It was another day of practice at the dojo. Everything was normal except for the fact that it seemed like Eli and Demetri might have had some kind of bet going on? Every chance one of them got to they'd kiss Cat, whether it was on the cheek, forehead, or even lips. Anytime one of them was close enough and no one was looking they'd give her a kiss. They almost got caught a couple of times. It made her kinda flustered, but her heart melted every time.

It was now time for everyone to take a short break. Different people went to do different things. Cat, Demetri, and Eli went to the side of the dojo where no one else was. As soon as they were out of sight the boys kissed either of her cheeks.

"You guys are ridiculous," Cat muttered, with a slight laugh, shaking her head.

"What?" Eli teased, slinging his arm around her shoulders.

Cat rolled her eyes playfully. "You guys got some competition going on or something?"

"Nope," Demetri said.

"Then what's with all the little kisses, huh?"

"What? Do you not appreciate our love and affection?" the boys teased sarcastically.

"Oh, of course, I do," Cat said. "Can't get enough of it."

Soon enough it was time to get back to everyone else and continue karate practice. The boys held either of Cat's hands as they walked. Once they reached the corner where people would see them they let go. None of them wanted to, but they weren't quite ready for people to know.


After karate, the trio was going to hang out at Cat's apartment for a while but decided to go to the mall instead. Eli drove them all to the mall, they got out of his car and went inside the large building. They walked around, looking at random things and going into random stores.

After a while, they all went to the food court. They all thought Chinese food sounded good, so they found the spot that sells it. They each ordered their food.

"I'll pay," Demetri said.

"You don't have to."

"I know. I don't mind. I just got paid yesterday. Plus, you guys paid the last couple times." Demetri paid, they got their food, and went to find a seat. They all sat down and just chatted and joked around.

This is something they did occasionally. They were like little unofficial dates. They'd go do something altogether and get food. They took turns paying, but the boys usually didn't want Cat to pay and would insist on paying even when she was willing to. Sometimes she'd have to force them to let her pay. She wanted it to be fair. I mean this isn't the 1800s; a woman can pay for her and her mans' food, too.

Eventually, it was time to leave the mall. They all got back in Eli's car, so he could drop Cat and Demetri off at their respective places. First was Cat. He pulled up to the building. The boys each gave Cat a goodbye kiss. She twiddled her fingers at them as she walked away. They both watched her with smiles on their faces.

"Why does she have to be so..." Eli trailed off as he tried thinking of the right word.

"Enchanting?" Demetri said.


They were so in love. They were absolutely smitten.

(564 words. Whatcha think?) 
