Curseworld, part I

Season 5, episode 9.

Words: 2,2K

The ninja, on the bounty, arrive at Steep Wisdom. "Shouldn't we be going to Stiix? The longer we wait, the worse it'll get." Kai asked Sensei Wu, as the others jumped off the the ship.

"We need to stock up." Wu replied.

"On what? Magical Tea that will make us invincible?" Jay gasps, "Give us special powers? Is it gonna give us four arms?" He exclaimed, annoying the rest of the team.

"Sadly, no magical tea today. I had to sell the rest of the merchandise along with everything else." Sensei said, showing them the empty shop. From the outside, it looked empty from the outside.

"What? You sold your business? But that was for your retirement." Zane spoke, as a familiar face rolled out of the shop.

"Ah! Hello again, Ninja." Cyrus Borg said, smiling.

"While we were away, I had Borg use the money from the tea farm to create us some new toys to balance the scales. They are expensive, you know." Wu shrugged, as Borg looked around.

"It's been so long, I hardly recognize any of you. Lloyd looks older. I see a Water Ninja. A titanium Nindroid. Cole is a...a ghost?" Cyrus gasped, making Cole look down insecure. Y/n puts a hand on his shoulder, trying to cheer him up. "Y/n looks older than her brother. And Jay look shorter. And, and then there's Kai."

"Hey! How can my little sister look older than I am? And what do you mean I look shorter?" Jay exclaimed.

"I'm sorry, Dr. Borg, but cut to the chase. We don't have much time." Kai interrupted.

"Yes, always the impatient one. Come, let me show you." Borg presses a button to bring up their vehicles. "If you want a little muscle with that hustle, I've made Jay a lightning-fast Ghost taker GT. Front spectral intake, rear incorporeal storage."

"Oh, why did the Ghost cross the street? Oh, I don't know, maybe 'cause he saw me coming in that!" Jay exclaimed, jumping in his vehicle and driving around.

"Zane's Ice Mech. Sure it appears to be the same, but I've equipped the underarms with Deepstone particle shooters, allowing you to Freeze the competition."

"Super cool. And I mean quite literally." Zane, too, jumps into the mech.

"Cole, I've made you a Ghost Cycle. Twin carbine blasters, auto-evasive handling. Made entirely of Deepstone, perfectly molded to fit the, uh...bodiless. And I've set all the radio presets to your favorite: soft rock."

Cole climbs on, smiling. "I do love a slow jam." He turns on the radio. "Whoa!"

"And for you, Kai." Borg tosses Kai a red headband.

"A Headband?" Kai muttered, dissapointed.

"A personal embroidered headband. Thirty-two thread count, easy tie capabilities. I apologize. I lost track of the time building the other vehicles." Cyrus muttered something under his breath, "Eh, same goes for you two, Y/n, Lloyd. To be honest, Lloyd, I wasn't entirely sure you'd be making it back."

"Hey, I'm just happy to be here. We'll take any help we can get." Lloyd replied, smiling.

"I hear Morro has opened a bridge between our two realms. It'll take time for the Preeminent to cross." Borg informed, as Kai was looking at his headband. 

"Which is why we need Lloyd to use his powers to destroy the Realm Crystal before that happens. If Ninjago is cursed, the other realms are sure to follow." Wu added.

Y/n took the headband from Kai's hand, placing it loosely on his head. He chuckled as it slides over his eyes. He smiled, looking into her eyes, as she was trying to place the headband on the right place. When it finally stayed in place, Kai took it off and placed it on Y/n's head. She chuckled, and so did the fire ninja.

"Red looks good on you."

She shrugged, "I'm more into purple - as you can see." She motioned to her gi. She removed the headband from her head, handing it back to Kai.

After a small awkward silence, he spoke up again.

"You know, beautiful is my favorite colour." He said, smiling.

"But, that's not a colour..." Y/n replied, frowning.

"It's the colour of your eyes." 

"That's a horrible pick-up line." She muttered, not really knowing what else to say. Nya interrupted their awkward conversation.

"But they'll be expecting us. And Morro still has the Sword of Sanctuary. Even with all these fancy new vehicles, how are we supposed to get close?" Nya asked.

"Yeah, we're supposed to take on an army of Ghosts?" Jay added.

"Maybe I can lure him out. He said he always wanted to be the Green Ninja." Lloyd offered.

"No. He will not leave the Realm Crystal unguarded until his master is freed." Wu replied.

"But even with our powers back, he's seen all of our moves." Cole said.

"Then we'll show him something he hasn't: a Water Ninja." Kai said, pushing Nya to the middle.

"But I've just started my training. I haven't even found my true Potential." She shrugged.

"Nya, when our parents passed, you were there for me. Now, I'm here for you." Kai smiled, proud of his sister.

"He's right. She's our greatest weapon." Cole agreed.

"Our greatest power isn't what we can throw at him. It's what we have right here. A united team." Lloyd stated, as everyone turned to Nya.

"So, what do you think, Nya? Are you ready to lead them into battle?" Wu asked, nodding.

"I'm in. But if they know we're coming straight for them, how about we show them not every path is a straight line?"

"Intrigued. Do you have a plan?" Zane asked.

"I'll explain on the way."

Kai is passing out food to some Ghosts, who were sitting on a table.

"I'm starving. I'm deadly hungry. Give me food. I want burgers. I'm just-so good." The ghosts said, as Kai gave them food.

"Anyone have eyes on the Realm Crystal?" Kai asked, holding his communication device.

"It appears to be inside what used to be Ronin's pawnshop in the center of town. Morro's there, ad it's highly guarded." Zane replied, looking at the pawnshop.

"Do you think we can get Lloyd in there to destroy the Realm Crystal and Nya to destroy the ghosts? I don't know if we'll pull Morro away long enough." Jay said.

"Yeah, well, that's the plan. Everyone in position?" Cole asked.

"Let's do this." Kai nodded to Y/n, who was in the Green Ninja gi. He then turned to the Ghosts. "Tea, anyone?" 

"Yes, please."

Kai pours it on him instead of in the cup. "Uh, oh."

"You fool." They chase him, allowing Y/n to proceed her way to Morro.

She reached Jay, who stood on a crate which was held by a crane. "Hey, move back! Thanks!" The Ghosts watch as a crate is being let down, and Y/n continues.

Y/n continued making her way to the pawnshop, until suddenly two Ghosts walk around the corner.

Zane "accidentally" drops a bucket of water, almost splashing two Ghosts. "Oh!"

"Watch it!"

"Sorry. It slipped." 

Then, Y/n almost ran into a group of Ghosts who were dancing to music. Cole nodded at her and slips into a phonograph and makes it play music faster. 

The Dragon who guarded the city roared, signalling it spotted "Lloyd." Y/n decided to run faster, until she got stopped by Soul Archer, pointing his bow at her.

"Look what we have here." He grinned. Morro and two other Ghosts surrounded her.

"The Green Ninja. So rude. Hasn't anyone told you it's not polite to be late to the party?" Morro asked, chuckling.

"Now that we've got him, what do you want us to do with him?" Bansha asked, pushing 'Lloyd' to 'his' knees.

"Surely it's not just you. I know your Ninja are never far. Come out, come out, wherever you are. I have your beloved Green Ninja. You think you can come into my home and steal the Crystal I rightfully earned? You think I'll just hand it to you, just like the green gi was handed to you? Tell me. Tell all of us that I'm better than you, and I'll let you go." Morro laughed, but got no reply. "What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?"

Morro takes off the hood, revealing Y/n, smirking.

"Y-Y/n?" He stuttered, shocked.

"What? Cat got your tongue?" Nya mocked, after running around the corner.

Nya took care of the Ghosts around her, eventually making a big water sphere and firing it at Morro. The ghost stopped it by using his powers, making Nya drop the water. He then flew up, trying to use wind and blowing Nya away. But Y/n stood inbetween them and stopped the gust of wind Morro fired.

Morro then made a wind vortex, blocking every attack Nya shot at him. The two guard Dragons suddenly were there, but Zane came by and froze them. 

In the distance, a explosing took place, earning Morro's attention. "The Ninja are winning. Get out there and stop them." He demanded, as Nya was killing the ghosts and Y/n blowing them away.

"He's too strong. I can't keep this going." Nya grunted, making another ghost disappear.

"You two have to, Nya. You can do it." Kai ziplined with his headband to escape Soul Archer's arrow. "Ha! Thirty-two thread count." He cheered, until he got surrounded by more ghosts.

Y/n ran to him, getting rid of some ghost. "Nya! Water please!" She yelled, and Nya threw some water towards them. Y/n did, just like Morro, keep the water in the air, before dropping it and getting rid of the ghosts around her and Kai.

"Is that all? Is that all you've got?" Morro asked Nya, after pinning her to the ground. He was about to slash his sword at her, but Lloyd interrupted, using his powers.

"Hey! Looks like this is just between us." Lloyd taunted.

"The green gi belongs to me now." Morro laughed, holding the hood of the green gi up, "You think I'm gonna make this easy? Let's see how good you are." The two commence the battle.

"I'm stronger, Lloyd. I always have been. And I've been inside your head. I know what you're afraid of. You could never do it alone, could you? Weak. You need others, but I, I need no one." Morro lifted the pawnshop of Ronin into the sky, with all the debris floating around.

"What are you waiting for, Lloyd? An invitation? If you want the Real Crystal, earn it."

"No, I'm waiting for Y/n. And hey, I did learn a thing or two with you in my head." Lloyd does Airjitzu to get closer to Morro, but the ghost uses his powers to push him off. "Whoa!"


"Watch your step. The fall can be a doozy." Morro pushws a platform Lloyd's going to land on, making Lloyd fall. "What's wrong, too hard for ya? This is the end of the line, Lloyd. I'll miss you." He taunted.

Y/n did Airjitzu and made her way on top of the building Morro was on. She used her powers and slowly pushed the debris back to the ground. Lloyd fell through the door, exactly where the Realm Crystal is.

He took the Realm Crystal in his hands, as Morro stood behind him.

"Ha! Y/n is stronger than you are, Morro!" Nya shouted, but was almost inaudible.

"Stop! Please, don't." Morro said with a weak voice, stopping the real green ninja from destroying the Realm Crystal.

"This isn't your world anymore, Morro. You had your chance. The Realm Crystal must be destroyed. The First Spinjitzu Master never wanted us to have it."

"But-but if you destroy it, you destroy any chance of ever saving your Father." Morro told Lloyd, as the others finally managed to find a window.

"There he is."

"Lloyd, get out of there."

"Yes. Yes, I've seen him. He waits for you..." Morro slowly said.

"Windows are blocked." Kai grunted, trying to open the window.

"...locked up in the Cursed Realm. Destroy the Crystal and, and the gateway will be wiped out." Morro continued.

"Use your Spinjitzu!"

"Get out there, Lloyd!"

"You'll never get a chance to see your beloved daddy again." Morro smirked, knowing he hitted a soft spot.

"Lloyd, get out!"

"''ve seen him?" Lloyd stuttered.


"No. He'd do everything to save Ninjago, and you would do everything to destroy it. The Realm Crystal must be destroy—" Lloyd stopped talking when the Preeminent restrains him.


"What is that? It's taken him. No!"

"Oh, no."

"The gateway is complete." Morro smiled.


"My master has arrived." Morro walked away, leaving Lloyd to the Preeminent.


Lloyd tried to get free, "No! It must be destroyed." The Preeminent grabs the Crystal, making everyone scream. "No!"

"What now?"

"This isn't good."

Morro laughs, "You have it wrong. Ninjago must be destroyed. Say hello to your father for me."

"If you destroy Ninjago, you'll destroy Y/n too." Lloyd said, before the Preeminent pulls him into the Cursed Realm.

Morro looked at the ground, thinking about Lloyd just said. Oh no, Lloyd knows everything. Everything that happened inside and outside my head. He knows it.

"No!" The others screamed, trying to get in.

This is short, but now I'll be able to update twice today.

Y/n is Morro's soft spot. (:

Vote for who you want Y/n to end up with:

Cole: Comment here;

Kai: Comment here;

Morro: Comment here;

See you in the next chapter!
