jay added.

"It's beautiful." Zane spoke, amazed.

"Yeah, I could really get used to living in a place like this." Cole smiled.

Lloyd quickly sushed them, "Well, don't. We're only here as guests, then back to protecting Ninjago."

"Hmph. Too much gold in my opinion." Nya said, snickering.

"I present to you the exalted Emperor and Empress of Ninjago, and their daughter, the Jade Princess, Princess Harumi." Hutchins announced.

"We are honored by your presence." The emperor said.

"The honor is all ours." Lloyd replied, bowing once again.

"I have read much about you. Your heroics will surely become legend." Princess Harumi said, before walking towards Kai.

"Kai, the hothead who acts without question." Kai bowed politely.

"Cole, the rock and foundation of the team." Cole repeated Kai's movement.

"Jay, the joker whose mouth is as fast as lightning." 

"Zane, the cold and calculating android."

Zane politely corrected the princess, "Nindroid, your highness." He turned into his nindroid form.

"Y/n, The girl I've wanted to be ever since I first heard about her. The independent one. The one that goes where the wind goes." Harumi said, earning a confused glance from Y/n. "With her amazing skill over the wind like no other before." This confused the Purple Ninja even more, but she bowed anyway.

"And Nya, the other girl." Princess Harumi said, as Nya bows with disappointment. "With her mastery of Water and her skill that could rival any master."

"I like her." Nya softly said, nudging Y/n.

"And Master Lloyd, the Green Ninja. The youngest but most powerful protector. The chosen one. I too have lost my parents..." The Jade Princess trailed off.

Jay looked at the emperor and empress, confused. "Uh, heh?"

"...but we're both not without family, hm?" Harumi continued.

"We adopted Harumi and raised her as our own." The empress explained.

"When her parents passed away." The emperor added.

"Thank you for inviting us into your home." Lloyd thanked, bowing again.

"It wasn't us. It was our daughter." The emperor replied, nodding towards Harumi.

"And she would like you to stay with us, until the threat to our throne is over."

"These are troubling times, and as long as we have an Oni Mask, we fear our lives are in jeopardy." The emperor continued.

Harumi looked at Lloyd, full of hope, "The masks must never be reunited. Please say yes." 

Everyone looked at Lloyd for the answer, "Then you have our help." The Green Ninja replied, bowing once more.

"Great. Then Mr. Hutchins can show you the palace."

"Yes!" Cole exclaimed.

Hutchins was showing the Ninja around, "While you are in our service, you have full access to the complimentary royal buffet. Anything you want is at your disposal. Exotic fruits, assorted vegetables, scones, and all-you-can-eat cake."

"Ah, thank you, but I gave up sweets. My body is a temple." Cole said, making Y/n roll her eyes and look at Jay. "We're so gonna tease him later." She mouthed, earning a nod from the Blue Ninja.

"Ever since Master Wu went missing, Cole has been a real party pooper." Jay said to the others.

"Party.. pooper?" Zane slowly asked.

"I'll explain later." Jay whispered to the nindroid, before they continue walking.

"The palace is equipped with secret passages to get anywhere fast." Hutchins continued.

"Oh, so that's why they call it the Palace of Secrets." Kai thought out loud.

"Yes, but as to the locations of these secret passages, only the Royal Family knows." Hutchins replied.

"Sure. You mean like" He pulls out a book hopeful, but nothing happens.


"Or here?" Kai pulls out more books.

"Not there."

"Or right here?"


"How about here? Here?"


"Or here?"


"Or here?"


"Or this one?"




"This got to be it."

"Wrong again."

"This is a big one. Here?"


The others looked at the pile of books Kai had thrown out of the cupboard. "Uh, haha. We'll clean up after ourselves." Y/n awkwardly said to Hutchins, who turned around to continue their tour.

"Anyone else think there's something a little off about this guy?" Nya asked, whispering.

"He's holding something back." Lloyd agreed, before running after Hutchins.

"And finally, the reason for your protection: the Mask of Deception."

Kai examinated the mask, "Ugh. A face only a mother could love. Why would anyone want that?"

"That's up to us to figure out." Lloyd answered, altought this probably wasn't what the Fire Ninja meant.

Jay shivered, shaking Lloyd, "Just being in the same room with it gives me the heebie-jeebies."

"If this is the Mask of Deception, what was stolen from Borg Industries?" Y/n asked.

"The Mask of Vengeance." Hutchins replied.

"And who has the third one?" Cole questioned.

"No one knows the location of the Mask of Hatred, but my sensors tell me it won't be lost for long." Zane answered.

Hutchins agreed, "Zane is correct. Though no one has found the third mask, it is given the Royal Family little resolve..."

Lloyd wanders off and sees Harumi putting her makeup on. He backs away, as Hutchins was still talking to the others, "...for we know dark forces are looking to acquire it. And that's why we need eyes on it at all times."

"Don't worry, we're Ninja. We're experts at this kind of thing." Kai replied, smiling proudly.

Nya and Kai are walking on the roof of the palace, looking for any danger.

"All clear." Nya said to her brother.

"Here too. Wait, look!" Kai pointed at Hutchings walking out of the palace. But when he sees them, he walks back inside.

"Who's watching who?" Nya asked, glancing at the spot Hutchins previously was.

Jay, Y/n, Cole, and Zane are at the buffet table.

Jay was stuffing his face with cake, "Mm. Mm. Are you sure you don't want any?" He teased Cole, with Y/n smirking behind the previously called Cake Boi.

"This cake is delicious." Jay added, "Sis, you want some?"

"Sure!" Jay threw a plate with cake towards her, which she barely catched. If Cole hadn't ducked, it would have collided with the Earth Ninja's face. "Hey! If this cake fell on the ground it would be a waste!" The Master of Wind whined.

Cole was watching the twins eating cake, wanting some for himself. He looked longingly at the cake Y/n held. He didn't look at the girl who held it, of course. Oh wait, he did.

"Ah. My body is a temple." Cole tried to reassure himself. But then he saw Jay throwing another plate towards Y/n. 

"Why are you throwing the cake!?" Y/n yelled, "I don't want it to be wasted!" 

"And I don't wanna be covered in it!" Cole added, before turning his head to the happy girl. He loves the way her eyes glinster when she's having fun. When she's having fun.

She wasn't like this when the two were together, way back to the time Master Wu started a school. She's happy now. She's happier without him being her boyfriend than with. At least, that's what Cole thinks. That he wasn't making her happy. That he was an awful boyfriend. Why did he even say 'I love you'? He feels so stupid for putting her in that situation.

"Well, the buffet is clear of any threats. And they're out of baloney." Jay said, rubbing his hands together.

"Can we discuss now what is a "party.. pooper?"" Zane asked, careful.

The Master of Earth groans, "Jay's upset I'm the responsible one. With Master Wu gone, someone has to keep us in check."

"In that case, you are correct. You are responsible. It is nice to have a pooper at the party." The Nindroid agreed, making Jay and Y/n burst out laughing. Cole groans, but also smiles.

"Hey Cole," Y/n said, nudging the said person.


"I can't call you Cake Boi anymore." She stated, raising her eyebrows, curious for his answer.

Cole chuckled, "Then call me... Rocky?" His statement ended up as a question.

"Like your old dragon?" She asked.


"Alright, Rocky."

I'm warning you for a lot of Cole and Y/n moments this season. This just revealed my choice but whatever-

If anyone wants to help me and make a purple season 8 gi, I'd love that.

See you in the next chapter!
