
Season 7, episode 4.

Words: 2,8K

Kai, Cole, Jay and Y/n, well Y/n not really, are training outside the Temple of Airjitzu. Kai is, literally, destroying the sparring bots, and Jay and Cole are training together. Y/n is waiting for news about Master Wu, which Lloyd would go to.

"Zane is down. Folks disappearing all over town, and we can't do a thing to help! If we just knew why Acronix and Krux are taking people." Cole said, punching the mittens Jay was wearing.

"You know, my theory-" Jay got cut off by the earth ninja.

"For the last time, they are not hostages."

"How can you be sure?" Jay asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No ransom note."

"Maybe they're gonna hypnotize them into being an army?" Jay questioned.

"Krux and Acronix already have an army. Of Samurai snakes." Cole replied, grunting as he punched the boxing gloves of Jay.

"Well, you know my other theories-"

"Do not say alien abductions again, or dimensional rifts, or elfin magic portals!" Cole grunted again, and hee uses his earth pucnh, hurling Jay in the air. The Master of Earth quickly ran to Jay, concerned.

"Sorry. It's just...I'm tired of speculating. We need to take action!" He retorted, then turned to Y/n. "Right, Y/n?" 

She just shrugged in reply, pointing at the fire ninja. Cole noticed what she meant and turned to him.

"Kai? You okay? You haven't been the same since you squared off against Krux. Did...did he do something?" Cole questioned, and Kai paused his fight against the sparring bots.

"More like said something." The Master of Fire muttered, "No, Nothing. I'm fine." He said to Cole, slightly smiling.

"Good, 'cause I was just saying it's time to stop guessing and to start fighting!" Cole replied, and Y/n walked up to them

"So you're saying we capture one of those snake guys and bring them back here for Wu to question?" Kai asked, grinning.

"I just want to fight somebody. But okay, we could do that too." Cole replied, shrugging.

Lloyd walked out of the Temple, "That plan won't work."

"Why not?" Y/n asked.

"Because Master Wu still hasn't recovered from his battle with Acronix. He rambles. He passes out. I think he's a lot more hurt than he lets on." The Green Ninja answered, and reached the four.

"Oh, great! All this and now we have no leader, either?" Kai exclaimed.

Lloyd awkwardly looked at the ground, "Uh, that's not exactly true. Ahem! With Wu out of commission, the, um...logical successor would be, uh..."

"The Green Ninja." Cole finished.

"Correct." Lloyd awkwardly replied.

"Uh, Master Lloyd?" Y/n asked, tilting her head and chuckling.

""Temporary Master Lloyd," you mean." Kai corrected.

"" Training."" Jay added.

"Okay, Temporary Master Lloyd in Training, we mere Ninja await your words of wisdom. Which I assume involve kicking some butt till we get a few answers. Right?" Cole high-fives Jay, before he, Jay and Kai cheer and run past Lloyd. 

"Wrong. Too random. We need a plan." Lloyd stopped the three, who groaned.

"We have one. Go kick some butt." Kai replied, smiling.

"Really? Who's butt? Where?" The Green Ninja asked.

"We'll work it out down there." The Fire Ninja shrugged it off.

"No. We'll work it out here first. That's what Wu would do. Come on!" Lloyd walked back into the Temple, and the others stayed behind.

"Oh, yay, I just love sitting around and talking instead of doing." Kai whined, slowly making his way on the stairs.

"Cut him some slack, guys. He's doing the best he can." Y/n replied, walking after Lloyd.

Lloyd tries to explain his plan, but was Jay kept interrupting him with his drink. Kai, Cole and even Y/n are bored by his talk and were not listening anymore. Y/n was trying to, but it got harder each minute.

"So I think we can safely rule out-" Jay slurps his drink but stops when Lloyd turns around, suspiciously, Lloyd continued. "These places as hiding spots for the missing people." Jay does it again, "These are too small. These are to public. And these are too obvious." Jay slurps his drink again.

"Or are they so obvious that they're actually the perfect hiding spot?" The blue ninja asked.

"Hm. Interesting." Lloyd replied, turning to his map again. Jay slurps his drink, annoying his sister.

"What are you doing?" She whisper-yelled.

"I'm bored. So I'm messing with him." The Master of Slurp replied, slurping again.

"But now Lloyd's starting over! He's gonna take even longer." Kai complained and Jay sighs. 

Lucky enough for the four, Ronin walked in with Dareth behind him.

"Sorry to interrupt what looks to be the most boring party game ever, but the City's under attack down there." Ronin said, interrupting Lloyd.

"Yes!" The four bored Ninja exclaimed.

"Oh, I mean, that's horrible." Jay corrected himself.

"Terrible." Kai added.

"The worst." Cole said.

"What a pity." Y/n added.

"There's a bunch of Samurai and snakes stealing every piece of metal they can find." Ronin explained.

"They took my trophies. My trophies!" Dareth screamed.

"Any sign of Krux or Acronix?" Cole asked.

"Who?" Ronin questioned.

"Doesn't matter. Let's go!" Cole exclaimed, running towards the door.

"W-wait. This doesn't make sense. Why are they after metal?" Lloyd asked them.

"We can ask as we pummel them." Jay pumped his fists in the air.

"No. It might be a diversion to draw us away from the Temple so they can finish off Master Wu." Lloyd tried to back himself up.

"We can't just ignore the damage they're doing." Cole said, shrugging.

"Nor that they have my trophies." Dareth yelled.

"I'm not leaving Master Wu unprotected again." The Green Ninja replied.

"But we're going." Kai told Lloyd, as Cole and Jay are already out the room.

"I'm ordering you to stay." Lloyd ordered.

"And we're ignoring that order." Kai stubornly replied, walking out the door as well.

"Sorry, Lloyd." Y/n apologised, "You're getting there, by the way." She added, following the others.

"Getting where?" Lloyd asked, and Y/n's head popped up behind the doorframe.

"Getting closer to becoming a leader. It's just different from what we're used to. Everyone's a different kind of leader, and you just have to find which way you'll lead them. Well, I got to go." She ran after the others now, being a bit late.

"So..." Ronin muttered.

Lloyd sighed sadly, "Just go." He dismissed Ronin and Dareth, who cheered as they ran out.

"Nya will have my back." He tries to call her, but Nya doesn't pick up.

Vermillion Warriors are trying to get the metal out of the metal scaffolding, as the Ninja arrive. 

"Last one up is a rotten Ninja." Jay yelled, as the four are starting to make their way up the scaffolding. Cole, Jay and Y/n immediately encountered a Vermillion, they reacted by kicking or punching them to the ground.

"Clear off as many snakes as you can!" Kai exclaimed, pushing a snake down.

"Wow! Total snake invasion!" Dareth shouted, excited.

Kai got surrounded, but grabbed a bucket and swung himself around, before kicking the Vermillions.

"Why am I so good? It's a curse, really." He said to himself, but as the Vermillion snakes fell, they regenerated in a bigger Samurai. "Oh, great." 

The Samurai hung onto some metal poles, eventually his weight took advantage and made Kai fall. But, lucky enough for him, Nya catches him. 

"Nya, what are you doing here?" The Master of Fire asked, as Nya pulled him up.

"I came to warn you about the metal-stealing snakes, but it looks like you already know." She replied.

"How's Zane?" Kai then asked.

"He's, uh..." Nya glanced at the Nindroid.

"Avocados are not vegetables! Fifty three, eleven!" He exclaimed, sitting in the backseat of their car.

"Uh, we're still working out some kinks." Nya slightly smiled, as  the Vermillion regenerated into a larger snake, again.

Nya pushed Kai out of the way before kicking the Vermillion to the ground. But when it reached the ground, it regenerated with even more snakes, making itself even bigger.

"Maybe we shouldn't give them a chance to regenerate." Y/n muttered, before ducking for a Vermillion's sword. She then kicked it to the ground, giving Ronin and Dareth another snake to fight off.

"Nya, where you going?" Kai asked his sister, who was almost at the top of the scaffholding.

"Come on!" She replied, reaching the top.

"Y/n, Jay, Cole, let's go!" Kai yelled to the others, and they climb to the top as well.

They back away from the edge of the building, "So, does anyone have a plan?" Jay asked, turning to the others.

"Welcome to Ninjago!" Nya exclaimed, sitting in a crane. She used the crane to move some metal bars. Almost hitting Jay, Kai, Cole and Y/n in the progress. She then swung them at the Vermillions, knocking them off the building before dropping the bars.

The ninja, except Lloyd, made their way to the power plant of Ninjago. After the Vermillions took away the power, it's been dark.

(Is that even the right word? "Power Plant?")

When they finally reached the Centrale, Lloyd walked up to them.

"What took you so long?" He asked, smirking.

"We were—Hey, how'd you know those whatever-they-ares would be coming here?" Jay asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

"When all the power went out, I assumed they must be at the source." Lloyd answered.

"You figured that out yourself? Nice. We had to follow them." Kai said, putting a hand on the Green Ninja's shoulder.

"I should have been following them with you guys from the beginning. I'm sorry." Lloyd apologised.

"Yeah, yeah, so are we. So what's the plan, Temporary Master Lloyd?" Jay asked.

"In training." Kai added.

"Hehe. We go in there and kick some snake butt. Or whatever passes for a snake's butt. Like it?" The Green Ninja smiled.

"I love it!" Jay exclaimed.

"Yeah. That's a great plan." Cole agreed.

"So you're gonna be the I-actually-have-no-plan-so-just-kick-some-butt kind of leader?" Y/n asked, smiling.

"Yep, and I already like it."

"The treadmill was invented in 1818." Zane said, earning confused looks. They shrugged it off and walked inside.

"All right, snakes, time to—where are they? The place looks empty." Jay complained.

"Zane, you detecting any snakes?" Lloyd turned to the Nindroid.

Zane scanned the room, "Cranberries. Corkscrew. Squab." He told the others.

"Multiple contacts. Six meters in." Nya repeated, getting odd looks, "Uh, after a while, you start to pick up on the meaning." 

They see the Vermillion, all on office chairs or other office stuff.

"That's a bunch of Office Warriors! Literally!" Jay exclaimed.

"Okay, let's do this! All of us!" 

"All of us?" Nya points to Zane walking into a wall.

"Oh, right. Zane, stay here." Lloyd sighed.

"Ninja, go!" They all pull on their hoods, running towards the snakes.

Cole ran towards a crawling snake, "You don't look so big." It went to stand upright, shocking Cole. "And now you do."

Y/n did Spinjitzu, dissolving the Vermillion in front of Cole. But as soon as she stopped doing Spinjitzu, it started to regenerate again. She sighed, and the Vermillion rose his blade. But before it could hit Y/n, Kai threw a chair towards it, distracting it and missing the Master of Wind. 

Kai winked at her, and she just playfully rolled her eyes in return. Kai then went to fake pout, kicking a Vermillion away. Y/n glanced at Cole, who quickly turned his head away from her. 

The big Samurai charged at the Purple Ninja. She leaped over it, before kicking it in his back. It fell and dissolved, but as they alway do, regenerated again. Y/n let out a long whine, getting into a fighting stance.

Now it was Cole's turn to save her, as he slashed his weapon through the Samurai. Once again, dissolving it. And also again, it regenerated. Kai chuckled at the Master of Earth, who shot a glare at him. The Samurai noticed Y/n, slowly walking towards her. 

She looked at Kai and Cole, who were now bickering, not noticing the Samurai walking towards her. And nobody, not even themselves, know about what the two were bickering.

She sighed, before throwing the Vermillion into the wall with her powers. Which earned the attention of Kai and Cole again. Cole just shook his head at Kai, before helping Jay.

Kai didn't stop trying to get her attention, continuous savings, which were not necessary, were the result. Which even made Y/n tired, because she's able to do it herself. She doesn't dislike it when somebody tries to help her, but Kai did like she wasn't able to do anything herself.

She thinks Kai noticed, because he stopped doing it by himself and let her help. And honestly, they were a great team.

A Vermillion with a desk in his arms walked towards the Master of Water, "A desk is no good without a chair. Have a seat!" She said, pushing a seat towards it. The Vermillion just climbed on it, chasing Nya , "Aw, come on!"

"I hate not having a full team. We could really use Zane's help." Lloyd complained to Nya.

"Right now he basically has one move: short himself out with a massive blast of power. It creates a magnetic field that yanks off their armor." Nya replied, punching a Vermillion in the gut.

"Those turbines. They're basically big rotating electromagnets, right?" The Green Ninja looked at the two turbines in the room. Jay did Spinjitzu to kick a Samurai away, knocking it into the Master of Fire. The Blue Ninja laughed, before helping.

"Yeah. Basically." Nya answered.

"So if Zane were to hook in directly and super charge one of them, all this metal armor the snakes have-"

Nya interrupted Lloyd, "I'm on it. Zane, I need you!"

"Hog knock!"

"We have to buy Nya and Zane a little time!" Lloyd said to Jay, Kai, Cole and Y/n.

"Ninja, go!"

"Got it! Now, Zane. Now!" Nya exclaimed.

"Gargle my pudding! Gargle my pudding!" Zane shouted.

It didn't work and Nya turned to the others, "We need more juice!"

"Bro!" Y/n yelled, and Jay immediately ran towards Nya.

"On it, sis! And I still don't get the 'Bro' part!" Jay electrocued the turbine, attracting all the armor. And their weapons.

Now, it was just a bunch of snakes laying on the ground. Not having a place to go to.

"Boo!" Kai exclaimed, and the snakes slither away, "That's right. Slither away! Hahaha! Way to go, Nya!"

"It was Lloyd's plan." Nya said, giving Lloyd the credits.

"Way to go, Master Lloyd!" Jay exclaimed.

"Yeah, you forgot the "temporary in training" part." Lloyd replied, chuckling.

"I know. Don't let it go to your head."

"Uh, not to ruin the feel-goods, but maybe we should save the celebrating for after we get the power and Zane back on?" Cole asked.

"One more switch and..." Nya turned the switch, switching the power back on.

"Well, we know civilization has been restored. The TV is working again." Y/n said, pointing at the TV.

"Hello, everyone. What have I missed?" Zane asked, finally back to normal.

"Oh, not much. Missing people and snakes trying to steal your metal skin. But we kicked their butts, if in fact they have butts. It's still an open question. But for now it's game over." Jay replied.

"Uh, I'm not so sure about that." Kai stuttered, as the news on the TV turned on.

"Snakes are attacking Monster Amusement Park. They appear to be after anything metal that isn't nailed down, including the nails themselves!" Gayle Gossip informed the people who were watching TV.

"Ninja, we're leaving." Lloyd decided, and they all make their way outside, getting into their vehicles.

"Nya, when this is all over, there's something I need to tell you. Something important." Kai said to his sister.

"Okay, big brother."

"Amusement Park, really? Do these guys have fun?" Cole asked the others, sighing.

"Nah. More like they love metal." Lloyd replied.

Zane and Nya stopped next to Lloyd, "Agreed. I cannot think of a better place to steal it from. I'm sure you concur, Pixal. Pixal?"

"Now let's roll. I've got a Samurai X Suit to get back." Nya said, driving away.

"Wait!" Jay exclaimed, but they were already gone, "Y/n!" 

Y/n wasn't that far yet, so she heard, "What?" She asked, driving back to her brother.

"There is a better place. A Scrapyard. Like the one that belongs to..." Jay trailed off.

"Our parents!" The twins simultanously exclaimed, starting to make their way to Ed and Edna's Scarp N' Junk.

This kinda sucks but I really wanted to make a chapter for y'all. As I said before, I think season 7 is boring so it'll be rushed.

Kai's getting more votes and I love it.

Vote for who you want Y/n to end up with:

Cole: Comment here;

Kai: Comment here;

See you in the next chapter!
