The invitation

Season 4, episode 1.

Words: 3,1K

Warnings: None.

Jay's show just finished and he was in his dressing room, staring at a picture of the ninja team, including young Lloyd. "Ninja never quit, huh, Zane?" He chuckled to no-one.

"The team needs you now more than ever." Lloyd spoke up from the shadow.

Jay turned around and the green ninja jumped in front of him. The blue ninja gasped and Lloyd chuckled. "How did you get in here?" He asked suspicious.

"I'm a Ninja, and you are wearing makeup."

"Hey, hey, hey, hey. It's concealer, a time-honored tool of the Ninja. And what do you mean "team?" I refuse to fight beside Cole. There's nothing you can say that will get me back with that girl-stealing, black-hearted, rock-pounding-" Jay rambled and Lloyd cuts him off.

"Jay, she still speaks of you. You don't belong here, Jay. This isn't you. You're the master of Lightning, not the Master of Lighting. Y/n misses you too, even though I haven't heard from her in a while. Hey, you know where I'll be if you change your mind." Lloyd disappeared and Jay stared at the ground, not sure what to do.

The master of lighting went back to his seat and started to add some more make-up, but hesitated and instead he threw the tool at the mirror angry.

Cole was cutting a stem of a tree, grunting. "The team needs you now more than ever." Lloyd spoke up and startled the former earth ninja.

Cole looked up and spotted Lloyd. "I thought I was good with a scythe. Turns out, I'm even better with an axe. Ugh, I'm tired of fighting, Lloyd. Tired of serpentine, tired of nindroids, tired of...Jay. Out here, no one knows who you are. No one expects anything of you."

"But what would Zane expect? You're the Master of earth, Cole. you don't belong in trees. Your feet should be on the ground. You can't hide who you are."

"Sorry, Green machine, this is my life now." Cole apologised.

A worker's on top of a pile of logs, but it's about to fall. "Oh, oh, cracked stem! She's falling hard!" He shouted and everyone ran away.

Cole didn't hesitate and ran towards the falling pile of logs. He created a wall of earth and stopped them. Everyone cheered as Cole stood there with his mouth wide open.

"Who is he?" A random worker asked.

"Not one of us." Someone else replied.

"If you change your mind, Cole, you know where I'll be." Lloyd disappeared and Cole walked away, holding a bag.

Next up was Kai, "Welcome to the Yang slither pits Final. In the left corner, we have Kai, the Flaming Shogun. And in the right corner, we have Kruncha." The announcer said and the crowd cheered.

"Ninja, go!" Kai yelled and used spinjitzu, defeating Kruncha, "Didn't your mama ever warn you not to play with me?" Kai mocked and the crowd cheered harder.

"Victor of the Slither Pit and undefeated champion...Kai, the Flaming Shogun!" The announcer holds up Kai arm, but he pulled it down again.

"The Red Shogun. Red Shogun!" Kai turned around and walked away, kicking Kruncha's head.

Kia sits down at a nearby table drinking juice, as Lloyd showed up.

"You shouldn't drink too much juice. It's filled with more sugar than you realize." Lloyd said and patted Kai's back.

"Oh, it's you." Kai replied sadly.

"The team needs you now more than ever."

"Who says the great and powerful green ninja needs a team? You seem to be holding down the fort on your own."

"I get it, Kai. You've ran out of bad guys to fight out there, you've got to come to a place like this." Lloyd motioned to the place. "But where's the honor in that? Where's the Master of fire?"

"It's the Red Shogun now. And where's the Master of ice, huh? He's gone, but I'm still here. Who cares about honor? It should've been me. I should've been the one-" Kai remarked but Lloyd interrupted.

"You always thought you should've been the one. First it was being the Green Ninja, now this. When are you gonna start thinking of someone other than yourself?" The green ninja disappeared. "If you change your mind, you know where I'll be."

Lastly, the green ninja went to Y/n. She had decided to help at Dareth's dojo, teaching the kids how to defend themselves. Dareth was still teaching the kids his animal fighting styles, Zoojitzu, but they weren't so cool anymore after Y/n showed her skills. 

She misses Jay a lot, but he's full time working on his show these days and doesn't have time for "fans", or as his manager said. 

The lessons for that day were done, leaving the girl with cleaning the mess the students made. 

"The team needs you now more than ever." A voice said, jumping behind Y/n and scaring her.

She turned around and frowned, "Please don't do that again." She continued cleaning the mess.

"And you, please don't ignore me. We need your help." Lloyd said, revealing himself.

Y/n snickered, "What "we"? where's Zane? Where are Cole, Kai and Jay? Oh yeah, I can't visit Jay because his manager thinks I'm a "fan" of his stupid tv-show. Cole is somewhere the first spinjitzu master knows and Kai, I don't know either. Zane's dead. There's no team. There is no we. We've broken up. Don't see each other anymore. Leave each other alone."

Lloyd rolled his eyes, "And where's the master of wind? Or should I say Sensei Y/n." He chuckled. "Nice new suit, by the way."

"I don't even want these kids to call me that." Y/n sighed, "But they won't stop saying it. And thank you, Dareth gave it to me, saying it was from Sensei."

"Look, I get it, you've "retired"." Lloyd disappeared, leaving Y/n confused. "But, remember, if you change your mind, you know where I'll be." 

After Kai visited Zane's statue, he went to Chen's noodle house. He walked in and Lloyd noticed the master of fire.

"Kai! Back here!" He whisper shouted and Kai walked towards the booth his friend was sitting. He gasped when he saw his other two friends, Jay and Cole, sitting in the booth as well. "Jay? Cole?"

Cole turned around and spotted Kai, "Ha, you too?" He asked, with Kai stared at them in shock.

"The runt tricked us all." Jay remarked. "Hey, is Y/n coming too?" He sarcastically asked, rolling his eyes.

"She should be here soon." Lloyd reassured, just as the girl walked through the door. 

Y/n saw Lloyd and took a deep breath, walking towards the seats. She gasped when she spotted Jay, Cole and Kai sitting there as well. 


Kai sat next to Cole and Y/n next to her brother. Lloyd stopped the master of fire of taking food from the conveyor belt. "We talk first, then eat."

"Uh, trust me, do you know what kind of restraint I've had to have staring at all of this noodle goodness? You're late." Cole spoke to the master of fire.

"Y/n's is even later! Anyway, make it quick." The former red ninja rolled his eyes.

"I know without Zane things have been different, but we have to move on. The reason I brought you all here is because...maybe we should add someone new to our team." Lloyd immediately regretted saying this.

"A new Ninja?" Kai grunted.

"Are you crazy!?" Jay yelled.

"No way I'm adding a stranger to the team!" Y/n demanded.

"Come on, Zane's irreplaceable!" Cole scowled.

"I cared for him too but now it's time to care about this team." The green ninja sighed.

"Maybe without Zane, there is no team." Kai said, as everyone looked at their plates sadly.

A trio of thugs walks in, laughing. "Oh. Don't look now, but we've got trouble." Jay whispered, making everyone turn around and scowl.

They demanded the restaurant owner to give them money, which he did. They demanded more, but he didn't have more. Instead, the thugs placed the owner on the conveyer belt, blocking the food from making their way to the customers.

"All right, now they're our problem." Cole said, mentioning to the blocked food. He and the others went to stand in front of the thugs, "Excuse me, it's not polite to touch someone else's food."

"I'd listen if I were you. He's no fun to be around when he's hangry." Kai grinned and one of the thugs charged at the master of earth. He easily blocked the punch with the chopsticks, smiling for him to try again. He tried to kick the earth ninja, but got blocked again. Eventually Cole tripped the thug and Kai jumped on the conveyer belt. Another one joined the master of fire. 

"All right, I admit it. We make a good team." Kai said, kicking the plates towards the thug.

The master of earth grabs the food Kai kick off the conveyor belt. "Yeah, mmm. Everything's better on a full stomach." Eyezor, one the thugs, shatters a plate. "Hey, I was gonna eat that." Cole whined, kicking Eyezor on the conveyor belt as well.  (They defeated the thugs easily.)

"How can you walk away from this?" Lloyd asked, as the thugs run away through the back door.

"Hey, let's get them, guys." Cole said, following them into the alley.

"And girl." Y/n rolled her eyes, following the master of earth.

"Oh, where did they go? Huh?" Kai looked around the alley, seeing nothing but a table with a note, fortune cookies and a picture of Zane.

"What's this?" Y/n asked, looking at the fortune cookies.

"It's Zane." Kai muttered, not believing it.

Cole shot the green ninja a questioning look, "What does it say?

Lloyd picks up the picture of Zane and reads it, "It says he's alive." He announced, making everyone gasp.

"I don't think those thugs were delivering a message to the Noodle House. I think they were delivering a message to us." Kai frowned.

"What do you mean it says he's alive?" Y/n asked, surpised.

"Hey, I'm just telling you what it says."

"Why would these thugs lead us here?" The master of fire asked, but no one had an answer to that.

Cole folded his arms, "You know, this has to be some cruel joke. And I'm not laughing."

"Look." Lloyd points to the fortune cookies. "I think this was meant for us too."

Jay picks one up, "Fortune cookies? Very peculiar."

"Should we?" Lloyd asked, as Cole picks one up and eats it in one bite.

"Uh, you do realize there's a fortune inside, right?" Kai opened a cookie, revealing the piece of paper.

"Oh, so that's why they're called that."

"Listen to this. "Master Chen has personally invited you to participate in his tournament of elements"."

"Wait a minute. Are you saying that Mr. Chen, the same guy filling my belly with delicious goodness, is actually Master Chen?" Cole asked, suprised.

""Secrecy is of the utmost importance. Tell no one, or suffer the consequences."" Y/n read aloud, frowning.

""If you ever want to see your friend again, meet on the pier at midnight and leave your weapons behind."" Jay finished, as his piece of paper exploded. Followed by Y/n's, Kai and Lloyd's. Cole's explodes in his belly, making him yelp and chuckle.

"Uhh. At least I know I was invited." Cole said nervously, making the others laugh.

"You don't think..." Y/n muttered.

"It could be a trap. A lie to lure us in." Kai shrugged.

"Yeah, but what if it's not? What if Zane's alive?" Jay replied.

"The Tournament of Elements. I'm starting to think this Master Chen makes more than noodles." Lloyd stated.

"You can forget bringing in a new Ninja, Lloyd. Let's go see about an old one." The master of fire smirked.

The ninja arrive at the docks, holding a bag and wearing their own favorite gi. Y/n was wearing the one from she got from Dareth.

"Ah, I told you we shouldn't have worn them." Kai scowled himself, motioning to the ninja gi's.

"I didn't wear one of those." Y/n smiled innocently.

"The Tournament of Elements. You think all of them have powers like us?" The master of fire asked, looking around and ignoring Y/n.

"When I asked my dad about it, he got really suspicious. Like there's something he's keeping from me." Lloyd shrugged.

"The fortune cookie said tell no one or else there'd be consequences." Cole said, looking around. 

"Relax, we're cool." Y/n replied, as a ferry pulls up. Two man with purple tattoos on their faces put down a plank and a man with black hair walks over it.

"We don't know yet if this is a trap. Wherever they take us, we have to stick together." Lloyd whispered, as they got into a line. 

"Watch your step, madam." The man with black hair said, as a girl in a orange gi stood in front of the line. She turned around and looked into Kai's eyes, who sighed at the sight.

"We can't let anything distract us. You hear me, Kai?" The green ninja whispered to Kai.

"Uh? Uh, yeah. Uh, got it. Whatever you said." He replied, as the elemental masters get onto the ferry.

Next up was Jay, with Y/n already on the boat. "Master Chen will be charmed to see you've accepted his offer. A Master of Spinjitzu shall fare favorably in his Tournament." The man greeted, not knowing the purple ninja already went on the boat.

"Hey, we're not here to fight. We're here to save a friend." Jay mentally facepalmed.

"Don't be so petty, Master Jay." The black-haired man grabs Jay's nunchunks, "Everyone here has something to fight for."

"Chopsticks. I'm a big eater, heh." The blue ninja gulps when he threw his nunchucks into the sea. The black-haired man allowed the boys to continue, but Lloyd got stopped.

"Lloyd, wait! If you get on that boat, you may never return." Garmadon warned, appearing behind his son.

"What are you doing here, Dad?" Lloyd turned around, frowning.

"Master Chen is a dangerous man who should never be trusted. Whatever he promised you, do not believe him."

The black haired man spoke, "Lord Garmadon. It's been a while. It's Sensei now, correct? I can't remember."

"Clouse. I see Master Chen still has you running his errands."

"I have to go, Dad. This is about Zane. It's about family. If we're ever going to be whole again, I have t get on that ship." Lloyd replied.

"Last call. Are you in, or out?" 'Clouse' said, making the green ninja turn around and walk onto the ferry.

"I can't stop you, son, but I can join you."

Clouse was about to walk away, "Sorry, no more room in the ship."

"No room?" Garmadon asked sarcastically and kicked someone off the ship.

"I stand corrected. There's room now."

"Don't worry, I'm not here to compete. Only to look out for my interests." Garmadon puts an arm around his son's shoulder, smiling.

"Let's ship out!" Clouse declared and the ferry did.

The ninja look around the ship, seeing Karloff hitting a metal barrel. They continued their tour, seeing Gravis, the master of gravity, floating in the air. Cole watched as Bolobo showed his powers and returned to the group, who were watching the master of music. 

Clouse and his followers appeared, making Lloyd look at his father confused. "You know him. You said his name's Clouse." He said and pointed at Clouse.

"Don't be fooled by his attire. He is a Master of martial arts and Master Chen's number two."

"Huh, I thought Master Chen's number two was an eggroll and fried rice." Cole pointed out.

"Why haven't you or Wu ever told us there are others with powers like us?" Kai asked suspicious.

"Be cause there are some things we don't want you to know. You were led to believe you were special, yet you never questioned where your powers came from." Garmadon told the ninja.

"Uh, are you implying that I'm not special?" Jay asked, suprised.

"You're very special, Jay." Y/n said, putting an arm around his shoulder.

"Everyone on this ship is a descendant of an original Elemental Master."

"Elemental Master? Who were they?" Lloyd asked.

"Even those people with weird purple tattoos?" Jay interrupted, making Garmadon chuckle.

"No, but the elemental masters were the first spinjitzu master's guardians, each endowed with an Elemental Power that has passed down through generations."

"If that's true, then so is my sister Nya. But she can't do what I can." Kai though out loud.

"Can't she? Power lies in all of you. It only needs to be awoken. The fighters here serve no master and have managed to unlock their own true potential. For instance, that Paleman. A distant relative to the master of light. Watch closely and you'll see how he's stayed hidden all these years." Paleman disappeared and Griffin Turner ran by. "Then There's Griffin Turner. Grandson to the Master of speed."

"Hey, you can't lay a hand on me. I'm faster than fast. Swifter than swift." He ran around the ship.

"Uh, Master of Speed? Pfft. That's not an Element." Jay said as he watched the master of speed.

"So asks the Master of Lightning." Y/n snickered.

"Oh, snap, she got you there." Cole laughed.

"So says the master of wind." Jay mocked, making the others laugh again, except Kai, who was looking at Skylor.

"And, uh, who's she?" He asked.

"I don't know. Most of these people I have not seen. But they will all be gunning for you. You are Ninja. You serve with honor. Here, that means very little."

"Maybe honor means something to me." Kai said and he walks up to Skylor and Karlof.

They start bickering about some things and it ended up in a fight. Karlof towered over the fire ninja and wanted to hit him square in the face, but got stopped by Clouse. "Enough!"

Karlof left and Skylor walked up to Kai. "I'm sorry if I was cold to you earlier." She helped him up, secretly using her powers on him.

"We're here. Welcome to Chen's island!" Clouse yelled.

Lloyd, Y/n, Jay, Cole and Garmadon stood at the front of the boat. "I swore to never return." Garmadon muttered.

"You know, you should never swear. It's a sign of weak verbal skills." Jay remarked, frowing.

"If Zane's on that island, we'll find him. We have to." Lloyd said, determined.

Season 4! Yay! I hope you like this season as much as I do. I wanted to inform you that I changed my Username and Profile photo, I'm trying to let you not fall into confusion.

Vote who you want Y/n to end up with: (Only one ending.) 

Cole: Comment here;

Kai: Comment here;

And we reached 4K when I wrote this, so thank you!

If you see any mistake, please tell me and I'll fix it. (Sorry for the long A/n.) 

See you in the next chapter!
