Rise of the snakes

This doesn't include the pilot episodes.

Season 1, Episode 1.

Word count: 4K.

Warning: Maybe some language.

"Fire strike!" Kai shouted as the ninja's are playing a video game. Well, actually it only is the boys playing since Y/n is laying on the ground eating pizza.

"Oh my gosh, Is that the greatest move you've ever seen?"

"Stop trying to do it yourself!" Cole said to who knows who. "We need to attack as a team!"

"Zane, why are you wasting your special attack on me?" Jay whined. "You have to save it!" Y/n chuckled and shook her head, watching the four boys intensely playing the video game.

"Fantastic! I am out of lives." Jay said sarcastically. "But the lesson lives on," Zane continued, "and I am getting the hang of it."

"Okay, now!" Cole shouted, but the screen turned black.

"What happened?" Jay asked. Then the boys see Sensei Wu standing with the plug in his hand. "Aww, man!" Kai whined just like the other three.

"It took us three hours to get there!" Cole added. "Why would you do that? Why?" Jay shouted. 

"Just because Lord Garmadon through a vortex doesn't mean he won't return one day for the golden weapons of Spinjitzu." Sensei Wu said sternly.

"But Sensei Wu, ever since he's been gone, Ninjago has nothing but peace," The white ninja said. "Yeah, peace is boring. There's no one to save. There's nothing to do." Jay added, hoping they could continue playing the game.

"We can train tomorrow," Cole told sensei, laying down.

"Never put off until tomorrow what can be done today," Sensei Wu said.

"I gotta remember that..." Y/n mutters.

"Well, I was gonna eat this pizza tomorrow, so if that's the case..." Cole said, bringing the pizza to his mouth. Only to be pushed away by Wu. Y/n let out a small laugh as Sensei Wu continues "No pizza for you." He then walks over to the laughing girl, who is also eating pizza.

"Neither for you Y/n." He takes her pizza and throws it away. "Hey! I was gonna eat that!" She whined. Now Cole is the one who's laughing, along with Jay and Kai, while  Zane doesn't understand what's funny about it. Wu walks back to the center of his ninja. "In order to reach your full potential, you must train!" He points to nowhere.

"Uh, remember when we did a little thing called the Tornado of Creation?" kai asked Wu, "I thought that was pretty insane."

Sensei Wu sighs, "You four boys have merely scratched the surface to your true potential. There are still so many secrets you have yet to unlock. You haven't even begun to tap into what powers your golden weapons hold."

"You wanna talk about secret powers?" Cole asked, "Check this out." He uses his golden scythe to put the plug back in its original position as everyone laughs. Y/n just rolls her eyes.

"Don't worry master," Zane smiles, "We will be ready when Lord Garmadon returns."

"Guys!" Nya came running into the room, "Lord Garmadon, he's returned! He was spotted approaching a Jamanakai Village." The boys all gasp and stand up too quick, tripping over each other. They stood up again and took their stuff.

Y/n takes out her normal sword. Yes, Y/n doesn't have a golden weapon. Sometimes it sucks because the boys do and they could do nice things with them if they ever needed to. Sensei Wu once told her their weapons can turn into vehicles.

She puts on her hood and starts to run towards the dragons, followed by the others. She jumps on whisp and saw Jay failing on getting on his dragon. The others fail miserably by jumping on their dragon as well. Wu looks at his ninja and shakes his head.

"Uh, can I help?" Nya asked Kai. "Sorry sis, where we go, danger abounds. This is the job for the ninja." Kai said proudly. "Uh...Uh, a little help? heh.." He asked Nya since he can't reach the reins of his dragon.

"No training needed, huh Kai?" Y/n asked and shakes her head. Luckily for Kai, Nya helps him. A second later they fly out, towards the village. 

"Will they ever reach their full potential?" Nya asks Sensei Wu. "In time. Maybe long time, but in time."

Everyone is flying and Cole starts to talk to his dragon, "Just like old times, eh, Rocky?"

"You guys believe what sensei said about unlocking our full potential?" Kai asks the rest of the group. 

"He may be onto something since we got those golden weapons, it's not like we've ever had to use them." The blue ninja said, taking out his nunchucks and swaying them around. "I wonder what they do." He added.

"I, for one, look forward to the future. If there's more for us to accomplish, let it be." Zane said flying next to Jay and Y/n.

"Don't know about you, but is anyone else a little excited about battling Lord Garmadon?" Cole asked while he start to fly next to the rest of the group. "I've been looking forward to try out some new Spinjitzu moves. Could be the perfect opportunity."

"You guys haven't read anything about those golden weapons?" Y/n asked, turning to the boys. They all just shrug making the girl shake her head disappointingly.

Spotting the village, Jay proposed an idea. "Alright, race you there?" he asked the others and they nod, grinning. Then they all start to fly faster, trying to be there first.

After some flying Kai starts to murmur to himself, "Jamanakai Village. First ninja there wins!" He said the last part to the rest of the ninja and they all start to fly faster. They land and start to exclaim. "Ha! I was first." Kai yelled.

"No, No one was faster than us!" Jay exclaimed.

"My feet were down before yours," Cole said to Zane. "You're all disillusioned. It was clearly me." Zane states.

"Hmph, sure," Jay grumbles. They all suddenly hear villagers screaming and turn their heads toward the village. The villagers all ran into their houses, while a big shadow hovers over the village.

The ninja walk in with their weapons tight, ready to attack "Lord garmadon." As the emergency says.

Everyone heard a loud laugh as Kai whispered, "Stay sharp, fellas. Whatever happens, never let your guard down."

The laugh is getting less loud as a little boy comes around the corner. "It is I, Lloyd Garmadon!" Lloyd said as he walks slowly. "I demand all the candy in this town, or else!"

"Lloyd Garmadon?" Y/n asked the rest. "I thought we were gonna face Lord Garmadon." Jay whines. "It's his son," Y/n said to her brother and hits him softly. Jay let out a small "Ow.." The rest of the ninja sigh.

"Looks like he escaped his boarding school for bad boys, again." Cole said, "And to think we could have been doing Spinjitzu already." He finished and walks toward Lloyd.

"Uh, give me your candy, or else I'll release the serpentine on you!" Lloyd screams, trying to scare the villagers. They respond by jeering at the little boy.

The ninja walk over to him, while Y/n stayed behind. Lloyd opens a jar and fake snakes are fired out of it, toward the villagers. He tried to scare them.

"How cute, nothing like his father." She mutters to no one in general. She walks towards him as well. People start throwing stuff towards him, mostly vegetables.

"No, wait! I asked for candy, not vegetables! I hate vegetables!" Lloyd grunts and tries to dodge the stuff that people throw at him but fails.

"He's gonna have to do a lot better than an old bedtime story to scare people," Kai said and Y/n chuckles softly.

Since Lloyd is a lot more adorable than he tries to be, he probably tries to be evil like his dad.

"The serpentine are real, Kai. They are not something to joke about." Zane told him sternly.

"Serpentine? Real? We're talking about the ancient race of snake people who once ruled Ninjago, and were supposedly locked underground?" Kai asked, not believing it.

"Uh, sealed in five different thombs to separate the warring tribes, and ensure they don't unify to exact their revenge upon those who put them there." Jay starts to panic slightly.

"It was a old wives' tale," Kai starts, "to teach kids not to poke our noses where they don't belong. Don't you think it's a little suspicious no one's ever found one of their tombs?"

"That's because you'd be a fool to look for one," Cole said as they all walked toward Lloyd.

"If there's anything I hated more than dragons, it was snakes, rubber or not," Cole said as Y/n turns to the people

"Don't worry, we'll take care of the kid." She said as Cole picks up Lloyd. "Nothing to see here." He ensures the rest.

"Bow down after me or suffer my wrath!" Lloyd said as the boys are now carrying him, away from the villagers. "I'll give you to count off three!"

"He's adorable," Y/n says to Jay, and they both chuckle. "One, two.."

"What are we supposed to do? Spank him?" Kai asked.

"Kai, that's a bit too much." Y/n rolled her eyes.

"Two and a half!" Lloyd continues.

The boys hang him on a sign and he yells. "You've just made me your nemesis!" He points to the ninja. "Mark my words! You'll pay for this!" The others laugh, as well do the villagers.

Just trying to be like his father, but being way too cute for this. Zane buys some candy and hands it over to everyone on his team. "Next time," Cole told Lloyd, "Try to pay for your candy."

"Crime doesn't pay, mustache." Kai said, "You can take that to the bank."

"Mm, cotton candy," Jay said mockingly, trying to make Lloyd jealous. Lloyd grunts loudly and tries to get off the sign, but sighs in defeat as it doesn't work.

The ninja gets back to their dragons and as Kai gets on top of his dragon, a scroll falls out of his bag.

"Huh, don't remember putting this here," Kai said confused. "That's sensei's bag." Zane pointed to the bag. "You must have accidentally took it in the rush." "What is it?" Jay asked.

"It's a scroll, windbag."

"Are you talking about me?" Y/n asked Kai, as she walked toward them.

"No," Kai sighs, "I was talking to Jay."

"I know it's a scroll. But what does it say? It's written in chicken scratch."

"Not chicken scratch," Zane said. "The ancient language of our ancestors."

"Uh, can you read it?" Kai asked Zane while Y/n was standing behind them.

"Well, I can try."

"This symbol means prophecy." He pointed at a random symbol.

"Prophecy?" Jay asked.

"It means it tells the future," Y/n tells her brother fast before someone else could say mean. She glares at Kai, who was ready to say something.

"'Course." He let out a forced laugh, "I knew that."

"Eh, you didn't." Y/n smiles and puts her hand on his shoulder.

"One ninja will rise above the other and become the green ninja, the ninja destined to defeat the dark lord."

"Is that Y/n?" Kai asked as he heard "Green ninja."

"No it is not Y/n, the green ninja has the power over the four main elements, fire, lightning, ice, and earth. Nothing to do with her wind-"

"Oh, look, a picture!" Jay said cutting Zane off.

"Dark lord? Hold on. You think they mean Lord Garmadon? Wait a minute. Is that us?" Kai said as they look at the pictures, "Where am I in these pictures? And who is that?" Y/n asked and pointed at a purple figure.

"Is anyone else thinking what I'm thinking?" Kai ignored her.

"Like how good I am gonna look in green?" Jay exclaimed.

"Ha! Isn't it obvious I'm gonna be the green ninja?" Kai fired.

"The color obviously suits me." Jay fired back.

"No it doesn't, you're blue," Y/n tells the lighting ninja.

"Technically, I am the best." Zane joined their conversation.

"Everyone, stop it!" Cole jumped in.

"Aww, cole, it was just getting funny," Y/n whined.

"Remember why sensei brought us together in the first place: we're a team." Cole said, ignoring her comment, "We weren't supposed to see this, and probably for a good reason."

"Come on, let's head back home." She said walking back to the lightning dragon.

"Yeah," Cole agreed, "We have training to do." A second later they all walk back to their dragons.

"It's about time I added some finesse to my routine," Jay said, jumping on Whisp.

"Well, I could use some exercise," Zane says, also on his dragon by now.

"Yeah. I've gotta work on some new moves." Cole said as his dragon, Zane's, and Jay's flew away.

"Could I be the green ninja?" Kai asked himself before flying away.

Back at the monastery, the elemental masters walk towards the entree of the monastery itself, because they first had to return the dragons. Jay starts talking once again.

"So then we all agree. The prophecy states that one of us will become the Green Ninja, and the issue will not rest until it is decided."

"May I suggest a tournament? Last ninja standing is the best."

Y/n sighed because they all want to be the green ninja, she, on the other hand, doesn't care.

"And will be declared the green ninja." Kai finished. "I love it!"

Jay opens the door of the monastery and see Nya training.

Suddenly she got hit by something, right in the face. Jay walks up to her.

"Hey, Nya, closer to beating your brother's speed record?" Jay asks with his mask halfway off.

"I'm getting there." She responds and Y/n walks to her as well.

"Heard what happened in town. Just a false alarm?"

"Yeah, Garmadons kid was there, Lloyd Garmadon, not Lord Garmadon," Y/n said, pulling Nya back to her feet.

"Uh, but we're gonna need the space. Sorry, sis." Kai tells Nya. Y/n knows exactly what they want to do.

Cole makes his way over to a cabinet and takes armor out of it. He throws a helmet at Jay, accidentally hitting him on the back of the head.

"Two matches. Then the winners of each face off for the title. Armors for our own protection. It's time to see what these babies can do." Cole said referring to the golden weapons.

"Hey Nya, wanna stay and watch me mop the floor with them?" Kai asked his sister.

"Yeah, Y/n, wanna see me beat them?" Jay asked his sister. She just shakes her head laughing.

"No, thanks." Y/n and Nya said at the same time, Nya continues, "I think I'll just visit Jamanakai Village. Knock yourselves out. Y/n, wanna come along?"

"Sure." She gives Nya a reassuring smile and she returned one. The ninja watches them slowly leaving.

The girls are walking through the village and stop at a stall, to buy some food, Nya wanted to say something but they suddenly hear people screaming and see them running into their houses. "What now?" Nya asked.

Both the girls look around confused, as they at first don't see what's happening. "Take the candy!" Lloyd screamed, walking out of a house with a barrel full of candy. "Take it all!"

Both of them are shocked to see that the Hypnobrai are with Lloyd as Slithraa hypnotizes the whole village.

"They're... Real?" Y/n stuttered and she starts to hide, with Nya following right behind.

"This makes no sense, General. Raiding an entire town... for sweets?" A snake asked.

"You will do as I command because I hold the staff!" Another snake said, probably one of the leaders.

Lloyd walked around with his barrel full of candy, "I'm never coming down from this sugar high." He evil laughs but stops, because, the ninja except for Y/n land in front of him. Y/n sighed in relief.

"Sorry to bust your buzz, little Garmadon," Cole said.

"But it's already past your bedtime!" Jay finished.

"Get them!" Lloyd exclaimed toward his snakes. One of them began to rattle his tail, "Seize them!" He shouted, pointing towards the boys.

"The serpentine? They're real?" Kai asked in disbelief.

The villagers start to walk slowly toward Y/n's friends.

"It's not just them we have to worry about. The whole village has been hypnotized!" Cole almost screamed.

Jay started to use his weapon but Zane stopped him, "No. Our weapons are too unstable, We could do more harm than good!"

"I guess that leaves us with RUN!" Jay shouted as they all jump away. The boys jump from house to house, trying to hide. Y/n and Nya jump in front of them, suddenly.

"Huh, Nya? Y/n?" Kai gasped.

"You're both okay!"

"Barely," Nya told the boys as Y/n continues, "They've hypnotized everyone in town."

"Mind control.." Jay turned to Kai, "How is this possible?"

"When you hear them rattle their tails, don't look 'em in the eyes. That's how they get you."

"Well, what are we supposed to do? We can't use our weapons, and now we gotta fight with our eyes closed? Ha, perfect." Jay crossed his arms.

"The snake with the staff is the General. He's the one in charge. If we can get the staff from him, it holds the antivenin. If we get that, we can save everyone." Y/n said to them as she puts her hand on Jay's shoulder, leaning onto him.

"Look, guys. Forget about the whole Green Ninja thing. Let's make Sensei proud. The five of us. We're a team." Kai insured them.

"Now you're talking." The earth ninja said.

Jay gave Y/n a side hug and she looks confused at him but he shrugs, "Oh, and Nya, you can be our honorary member."

"Gee, thanks," Nya said sarcastic, and crossed her arms.

The ninja put on their masks and Y/n uses spinjitzu to change into her ninja gi, a second later all running on the rooftops. You can hear the snakes hissing.

Kai jumped off the roof with his back to some snakes, he turns around, "You wanna play? How about a little Spinjitzu? Ninja, go!"

He did spinjitzu and tries to knock out some snakes, but ends up with his face against the wall, and a second later he falls to the ground.

"Okay, we're really out of shape," Jay said as he watched Kai.

"Correction, you guys are out of shape.." Y/n pointed at Kai.

Kai stands up again and knocked down the snakes who tried to sneak up behind him.

"Ha! Consider this a warning, ninja!" Lloyd said as he laughed evilly.

Zane threw his shurikens in front of the barrel Lloyd is carrying and the floor turns into ice which causes the candy to fall to the ground. Lloyd fell and Zane did spinjitzu, coming closer to Lloyd. "Aah! My candy!"

"Sensei was right, Never put off until tomorrow what can be done today. We should've dealt with you the first time around."

"Never put off until tomorrow what can be done today, tell that to my pizza." Y/n grunts at him as she walks closer to Lloyd and Zane, with crossed arms. "Aah! Retreat!" Lloyd said and his snake general repeated, "Retreat!"

Suddenly, Cole jumped, kicking the staff out of the generals' hands. It fell on the snow.

"Go ahead, give me a reason." He said as the general slithered away. Cole picked up the staff, as another snake starts to rattle his tail, "Look into my eyes. I control you."

"You control.." Cole started but got cut off by you.

"Cole!" You ran towards him as Nya kicked the snake in the face. "You have the antivenin!"

"By golly, you're right!"

"Quick, the fountain," Nya told him and he ran towards it. "Good idea!"

He puts the staff in the fountain and a smoke-like substance comes out of it. The villagers are out of their hypnosis.

Kai walked up to Sensei Wu, who was suddenly here, with the staff in his hands, "We're sorry sensei, If we dealt with Lloyd before he became a problem, none of this would've been necessary."

"Even lessons learned the hard way, are lessons learned. Hmm...a great evil has been released. I fear troubling times will come. This is only the beginning."

"Then we will train, and be ready for the serpentine," Zane told him.

"It may not be Lord Garmadon, but that doesn't mean we won't bring our A-game," Cole spoke.

"Help us train, help us realize our potential." Kai put his hand on Sensei's shoulder.

"Yeah. Teach us the secrets behind the weapons of Spinjitzu." Jay said taking Y/n's hand.

Sensei Wu looked to the ground, "Hm. There's much to teach. We must return to the monastery." He said as everyone walked towards their dragons.

Nya sighs, "When am I gonna get my own dragon?" She asked Wu.

"Soon, Nya, soon." Sensei Wu told her, giving her a reassuring smile.

See you in the next chapter!
