Cat walked around to the back of the dojo. She got there later than usual because she had come from a therapy session. She saw Eli, Demetri, Miguel, Robby, and some other random students standing on the sparing deck discussing something. Cat walked over.

"Sup," Cat said.

"Hey, Cat," Eli and Demetri said.

"Whatcha doin'?"

"So we're going to play this game," Miguel said.

"Yeah, wanna join in?" Robby asked.

"Well, what's the game?" Cat asked.

"Well, basically the goal is to get from here to the porch without our feet touching the grass," Demetri said.

"Okay, sure," Cat shrugged. "I'll play." She walked up onto the sparing deck.

"So the first person to the porch wins," Eli said. Everyone nodded. "And go!"

Everyone started to think of their first step. Cat went to the bottom step before flipping around and she landed on her hands on the grass. She dropped down to her forearms and started walking across the grass.

"Wow, I didn't think she'd be the first out," someone said.

"I'm not out," Cat said. "My feet aren't touching the ground."

"That's cheating," a random person said.

"No it's not. You guys said that my feet can't touch the grass. You can't just make up rules after we've already started."

"And of course she finds a loophole," Demetri said, somewhat sarcastically.

Cat walked on her forearms across the grass. The others all started jumping from thing to thing, trying to get across. There were a few people who stumbled and fell on the grass, their feet touching it. Cat would occasionally step up on a platform thing, then go back on her forearms on the grass.

"That can't be that hard," said some kid, referring to what Cat was doing. He tried to walk on his hands/forearms, but ended up falling over. Of course his feet hit the grass and he was out.

Cat was the first person to get to the porch. "I win," she said. Not long later different people also made it to the porch. Well, those who didn't touch their feet to the grass.

(351 words. Idk what this is lol. Let me know what you think!)
