Enter the digiverse

Season 3, episode 5.

Words: 2,4K

Warnings: None.

In Borg tower, the ninja, Nya, Pixal and Cyrus Borg are trying to remove the Overlord virus.

Pixal plugs a cord to herself, "I think we should put the main switch over here to keep it tucked away a little. With a little ingenuity and a few more coaxial cables, we may be able to reboot the system with the techno blades and erase the digital Overlord for good." Cyrus said, earning questioning looks from the ninja.

"I thought you said we needed the stolen hard drive to do that." Jay asked.

"I did. But that was before I truly understood the entire capabilities of what Zane's powers truly allow us."

"And what is that?" Kai asked, looking at the seats that are supposed to get them into the digiverse.

"A chance to enter remotely. By the time we figure out where Lloyd is, it'll be too late to stop from draining his golden power." Cyrus explained.

"And escaping the Digiverse?" Nya added, making Cyrus look towards her instead of the screen.

"Exactly. But if we digitize the and Techno Blades using my experimental technology, you could fight him on his own turf inside the Digiverse."

"What do you mean inside the Digiverse?" Jay asked, smiling.

"Ugh, weren't you listening? He's going to put us into the video game." Cole scoffed.

"I know, heh, I just wanted to hear it again!" The blue ninja exclaimed, excited.

"But Mr. Borg, if anything were to happen to them inside the program-" Pixal got cut off by Borg.

"Ofcourse. Every step into the unknown has its dangers." He chuckled sheepish.

"What dangers?" Y/n asked.

"What is she talking about?" Kai asked at the same time.

"You know how in video games you get multiple lives?" Borg asked, making Jay gasp.

"Yeah!" The blue ninja jumped on one of the seats, looking at the big screen, which was still black at the moment..

"It's not like that." Cyros pushed some buttons, making the screen lit up, "Presto! We're up and running!"

The elevator dinged and the postman arrived with some other citizens, "Aha! You see? Borg is holding out on us. He does have power."

"Oh, this is no time for more post-apocalyptic role playing, Postman." Borg sighed.

"This isn't a game anymore. We heard about the activity. What if they come back? We need power to defend ourselves." He growled angrily, "And I wanna catch up on my shows." He added, turning to the screen.

"Would you like to play a game?" The computer said, making the citizens gasp.

"They are playing a game. Take back the power!"

"No, stop!" Cyrus tried to stop the citizen from breaking the computer.

"We're trying to help you!" Kai exclaimed, making the citizens stop attacking. They look around and see a golden sparkle surround them.

"Where's all the power coming from?" Nya asked, confused.

"Golden Power." Y/n gasped.

"It's already begun. The Overlord has started the transference." Borg added.

Outside, the mechs and nindroids are emerging by the golden power, making Cyrus stress.

"Quick, P.I.X.A.L., we must isolate our server. If he finds out out plan to use the Techno Weapons remotely, the Ninja won't stand a chance."

"Isolating server." Pixal replied, turning to another screen, "Sir, we have an abnormal mass of power signatures."

"Aah! They're already here. Initiate lockdown." Borg activates a barricade around the tower, slowing the nindroids down.

"Be seated, Ninja. There isn't much time." Cyrus instructed. The ninja run towards the seats and sit down.

Nya turns to the citizens, "Do something useful and make sure those Nindroids don't get up here. If you ever wanna see your favorite shows again, you better get downstairs now!"

"Once we're inside, what do we do?" Zane asked, as Pixal makes them ready.

"Put simply, reboot the system. All source code travels through the heart of the mainframe. Follow it and you'll find a glowing activation port. The Techno Blades are the keys to activate the reboot and erase all corruption from the system."

"Uh, can you put it more simply?" Kai asked, smiling sheepish.

"Look for a big bright light, Airhead, then put your weapon in it." Cole retorted.

"Okay, got it. I can do that." The red ninja nodded, "Hey! I'm not an airhead!"

"Remember, I wrote the code, but he controls it. His turf, his rules. I'll do my best to keep you hidden from here, but the longer you go unnoticed, the better chance you have to succeed." 

"Be careful in there." Pixal told Zane, when she finished.

"I will come back to you." Zane replied, smiling.

"Prepare for entry." Cyrus announced.

"How do we know this is really gonna work and won't disintegrate us instantly?" The fire ninja asked nervously. 

"Hm. I'm not sure. Let's see." Borg answered and pushed a button, sending them to the digiverse.

They all wake up, groaning and complaining.

"Argh, see? I told you it wouldn't work." Kai growled, looking around.

"I think it did. Look." Cole said, jumping out his seat.

"This is most definitely the digiverse." Zane gasped, jumping out his seat as well.

"And this is most definitely awesome!" Jay exclaimed, running around.

"This looks amazing..." Y/n said, amazed.

Cole walks to a window, "Oh, it's like a dream." He said. The blue ninja punched him on his shoulder, laughing. "Ow! What was that for?"

"Just testing the rules. First rule: Cole's a crybaby." Jay stated, high-fiving Y/n.

"We know we can still get hurt in the Digiverse. Let's stay on task. We have the keys. Now let's find that activation port." Zane said, taking out his techno blade.

They are standing on a ledge outside of the tower, looking at the ground beneath them.

"Borg was right. The source code appears to be moving toward the same location." Zane informed.

"Then let's follow it." Kai replied, determined.

"Easier said than done." Cole rolled his eyes.

"Aren't you forgetting, we're in a video game, whoohoo!" Jay jumps off the tower and lands on a platform, without any harm. "Haha, second rule: video games rule!" He exclaimed.

"How did you do that?" Kai asked the blue ninja, scared.

"Just imagine it!" He yelled back. Zane and Cole jump off, landing safely.

"Y/n, jump off!" Jay shouted, making Y/n chuckle slightly.

"I'm waiting for Kai!" She turned to the red ninja, "You going, Kai?" Y/n asked, worried.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm going." He took a deep breath. The purple ninja nodded and jumped off. Just like the others, she landed on the ground unharmed.

"Just imagine." Kai looked at the ground, and his head grows bigger, "Huh? What's happening?" He asked, as the boys beneath him are laughing. Y/n facepalms and thinks about needing a new team.

"You gotta clear your mind!" The lighting ninja laughed out, making the red ninja growl.

"Uh, huh, you were the one who called me an airhead!" He yelled angrily back.

"Uh, no, it was me actually!" Cole interrupted, laughing.

"Stop being so self-conscious and jump!"

Kai looks at his friends again. His big head made him lose his balance and fell. He almost fell further than the others, but now his head made him float.

"See? He is such an airhead." Jay chuckled, making the red ninja groan.

"Everything is flowing to the bottom of the building." Cole sighed, looking at all the codes.

"The ashes of the Overlord." Y/n muttered.

"You mean when Lloyd defeated him in the Ultimate Battle?" Her brother asked.

"It must be where the corruption all started." Zane replied.

"We're close. Let's go." Kai took a step, and suddenly he can't move his feet. 

"Argh! Who's imagining this? I can't move my feet." Jay cried out, scared, as they slowly sink into the ground.

"Not me."

"Me neither."

"I did not."

"Well, don't look at me."

Suddenly, two big purple-red eyes appear above them, "You think you can come into my world and get rid of me?" The familiar voice of the Overlord shouted.

Zane tried to reach a crane, "I can't get it. I can't reach it."

"Uh, I have a sinking feeling this is it, guys." Jay said, with no hope left.

"Why do you always think something's the end?" Y/n sighed, as they now are in the ground till their heads.

The ninja disappear in the ground, as the crane Zane tried to reach moves. It reaches for Zane's hand and finds it, lifting the ninja out the ground. They land on the ground again, this time not sinking into it.

"I temporarily altered the corrupted code. Hurry, I can only resist him for so long." Pixal said, and the crane explodes.

"We have to get to that activation port, quick!" Cole exclaimed, pointing at it.

"Ugh, It's all downhill from here!" Jay complained.

"Just because your friend thinks she can change the rules doesn't mean I can't play the same game! This is my world!" The Overlord yelled angrily.

"Ugh, I hate it when people change the rules of a game!" Y/n complained as well, and the Overlord makes the ground rumble violently.

After some more seconds he starts to tilt the world. 

"What's happening?" Cole asked.

"I spoke too soon!" The blue ninja cried out, as the world is now upside down.

Zane saw a car falling towards the panicking ninja, "Look out, Jay!"

"Everybody okay?" Cole asked, as they hang onto a pole.

"More incoming!" Jay panicked, pointing at more falling cars.

"Follow the car into the building, then we-Whoa!" Zane instructed, jumping from pole to pole. They eventually manage to get inside the tower.

"Ugh. Well, that gives us a new perspective." Kai said, while they're standing on -previously it was a roof- the ground.

"Ugh, hey. We're not thinking big enough. Why climb when we could do this?" The blue ninja jumped out the window and summons his thunder raider.

Kai sighed, "That kid plays way too many games."

"Jay's right. Forget this!" Cole jumped out the window and summoned his mech.

"Okay, you can do this, Kai. You can." Kai jumps out as well and summoned his jet, but it disappeared before he was able to use it, "Aah! I can't do it! I can't do it! I can't do it!"

"You or me?" Y/n asked, looking at the nindroid and Kai.

"I will." Zane replied and jumped out. He summoned his jet and catched Kai, "Gotcha."

Y/n jumped out as well and summoned her jet, flying towards the blue ninja.

"Let's get to the top." Cole said, making Jay scoff.

"You mean bottom."

"Ninja, go!"

They start to make their way down. The Overlord's nindroids appear in their own mechs and jets, distracting the ninja.

"The data filters into the ground! The heart of the system must be behind it."

"Then let's be surgical about this." Jay chuckled, firing some rockets and making a hole in the stairs in front of the tower. They land on the ground and their vehicles disappear.

"The reboot activation port! It can't be that easy, can it?" Kai asked, confused.

"I'm not gonna stand around to find out." Cole replied, running towards the reboot point. They each place their own techno blade on the white, glowing thing.

"Let's hack this thing."

The ninja jump off, looking into the distance.

A shining, blue, human-like creature appeared, growling. "Enough! You may have beat my program, but you cannot beat me!"

"He's blocked the reboot signal. We have to complete the circuit." Zane exclaimed, pointing at the top of Borg tower.

"Unh! We have to move him?" Jay cried out, looking at the blue Overlord.

"We can try." Kai said and charged at him, followed by the other boys.

"And you can fail!" The Overlord crackles, taking Jay in one of his tentacles. He used the blue ninja to punch Zane, Cole and Kai away, who landed in front of Y/n.

"You morons!" The Overlord shouted.

"For the first time, I agree with him." Y/n said, earning questioned looks. "What? He's right."

"All your existence, you have been powered by a lie..."

"I got him! I got him!" Jay exclaimed, still being held by the Overlord.

"...that the good guys always win..."

"He's too big!" Kai yelled, scared.

"...Sadly, they don't." The Overlord finished, chuckling.

"We cannot fail." Zane told the others.

"We won't fail." Y/n said through gritted teeth.

"...I have the power now. Technology has made me infinite!"

"You let me go, you overgrown—Whoa! Argh." Jay screamed at the Overlord threw him into Zane.

"The Golden Ninja is mine!"

"You're wrong, Overlord. Good guys may not always win, but they never give up." Zane's gi turned gold, and the nindroid runs at the Overlord, "If we can't move him, go around him."

"What? Zane, you're gold." Kai gasped.

"Exactly. Even in the darkness, we have the choice to reflect the light. Cole, get into the light!" The ice ninja shouted, sending a beam of light towards him. Cole dodged some of the Overlord's tentacles and got in.

"Ugh, you're a genius. Catch the light, Jay." The earth ninja sends the beam of light towards Jay, who was dodging the Overlord's tentacles as well. 

"Sis! Get into position!" The blue ninja yelled, seeing his sister dodge the Overlord's attacks.

"Alright, that's enough." Y/n muttered and used her powers to avoid the attacks. She made a wind sphere, which she used like a shield. Her gi turned gold and Jay sends the beam of light towards her. 

"Kai, run to your position!" Y/n yelled at the fire ninja. He tripped and got lifted by another tentacle.

"I'm too big to fail now." The Overlord laughed. Kai got out of his grip and ran again.

Jay sighed deeply, "Come on, Kai. You can do it. Just believe."

"How can I? This is not my world." He replied, panting.

"Now, too little, too late." 

Kai fell on his knees in defeat, "I won't allow!" The Overlord growled.

"Kai! You can do it!" Y/n yelled desperately.

"I allow myself!" Kai said and his gi turned gold. Y/n sends the light towards him. He navigates the light towards another point, rebooting the system.

"System reboot initiated."

"No, no, no, no!" The Overlord cried out.

The world turns white.

Pixal pushes a button to bring the ninja back. They slowly wake up and Pixal turns to Zane. Nya runs in, hugging Kai, who still had to get out the chair. 

"You all did it." A familiar voice said. Sensei Wu.

"Oh, Sensei, you're back!" Jay exclaimed, running towards him.

"I knew you'd be back." Kai sighed in relief.

"So the system is completely clear?" Zane asked Pixal, who checked it.

"There is no evidence of the Digital Overlord. He is erased." Pixal stated and everyone cheers, except Garmadon.

"But what about Lloyd?"

Pixal turns to the com, "Lloyd, are you there? Do you read me?"

"I'm here. I'm all right." Lloyd replied, making everyone gasp happily.

"Son, where are you?"

"Dad? You're alive! Uh, I'm not alone. I'm in a remote village."

"Stay where you are, we're picking you up."

"Ah, good, 'cause, uh, my Golden Power's, uh, a little spent." Lloyd chuckled sheepish, making everyone laugh.

And another short chapter. Season 4 will have longer chapters, I promise. 

Vote for who you want Y/n to end up with;

Cole: Comment here;

Kai: Comment here;

If you find any mistakes, please tell me and I'll fix them right away.

See you in the next chapter!
