The last voyage

Season 2, episode 9.

Words: 2,8K

Warnings: Rushed writing.

Y/n, Jay, Cole, Kai and Lloyd were working on fixing the bounty. 

"Cole, remember; Break her heart and I break you." Jay kept on muttering. Cole was getting enough of it and groaned, "Ye-es, I know..."

"Don't worry Jay," The purple ninja reassured her brother, "He'll be amazing."

Jay was pushing on something and got splashed with oil. "Useless pile of junk." He groaned, kicking it. Y/n just laughed at her brother who was drowned in oil.

Nya appeared behind the blue and purple ninja, "Oh, it's worse than I feared. The rotors on the starboard booster are completely destroyed. The port boosters are shot from the strain." She turned to the others, "Oh, sorry guys. She's not getting airborne anytime soon." She informed and the boys groaned.

"So if the Stone Army attacks again, we're sitting ducks?" Cole asked, turning to Nya and Jay.

"Uh, ducks can fly, Cole. Weren't you listening?" The lightning ninja raised an eyebrow. The black ninja looked at Y/n and fake pouted. She just grinned.

"We just got out tails handed to us and we couldn't even stop one of them. Ugh, I hate feeling helpless." Kai sighed, staring into the distance.

Sensei Wu and Zane appeared, "We musn't give up hope, Kai."

Lloyd agreed with Kai, "But the Stone Army is indestructible. You saw it. At best, all my powers could do was slow them down. And with Y/n's help, we still only slowed them down."

Misako walked by with her hand full of scrolls, "That's not entirely true. There is a way to defeat them. And it is told within the scrolls." They go inside the bounty so Misako can tell them how to defeat the stone warriors. She showed the group a scroll and starts explaining, "The prophecy reveals that the power to defeat the Stone Army lies within the green ninja."

"I tried. I gave them everything I had." Lloyd said, confused.

"Yes, but you are stronger than you think. Look. The true power of the Green Ninja can only be unlocked when his four protectors find their own pure elemental powers."

"Are we the protectors?" Cole asked, looking at the picture on the scroll.

Jay snickered, "Silly question. Of course we are. Haha, right?" He asked and Y/n nudged him, "Except Y/n."

"If we are the protectors, then we're doomed. Our elemental golden weapons no longer exist. We cannot tap into our elemental powers without them." Zane explained and Misako smirked.

"But the powers do exist within each of you. And there is a way to unlock your powers on your own. We must go to the temple of light."

"The temple of light? What is that?" Y/n asked and Misako took another scroll in her hands. She opened it and the scroll revealed the five elements, surrounding the green ninja's dragon logo.

"The gold in the Golden Weapons was from the golden peaks, but they were forged in the Temple of Light, a powerful place I thought only existed in legend."

"It's on the Dark Island?" Sensei Wu asked.

"I think our only choice is to find out."

"So we get our powers back? All right!" Cole exclaimed.

"Wait! Wind is one of the elements used for this...?" Y/n realised her element was on the scroll as well. Misako nodded. "But there's no golden weapon for wind and Lloyd can't use it." Y/n spoke to herself. "Weird."

"But there's still one big problem: the Bounty can't fly." Nya bit her lip.

"It's a ship, right? Can't it sail?" Misako asked, grinning.

"Silly question. Of course it can. Haha, right?" Jay laughed nervously.

The next day the ninja, Nya, Misako and Sensei Wu prepare to leave. Jay and Y/n were talking to their parents, "Now promise me you'll both eat your vegetables." Edna told her children and they both whined, "Mom!"

"Oh, I mean it. You get sluggish when you don't get enough vitamins. Ed, tell them if they're gonna save the world, they have to eat their vegetables."

"Uh, do what your mother says." Ed smiled.

"And tell your new boyfriend to take care of you, Y/n." Edna continued, "I told you that he liked you!"

"We're not "official", mom." Y/n hugged her parents tightly, followed by Jay.

"I don't know what to say." Lou hugged his son.

"You don't have to say anything." Cole smiled.

"You're right. I don't have to say anything. But I do have to sing." The royal blacksmiths starts humming and Lou sings, "Who's gonna save 's hide? Who's gonna make a dad swell with pride? Cole is. Cole does. Cole, Cole, Cole." He finished and everyone applauds.

Cole smiled proudly, "That's the sweetest thing I've ever heard, Pop."

"Now, Dareth, as the honorary Brown Ninja, we're entrusting you with protecting Ninjago and tending to the ultra dragon. Are you up to the tasks?" Kai asked.

"I won't let you guys down. Did you hear that? I'm officially the Brown Ninja!" Everyone cheered, "Oh, what's my elemental power?" Dareth asked as he turned to his friends.

"Uhh, hot air?" Nya invented something on the spot.

"So I command the wind. Cool!" Dareth cheered.

"No- Y/n controls the wind." Kai facepalmed, but laughed as well, "And she's the best at it." He muttered with a slight blush on his face.

After some more talking, hugging and saying goodbye, it was time to go. "Pupils, it's time we set sail." Sensei Wu announced and the ninja walked onto the deck.


"See you!"

"So long!"

They made the bounty ready and left. Dareth was standing on a pole and blowing wind into the bounty's direction. Y/n noticed this, "Shall I?" She asked Cole as they were watching the people waving to them.

"Yes please." Jay interupted, laughing. Y/n used her powers and Dareth fell into the water. The crowd laughed and Edna wanted to make sure of something, "Jay! Y/n! Did you both make sure to pack clean underwear?" She yelled and the Walker twins groan.

"Yes, mom!" They shout back and the ninja around them laugh. 

After a few hours, the sun is going down. Y/n is sitting on the edge of the bounty again. "I love this view." She muttered and Jay went to sit next to her.

"Me too." He softly replied.

"Mom is sometimes really humiliating." The blue ninja said to his sister.

 "But I love her anyway. She sometimes is humiliating, yeah. But she cares about us. Not all parents care so much about their children."

Jay nodded and they stared into the distance. About twenty minutes later Zane appeared.

"Still no word from your Falcon?" Cole asked the nindroid.

"Not yet." He replied and Y/n and Jay stood up, walking to their friends.

"I wonder what's on the island?" Kai muttered.

"An entirely new ecosystem?" Zane suggested.

"Never before seen creatures?" Cole guessed.

"Oh, vegetables that taste like dessert?" Jay dreamed, clasping his hands together.

"Cake?" Y/n shrugged as the ninja look at her.

"I though Cole was the cake addict here." Jay patted his sister on her back.

"I hope the Stone Army is there. They may have gotten the best of us once, but never again." Kai thought out loud.

"You said it."

"Hear, hear."

"I wonder if this is the end of our destiny." Lloyd spoke up.

"If it is, there isn't anyone else I'd want on by my side." Kai smiled proudly.

"Hear, hear." Jay repeated.

"You said it." Cole repeated as well.

Zane gasped, "My Falcon has arrived at the Dark Island!" He plugs himself onto the computer so everyone can see what he sees. "There, now we can all see." The falcon looks around and spots a stone warrior. It throws a shuriken at the bird and the screen turns black. Zane flew a few metres baclwards as everyone gasped. "He's...he's gone."

"We don't know that." Sensei informed.

Nya ran towards the nindroid, helping him up, "Oh, Zane. I'm so sorry."

Kai ran towards him as well, "Well, he was our friend too, so we're not gonna let him go in vain. If the Stone Army wants a fight, they got one."

"Well, that's going to have to wait because right now, we're sailing straight for a storm. All hands on deck." Misako pointed at the dark clouds hovering the bounty.

"Hold the line!" Cole shouted as he, Kai, Lloyd and Zane are pulling a rope to keep the sails upright.

"The winds are too strong! Y/n! We need your help!" Lloyd yelled and the girl ran over.

The earth ninja looked at her and nodded. She used her powers to make the wind go another direction, making the bounty more steady.

"We need everyone's help, Jay!" The earth ninja shouted.

"But I don't wanna get wet. I...I only have one pair of underwear." Jay muttered, holding onto the wall.

"Jay! You heard what mom said!" Y/n shouted at her brother.

"This is no time to be making jokes. The Bounty can only take so much." Kai retorded.

"You think I'm trying to be funny!?" Jay yelled at the fire ninja as he heard laughter, "Okay, laugh all you want, but we'll see who laughs last when I have to go commando."

"Uh, guys, why is the laughing at us!?" Kai heard the laughting as well.

"I'm a girl, Kai!" Y/n yelled back.

"And why do I have a feeling we're not gonna get the joke!?" Jay shouted again as several starteeth land on the ship.

"Hey, what's that?" Cole lets go of the rope.

"Whoa!" Kai, Lloyd and Zane screamed.

"I'm coming! I got it!" Jay ran towards his friends, taking the rope in his hands.

"About time, Jay!" Kai yelled again.

Jay got splashed with water, "Oh, perfect!"

The earth ninja walked towards the starteeth. "It looks like some sort of a, hmm, fish." He picks it up, revealing its sharp teeth.

"Gross!" Y/n yelled, disgusted.

Misako appeared, "Wait! We must not let the Starteeth on board. They devour ships and won't stop until we sink!"

Cole looked at the old woman confused as the starteeth bite him, "Ow! It bit me!"

The Starteeth bites the rope, unstabilizing the mast. "Huh, get these things off the ship!" The Starteeth clings onto the red ninja. "Aargh. I'm starstruck! Unh, good riddance, water vampires!" Y/n ran over to him and took the starteeth off his back, throwing them into the water.

"Thanks..." He muttered before running to other starteeth.

"Faster! Or we'll sink!" Lloyd shouted, throwing the starteeth off the ship.

Jay ran over to the mast, "Get off there!" They hang on his back. "Oh, my! Aah! Get them off! Get them off!" Jay yelled, jumping around spastically.

"Use your spinjitzu!" Kai yelled to his blue friend.

"Ninja, go!" Jay does as Kai told him, but they get stuck on the sail. "Okay, bad idea."

The other ninja just like Jay, use spinjitzu to knock them off the ship.

"Sink your teeth into this!"

Jay gasped after seeing some starteeth biting the chains, "They eat through metal too?"

"Uh, guys, I think we have a bigger problem." Lloyd pointed at the side of the ship, full of starteeth, which they can never reach.

"Oh, I should have brought an extra pair of underwear." Jay sighed.

Everyone groans as they crashed onto a small island with a lighthouse. "Who would build a lighthouse way out here?" Lloyd asked at they walk towards the high stairs/

"It's not a lighthouse, it's a prison." Zane informed.

They walk up to the door when they hear growling.

"Oh, I should have brought an extra pair of underwear." Jay whispered, scared.

"Mysterious. We better keep going." Wu said and they reach the top, seeing a camera.

"Uh, should we smile?" The blue ninja asked as they hear footsteps.

A old man opens the door, "Zane! Is it really you?" The man hugs the nindroid. "You found me!"

"Uh, do you know him?"

"Of course I know him, I built him for heaven's sake!" The old man answered Lloyd.

"But my memory tells me that you have passed."

"Ah, you found your memory switch." Another growl is heard, "Hurry, can't know that you are here or else there will be dues to pay."

Jay gulped, "It?"

"I'll explain everything inside, including why it is that you thought I was dead." The man said and went inside, followed by the group.

"Locking, barricading, hand checking. I think we're safe. This way." He leads them upstairs, "Please, please have a seat. You must be thirsty."

Zane looked around confused, "Seat, where?"

The man pulls a lever, revealing a table. "There of course."

"Wow, that's pretty smart." Nya complimented.

"A technical wizard." Cole agreed, sitting down next to Y/n, who was now sitting between Kai and her boyfriend. Jay saw blue underwear and took it before anyone could see it.

The man presses a switch and everyone quietly watches as a little droid serves them tea. Jay decided to mess with it, moving his cup. He smiled and continued until the droid ends up pouring tea on his groin. As he reacts to the pain, everyone laughs.

"Father, I don't understand. I-I saw you pass."

"Yes, you did, and believe me when I tell you, I thought I was kaput, but as you know in Ninjago, the past is the past." The man, now known as Dr. Julien, said.

"And the future..." Misako continued.

" the future." Wu finished, holding Misako's hand.

"Yes. But after I turned off your memory switch, what you didn't see is bonehead Samukai reviving me with a special elixir. He wanted me to create state-of-the-art war machines for their army. He said if I did, then I would be able to see my son again. And to make sure I didn't escape, he chained a Leviathan to keep guard."

Lloyd gasped, "A Leviathan? That's what we heard in the ocean?"

"Yes. When Samukai didn't return, I thought I would never see you again. But as so much time has passed I started to question if you would ever want to see me again. I was afraid if you found out what horrible things I've created, you would think I was a...a monster." 

"We will get you out of here, Father. Now that we are together, perhaps we can invent a way off this rock." Zane smiled at his father.

"Could you repair the rocket boosters on our ship?" Jay asked.

"That sailing ship has rocket boosters?"

"Well, the rotors and gears are shot." Y/n cut in.

"Eh, pish posh. No matter! I'll have your ship airworthy by dawn!"

The leviathan growled and Dr. Julien looked around shocked.

"It's an earthquacke!" Cole used Y/n to steady himself as the ground shook violently.

Y/n glared at Cole playfully and he smiled back innocently. 

"No, it's much worse." Julien muttered. "He's here! Everybody hide!" He whispered and everyone went to hide. An eye appeared in the window and looked around suspicioully.

"Aha, if it isn't my old chum." He chuckled and the eye turned to another window's view. He spotted the amount of teacups and Julien turned them around quickly, using them as drums. 

"Just marching to the beat of my own drum. You know, doing whatever I can to pass the time. Since I'm so- you know- alone." 

The leviathan disappeared again, leaving Dr. Julien alone.

"If we're gonna make something and get out of here, we're gonna have to hurry before it comes back." Kai spoke up.

Everyone starts working on the ship and Cole was whistling a familiar tune until the others look at him and he stops, "What? It's catchy." He muttered and Y/n smiled.

After some more minutes the leviathan growled again and Zane and Dr. Julien ran out the lighthouse. "It's here!" Kai noticed and warned the others.

"Get us out of here, Nya!" Jay asked the girl and they run onto the ship.

"I hope she's ready! Come on!" The Leviathan grabs the Bounty before it could fly away.

"Lloyd! Use your powers!" Sensei Wu yelled as the bounty tilted.

"As you wish, Sensei! Release us, you monster!" Lloyd shouted and made a ball of energy. He fired it at the leviathan. It released them for a few seconds but grabs them again, causing everyone to fall.

"It's chained!" Zane realised as he stands on the Bounty's railing.

"Zane! What are you doing?"

"The Leviathan won't let us leave. I think I know a way I can help." Zane told his father.

"But you can't jump in. These oceans are filled with Starteeth."

"I know." He stated and dives in.

"Zane! No!"

 The Bounty is being pulled closer to the ocean and Y/n uses her powers to keep the ship away from the water, trying to make it fly. She groaned while doing so. "Help!" Lloyd shouted as the bounty tilted more.

"Help!" Lloyd repeated and this time, he leviatithan let's them go.

"It let us go." kai exclaimed.

"What happened?" Dr. Julien asked.

"Zane released the Leviathan, and now it's letting us go." The green ninja helped him up.

"But where is my son?"

Zane climbed up behind him, "I'm here, Father!"

"Zane! Zane." His father hugs him tightly.

Sensei Wu smiled, "How did you know if you freed it from captivity it would let us go?"

"Because no one deserves to be held captive. Not even a monster." The Leviathan swims away. "Farewell, creature from the sea. Enjoy your freedom." Zane waved.

Geez, this was some bad writing, I'm sorry. It got kinda rushed.

Once again, I suck at writing romance scenes so that's why there aren't a lot of them in this chapter.

See you in the next chapter!
